• Title/Summary/Keyword: terrain rendering

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Prototype Development for Optimization Technique of 3D Visualization of Atmospheric Environmental Information (기상 및 대기질 정보의 3차원 표출 최적화를 위한 시제품 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Gunwoo;Na, Hana;Jung, Woo-Sik
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.28 no.11
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    • pp.1047-1059
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    • 2019
  • To address the increase of weather hazards and the emergence of new types of such hazards, an optimization technique for three-dimensional (3D) representation of meteorological facts and atmospheric information was examined in this study as a novel method for weather analysis. The proposed system is termed as "meteorological and air quality information visualization engine" (MAIVE), and it can support several file formats and can implement high-resolution 3D terrain by employing a 30 m resolution digital elevation model. In this study, latest 3D representation techniques such as wind vector fields, contour maps, stream vector, stream line flow along the wind field and 3D volume rendering were applied. Implementation of the examples demonstrates that the results of numerical modeling are well reflected, and new representation techniques can facilitate the observation of meteorological factors and atmospheric information from different perspectives.

Multiresolution 4- 8 Tile Hierarchy Construction for Realtime Visualization of Planetary Scale Geological Information (행성 규모 지리 정보의 실시간 시각화를 위한 다계층 4-8 타일 구조의 구축)

  • Jin, Jong-Wook;Wohn, Kwang-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.12-21
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    • 2006
  • Recently, Very large and high resolution geological data from aerial or satellite imagery are available. Many researches and applications require to do realtime visualization of interest geological area or entire planet. Important operation of wide-spreaded terrain realtime visualization technique is the appropriate model resolution selection from pre-processed multi-resolution model hierarchy depend upon participant's view. For embodying such realtime rendering system with large geometric data, Preprocessing multi-resolution hierarchy from large scale geological information of interest area is required. In this research, recent Cubic multiresolution 4-8 tile hierarchy is selected for global planetary applications. Based upon the tile hierarchy, It constructs the selective terminal level tile mesh for original geological information area and starts to sample individual generated tiles for terminal level tiles. It completes the hierarchy by constructing intermediate tiles with low pass filtering in bottom-up direction. This research embodies series of efficient cubic 4-8 tile hierarchy construction mechanism with out-of-core storage. The planetary scale Mars' geographical altitude data and image data were selected for the experiment.

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3D Simulation of Thin Film using Contour Analysis of Interference Fringe Image and Interpolation Method (간섭무늬 영상 등고선 해석과 보간법을 이용한 박막의 삼차원 정보 형상화)

  • Kim, Jin-Hyoung;Ko, Yun-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.8-17
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    • 2012
  • In this paper we proposes a new framework to obtain 3D shape information of thin film rapidly. The conventional equipments based on reflectometry are not suitable for obtaining 3D overall shape information of thin film rapidly since they require more than 30 minutes to measure the absolute thickness for 170 points. The proposed framework is based on an image analysis method that extracts contour lines from interference fringes images using Canny edge detector. The absolute thickness for contour lines are measured and then a height map from the contour lines is obtained by interpolation using Borgefors distance transformation. The extracted height map is visualized using the DirectX 3D terrain rendering method. The proposed framework can provide 3D overall shape information of thin film in about 5 minutes since relatively small number of real measurement for contour lines is required.

Tree Growth Model Design for Realistic Game Landscape Production (사실적인 게임 배경 제작을 위한 나무 성장 모델 설계)

  • Kim, Jin-Mo;Kim, Dae-Yeoul;Cho, Hyung-Je
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2013
  • In this study, a tree growth model is designed to represent a variety of trees consisting of a outdoor terrain of game efficiently and naturally. The proposed tree growth model is an integrated tree growth model, and is configured using the following approaches: (1) the tree modeling method based on growth volume and the convolution sums of divisor functions, which is used to model a variety kind of trees more intuitively and naturally; (2) a rendering method using a level of detail of branch based on instancing for real-time processing of numerous trees with complicated structures; and (3) a combination of the above methods to efficiently implement a game landscape. The natural and diverse growths of trees that emerged using the proposed tree growth model is evaluated through experimentation, along with the possibility of implementing the natural game landscape and the efficiency of real-time processing.

Design and Implementation of 3D Geospatial Open Platform Based on HTML5/WebGL Technology (HTML5/WebGL 기반 3D 공간정보 오픈플랫폼 소프트웨어 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Min Soo;Jang, In Sung
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2015
  • Recently, the utilization of geospatial open platforms has been constantly increased and the interest in 3D geospatial data such as terrain, building and shopping mall has been increased significantly. In particular, rather than simplified 3D geospatial data, interest in high-precision 3D geospatial data which similarly represents the real world objects has increased significantly. In order to satisfy the demand for such the high-precision 3D geospatial data, various kinds of 3D geospatial open platforms has been developed and has provided services on the web. However, most of the 3D geospatial open platforms have been used plug-in module in order to ensure a fast 3D rendering performance on the web, despite the many problems such as difficulty of the installation, no supporting of cross browser/operating system and security issues. In addition, recently, the existing 3D geospatial open platforms based on plug-in module are facing a serious problem, by declaring the NPAPI service interruption in Chrome and Firefox browsers. In this study, we presents the design and implementation of a new 3D geospatial open platform based on HTML5/WebGL technology without the use of plug-ins. Such the new 3D geospatial open platform based on HTML5/WebGL may support cross browsers such as IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and cross OS platforms such as Windows, Linux, Mac and mobile OS platforms.