• 제목/요약/키워드: the meaning of consumption culture

검색결과 60건 처리시간 0.02초

The Relationship between Consumer's Ethical Consumption Consciousness, Life Meaning and Consumer Happiness

  • Goo, Hye Kyoung
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.249-254
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    • 2020
  • This study are to show the relation between ethical consumption consciousness, life meaning and happiness of life. Specifically, this study aims to examine the mediation effects of the meaning of life in the relationship of the ethical consumption consciousness and happiness, a survey was conducted by collecting 265 valid questionnaires. SPSS and AMOS statistical package were used to examine the relationships between variables. The results showed that ethical consumption consciousness had a significantly positive effect on life meaning. It was also found that life meaning had a positive effect on happiness of life. This study is significant in the sense that it identifies ethical consumerism consciousness has a positive influence on life meaning and consumer happiness. In particular, the mediating effect of the meaning of life, which is drawing attention in various research fields, was confirmed in the relationship between ethical consumption consciousness and happiness. This study can be used as effective information for further ethical consumption education and suggested implications for enhancing ethical consumption consciousness and happiness in various ways.

현대 음식 소비현상의 소비문화적 의미에 관한 연구 (The Modern Food Consumption Phenomena and It's Meaning in Context of Consumption Culture)

  • 손상희
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.241-246
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to understand current food consumption phenomena in the context of Korea's consumption culture and economy. For this purpose, food consumption phenomena and the underlying meaning of consumption culture were investigated. The study indicated that current food consumption phenomena were characterized by increased eating habits away from home, consuming more fast food and processed foods, westernized diet, eager for taste, and overwhelming well-being products, which could result in environmental problems as well as malign physical and mental defects. It was argued that current food consumption phenomena had been mainly affected by the commercial food industry and consumers' cultural consideration. Finally, this paper discussed several approaches to motivate consumers' awareness and how to change their food consumption culture, and further government policy efforts.

소비 중심 사회에서 의미 추구 소비는 가능한가? : 여성 소비자의 화장품 소비 경험에 관한 내러티브 사례분석을 중심으로 (Is meaning-oriented consumption possible in the consumer society? : The case study of women's narratives on their cosmetic experiences)

  • 김봉현
    • 문화기술의 융합
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    • 제9권6호
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    • pp.1039-1048
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구는 화장 경험에 관한 여성 소비자의 내러티브 사례를 토대로 소비 중심 사회에서 개인에게 '의미 추구 소비'가 가능한지, 가능하다면 개개인은 이를 어떻게 지각하고 획득하는지 심층적으로 밝혀보고자 하였다. 내러티브 사례분석 결과, 여성들은 기본적으로 화장품의 기능적 소비 및 쾌락적 소비과정을 통해 신체적 외모 관리 및 사회적 변모를 달성할 목적으로 화장을 전략적으로 활용하고 있었지만, 여성에게 화장이 일상의 의례적 소비의 반복적이고 지속적인 실천 행위가 되면서 자기 삶의 과정에서 나름의 주관적 우선순위에 따라 사회 세계와 생활세계에서의 다양한 이슈와 변화를 이해하고 자기의 존재론적 가치를 확신하기 위해 독특한 방식으로 의미 추구 소비가 이루어지고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다.

지역화폐운동의 소비문화적 의미 연구: "한밭레츠" 참여자의 소비행동을 중심으로 (A Study on the Meaning of Consumption Culture of Community Currency Movement: Focusing on "Hanbat-LETS" Participants' Consumer Behavior)

  • 천경희;이기춘
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.593-611
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the consumption cultural meaning of Community Currency Movement - a substitute currency institution - through an analysis of consumption behaviors and attitudes of Hanbat-LETS participants, who are recognized as the most active among Korea Community Currency Movements. The analytical method adopted in this study is the participation and observation method, along with the Focus Group Interview. Major findings are as follows: Hanbat-LETS participants experienced the following consumption behaviors and attitudes: economical consumption behavior creating the currency value, sustainable consumption behavior, consumption behavior shared with community, consumption behavior free from the need of competition and ownership, satisfaction from offering one's property, equal status and relationship among members, merry and happy attitude toward life. Community Currency Movement implies the consumption cultural meaning as followings: emergence of alienation through the realization of community society, practice of environment-friendly value, activation of region economy, development of one's ability and means of redemption of unemployment, construction of trustworthy society via trust.

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문화소비공간의 확산에 따른 저층주거지 변화 특성 연구 - 연남동 일대를 중심으로 - (A Study on the Changes of Low-rise Residential Neighborhood with the Spread of Consumption-biased Cultural Space - Focused on the Yeonnam-dong Area -)

  • 김신성
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2016
  • Low-rise Residential neighborhoods of Hongdae area, Garosu-gil, Samchung-dong, Itawon etc. are currently emerging new spaces for cultural consumption in the city. Nonetheless undiscerning excessive commercialization often results in monotonous urban space and deportation of residents and leaders of change; Due to commercialization and popularization recently this phenomenon is influencing surrounding low-rise residential neighborhoods. The main objective of this study is to examine how surrounding low-rise residential neighborhood transforms according to the expansion of culture-commerce spaces. Hongdae area's culture-commerce spaces and its expansion into Yeonnam-dong is investigated in specific. Especially attributes and main causes of transformation in physical and experiential space of neighborhood living facilities and residential buildings, when changed into culture-commerce related use is examined in detail. The expansion of culture-commerce space of Hongdae to Yeonnam-dong area has positive meaning in aspects of everyday experience. First, physical alteration of street-building relation increases direct and indirect contact of people. Contact opportunity carries important meaning in sense that it is prerequisite for next stage contact of network and exchange. Second, culture-commerce related programs provide the third place, where various leisure activities can take place. Attributes of transformation and positive meaning of culture-commerce spaces expanding its territory presents the need of management.

가치소비 웨딩문화의 웨딩드레스 디자인 요소 분석 (Analysis on wedding dress design factor align with value consumption wedding culture)

  • 김연수;김동은;이인성
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2018
  • Recently people are trying to lead their life with meaning and value, and people are oriented to value consumption as the values they pursue can be realized through consumption. Consumer demand on value consumption had an effect on Korean wedding culture and 'value consumption wedding culture' which emphasizes the value of marriage, is on the rise as a new wedding custom. Accordingly, Korean wedding market is more segmented and diversified for individual customization to create value. Especially, wedding dress evidently reflects the tendency of value consumption as it gives special meaning for brides. As a result, suggestion and development of detailed design elements of wedding dress to meet the various needs of customers are needed. Therefore, this study has the purpose of investigating the required value of wedding dress aligned with the characteristics of value consumption wedding culture through in-depth interviews and how the intrinsic value of consumers is shown up to a particular design element through investigating on the relationships between design elements. In addition, the study provides a direction for specialized and high-valued wedding dress design development by suggesting wedding dress design aligned with the new trend based on the analysis of detailed design elements that reflects the value.

의미의 소비와 산업디자인 (A Study on Industrial Design in an Era of Consuming Meaning)

  • 임경재
    • 디자인학연구
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.235-245
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    • 2002
  • Psychological phenomenon of human beings that are considered as creation of symbols endues various meanings to the objects and through this process, it develops society, culture and religion. This paper aims to examine the relationship between objects and human beings in the current circumstances that are summarized as "Pluralism" and "Age of Consumption". For this purpose, I introduced the semiology system and established the concept that is "Consumption of Meaning". The method that the meaning of goods as the modern objects is consumed is defined through three meaning analyses that are social, psychological and cultural. In addition, as defining how an object have its unique meaning, this paper creates the new interpretation on the role of industrial design that searches and constructs the existential area in the real world related to the creation and adjustment of meanings.

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'민족주의' 광고의 기호학적 분석 - 진 캐주얼브랜드 '잠뱅이'의 광고 연구 - (Semiotic Analysis of Jambangee's 'Nationalism'Advertisement)

  • 김정은;홍기현
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제8권6호
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    • pp.949-963
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    • 2000
  • Jambangee's advertisements in spring 1998 attracted public attention by the differentiating message of 'nationalism'. The purpose of this paper is to interpret Korean youth's culture of consumption, value, thought and culture expressed in these advertisements. The semiotic analytic method of F. Saussure and R. Barthe were used. Metaphor and metonymy as interpretive tools were used. Two levels of meaning, denotation and connotation were examined, and idelogies and mythologies were sought. Contrary to the most of jean advertisements which show youth, characteristic style, western life style and westernized beauty, refinement, materialism, and social differentiation, Jambangee's advertisement showed nationalism and patriotism. These advertisements criticized that preference of imported goods and ostentation of purchasing power brought crisis of economy and I.M.F. system. Jambangee's jeans symbolized as the meaning of nationalism and patriotism were suggested as a way to save our country. Jambangee's advertisements are meaningful. Because we had accepted western fashion passively so far, but for the first time Jambangee applied Korean design elements to jeans and gave new meanings to them through the 'nationalism'campaign.

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결혼의 소비지출과 소비문화 고찰을 통한 결혼준비소비자교육프로그램 구성 (The Development of Consumer Education Programs for Premarital Couples through Analyses on Consumption Expenditure and Consumption Culture of Marriage)

  • 김정은;이기춘
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.107-128
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    • 2006
  • The purposes of this study are to explore the consumption expenditure and consumption-cultural meaning in the process of marriage and to provide consumer education programs for premarital couples. For the purpose, this study uses a qualitative analysis including an in-depth interview and a participant observation. Major findings are as follows: Consumers preparing for their marriage experienced quite a different consumption context, which should be said an exceptional practice from the economic point of view. As the agency businesses for marriage becomes one of the fast growing industries, the marriage of Korea is now under the rule of popular consumption culture. Thus, the exceptional consumption abuse during a marriage process brings about the imbalance in consumers' daily life after wedding ceremony. In this point of view, we can see the importance of consumer education programs for the marriage process. The latter half of this study is devoted to propose the desirable model of the consumer education program for premarital couples.

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명품브랜드 소비의 사회 경제 문화적 특성에 관한 연구 -보드리야르의 소비사회이론을 중심으로- (A Study on Social, Economic and Cultural Features of Luxury Brand Consumption -Focused on the Theory of Baudrillard's Consumer Society-)

  • 박미령
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.183-190
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze social, economic and cultural phenomena of the luxury brand in the viewpoint that the consumption system of the modern society stood for the sign consumption and the industrial production of difference as Baudrillard mentioned in the Consumer Society. The result was divided into the two subjects popularization and differentiation of luxury brand. Firstly the meaning of luxury brand was that the personal effects of consumption of king or aristocratic class who did not exist in the modern and were made into the selection and consumption-possible things of exchange value. The popularization of this sign was accelerated through TV drama. Secondly as differentiation strategy of luxury brand, was made by giving meaning to the life style concept of the upper class with advertisement and design, and also the logo of design was used as sign differentiated from people. Also the reason why the producer of the luxury brand gave meaning to such life style was that the awareness of the brand which people have consistently makes them consume more products. The consumption system of the modern society stood for the sign consumption, difference sign mark value which was the desire on a social meaning basis, not the consumption of things as used value. And the consumer could express his personality by selecting and consuming the product of luxury brand model made with this sign. Accordingly the distribution, purchase, sales and acquisition of the things with this difference sign were our verbal activity and linguistic code today, and it was the essential feature of the society, culture and economy of the consumer society.