• 제목/요약/키워드: thickness of lips

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Damage Profile of HDPE Polymer using Laser-Induced Plasma

  • Tawfik, Walid;Farooq, W. Aslam;Alahmed, Z.A.
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.50-54
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    • 2014
  • In this paper we studied the laser-induced crater depth, mass, and emission spectra of laser-ablated high-density polyethylene (HDPE) polymer using the laser-induced plasma spectroscopy (LIPS) technique. This study was performed using a Nd:YAG laser with 100 mJ energy and 7 ns pulse width, focused normal to the surface of the sample. The nanoscale change in ablated depth versus number of laser pulses was studied. By using scanning electron microscope (SEM) images, the crater depth and ablated mass were estimated. The LIPS spectral intensities were observed for major and minor elements with depth. The comparison between the LIPS results and SEM images showed that LIPS could be used to estimate the crater depth, which is of interest for some applications such as thin-film lithography measurements and online measurements of thickness in film deposition techniques.

구호흡 양상을 보이는 아동 및 청소년의 하순 두께 변화에 관한 연구 (Thickness Changes of the Lower Lip in Mouth Breathing Children and Adolescent)

  • 정영호;이상민;양병호;박인영;이일홍
    • 구강회복응용과학지
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2012
  • 입술은 사람의 인상을 결정하는 중요한 부분중의 하나이다. 본 연구는 두부계측방사선사진을 이용하여 구호흡자와 비호흡자의 입술두께를 비교하여 구호흡과 하순 두께 변화와의 연관성을 알아보았다. 8세~18세인 아동 및 청소년 436명을 대상으로 두부방사선계측사진을 조사하였다. 전체 조사대상자를 구호흡 그룹과 비호흡 그룹으로만 나누어서 평균과 표준편차를 구한 결과 구호흡 그룹의 하순/상순 비율은 $1.13{\pm}0.14$, 비호흡 그룹의 하순/상순 비율은 $1.02{\pm}0.14$로 나타났다. Skeletal class에 따라 구분한 그룹의 각각의 평균과 표준편차를 살펴보면 skeletal class I은 $1.05{\pm}0.09$, skeletal class II는 $1.20{\pm}0.12$, skeletal class III는 $0.97{\pm}0.11$로 나타났다. 호흡양상에 따라 비교하였을 때 비호흡을 하는 그룹보다 구호흡을 하는 그룹에서 하순/상순 비율이 더 큰 값을 나타내어 하순의 두께가 더 두꺼운 양상을 보였다. Skeletal class에 따라서 비교하였을 때는 skeletal class II 그룹에서 하순/상순 비율이 가장 큰 값을 나타내어 하순의 두께가 가장 두꺼운 양상을 보였다.


  • 강홍구
    • 대한치과교정학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 1976
  • The primary objective of this study was to define the differences that exist. between different sexes on the dentoskeletal framework and the soft tissue profile around the mouth. For the purpose of this study, cephalometric radiographs were obtained from the centric occlusion with closed lip position, through the research on each 42 males and females aged from 17 to 22 years with normal occlusion and acceptable facial appearence. The results were as follows: 1. Maxillary to mandibular relationships. Among the angles formed by the long axis of the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth, the maxillary and mandibular anterior alveolar bone, and the lower and upper lips (Fig.2), only the angle formed by the lips was more acute in males than in females. The males have a more rounded profile, and the females have a flatter profile in the lower third of the face. The differences is statistically significant for the angle formed by the lips. The fact that the lips have a difference greater than that of teeth or the alveolar bone indicates that the lip position is not entirely due to tooth and bony support. Possibly the thickness of the lips has an influence. 2. Occlusal plane. The occlusal plane was related to the anterior tooth inclination, anterior alveolar bone profile, and the lip contour, both maxillary and mandibular (Fig.3). Only the angle related to lower lip was statistically significant. The females again had the more obtuse angle, indicating a flatter profile than that of the males. 3.Skeletal planes. The angles formed by the anterior maxillary lips, teeth, and alveolar bone with the Frankfort plane and the angles of the mandibular lips, teeth, and, alveolar bone and the mandibular plane were investigated (Fig.4). Results were similar to those from maxillary to mandibular relationships. The results were statistically significant for the upper lip and the lower lip, only. 4. Esthetics. The facial line and the mandibular plane were compared with the esthetic line. These angles were different for the different sexes, but only the latter was statistically significant. This difference may be due to the profile contour of the nose.

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Simulations of the hysteretic behavior of thin-wall cold-formed steel members under cyclic uniaxial loading

  • Dong, Jun;Wang, Shiqi;Lu, Xi
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.323-337
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, the hysteretic behaviors of channel and C-section cold-formed steel members (CFSMs) under cyclic axial loading were simulated with the finite element method. Geometric and material nonlinearities, Bauschinger effect, strain hardening and strength improvement at corner zones were taken into account. Extensive numerical results indicated that, as the width-to-thickness ratio increases, local buckling occurs prematurely. As a result, the hysteretic behavior of the CFSMs degrades and their energy dissipation capability decreases. Due to the presence of lips, the hysteretic behavior of a C-section steel member is superior to that of its corresponding channel section. The intermediate stiffeners in a C-section steel member postpone the occurrence of local buckling and change its shapes, which can greatly improve its hysteretic behavior and energy dissipation capability. Therefore, the CFSMs with a large width-to-thickness ratio can be improved by adding lips and intermediate stiffeners, and can be used more extensively in residential buildings located in seismic areas.

청소년기 (8세에서 16세) 구순부 성장변화에 관한 누년적 연구 (GROWTH CHANCE IN THE LIPS OF THE ADOLESCENCE (from 8 to 16 years old))

  • 김영희;노준;유영규
    • 대한치과교정학회지
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 1996
  • 악안면 부위의 연조직은 기능, 심미성 그리고 치료후의 안정에 크게 영향을 주므로 진단과 치료계획 수립시 경조직 뿐 아니라 연조직을 포함한 평가가 이루어져야 한다. 구순부는 전체적인 안모형태 결정에 상당한 영향을 미치며 교정치료로 인한 치아의 이동에 따라 구순부 외형이 변화하므로 교정치료시 고려해야할 중요한 부분이다. 본 연구에서는 구순부 외형의 연령 증가에 따른 변화 양상을 규명하여 치료계획 수립과 진단및 치료의 예후 판정등, 임상 교정학 분야에 도움이 되는 지침을 얻고자 8세부터 16세까지 (남자 15명, 여자 15명) 촬영된 연속 두부 방사선 규격사진을 이용하여 구순부 외형의 누년적인 변화를 조사하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 상하순 고경은 남,녀 모두가 14세에서 가장 많은 성장량을 보였다. 2. 상하순 후경은 대부분의 연령군에서 여자보다 남자에서 큰 값을 보였으며 성장량에 있어서 A point에서는 14세에서 가장 많았고 Ls, Li, B point에서는 10-11세 이후로 성장량의 감소를 보였다. 3. 하순에 의해 가려지는 상악 절치부의 길이는 남자에서 9-11세때 가장 큰 값을 보였고 여자는 연령에따라 점차 증가하였다. 4. Nasolabial angle은 남, 녀 모두에서 연령이 증가함에 따라 약간씩 감소하였다. 5. Mentolabial angle은 변이도(variability)가 매우 높았다.

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  • 최선웅
    • 대한치과교정학회지
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 1974
  • The purpose of the present study is to evaluate changes of the soft tissue relative to underlying skeletal elements during orthodontic treatment, and the influence of orthodontic treatment quantitatively on various regions of the facial profile. 59 Korean young women were selected, whose Hellman dental age was IV A, IV C and V A. Lateral cephalometric head films were taken before and after orthodontic treatment. From tracings, landmarks on skeletal and soft tissue profile were located, and then their linear and angular measurements were made directly. The results were obtained as follow: 1) Soft tissues of the facial profile were closely related and dependent on the underlying dentoskeletal frameworks. Orthodontic treament resulted in the reduction of dentofacial protrusion with both upper and lower lips becoming less procumbent during treament. 2) Thickness of the upper lip increased considerably during orthodontic treatment, and this change was related to maxillary incisor retraction. The ratio between the amount of maxillary incisor retraction and that of increment of upper lip thickness was approximately 5:3. 3) Soft tissue thickness overlying Downs' point A, point B and pogonion was not modified by orthodontic treatment. 4) Holdaway's H line, relating facial profile to the underlying dentoskeletal framework, seemed to be the most practical approach to soft tissue analysis.

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Cephalogram 분절(分折)에 의(依)한 부정교합자(不正咬合者) 치료전후(治療前後)의 연조직(軟組織) 측모(側貌) 변화(變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (A CEPHALOMETRIC STUDY OF SOFT TISSUE PROFILE CHANGES ASSOCIATED WITH ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT)

  • 박영국;이기수
    • 대한치과교정학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.103-113
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    • 1984
  • This work was undertaken to evaluate the integumental response in lower face to hard tissue changes, and to grope the prediction equation for expected integumental profile changes. Cephalometric headplates of 25 persons consisted of 8 Angle's class 1 maxillary protrusive and 17 Angle's class II division 1 patients whose mean age was 15.2 years were traced, diagramatized, and statistically analyzed. The results were as follows; 1. Upper incisor and lips were retracted and convexity of integumental profile decreased concurrently with decrease of hard tissue procumbency, however soft tissue point A', B', and Pog' did not undergo significant changes after orthodontic treatment. 2. Remarkable increment of upper lip thickness and upper lip height was shown and this was related to upper incisor retraction. The ratio between the amount of upper incisor retraction and the increment o f upper lip thickness was approximately 1.16:1. 3. Moderate correlation of upper lip retraction to upper incisor retraction, and of lower lip retraction to lower incisor movement were arranged, and yet comparatively wide variability from subject to subject was shown. 4. It was possible to predict statistically for horizontal alteration of lip position and change of upper lip angulation ground in orthodontic treatment.

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  • 김동필;김남홍
    • 대한소아치과학회지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.191-213
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    • 1984
  • This study was made on the facial profile of the normal Korean children using the roentgenographic cephalograms. The subjects consisted 51 males and 47 females children of primary dentition with the normal occlusion and acceptable profile. For this study 13 soft tissue profile landmarks were plotted and 14 liner length, 9 soft tissue thickness, 8 vertical height length, 12 angles of soft tissue profile, and 2 vertical proportion were measured. The mean and standard deviations in the subjects were calculated and compared between male and female. The following results were obtained : 1. By the significant test, total facial convexity angle and soft tissue thickness were no significant difference between both sexes. 2. Lower facial height was greater than upper facial height in both sexes. 3. The vertical length of the upper and lower lips were 21.95 mm, 40.74 mm in male and 21.62 mm, 39.63 mm in female. 4. In the relationship of the upper lip and lower lip to the Ricketts' esthetic line, the male was 1.3 mm, 1.18 mm and the female was 1.16 mm, 1.27 mm front of the esthetic line. 5. Compared with the angulation of flush terminal plane group and mesial step group, the mesial step group was greater than the flush terminal plane group except the chin angle.

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마모를 고려한 드릴 절삭력 모델 (Drilling force model considering tool wear)

  • 최영준;주종남
    • 한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정밀공학회 2001년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.1042-1047
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    • 2001
  • A mechanistic model is developed to predict the thrust force and cutting torque of drilling process including wear. A mechanistic oblique cutting force model is used to develop the drilling force model. The cutting lips are divided into small elements and elemental forces are calculated by multiplying the specific cutting pressure with the elemental chip area. The specific cutting pressure is a function of chip thickness, cutting velocity, rake angle and wear. The total forces are then computed by summing the elemental forces. Measured cutting forces are in good agreement with the simulated cutting forces.

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  • 오천석
    • 대한치과교정학회지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.79-93
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    • 1982
  • The purpose of orthodontic treatment is to achieve normal occlusion and good facial esthetics for individual patients. To produce harmonized facial balance, treatment planning for patient who require orthodontic treatment should include both a hard tissue and soft tissue cephalometric analysis. Author studied to derive the normal standards of soft tissue profile in Koreans by roentgenocephalometric analysis. For this study 12 soft tissue profile landmarks were plotted and 23 linear length, 9 soft tissue thickness, 8 vertical height length, 12 angles of soft tissue profile, and 3 vertical proportion were measured. The subjects consisted of 166 males and 209 females from 7 to 19 years with normal occlusion and acceptable profiles, and were divided into five groups according to age. The obtained results were as follows; 1. From the basis of N-Pog (Nasion-Pogonion) plane, the growth of facial soft tissue in the middle region especially nose area was greater than others facial region. 2. From the basis of G-Pog' (Glabella-soft tissue Pogonion) plane, the values of linear measurement of soft tissue Nasion and Inferior labial sulcus decreased and nose tip grew forward as growing older. 3. The growth of the facial soft tissue thickness was greatest in superior labial sulcus and the thickness of soft tissue nasion gradually became thinner as growing old. 4. The thickness of upper and lower lip was 14.47mm, 14.57mm in adulr male, 12.76mm, 13.78mm in adult female. 5. The soft tissue thickness of the lower lip was thicker than that of upper lip in all age groups and both sexes, 6. The vertical length of the upper and lower lips were 25.04mm, 49.97mm in adult male and 23.50mm, 48.39mm in adult female. 7. By the significant test, there were significant difference between male and female in fifth adult group on all vertical length measurements of lower face. 8. In fifth adult group, the perpendicular distance from LS, LI to Steiner's line and Ricketts' esthetic line were as follow; Steiner line to LS, LI were 7.98mm, 5.84mm in male. Steiner line to LS, LI were 6.71mm, 5.08mm in female. Ricketts' esthetic line to LS, LI were -0.40mm, 1.72mm in male. Ricketts' esthetic line to Ls, LI were -1.38mm 0.65mm in female. 9. In fifth adult group, the facial convexity angle and lower facial component angle were $171.17^{\circ}142.94^{\circ}$ in male and $172.5^{\circ}$, $144.41^{\circ}$ in female.

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