• Title/Summary/Keyword: topographical features

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Classification of Wind Sector for Assessment of Wind Resource in South Korea (남한지역 풍력자원 평가를 위한 바람권역 분류)

  • Jung, Woo-Sik;Kim, Hyun-Goo;Lee, Hwa-Woon;Park, Jong-Kil;Lee, Soon-Hwan;Choi, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Dong-Hyuk
    • 한국태양에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.318-321
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    • 2008
  • We classified wind sectors according to the wind features in South Korea. In order to get the information of wind speed and wind direction, we used and improved on the atmospheric numerical model. We made use of detailed topographical data such as terrain height data of an interval of 3 seconds and landuse data produced at ministry of environment, Republic of Korea. The result of simulated wind field was improved. We carried out the cluster analysis to classify the wind sectors using the K-means clustering. South Korea was classified as 10 wind sectors which have a clear wind features.

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Effects of Microtopography on the Development of Riparian Vegetation in Stream Corridors (하천통로에서 미세 지형 발달이 하천 식생에 미치는 영향)

  • 정경진;김동엽
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 1999
  • Urban streams have, recently, been straightened and widened to alleviate flooding problem. As a result, the stream have been modified inadvertently for ecological functions and microtopography. In this study, we investigated riparian vegetation and microtopography of the tributaries of Han River before and after the monsoon rain in summer. The purpose of this study was to relate the stream microtopography to the distribution of riparian vegetation. The stream microtopography was investigated for its scale and pattern. Vegetation was investigated from 131 plots by Braun-Blanquet method. The distribution of riparian vegetation was significantly correlated with the stream microtopography. Various herbaceous species occurred at stream bank slop, high terrace and channel side. However, at channel side and concave part of terrace where soils were in high moisture level, only a few wetland species were dominated. The complexity of the microtopography in the stream corridors led to heterogeneous riparian vegetation. The vegetation showed more stability against flooding at the stream corridors with natural and complex microtopography than at the urban-type stream corridors with simple topographical features. The results showed that the development of riparian vegetation was influenced by the changes in microtopography, which was primarily determined by the shape and characteristics of channel. It seemed that a close-to-nature river system would be restored more readily with an understanding of microtopographical features affecting the distribution of riparian vegetation.

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Fascicular Involvement of the Median Nerve Trunk in the Upper Arm: Manifestation as Anterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome With Unique Imaging Features

  • Jae Eun Park;Darryl B. Sneag;Yun Sun Choi;Sung Hoon Oh;SeongJu Choi
    • Korean Journal of Radiology
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.449-458
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    • 2024
  • Selective fascicular involvement of the median nerve trunk above the elbow leading to anterior interosseous nerve (AIN) syndrome is a rare form of peripheral neuropathy. This condition has recently garnered increased attention within the medical community owing to advancements in imaging techniques and a growing number of reported cases. In this article, we explore the topographical anatomy of the median nerve trunk and the clinical features associated with AIN palsy. Our focus extends to unique manifestations captured through MRI and ultrasonography (US) studies, highlighting noteworthy findings, such as nerve fascicle swelling, incomplete constrictions, hourglass-like constrictions, and torsions, particularly in the posterior/posteromedial region of the median nerve. Surgical observations have further enhanced the understanding of this complex neuropathic condition. High-resolution MRI not only reveals denervation changes in the AIN and median nerve territories but also illuminates these alterations without the presence of compressing structures. The pivotal roles of high-resolution MRI and US in diagnosing this condition and guiding the formulation of an optimal treatment strategy are emphasized.

Method for Identifying Lava Tubes Among Pit Craters Using Brightness Profile Across Pits on the Moon or Mars

  • Jung, Jongil;Hong, Ik-Seon;Cho, Eunjin;Yi, Yu
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2016
  • Caves can serve as major outposts for future human exploration of the Moon and Mars. In addition, caves can protect people and electronic equipment from external hazards such as cosmic ray radiation and meteorites impacts and serve as a shelter. Numerous pit craters have been discovered on the Moon and Mars and are potential entrances to caves; the principal topographic features of pit craters are their visible internal floors and pits with vertical walls. We have devised two topographical models for investigating the relationship between the topographical characteristics and the inner void of pit craters. One of our models is a concave floor void model and the other is a convex floor tube model. For each model, optical photographs have been obtained under conditions similar to those in which optical photographs have been acquired for craters on the Moon and Mars. Brightness profiles were analyzed for determining the profile patterns of the void pit craters. The profile patterns were compared to the brightness profiles of Martian pit craters, because no good-quality images of lunar pit craters were available. In future studies, the model profile patterns will be compared to those of lunar pit craters, and the proposed method will likely become useful for finding lunar caves and consequently for planning lunar bases for manned lunar expeditions.

Re-establishment of Park Nature Conservation Area in Bukhansan (Mt.) National Park Using Marxan with Zones (Marxan with Zones 적용을 통한 북한산국립공원 공원자연보존지구 재설정 방안 연구)

  • Yeum, Jung-Hun;Han, Bong-Ho
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.133-146
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to develop strategies to re-establish the Park Nature Conservation Area in Bukhansan National Park, reflecting landscape ecological value by using the zonation program Marxan with Zones. Planning unit was set by watershed, and the basic data were mapped, considering topographical and ecological values. Mapped indicators were analyzed with the application framework of Marxan with Zones by indexing some indicators. The zones divided into Park Nature Conservation Area (Zone A), Park Nature Environment Area I(Zone B) which is reflected on the concept of Potential Park Nature Conservation Area and Park Nature Environment Area II(Zone C). The best solution for each of the scenarios was fixed through the sensitiveness analysis. From these, the final solution was selected considering five criteria including area ratio of conservation area and grouping. Lastly, the final solution was verified in the overlapped analysis with recent zonation. According to the results, the number of watersheds was 77, with an average area of $1,007,481m^2$. In terms of basic mapping and indexation, the slope index and number of landscape resources for topographical property were average 0.22 and 38 places, respectively. Biotope index was average 0.69 and legally protected species was 14 species, reflecting ecological values. As the social and economic indicators, trail index was average 0.04, and the number of tour and management facilities was 43 places. Through the framework of Marxan with Zones, the best solution for scenario 1 which was set by the highest conservation criteria was selected as the final solution, and the area ratio of Park Nature Conservation Area and grouping was excellent. As the result of overlapped analysis, suggested zonation of the Park Nature Conservation was better than the recent zonation in the area raito (28.3%), biotope grade I(15.4%) and the distribution points (10 places) of legally protected species with verification of proper distribution of conservation features according to the zone.

Analyses of Seasonal Water Quality of The Anyang Stream (안양천의 계절별 수질분석)

  • Han, Jung-Geun;Lee, Yang-Kyu;Nam, Jung-Man
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.52-60
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    • 2004
  • In order to analysis of the water pollution of the Anyang stream(one of the biggest branch streams of the Han River) and its main tributaries, the geological and topographical and rainfall features in its basin were investigated. To do this, the water samples were collected 23 points of the upper, mid and down of Anyang stream and its tributaries and were analyzed based on the chemical methods, Korean Biotic Index(KBI) and Saprobien systems. The Anyang stream basin has a characteristic of topographical torrential heavy rainfall like a typical rainfall feature in Korea. The concentration and the outflow rate of rainfall is very different in seasonal, and water pollution in dry season is especially severe. After 1997, although the water quality status of stream has been improved gradually, the concentration of T-N and SS at the upstream is increased due to the deficiency of facility used for collecting wastewater released from industrial factories, livestock farms and residential areas. The mainstream of the Anyang stream is classified into the 5th grade water as polysaprobic water area according to Saprobien system and the biotic index is over 2.5 in overall. Most of tributaries have 1~3 grade water limit with ${\alpha}$- and ${\beta}$-mesosaprobic except the upper and mid streams of Samsung tributary, in which pollution status is the lowest part. Though Sambong tributary is ${\alpha}$-mesosaproboic, biotic index is low because of the appearance of abundant benthos animals in farming and fishing villages.

A Study on the Comparison of Channel Selection and Precision Geometric Correction for Image Restoration of an Submerged Water (수몰 지역의 영상복원을 위한 정밀기하보정 및 채널선정 비교연구)

  • Yeon, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2004
  • It's a very meaningful experimental study to image restoration of ancient villages vanished at the real life spatial world. Focused on Cheung-Pyung Lake around where most part were flooded by the Chung-Ju large dam founded in early 1980s, we used remote sensing technique in this study in order to restore topographical features before the flood with 3 dimensional effects. It was gathered comparatively good satellite photos and remotely sensed digital images, then its made a new color image from these and the topographical map which had been made before filled water. This task was putting together two kinds of different timed images. And then, we generated DEM(digital elevation model) including the outskirts of that area as harmonizing current contour lines with the map. That could be a perfect 3D image of Cheung-Pyung around before when it had been flood by making perspective images from all directions, north, south, east and west, for showing there in three dimensions. Also, flying simulation we made for close visiting can bring us to experience their real space at that time.

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Infrared Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy (IR-SNOM) Below the Diffraction Limit

  • Sanghera, J.S.;Aggarwal, I.D.;Cricenti, A.;Generossi, R.;Luce, M.;Perfetti, P.;Margoritondo, G.;Tolk, N.;Piston, D.
    • Ceramist
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2007
  • Infrared Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (IR-SNOM) is an extremely powerful analytical instrument since it combines IR spectroscopy's high chemical specificity with SNOM's high spatial resolution. In order to do this in the infrared, specialty chalcogenide glass fibers were fabricated and their ends tapered to generate SNOM probes. The fiber tips were installed in a modified near field microscope and both inorganic and biological samples illuminated with the tunable output from a free-electron laser located at Vanderbilt University. Both topographical and IR spectral images were simultaneously recorded with a resolution of ${\sim}50\;nm$ and ${\sim}100\;nm$, respectively. Unique spectroscopic features were identified in all samples, with spectral images exhibiting resolutions of up to ${\lambda}/60$, or at least 30 times better than the diffraction limited lens-based microscopes. We believe that IR-SNOM can provide a very powerful insight into some of the most important bio-medical research topics.

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A Digital Bathymetric Model combining Multi Beam Echo Sounder and Sidescan Sonar

  • Park, Jo-Seph;Kim, Hik-Il
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.330-330
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    • 2002
  • The combination of Multi-Beam Echo Sounder swath bathymetry and high-resolution towed Sidescan sonar provides a powerful method of examination about hydrographic survey results. In this paper, we investigate the fast method of 3D bathymetric reconstruction with the Digital Sidescan sonar(Benthos SIS 1500) and Shallow Multi-Beam Echo Sounder(Reson Seabat 8125). The Seabat 8125 is a 455KHz high resolution focused Multibeam echo sounder(MBES) system which measures the relative water depth across a wide swath perpendicular to a vessel's track. The Benthos SIS1500 is a chirp(nominal fq. 200KHz) sonar which map the topographical features & sediment texture of ocean bottom using backscattered amplitude. We generates the very large 3D bathymetric texture mapping model with the Helical System's HHViewer and describes additional benefits of combining MBES and Sidescan Sonar imagery, the removal of geometric distortions in the model and a deterministic sounding noise.

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2-D Numerical Simulation Considering Channel Topographical Features (하도의 지형특성을 고려한 2차원 수치모의)

  • Song, Seung-Won;Lyu, Si-Wan;Kim, Young-Do;Seo, Il-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.853-857
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    • 2009
  • 2차원 흐름해석 모형인 SMS(Surface-Water Modeling System)와 RAMS(River Analysis Modeling System)를 이용한 유속장 모의를 통해 Manning 조도계수와 와점성계수에 대한 민감도 분석을 수행하여 흐름특성은 Manning 조도계수에 큰 영향을 받음을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구에서는 Manning 조도계수의 변화를 통하여 실측치에 근사한 유속 분포의 모의결과를 도출하고자 현장실측을 통해 취득한 자료를 이용하여 2차원 수치모형의 모의결과와 비교하였다. 국가하천 형산강 본류 중 안강수위관측소에서 부조수위관측소 사이 약 4.3 km 의 구간을 모의구간으로 선정하였으며, $2006{\sim}2007$년에 걸쳐 취득된 현장실측자료를 바탕으로 매개변수 추정 및 모의결과와 비교하였다. 대상구간에 대한 모의결과의 정확도를 개선하기 위하여 하도의 지형특성 등을 고려하여 모의구간을 다수의 구획으로 구분한 후 수심 및 하도 평면선형을 고려한 Manning 조도계수를 차등적으로 할당하여 모의하였다. 이상의 과정을 통해 모의결과의 정확도 제고가 가능함을 관찰할 수 있었다.

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