Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
High temperature stress would affect rice production in the future as heat wave is expected to occur frequently under climate change conditions. The objective of this study was to obtain rudimentary information to assess the impact of heat stress on rice yield and its yield component in Korea. Two rice cultivars "Hwaseongbyeo" (Japonica) and "Dasanbyeo" (Tongil-type) were grown at different nitrogen fertilization levels in two seasons. These cultivars were grown in 1/5000a Wagner pot placed within four plastic houses where temperature was controlled at ambient, ambient$+1.5^{\circ}C$, ambient$+3^{\circ}C$ and ambient$+5^{\circ}C$ throughout the rice growing season in Suwon ($37^{\circ}16^{\prime}N$, $128^{\circ}59^{\prime}E$), Korea. The degree of temperature change affected grain yield whereas the level of nitrogen had little impact on grain yield. The number of panicle per pot and spikelet per panicle were not significantly different among temperature treatments in both cultivars tested. In contrast, 1000-grain weight and ripened grain ratio were decreased significantly under the treatments raising the air temperature to the level of $5.0^{\circ}C$ and $1.5^{\circ}C$ above the ambient air temperature in Dasanbyeo and Hwaseongbyeo, respectively. Reduction of 1000-grain weight and ripened grain ratio under the temperature treatments of $3.0^{\circ}C$ and $5.0^{\circ}C$ above the ambient air temperature resulted in significantly less grain yield for Dasanbyeo and Hwaseongbyeo, respectively. The greater sensitivity of grain yield to temperature increase in Dasanbyeo was attributable to the sharp decrease of 1000-grain weight and ripened grain ratio with the temperature rise above $23^{\circ}C$ during ripening period. On the other hand, Hwaseongbyeo had little variation of them in the temperature range of $23-27^{\circ}C$. These results suggested that grain yield would decrease under future climate conditions due to grain weight decreased by shorter grain filling period as well as the ripened grain ratio reduced by spikelet sterility and early abortion of rice kernel development. Thus, it would be essential to use cultivars tolerant to heat stress for climate change adaptation, which merits further studies for developing varieties that have traits to avoid spikelet sterility and early abortion of rice kernel, e.g., early morning flowering, under heat wave.
Purpose: To analyze and compare differences between single vision lenses and functional progressive addition lenses and improvement to binocular visual function wearing functional lenses for pre-presbyopes altered their single vision lenses to functional progressive addition lenses with low addition. Methods: Healthy 32 subjects aged 24.03${\pm}$1.87 (male 23, female 9) who were recruited from university students wore functional progressive addition lenses (EYE-T, Chemilens Co., Korea, ADD 0.750) for 2 months. Objective refraction, corrected visual acuity at distance and near, near point of convergence, near point of accommodation, accommodative facility, phoria at distance and near were measured. And subjective satisfaction was investigated by using a questionnaire designed to fatigue, comfort, discomfort, overall satisfaction and preference. Results: Functional progressive addition lenses were better than single vision lenses at near point of convergence and accommodation, accommodative facility. Exo phoria measured at distance with single vision and functional progressive addition lenses. Exo phoria measured at near with functional progressive addition lenses was higher than that with single vision lenses. As a survey, the satisfaction was increased in questions related near work. However, single vision lenses were preferred in distance test of overall satisfaction, easy 10 adapt, lime to adapt. A survey showed thai preference of functional progressive addition lenses were increased 75.00% to 81.26% for near work, 50.00% to 65.63% for visual fatigue, 47.75% to 50.00% for visual comfort and 31.25% to 46.88% for overall comfort. Conclusions: Comparing between single vision lenses and functional progressive addition lenses, binocular visual function related near work, subjective satisfaction and preference was improved after wearing functional progressive addition lenses. This study suggested that functional progressive addition lenses were useful for long time near work.
We investigated the formation of Pochonka (Song of the Sky Pacers) and Chonmun yucho (Selected and classified writings on astrology) of the early Choson dynasty. We recognized that the songs in these books were deeply influenced by those in a Chinese book Tong-zhi published in 1161 A.D., based on the following facts; the contnts of both treatises are described in the same order; the first phrase of the song for Thai-wei-yuan has composed of five words rather than seven words; in particular, Choson's Pochonka has the song that describes the position of the Milky Way relative to asterisms, which was supplemented by the author Zheng Qiao. Since Tong-zhi were brought into Koryo in 1364 A.D., Choson's Pochonka must be formed after that time. In particular, compared with Chinese Pu-tien-ko, Choson's Pochonka stresses the colors of asterisms in order to represent the origin of each asterism with respect to the astronomers, Shih-shen, Kan-te, and Wu-Hsien. We also find that the star-charts in Pochonka and Chonsang-yolcha-punyajido (Chart of the asterisms and the regions they govern) published in the early Choson dynasty are significantly similar in names, number of stars, and shapes of asterisms in them. This fact means that the star-charts in Pochonka originated from either the parent chart of Chonsang-yolcha-punyajido or Chonsang-yolcha-punyajido itself. The parent rubbing was reappeared in 1392 A.D. and carved on stele in 1396 A.D., and so the publication of Pochonka can be dated back to A.D. 1392. Chonmun yucho is a book that was formed by footnoting Pochonka with astrological descriptions in Chinese treatises. The formation period of Chonmun yucho is estimated to be 1440-1450 A.D. from the facts such as the biographical survey of the author Yi Sunji. Furthermore, Pochonka was adopted as a textbook of the government service examination for the astronomy division in Soungwan or the Royal Bureau of Astronomy in 1430 A.D.. We inferred from these facts that Choson's Pochonka was formed between 1392 A.D. and 1430 A.D. as a part of establishment of the cultural and political foundation of the Choson dynasty by adopting the advanced system of the Song dynasty.
Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
An adequate method to identify chromium separation, Cr(III) and Cr(VI), in water samples were studied by using High Performance Liquid Chromatography(HPLC) coupled with Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectometer(ICP-MS) equipped with Dynamic Reaction Cell(DRC). The characteristic distribution of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in the raw water taken at the six water intake stations in Seoul, was analyzed by the method developed by the authors. The chromium species separated by HPLC was isocratically conducted by using tetrabutylammonium phosphate monobasic(1.0 mM TBAP), ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid(0.6 mM EDTA) and 2% v/v methanol as the mobile phase. 5% v/v methanol was used as flushing solvent. A reactive ammonia($NH_3$) gas was used to eliminate the potential interference of $ArC^+$. Several Parameters such as solvent ratio, pH, flow rate and sample injection volume were optimized for the successful separation and reproducibility. Although it has been reported thai the separation sensitivity of Cr(III) is superior to that of Cr(VI), the authors observed Cr(VI) was more sensitive than Cr(III) when ammonia($NH_3$) gas was used as the reaction gas. It took less than 3 minutes to analyze chromium species with this method and the estimated detection limits were $0.061\;{\mu}g/L$ for Cr(III) and $0.052\;{\mu}g/L$, for Cr(VI). According to the results from the analysis on chromium species in the raw water of the six intake stations, the concentrations of Cr(III) ranged from 0.048 to $0.064\;{\mu}g/L$(ave. $0.054\;{\mu}g/L$) while that of Cr(VI) ranged from 0.014 to $0.023\;{\mu}g/L$(ave. $0.019\;{\mu}g/L$). Recovery ratio was very high($90.1{\sim}94.1%$). There were two or three times more Cr(III) than Cr(VI) in the raw water.
Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
This research was focused on the selective separation of $CO_2$ or $CH_4$ from mixture of these gases, by controlling the size of pore or pore gate. Pitch based activated carbon fibers(ACF) were used as adsorbents. The size of pore gate was controlled by the molecule having similar size to that of pore opening. After the adsorption of adsorbate on pore surface, planar molecules such as benzene and naphthalene covered the pore gate. The slow release of adsorbate from the pores covered by planar molecules makes apertures between planar molecules covering pore gate and this structure can be fixed by rapid pyrolysis. The control of pore gate using benzene as covering molecules could not accomplished due to the simultaneous volatilization of benzene and adsorbate$(CO_2)$ caused by similar temperatures of benzene volatilization and adsorbate desorption. Therefore we replaced benzene with naphthalene looking for the stability at a $CO_2$ desorption temperature. The naphthalene molecule was adsorbed on the ACF up to 15% of ACF weight and showed no desorption until $100^{\circ}C$, indicating that the molecule could be used as a good cover molecule. Naphthalene could cover almost all the pore gate, reducing BET surface area from 753 $m^2/g$ to 0.7 $m^2/g$. A mixed gas$(CO_2:CH_4=50:50)$ was adsorbed on the naphthalene treated OG-7A ACF. The amount of $CO_2$ adsorption increased with total pressure, whileas thai of $CH_4$ was not so much influenced on the pressure, indicating that $CO_2$ made more compounds on the ACF surface along with total pressure increase. The most $CO_2$ and the least $CH_4$ were adsorbed in the condition of 0.4 atm, resulting in the highly pure $CH_4$ left in ACF.
Nguyen, Hung Vu;Moschis, George P.;Shannon, Randall;Gotthelf, Kristian
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
Compulsive consumption is regarded as a global phenomenon that can adversely affect consumer well-being. Although the topic has been studied in different cultural settings, we have seen relatively little theory development and explanations of compulsive behavior Nearly all previous empirical studies attempt to explain this behavior by correlating measures of compulsive behavior with independent variables taken within the same time frame. However, recent developments in social sciences suggest that such a phenomenon may best understood in the context of the person's earlier-in-life experiences. Using the life course paradigm as an overarching framework, the present research extends previous work on this topic. Following hypotheses were drawn from literature review: H1: The earlier in childhood and adolescence a person experiences family dislocation, the greater his or her likelihood of exhibiting compulsive behaviors in adulthood. H2: The earlier in life the young person experienced family dislocation, the greater the number of family disruption events the young person experienced prior entering adulthood years. H3: Family dislocation leads to (a) increased frequency of socio.oriented family communications and (b) decreased frequency of concept-oriented family communication. H4: Young adults who were raised in families characterized by a strong socio-oriented communication structure are more likely to exhibit compulsive consumption tendencies than those who were raised in families characterized by a weak socio-oriented family communication structure. H5: Young adults who were raised in families characterized by a strong concept-oriented communication structure are less likely to exhibit compulsive consumption tendencies than those who were raised in families characterized by a week concept-oriented family communication structure. H6: The relationship between family disruption events experienced during adolescence and perceived stressfulness of these events is moderated by (a) global family support, (b) emotional family support, and (c) material family support. Those reporting higher levels of family support as teenagers are less likely to report experiencing stress due to family disruption events. H7: Perceived stressfulness of family disruption events experienced during adolescent years are associated with compulsive consumption tendencies in early adulthood. H8: The greater the number of family disruption events young adults experienced during their adolescent years the more frequent was their communication about consumption with their peers. H9: The more frequent was the young persons' communication with their peers about consumption during their adolescent years, the more likely they are to report compulsive buying tendencies as young adults. We use a sample of 120 Thai undergraduate students attending classes taught in English as part of a four-year international program. Product-moment correlations, hierarchical regression analysis and partial correlation were used to analyze data. Results of testing hypotheses showed that hypothesis 2, 4, 7 and 9 were supported and hypothesis 1, 3, 5, 6 and 8 were not supported. Our study did not find a significant relationship between the age when a person experienced family dislocation and their compulsive behavior tendencies expressed as young adults. We did not find a significant relationship between family dislocation and family communication structures. But we found a significant positive relationship between socio-oriented communication structure and compulsive buying and a significant relationship between our peer communication and compulsive buying measures. Also we found perceived stressfulness due to the disruptive events to have a significant positive relationship between the perceived stressfulness and compulsive buying. Implications from these findings, limitations of this research and future research suggestions were discussed.
Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
The goal of this research was to identify the impact of silicate polymerization on the formation of insoluble aluminiumsilicate salts which could be a cause of irreversible fouling in the membrane process by lab-scale test. For this, the amount and characteristics of precipitates that were formed in six samples with different Al and Si concentration were analyzed. And the particles was also observed by SEM-EDS(Scanning Electron Microscope - Electron Dispersion Spectrophotometer) to compare morphology and ratio of Al and Si in each precipitates. Finally the reactive and nonreactive silicate contents in the solution and precipitates were analyzed to calculate silicate form content in each fraction. The amount of precipitates was in proportion to the total concentration of both element in solution. And the amount of insoluble particle that was not dissolved in the acid solution was recorded the highest in the sample 2 of which Si concentration was lower than the saturation concentration, 50 mg/L. The content of reactive silicate in precipitates was also recorded the highest value in sample 2 of which almost silicate form was reactive. When the silicate concentration is same, that value was recorded the highest in the sample with highest Al concentration. The SEM morphology of the precipitates was similar to that of Aluminiumhydroxide and the insoluble precipitates was not dissolved in acidic solution with pH 2.7 was able to observed only in sample 2. The ratio of Al and Si in the precipitates was ranged $0.48\sim3.14$, thai of sample 2 was recorded the highest value, 3.14. It is concluded that the insoluble aluminiumsilicate could be easily formed in the solution of which silicate exist as a reactive form and coexisting Al is sufficient.
SMZ is one of the most widely used antibacterial agents in veterinary medicine. It is also used as a growth promotant in many species of domestic animals There are marked species differences in its metabolism and pharmacokinetics. However, its pharmacokinetic and metabolism in rabbits. which are ragarded not only as good laboratorty animals hut also as good economical animals in its own, are lacking. Sex-differences in drug metabolism are well recognized in wide range of animal species including rats. Males are known to he more active than females. It is also know that there are Significant differences in the direction of metabolic pathways. But recently, female goats are reported to be more active in the metabolie capacity of SMZ than the other sex by Dutch researchers at Utrecht. Therefore, it is not easy to make general conclusicn of having higher SMZ metal-die capacity in the male compared to the opposite sex in every animal species. In this regard, the study on metabolic pattern of SMZ in rabbits, which are regarded as hervivorous, is of interest because the dietary habbits of rabbit are comparable to thai of goal, NEW Zealand White rabbits of each sex were given SMZ(35mg/kg) as a bolus injection into the marginalean, vein in order to study its pharmacokinetic profiles(using plasma) anc metabolic pattem(24h urine) as specified in the methods anc materials. 1. In the rabbit, the major metabolic pathway of SMZ was the acetylation(the formation of $N_4AcSMZ$). There were hydroxylation pathways(50HSMZ, $6CH_2OHSMZ$) as well, in the metabolism of SMZ in the rabbit, but minor pathways. 2. No sex differences in the metabolic direction of SMZ and its metabolites formation were found from the urinary excreted metabolites of SMZ out of 24h collected urine. 3. The concentration-time curves of SMZ(35mg/kg, iv) in the plasma compartment were fitted to a one-compartment open model when using a computer program(NONLIN). There was also no difference in the pharmacokinetic pattem of SMZ between two sexes. 4. The emergence of $N_4AcSMZ$ metabolized from SMZ was very fast in the plasma of the rabbit The elimination of $N_4AcSMZ$ was prolonged as compared to that of the parent drug Vie found no sex difference in the elimination pattern of $N_4AcSMZ$ in the rabbit.
Park, Yong-Chjun;Jin, Sang-Wook;Kim, Mi-Ra;Kim, Kyu-Heon;Lee, Jae-Hwang;Cho, Tae-Yong;Lee, Hwa-Jung;Lee, Sang-Jae;Han, Sang-Bae
Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
In this study, ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (rbcL), RNApolymeraseC (rpoC1), intergenic spacer (psbA-trnH), and second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) as identification markers for discrimination of P. mirifica in foods were selected. To be primer design, we obtained 719 bp, 520 bp, 348 bp, and 507 bp amplicon using universal primers from selected regions of P. mirifica. The regions of rbcL, rpoC1, and psbA-trnH were not proper for design primers because of high homology about P. mirifica, P. lobata, and B. superba. But, we had designed 4 pairs of oligonucleotide primers from ITS2 gene. Predicted amplicon from P. mirifica were obtained 137 bp and 216 bp using finally designed primers SFI12-miri-6F/SFI12-miri-7R and SFI12-miri-6F/SFI12-miri-8R, respectively. The species-specific primers distinguished P. mirifica from related species were able to apply food materials and processed foods. The developed PCR method would be applicable to food safety management for illegally distributed products in markets and internet shopping malls.
Among the Southeast Asian countries, Vietnam had the most cultural exchange with Korea. Through Confusion and Chinese character, which were the common measure for two countries, Korea and Vietnam could communicate and share a sentiment with each other. Two countries showed an enormous interest in each other, and hence they could keep good relationship without official diplomatic relations. During the early 19th century, Korean Ginseng had gained tremendous popularity in Vietnam. Vietnamese believed the stamina of Minh Mang, who had 142 sons and daughters, originated from ginseng. Minh Mang bestowed ginseng on old courtiers for their contribution, which made them more loyal to the king. This tradition was inherited to the future generations, and soldiers who fought with Thai, Cambodia and France also received ginseng for their contribution. In other words, ginseng was the very important key for enforcement of patriotism. Due to the tradition, Korean ginseng has been considered as the premium ginseng in Vietnam. It is presumed that ginseng flew into Vietnam through 4 routes; 1) as an imperial gift from Chinese emperor, 2) by the Vietnamese ambassadors who went to Beijing for a tribute, 3) through private trade and 4) from Ryukyu or Japan, which were the hub of international trade. From 15th to 18th century, ambassadors from Chosun and Vietnam actively interacted in Beijing. Through their interchange, Vietnamese royal family could learn about the value of ginseng. The fact that there were many Shilhak scholars among the ambassadors from Joseon, such as Seo Geojeong and Seo Hosu who had profound knowledge of ginseng proves the theory. It is also possible that reputation of ginseng was already established in Vietnam during Silla period. Ko Byung, an bureaucrat from Tang Dynasty who ruled Vietnam for 10 years in middle 9th century and a friend of Choi Chiwon, might have delivered the knowledge of ginseng to the upper class in Vietnam. This hypothesis, however, should be proven by literatures. Hence, further research about the trace of Korean ginseng in Vietnamese history and literary works still remains to be done.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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제 12 조 (서비스 이용 시간)
① 서비스 이용은 당 사이트의 업무상 또는 기술상 특별한 지장이 없는 한 연중무휴, 1일 24시간 운영을
원칙으로 합니다. 단, 당 사이트는 시스템 정기점검, 증설 및 교체를 위해 당 사이트가 정한 날이나 시간에
서비스를 일시 중단할 수 있으며, 예정되어 있는 작업으로 인한 서비스 일시중단은 당 사이트 홈페이지를
통해 사전에 공지합니다.
② 당 사이트는 서비스를 특정범위로 분할하여 각 범위별로 이용가능시간을 별도로 지정할 수 있습니다. 다만
이 경우 그 내용을 공지합니다.
제 13 조 (홈페이지 저작권)
① NDSL에서 제공하는 모든 저작물의 저작권은 원저작자에게 있으며, KISTI는 복제/배포/전송권을 확보하고
② NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 상업적 및 기타 영리목적으로 복제/배포/전송할 경우 사전에 KISTI의 허락을
받아야 합니다.
③ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 보도, 비평, 교육, 연구 등을 위하여 정당한 범위 안에서 공정한 관행에
합치되게 인용할 수 있습니다.
④ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 무단 복제, 전송, 배포 기타 저작권법에 위반되는 방법으로 이용할 경우
저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
제 14 조 (유료서비스)
① 당 사이트 및 협력기관이 정한 유료서비스(원문복사 등)는 별도로 정해진 바에 따르며, 변경사항은 시행 전에
당 사이트 홈페이지를 통하여 회원에게 공지합니다.
② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
제 5 장 계약 해지 및 이용 제한
제 15 조 (계약 해지)
회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.