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Is Religion Possible in the Age of Artificial Intelligence? - From the View of Kantian and Blochian Philosophy of Religion - (인공지능시대에도 종교는 가능한가? - 칸트와 블로흐의 종교철학적 관점에서 -)

  • Kim, Jin
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.147
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    • pp.117-146
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    • 2018
  • This paper discusses, whether religion is possible even in the age of artificial intelligence, and whether humans alone are the subject of religious faith or ultra intelligent machines with human minds can be also subjects of faith. In order for ultra intelligent machines to be subjects of faith in the same conditions as humans, they must be able to have unique characteristics such as emotion, will, and self-consciousness. With the advent of ultra intelligent machines with the same level of cognitive and emotional abilities as human beings, the religious actions of artificial intelligence will be inevitable. The ultra intelligent machines after 'singularity' will go beyond the subject of religious belief and reign as God who can rule humans, nature and the world. This is also the common view of Morabeck, Kurzweil and Harari. Leonhart also reminds us that technological advances should make us used to the fact that we are now 'gods'. But we fear we may face distopia despite the general affluence of the 'Star Trec' economy. For this reason, even if a man says he has learned the religious truth, one can't help but wonder if it is true. Kant and Bloch are thinkers who critically reflected on our religious ideals and highest concept in different world-view premises. Kant's concept of God as 'idea of pure reason' and 'postulate of practical reason', can seem like a 'god of gap' as Jesse Bering said earlier. Kant recognized the need for religious faith only on a strict basis of moral necessity. The subjects of religious faith should always strive to do the moral good, but such efforts themselves were not enough to reach perfection and so postulated immortality of the soul. But if an ultra intelligent machines that has emerged above a singularity is given a new status in an intellectual explosion, it can reach its morality by blocking evil tendencies and by the infinite evolution of super intelligence. So it will no longer need Kant's 'Postulate for continuous progress towards greater goodness', 'Postulate for divine grace' and 'Postulate for infinite expansion of the kingdom of God on earth.' Artificial intelligence robots would not necessarily consider religious performance in the Kant's meaning, and therefore religion will also have to be abolished. Ernst Bloch transforms Kant's postulate to be Persian dualism. Therefore, in Bloch, even though the ultra intelligent machines is a divine being, one must critically ask whether it is a wicked or a good God. Artificial intelligence experts warn that ultra intellectual machine as Pandora's gift will bring disaster to mankind. In the Kant's Matrix, a ultra intelligent machines, which is the completion of morality and God itself, may fall into a bad god in Bloch's Matrix. Therefore, despite the myth of singularity, we still believe that ultra intelligent machines, whether as God leads us to the completion of one of our only religious beliefs, or as bad god to the collapse of mankind through complete denial of existence.

A Suggestion for Spatiotemporal Analysis Model of Complaints on Officially Assessed Land Price by Big Data Mining (빅데이터 마이닝에 의한 공시지가 민원의 시공간적 분석모델 제시)

  • Cho, Tae In;Choi, Byoung Gil;Na, Young Woo;Moon, Young Seob;Kim, Se Hun
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.79-98
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest a model analysing spatio-temporal characteristics of the civil complaints for the officially assessed land price based on big data mining. Specifically, in this study, the underlying reasons for the civil complaints were found from the spatio-temporal perspectives, rather than the institutional factors, and a model was suggested monitoring a trend of the occurrence of such complaints. The official documents of 6,481 civil complaints for the officially assessed land price in the district of Jung-gu of Incheon Metropolitan City over the period from 2006 to 2015 along with their temporal and spatial poperties were collected and used for the analysis. Frequencies of major key words were examined by using a text mining method. Correlations among mafor key words were studied through the social network analysis. By calculating term frequency(TF) and term frequency-inverse document frequency(TF-IDF), which correspond to the weighted value of key words, I identified the major key words for the occurrence of the civil complaint for the officially assessed land price. Then the spatio-temporal characteristics of the civil complaints were examined by analysing hot spot based on the statistics of Getis-Ord $Gi^*$. It was found that the characteristic of civil complaints for the officially assessed land price were changing, forming a cluster that is linked spatio-temporally. Using text mining and social network analysis method, we could find out that the occurrence reason of civil complaints for the officially assessed land price could be identified quantitatively based on natural language. TF and TF-IDF, the weighted averages of key words, can be used as main explanatory variables to analyze spatio-temporal characteristics of civil complaints for the officially assessed land price since these statistics are different over time across different regions.

Application of Terrestrial LiDAR for Reconstructing 3D Images of Fault Trench Sites and Web-based Visualization Platform for Large Point Clouds (지상 라이다를 활용한 트렌치 단층 단면 3차원 영상 생성과 웹 기반 대용량 점군 자료 가시화 플랫폼 활용 사례)

  • Lee, Byung Woo;Kim, Seung-Sep
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.177-186
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    • 2021
  • For disaster management and mitigation of earthquakes in Korea Peninsula, active fault investigation has been conducted for the past 5 years. In particular, investigation of sediment-covered active faults integrates geomorphological analysis on airborne LiDAR data, surface geological survey, and geophysical exploration, and unearths subsurface active faults by trench survey. However, the fault traces revealed by trench surveys are only available for investigation during a limited time and restored to the previous condition. Thus, the geological data describing the fault trench sites remain as the qualitative data in terms of research articles and reports. To extend the limitations due to temporal nature of geological studies, we utilized a terrestrial LiDAR to produce 3D point clouds for the fault trench sites and restored them in a digital space. The terrestrial LiDAR scanning was conducted at two trench sites located near the Yangsan Fault and acquired amplitude and reflectance from the surveyed area as well as color information by combining photogrammetry with the LiDAR system. The scanned data were merged to form the 3D point clouds having the average geometric error of 0.003 m, which exhibited the sufficient accuracy to restore the details of the surveyed trench sites. However, we found more post-processing on the scanned data would be necessary because the amplitudes and reflectances of the point clouds varied depending on the scan positions and the colors of the trench surfaces were captured differently depending on the light exposures available at the time. Such point clouds are pretty large in size and visualized through a limited set of softwares, which limits data sharing among researchers. As an alternative, we suggested Potree, an open-source web-based platform, to visualize the point clouds of the trench sites. In this study, as a result, we identified that terrestrial LiDAR data can be practical to increase reproducibility of geological field studies and easily accessible by researchers and students in Earth Sciences.

A Study on Movement Characteristics of Dalgubal Drum Dance (달구벌 북춤 춤사위의 특성에 대한 고찰)

  • Choi, Won-sun
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.42
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    • pp.147-181
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    • 2021
  • Dalgubal drum dance is inherited in a recreated form by incorporating regional symbolism and the dance philosophy and artisticity of Young Hwangbo, the creator, based on the traditional drum dance of the Yeongnam region. This dance having popularity with the transformation of traditional Korean culture has been invited not only to Yeongnam region including Daegu but also to international various venues. This study explores what the movement characteristics of this Dalgubal drum dance are and the unique charm and symbolic meaning of this dance. Specific analysis was conducted through analyzing Dalgubal drum dance video film of the 89th Korean Myeongmujeon's by using Laban Movement Analysis as a research method. The special features of this dance resulted from the LMA analysis in terms of the four categories-Body, Effort, Shape, and Space-reveal simple yet cheerful personalities and strong yet patient characteristics of the people in Daegu. The harmony of drum sounds(music) and movements(dance) creates various characteristics of dances and reveals the beauty and excitement of unique Korean dance. In particular, drum play and its related dance movements create curved linear spatial pattern of arm movements, Spiral Shape in body posture, and diverse floor patterns occupying whole stage space. These movements show the three-dimensional spatial beauty and the artistic ideas for recreation of traditional drum dance, which considered with the spatial structure of the proscenium stage. In addition, the well-organized structure and harmonious movements of this dance show the traditional Korean philosophy, implying heaven, earth, and human being and the wholeness, and the harmony of yin and yang. The dance aims at communication between the audiences and dancers through sharing excitement and the aesthetic beauty of dance. This can be interpreted as a meaningful expression of traditional Korean philosophy developed with the unique value and characteristics of Korean dance.

Effects of Polar Literacy Education Program for Elementary and Middle School Students (초·중학생 대상 극지 소양 교육 프로그램의 효과)

  • Sueim Chung;Donghee Shin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.209-223
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a polar literacy education program for elementary and middle school students, and to derive implications for new education to respond to climate change. We developed modular education programs based on the seven principles of polar literacy established by the Polar-ICE team. We divided them into two courses, one emphasizing science concepts and another emphasizing humanities and sociological issues. We then selected and structured detailed programs suitable for the two courses. These two courses were applied to 26 elementary and middle school students for approximately 69 hours in a Saturday science class hosted by the Department of Science Education at a university in Seoul. The 26 students were divided into three groups. Two groups completed the science education program for polar literacy and a humanities and social studies education program for polar literacy, respectively. The third group, the control group, received general science education unrelated to polar literacy. Before and after running the programs, all three groups responded to a polar literacy test and questionnaires that used vocabulary and presented scenes associated with polar regions. The test results were expressed using Wilcoxon signed ranks, which is a non-parametric test method, and improvements made upon completion of the program were analyzed. From a cognitive aspect, all three groups showed improvement after completing the program in the knowledge area; however, the experimental groups showed a greater degree of improvement than the control group, and there was a clear difference in the contents or materials explicitly covered. From an affective aspect, the difference between before and after the program was minor, but the group that focused on humanities and social issues showed a statistically significant improvement. Regarding changes in polar imagery, the two experimental groups tended to diverge from monotonous images to more diverse images compared to the control group. Based on the above results, we suggested methods to increase the effectiveness of polar literacy education programs, the importance of polar literacy as appropriate material for scientific thinking and earth system education, measures to improve attitudes related to the polar region, and the need to link to school curriculums.

A Study on the Dépaysement of the Animation (애니메이션에 있어서 데페이즈망에 관한 연구)

Study of Volcanic Gases and Hot Spring Water to Evaluate the Volcanic Activity of Mt. Baekdu (백두산 화산활동 평가를 위한 화산가스 및 온천수에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Sangchul;Yun, Sung-Hyo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2017
  • This study performed the analysis on the volcanic gases and hot spring waters from the Julong hot spring at Mt. Baekdu during the period from July 2015 to August 2016. Also, we confirmed the errors that $HCO_3{^-}$ concentrations of hot spring waters in the previous study (Lee et al. 2014) and tried to improve the problem. Dissolved $CO_2$ in hot spring waters was analyzed using gas chromatograph in Lee et al. (2014). Improving this, from 2015, we used TOC-IC to analysis dissolved $CO_2$. Also, we analyzed the $Na_2CO_3$ standard solutions of different concentrations using GC, and confirmed the correlation between the analytical concentrations and the real concentrations. However, because the analytical results of Julong hot spring water were in discord with the estimated values based on this correlation, we can't estimate the $HCO_3{^-}$ concentrations of 2014 samples. During the period of study, $CO_2/CH_4$ in volcanic gases are gradually decreased, and this can be interpreted in two different ways. The first interpretation is that the conditions inside the volcanic edifice are changing into more reduction conditions, and carbon in volcanic gases become more favorable to distribute into $CH_4$ or CO than $CO_2$. The second interpretation is that the interaction between volcanic gases and water becomes greater than past, and the concentrations of $CO_2$ which have much higher solubility in water decreased, relatively. In general, the effect of scrubbing of volcanic gas is strengthened during the quiet periods of volcanic activity rather than active periods. Meanwhile, the analysis of hot spring waters was done on the anion of acidic gases species, the major cation, and some trace elements (As, Cd, Re).

Dst Prediction Based on Solar Wind Parameters (태양풍 매개변수를 이용한 Dst 예측)

  • Park, Yoon-Kyung;Ahn, Byung-Ho
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.425-438
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    • 2009
  • We reevaluate the Burton equation (Burton et al. 1975) of predicting Dst index using high quality hourly solar wind data supplied by the ACE satellite for the period from 1998 to 2006. Sixty magnetic storms with monotonously decreasing main phase are selected. In order to determine the injection term (Q) and the decay time ($\tau$) of the equation, we examine the relationships between $Dst^*$ and $VS_s$, ${\Delta}Dst^*$ and $VS_s$, and ${\Delta}Dst^*$ and $Dst^*$ during the magnetic storms. For this analysis, we take into account one hour of the propagation time from the ACE satellite to the magnetopause, and a half hour of the response time of the magnetosphere/ring current to he solar wind forcing. The injection term is found to be $Q(nT/h)\;=\;-3.56VS_s$ for $VS_s$ > 0.5mV/m and Q(nT=h) = 0 for $VB_s\;{\leq}\;0.5mV/m$. The $\tau$ (hour) is estimated as $0.060Dst^*\;+\;16.65$ for $Dst^*$ > -175nT and 6.15 hours for $Dst^*\;{\leq}\;-175nT$. Based on these empirical relationships, we predict the 60 magnetic storms and find that the correlation coefficient between the observed and predicted $Dst^*$ is 0.88. To evaluate the performance of our prediction scheme, the 60 magnetic storms are predicted again using the models by Burton et al. (1975) and O'Brien & McPherron (2000a). The correlation coefficients thus obtained are 0.85, the same value for both of the two models. In this respect, our model is slightly improved over the other two models as far as the correlation coefficients is concerned. Particularly our model does a better job than the other two models in predicting intense magnetic storms ($Dst^*\;{< \atop \sim}\;-200nT$).

Korean Ocean Forecasting System: Present and Future (한국의 해양예측, 오늘과 내일)

  • Kim, Young Ho;Choi, Byoung-Ju;Lee, Jun-Soo;Byun, Do-Seong;Kang, Kiryong;Kim, Young-Gyu;Cho, Yang-Ki
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.89-103
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    • 2013
  • National demands for the ocean forecasting system have been increased to support economic activity and national safety including search and rescue, maritime defense, fisheries, port management, leisure activities and marine transportation. Further, the ocean forecasting has been regarded as one of the key components to improve the weather and climate forecasting. Due to the national demands as well as improvement of the technology, the ocean forecasting systems have been established among advanced countries since late 1990. Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) significantly contributed to the achievement and world-wide spreading of ocean forecasting systems. Four stages of GODAE were summarized. Goal, vision, development history and research on ocean forecasting system of the advanced countries such as USA, France, UK, Italy, Norway, Australia, Japan, China, who operationally use the systems, were examined and compared. Strategies of the successfully established ocean forecasting systems can be summarized as follows: First, concentration of the national ability is required to establish successful operational ocean forecasting system. Second, newly developed technologies were shared with other countries and they achieved mutual and cooperative development through the international program. Third, each participating organization has devoted to its own task according to its role. In Korean society, demands on the ocean forecasting system have been also extended. Present status on development of the ocean forecasting system and long-term plan of KMA (Korea Meteorological Administration), KHOA (Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration), NFRDI (National Fisheries Research & Development Institute), ADD (Agency for Defense Development) were surveyed. From the history of the pre-established systems in other countries, the cooperation among the relevant Korean organizations is essential to establish the accurate and successful ocean forecasting system, and they can form a consortium. Through the cooperation, we can (1) set up high-quality ocean forecasting models and systems, (2) efficiently invest and distribute financial resources without duplicate investment, (3) overcome lack of manpower for the development. At present stage, it is strongly requested to concentrate national resources on developing a large-scale operational Korea Ocean Forecasting System which can produce open boundary and initial conditions for local ocean and climate forecasting models. Once the system is established, each organization can modify the system for its own specialized purpose. In addition, we can contribute to the international ocean prediction community.


  • Kim, Dong-Ju
    • Journal of Korea Soil Environment Society
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.81-94
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    • 1997
  • In many solute transport studies, either flux or resident concentration has been used. Choice of the concentration mode was dependent on the monitoring device in solute displacement experiments. It has been accepted that no priority exists in the selection of concentration mode in the study of solute transport. It would be questionable, however, to accept the equivalency in the solute transport parameters between flux and resident concentrations in structured soils exhibiting preferential movement of solute. In this study, we investigate how they differ in the monitored breakthrough curves (BTCs) and transport parameters for a given boundary and flow condition by performing solute displacement experiments on a number of undisturbed soil columns. Both flux and resident concentrations have been simultaneously obtained by monitoring the effluent and resistance of the horizontally-positioned TDR probes. Two different solute transport models namely, convection-dispersion equation (CDE) and convective lognormal transfer function (CLT) models, were fitted to the observed breakthrough data in order to quantify the difference between two concentration modes. The study reveals that soil columns having relatively high flux densities exhibited great differences in the degree of peak concentration and travel time of peak between flux and resident concentrations. The peak concentration in flux mode was several times higher than that in resident one. Accordingly, the estimated parameters of flux mode differed greatly from those of resident mode and the difference was more pronounced in CDE than CLT model. Especially in CDE model, the parameters of flux mode were much higher than those of resident mode. This was mainly due to the bypassing of solute through soil macropores and failure of the equilibrium CDE model to adequate description of solute transport in studied soils. In the domain of the relationship between the ratio of hydrodynamic dispersion to molecular diffusion and the peclet number, both concentrations fall on a zone of predominant mechanical dispersion. However, it appears that more molecular diffusion contributes to the solute spreading in the matrix region than the macropore region due to the nonliearity present in the pore water velocity and dispersion coefficient relationship.

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