• Title/Summary/Keyword: theory

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Gab Theory and Minimal Intuition on Truth (간극이론과 진리에 대한 최소직관)

  • Lee, Jinhee
    • Korean Journal of Logic
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.145-184
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    • 2016
  • Williamson(1994) proved incompatibility of Gab Theory and Tarski T-schema. But this does not means that Gab Theory could not involve intuition on truth that is expressed by T-schema. I will show that Gab Theory and mutual entailment of 'p' and 'it is true that p'(p⊨T

    and T

    ⊨p) are compatible. It will draw that Gab Theory can involve minimal intuition on truth. After all what I want to reveal is logical space for Gab Theory through the compatibility of the mutual entailment and negation of the Principle of Bivalence. To prove the compatibility, I will present a consequent relation which should be accepted whenever we accept Gab Theory and demonstrate Gab Theory and the mutual entailment imply following two thesis; 1) not-T

    and T are not equivalent. 2) p entails T

    but not-T

    does not entails not-p.

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A Classroom Design Plan based on the Biophilic-Design (바이오필릭 디자인 기반 교실 디자인 설계)

  • Choi, Joo-Young;Park, Sung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to suggest a Biophilic classroom design of high school to obtain attention restoration for students. The learning space for youth in the modern society is composed of dry artificial structures. This space is considered to be a space that can not relieve stress caused by learning. "The Attention Restoration Theory" is divided into "Directed Attention" of humans, which is the cause of fatigue and stress, and "Involuntary Attention" as a solution to it. "Involuntary Attention" takes place in a rest state and helps the brain recover when exposed to nature. And the core of "Biophilic-Design Theory" is that humans can recover physical and mental conditions when exposed to nature. The purpose of this study is to apply "The Biophilic-Design Theory" that emphasizes the importance of exposure to nature to the educational space and plan the space where the 'Attention Restoration' can be achieved. The research method is as follows. First, we review previous studies related to "The Biophilic-Design Theory" and "The Attention Restoration Theory". Second, we analyze the application examples of "The Biophilic-Design Theory" and "The Attention Restoration Theory" in domestic and foreign educational spaces. Third, the concept of educational space is set up based on the elements derived from previous studies. Finally, we propose the planning direction of classroom design based on Biophilic-Design. The following conclusions were drawn. First, The creation of the education space to restore the learner's attention requires a visual space plan that utilizes natural elements such as natural light, artificial light, plants, and natural materials that can directly experience nature. Second, the direction in which students in the classroom can be "The Attention Restoration Theory" should consider the use of indirect natural elements that bring the surrounding natural landscape into the interior. This study will be used as the baseline data for the spatial design and planning of education facilities based on Biophilic-Design.

An analysis of the argument-thought in Hanfeizi's Shuzhi-theory (한비자(韓非子) 술치론(術治論)의 입론사유(立論思惟) 분석(分析))

  • Kim, Yea-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.35
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    • pp.361-384
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    • 2012
  • In this study, I considered an important characteristic of system in pre-Qin philosophy that accomplished all categories with the best value. I pointed out misreading that thinkers separated fazhi-theory from shu zhi- theory of Hanfeizi. So I analyzed argument causes of Hanfeizi's shuzhi-theory through epistemology, ethics, military theory. And I proved that understanding the actual conditions and essences of things assured the objective bases on a reward and punishment. There are three things about argument bases of Hanfeizi's shuzi-theory. First, the epistemology that analyzes the actuality of a thing and that endows a duty matching the natural character of a thing. Second, ethics that isn't restricted by a fixed form and is in harmony with a law and that reveals a selfish character freely. Third, military theory, that is a trick that analyzes the quality of a case and a thing accurately. Above the three show that there are an objective basis of reward and punishment and an fair execution about a law in Hanfeizi's shuzhi-theory.

A Study of Cognitive Warfare and Ethical Issues: Focusing on Just War Theory (인지전과 윤리적 문제에 대한 연구: 정의전쟁론을 중심으로)

  • Sangsu Kim;Youngsam Yoon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.451-459
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this paper is to show the limitations of Just War Theory in evaluating ethical issues that can be raised in cognitive warfare, which is emerging as a new area of war. To this end, we will provide the background of cognitive warfare, derive the features of cognitive warfare based on conceptual analysis of cognitive warfare, and clarify the differences between cognitive warfare and traditional warfare. Afterwards, we will turn the discussion and take a look at the background and areas of Just War Theory as a theory that evaluates comprehensive ethical issues related to war. Then, we will elaborate what Just War Theory is and apply the ethical judgment criteria presented in the three areas of this theory, jus ad bellum, jus in bello, and jus post bellum, to cognitive warfare. Finally, we will evaluate the appropriateness of ethical judgment in cognitive warfare by applying criteria for each area and specify the limitations, thereby showing that Just War Theory has limitations as an ethical judgment criteria in cognitive warfare.

Free vibration characteristics of three-phases functionally graded sandwich plates using novel nth-order shear deformation theory

  • Pham Van Vinh;Le Quang Huy;Abdelouahed Tounsi
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.27-39
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    • 2024
  • In this study, the authors investigate the free vibration behavior of three-phases functionally graded sandwich plates using a novel nth-order shear deformation theory. These plates are composed of a homogeneous core and two face-sheet layers made of different functionally graded materials. This is the novel type of the sandwich structures that can be applied in many fields of mechanical engineering and industrial. The proposed theory only requires four unknown displacement functions, and the transverse displacement does not need to be separated into bending and shear parts, simplifying the theory. One noteworthy feature of the proposed theory is its ability to capture the parabolic distribution of transverse shear strains and stresses throughout the plate's thickness while ensuring zero values on the two free surfaces. By eliminating the need for shear correction factors, the theory further enhances computational efficiency. Equations of motion are established using Hamilton's principle and solved via Navier's solution. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed theory are verified by comparing results with available solutions. The authors then use the proposed theory to investigate the free vibration characteristics of three-phases functionally graded sandwich plates, considering the effects of parameters such as aspect ratio, side-to-thickness ratio, skin-core-skin thicknesses, and power-law indexes. Through careful analysis of the free vibration behavior of three-phases functionally graded sandwich plates, the work highlighted the significant roles played by individual material ingredients in influencing their frequencies.

A Study on Korean Ganhwa Seon from the Perspective of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's Flow Theory (칙센트미하이의 몰입이론을 통해 조명한 한국 간화선)

  • 최용운
    • Studies in Philosophy East-West
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    • no.93
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    • pp.417-442
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    • 2019
  • In a context where approaches of psychotherapy on Buddhist meditation are prevailing, this study aims to re-envision contemporary Korean Ganhwa Seon from the perspective of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's Flow Theory. Developed over the last several decades, Flow Theory involves scientific study of the correlation between human happiness and various mental and physical activities. The research method not only re-envisions the principles, values, and the current state of Ganhwa Seon through Flow Theory, but also seeks a modern transformation. It is proposed here that Ganhwa Seon's tradition of the "master-disciple encounter," which corresponds to the role of feedback in Flow Theory, plays a crucial role in contemporary utilization of Ganhwa Seon. It is also argued that Flow Theory's concept of "transcender" can provide new insight into contemporary Ganhwa Seon. In our current era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, more emphasis is being placed on human creativity. Flow Theory offers a way to improve creativity by "cultivating flow in everyday life" through its three dimensions of "goal," "concentration," and "enjoying the process." This suggests a modern transformation of Ganhwa Seon, which places emphasis on "investigating only one hwadu for a lifetime," based on enjoying the process of cultivating it.

A Literature Study on PyoBon·GeunGyul Theory (표본(標本)·근결(根結) 이론과 임상응용에 관한 고찰(考察))

  • Jang, Jun-Hyouk;Kim, Kyung-Ho
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.175-187
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    • 2000
  • PyoBon GeunGyul - one of the twelve regular meridians theory - play a important role on the principle of point selection and point prescription in acumoxibustion. PyoBon explain the connection of the concentration and diffusion of channel qi, GeunGyul explain the relation of both poles of channels flow. So, Geun and Bon means the starting point of channel qi, and Pyo and Gyul means the terminal point of channel qi. But the flow of channel qi on PyoBon GeunGyul different from today's circulation courses of twelve regular channels based on Kyungmaek(經脈) chapter of Youngchu. Thus this study investigate the contents of PyoBon GeunGyul and consider its connection with channel flow. The results are as follows : 1. PyoBon GeunGyul theory explain that the relation of the limbs and trunk at meridian and emphasize that the connection of meridian and the importance of the limb acupoints. 2. PyoBon GeunGyul theory can be understandable in the view of the primordial qi and explain that the primordial qi of twelve regular channels acts from the limbs to the trunk. 3. PyoBon GeunGyul theory is based on the system of primordial qi channel which circulates from fingers and toes facing toward heart or the head, different from today's circulation courses of twelve regular meridians. 4. PyoBon GeunGyul theory act as a basis of principle of a part or distant point selection which applicated widely in acumoxibustion.

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Various Perspectives to Read the Micro-History of Korean Housing after the Period of Opening the Port (근대 이후 한국주거의 미시사를 보는 다양한 관점)

  • Hong Hyung-Ock
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.23 no.5 s.77
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    • pp.79-92
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the various perspectives to read micro-history of Korean housing after the period of Opening the Port for foreigners. This study were designed to adapt original theory for exploring the unique housing perspectives without using strict basic assumption which were already developed in the area of sociology, history, anthropology and philosophy. Research method applied was literature review. Each perspective might give useful insight to read the micro-history of Korean housing on the way of change after the Period of Opening the Port in Korea. Adapted perspectives to housing history were critical theory perspective, microsociological perspective, everyday life perspective(phenomenology tradition, symbolic interaction tradition, Marxist tradition), discourse perspective, exchange theory perspective, conflict theory perspective, and life course perspective. Conclusively, each perspective must be adapted multi-supportively to read the housing phenomena, because housing change derived from complex causes and factors. The fruit of this study was to ensure the adaptable viewpoint to housing were useful to read the micro-history of housing change.


  • Oh, Jin-Ho;Cho, Maeng-Hyo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society For Composite Materials Conference
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    • 2005.04a
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    • pp.1-4
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    • 2005
  • A higher order zig-zag shell theory is developed to refine accurately predict deformation and stress of smart shell structures under the mechanical, thermal, and electric loading. The displacement fields through the thickness are constructed by superimposing linear zig-zag field to the smooth globally cubic varying field. Smooth parabolic distribution through the thickness is assumed in the transverse deflection in order to consider transverse normal deformation. The mechanical, thermal, and electric loading is applied in the sinusoidal distribution function in the in-surface direction. Thermal and electric loading is given in the linear variation through the thickness. Especially, in electric loading case, voltage is only applied in piezo-layer. The layer-dependent degrees of freedom of displacement fields are expressed in terms of reference primary degrees of freedom by applying interface continuity conditions as well as bounding surface conditions of transverse shear stresses. In order to obtain accurate transverse shear and normal stresses, integration of equilibrium equation approach is used. The numerical examples of present theory demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed theory. The present theory is suitable for the predictions of behaviors of thick smart composite shell under mechanical, thermal, and electric loadings combined.

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A Study on the SamJae Theory(三才思想) as a Philosophic Background of Medical Ethics (의료(醫療) 윤리(倫理) 배경 철학으로서의 삼재(三才) 사상(思想)에 대한 연구(硏究))

  • Baek, Jin-Ung
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out to examine that the SamJae Theory(三才思想) was applied for a philosophic background of medical ethics. SamJae theory is not the system of three categories, which is unlike to the meaning of the word 'Sam(三)', but it is the system of two categories with 天(陽) and 地(陰) which are dividing all creations and phenomenons in the universe into two. Nevertheless, the reason why we divide all the universal creations and phenomenons into three, 天, 地 and 人, and also why we give a name 'SamJae' to this theory using the word 'Sam' meaning three, is to emphasize the human free volition that comes from the independent human life in the universe composed of 天(陽) and 地(陰). In other word, the core concept of SamJae theory is not 天(陽) and 地(陰) but 人 which symbolize the independent free volition of human. Therefore, if we try to use SamJae theory as a philosophic background of medical ethics, we can establish a comprehensive theoretical system including the existing ethical theories such as utilitarianism.

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