• Title/Summary/Keyword: time effect

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Comparison of Motor Skill Acquisition according to Types of Sensory-Stimuli Cue in Serial Reaction Time Task

  • Kwon, Yong Hyun;Lee, Myoung Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.191-195
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether types of sensory-stimuli cues in terms of visual, auditory, and visuoauditory cues can be affected to motor sequential learning in healthy adults, using serial reaction time task. Methods: Twenty four healthy subjects participated in this study, who were randomly allocated into three groups, in terms of visual-stimuli (VS) group, auditory-stimuli (AS) group, and visuoauditory-stimuli (VAS) group. In SRT task, eight Arabic numbers were adopted as presentational stimulus, which were composed of three different types of presentational modules, in terms of visual, auditory, and visuoauditory stimuli. On an experiment, all subjects performed total 3 sessions relevant to each stimulus module with a pause of 10 minutes for training and pre-/post-tests. At the pre- and post-tests, reaction time and accuracy were calculated. Results: In reaction time, significant differences were founded in terms of between-subjects, within-subjects, and interaction effect for group ${\times}$ repeated factor. In accuracy, no significant differences were observed in between-group and interaction effect for groups ${\times}$ repeated factor. However, a significant main effect of within-subjects was observed. In addition, a significant difference was showed in comparison of differences of changes between the pre- and post-test only in the reaction time among three groups. Conclusion: This study suggest that short-term sequential motor training on one day induced behavioral modification, such as speed and accuracy of motor response. In addition, we found that motor training using visual-stimuli cue showed better effect of motor skill acquisition, compared to auditory and visuoauditory-stimuli cues.

The Effect of Oxidizing Agents on Alkaloid Reduction of Tobacco Extract (담배추출물의 알카로이드감소에 미치는 산화제의 영향)

  • 황건중
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.33-46
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    • 1982
  • This experiment was carried out for the purpose of reducing alkaloid in reconstituted tobacco sheet and effluent of reconstituted tobacco sheet manufacturing company by treating oxidizing agents such as ozone, sodium hypochlorite, perchloric acid and hydrogen peroxide to tobacco extract created from the manufacturing process of reconstituted tobacco sheet. The effect of alkaloid reduction in tobacco extract by the volume added, time of treatment and pH of oxidizing agents were as follows: 1. When the solid rate of tobacco extract stood at 10 percent, the content of alkaloid, total sugar, total nitrogen and chlorine was 1,600mg/l, 11,000mg/l, 3,200mg/l and 4,000mg/l, respectively. 2. The effect of alkaloid reduction through ozone treatment was in proportion to time of ozone treatment. Alkaloid showed a 31.2 percent reduction under 8 hours' ozone treatment and 0.23g ozone consumed to remove lmg alkaloid. 3. Alkaloid reduction through sodium hypochlorite treatment was influenced by quantity of chlorine in sodium hypochlorite solution. To remove lmg alkaloid, 36.3mg chlorine was used. Reduction of alkaloid was not affected by time of sodium hypochlorite treatment, while showed the best reaction under pH 5-7. 4. The effect of alkaloid reduction by perchloric acid was under the control of the volume added and time of treatment of perchloric acid. The volume of perchloric acid required to remove alkaloid was on the decrease as time of treatment was getting longer. lmg alkaloid was removed by 0.15g perchloric acid under 8 hours' perchloric acid treatment. 5. Alkaloid reduction reacted slowly to the volume added and time of treatment of hydrogen peroxide. Under 8 hours' hydrogen peroxide treatment, it showed maximum removal, registering 10 percent alkaloid reduction.

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The Effect of Foodservice Franchise Restaurant Employees' Group Cohesiveness on Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention - A Moderating Effect of Full-time and Part-time Employment - (외식 프랜차이즈 레스토랑 종사자의 집단응집성이 조직몰입 및 이직의도에 미치는 영향 - 풀타임과 파트타임의 조절효과 -)

  • Jeong, Ho-Kyun;Jeong, Sun-Ja;Jang, Jun-Ho
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.205-217
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the formation of turnover intention of restaurant employees by considering their group cohesiveness, organizational commitment, and employment status(full-time vs part-time). Also, following Baron and Kenny's(1986) guidelines, it examined a mediating effect of organizational commitment on turnover intention. The results of an empirical analysis showed that group cohesiveness had a significant effect on organizational commitment, and organizational commitment was negatively associated with turnover intention. Also, group cohesiveness was negatively associated with turnover intention. That is, the higher the group cohesiveness and the organizational commitment, the lower the turnover intention. In addition, the results of mediation tests revealed that organizational commitment was a partial mediator in the relationship between group cohesiveness and turnover intention. Finally, employment status did not moderate the relationship between group cohesiveness and organizational commitment, organizational commitment and turnover intention, or group cohesiveness and turnover intention. Implications and suggestions for future research were discussed.

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Product Category and Shopping Options of Logistic Service Quality

  • KIM, Ok;CHEON, Hongsik J.
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of interaction between product category (fresh vs. indulgent product) and shopping options (shipping charge and delivery time) on customer satisfaction and purchase intent in an e-commerce context. When ordering groceries online, consumers begin to allocate a larger share of their grocery budget toward product categories that generally contain healthier items at the expense of product categories that generally contain more indulgent products. Moreover, customers are extremely sensitive to shipping options such as shipping charges and delivery time. Therefore, this research investigates the issue at a more segmented level to focus on the impact that one dimension of logistics service quality - product category, shipping charge, and delivery time have on customer satisfaction and purchase intent. Research design, data, and methodology: To test the theoretically derived priori hypotheses concerning product category, shipping charges, delivery time, satisfaction, and purchase intent, this research presented a scenario-based experiment. Eight treatment groups were assigned by the method of product category (fresh produce vs. indulgent product), shipping charge (free vs. paid), and delivery time (one-day vs. two to three days). A total of 240 subjects were divided into groups and exposed to one of the eight scenarios. Participant's purchase intention was the dependent variable, and ANOVA and L-matrix were used to analyze for main and interactive effects between factors. Conclusions: Results indicated that in tests 1 and 2, free shipping and fast delivery time increased consumer satisfaction as well as purchase intent, and fast delivery moderated the impact of free shipping on consumer satisfaction and purchase intent. Test 3 showed that the effect of free shipping on consumer satisfaction and purchase intent moderated by fast delivery for indulgent products. In contrast, fast delivery for fresh products moderated the effect of paid shipping on consumer satisfaction and purchase intent. Consistent with this proposed mechanism, the relative importance of fresh produce versus indulgent products highlights the effect of shipping options on consumer satisfaction and purchase intent when ordering the target product in an e-commerce context. We conclude with a discussion of the theoretical and practical implications of our findings.

Parental Time and Adolescent's Life Satisfaction in Single Mother Families - Mediating Effect of Parental Monitoring and Adolescent's Self-Esteem - (한부모가족 여성의 자녀와의 시간과 자녀의 삶 만족에 관한 연구: 부모감독과 자녀의 자아존중감의 매개효과)

  • Huh, Soo Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Family Social Work
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    • no.59
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    • pp.5-26
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to examine the mediating effect of parental monitoring and child's self-esteem on the relationship between parental time and child's life satisfaction in single mother families. For this purpose, MOGEF (Ministry of Gender Equality and Family)'s 'Research data of adolescents in 2015' was used and 117 single mothers and their children aged 9 to 18 were selected for the analysis. Structural Equation model analysis reveals that adolescent's self-esteem has a mediating effect on the relationship between parental time and adolescent's life satisfaction, though parental time and parental monitoring have no significant effect on adolescent's life satisfaction. With these results, policy suggestions to support single mothers' parental time were proposed.

Characteristics of Undrained Static Shear Behavior for Sand Due to Aging Effect (Aging 효과에 따른 모래의 비배수 정적전단거동 특성)

  • 김영수;김대만
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.137-150
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    • 2004
  • Aging effect of sands showed insignificant result in comparison with that of clay, so that it has not been studied so far. But, as penetration resistance increase has been observed with the lapse of time after deposition and disturbance, aging effect of sands has been actively investigated by field tests, and recently many researchers are performing not oかy field tests but also laboratory tests on sands, so aging effects of sands have been also examined by laboratory tests. In this study, to observe the aging effect of undrained static shear behavior for Nak-Dong River sand, undrained static triaxial tests were performed with changing relative density$(D_r)$, consolidation stress ratio$(K_c)$, and consolidation time. These tests showed that modulus within elastic section increased as consolidation time increased, and in addition, phase transformation point strength$(S_{PT})$ and critical stress ratio point strength $(S_{CSR})$ also increased. But pore water pressure ratio$(u/{p_c}')$ decreased as consolidation time increased, so with this various result, aging effect of static shear for sands can be observed as well.

Consolidation Characteristics of Clays Considering the Aging Effect (Aging Effect를 고려한 점성토의 압밀특성)

  • 김영수;이상웅;김대만;현영환
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2004
  • The consolidation of clay occurs with time lag, and this kind of lag can be separated into plastic lag and hydraulic lag. In this study, CRS tests were performed to research the effect of original secondary consolidation of the clay with respect to the characteristics of consolidation. Test results showed that plastic time lag was one of the key factors to get the preconsolidation pressure, and suggested the formula of the Quasi-preconsolidation pressure obtained from the relationship between consolidation time lag and consolidation pressures. In addition though the characteristics of coefficient of consolidation show a wide range of values, after passing the double preconsolidation point, it showed the tendency to converge into the constant value. The coefficient of permeability in normally consolidated state is related to its void ratio, and the permeability variables, n and $C_1$ were determined by the test results using the equation suggested by Samarasinghe. et. al. And then the equation was compared with the Kozeny-Carman's equation. Because of delayed compression caused by consolidation time lag, aging effect could be also found in the relationship between coefficient of permeability and void ratio.

Time effect of pile-soil-geogrid-cushion interaction of rigid pile composite foundations under high-speed railway embankments

  • Wang, Changdan;Zhou, Shunhua;Wang, Binglong;Guo, Peijun
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.589-597
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    • 2018
  • Centrifuge model tests were used to simulate pile-raft composite foundation and pile-geogrid composite foundation with different pile spacing for researching the time effect of negative skin friction of rigid piles in high-speed railways. The research results show that the negative skin friction has a significant impact on the bearing capacity of composite foundation. Pile-raft composite foundation has higher bearing capacity compared to pile-geogrid composite foundation to reduce the effect of negative skin friction on piles. Both the foundation settlement and negative skin friction have significant time effect. The distribution of skin friction can be simplified as a triangle along the pile. The neutral point position moves deeper in the postconstruction stage at larger pile spacing. For pile-geogrid composite foundation, the setting of pile-cap affects the position of neutral point in the post-construction stage. Reinforced cushion with geotextile may promote the better performance of cushion for transmitting the loads to piles and surrounding soils. Arching effect in the cushion of the composite foundation is a progressive process. The compression of the rigid piles contributes less than 20% to 25% of the total settlement while the penetration of the piles and the compression of the bearing stratum below the pile tips contribute more than 70% of the total settlement. Some effective measures to reduce the settlement of soils need to be taken into consideration to improve the bearing capacity of pile foundation.

Duty Ratio Predictive Control Scheme for Digital Control of DC-DC Switching Converters

  • Sun, Pengju;Zhou, Luowei
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.156-162
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    • 2011
  • The control loop time delay caused by sampling, the zero-order-holder effect and calculations is inevitable in the digital control of dc-dc switching converters. The time delay will limit the bandwidth of the control loop and therefore degrade the transient performance of digital systems. In this paper, the quantization time delay effects with different time delay values based on a generic second-order system are analyzed. The conclusion that the bandwidth of digital control is reduced by about 20% with a one cycle delay and by 50% with two cycles of delay in comparison with no time delay is obtained. To compensate the time delay and to increase the control loop bandwidth, a duty ratio predictive control scheme based on linear extrapolation is proposed. The compensation effect and a comparison of the load variation transient response characteristics with analogy control, conventional digital control and duty ratio predictive control with different time delay values are performed on a point-of-load Buck converter by simulations and experiments. It is shown that, using the proposed technique, the control loop bandwidth can be increased by 50% for a one cycle delay and 48.2% for two cycles of delay when compared to conventional digital control. Simulations and experimental results prove the validity of the conclusion of the quantization effects of the time delay and the proposed control scheme.

The Word Recognition Score According to Release Time on Automatic Gain Control (자동이득 조절에서 해제시간에 따른 어음인지점수 변화)

  • Hwang, S.M.;Jeon, Y.Y.;Park, H.J.;Song, Y.R.;Lee, S.M.
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.385-394
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    • 2010
  • Automatic gain control(AGC) is used in hearing aids to compensate for the hearing level as to reduced dynamic range. AGC is consisted of the main 4 factors which are compression threshold, compression ratio, attack time, and release time. This study especially focus on each individual need for optimum release time parameters that can be changed within 7 certain range such as 12, 64, 128, 512, 2094, and 4096ms. To estimate the effect of various release time in AGC, twelve normal hearing and twelve hearing impaired listeners are participated. The stimuli are used by one syllable and sentence which have the same acoustic energy respectively. Then, each of score of the word recognition score is checked in quiet and noise conditions. As a result, it is verified that most people have the different best recognition score on specific release time. Also, if hearing aids is set by the optimum release time in each person, it is helpful in speech recognition and discrimination.