A Literature Study on PyoBon·GeunGyul Theory

표본(標本)·근결(根結) 이론과 임상응용에 관한 고찰(考察)

  • Jang, Jun-Hyouk ;
  • Kim, Kyung-Ho
  • 장준혁 (동국대학교 한의과대학 침구학 교실) ;
  • 김경호 (동국대학교 한의과대학 침구학 교실)
  • Published : 2000.03.20


PyoBon GeunGyul - one of the twelve regular meridians theory - play a important role on the principle of point selection and point prescription in acumoxibustion. PyoBon explain the connection of the concentration and diffusion of channel qi, GeunGyul explain the relation of both poles of channels flow. So, Geun and Bon means the starting point of channel qi, and Pyo and Gyul means the terminal point of channel qi. But the flow of channel qi on PyoBon GeunGyul different from today's circulation courses of twelve regular channels based on Kyungmaek(經脈) chapter of Youngchu. Thus this study investigate the contents of PyoBon GeunGyul and consider its connection with channel flow. The results are as follows : 1. PyoBon GeunGyul theory explain that the relation of the limbs and trunk at meridian and emphasize that the connection of meridian and the importance of the limb acupoints. 2. PyoBon GeunGyul theory can be understandable in the view of the primordial qi and explain that the primordial qi of twelve regular channels acts from the limbs to the trunk. 3. PyoBon GeunGyul theory is based on the system of primordial qi channel which circulates from fingers and toes facing toward heart or the head, different from today's circulation courses of twelve regular meridians. 4. PyoBon GeunGyul theory act as a basis of principle of a part or distant point selection which applicated widely in acumoxibustion.



Supported by : 동국대학교


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  2. 鍼灸學釋難 李鼎(主編)
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  6. 黃帝內經太素 楊上善
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  14. 山東中醫學院學報 v.8 從<內經>看經絡理論的形成與完善過程 周仕明
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