• Title/Summary/Keyword: teaching language

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Development and Evaluation of a Literacy Program for Multicultural Family Children (다문화가정 유아를 위한 문해 프로그램(SNU-LPMFC) 개발 및 효과검증)

  • Kim, Tae-Yeon;Jung, Hyun-Sim;Yi, Soon-Hyung
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2016
  • This study developed and evaluated a Seoul National University literacy program for multicultural family children (SNU-LPMFC). The program was developed to enhance Korean language ability for children from multicultural backgrounds. The characteristics of this program were education using fairy tales and nursery rhymes, individual education from home visiting teacher, and parent participation education for effective children's learning support. The effectiveness of this program was examined based on 54 young children and their mothers (34 in the experimental group and 20 in the control group). To examine the effect of SNU-LPMFC, we assessed children's literacy ability as pre-tests and post-tests as well as interviewed the home visiting teachers. After 8 weeks' field application, the experimental group exhibited higher scores than the control group in total language ability and phonology. Home visiting teachers highly praised the effectiveness of the program as the children showed a higher level of interest and attention. SNU-LPMFC was shown to be an effective program to improve multicultural family children's literacy. Implications for research and practice were discussed along with the main results of this study. This study extends the limitations of existing language education programs with uniform teaching methods, configured a customized education approach for children from multicultural families and helps develop concrete teaching material that validated its effectiveness.

Development of Speech Generation Device Program for Student with Cerebral Palsy (뇌성마비 학생을 위한 말소리 산출 도구 프로그램 구현)

  • Koh, Jin-Bok;Jeon, Byung-Un
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.448-458
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    • 2009
  • This study suggested speech generation device(SGD) program to materialize the proper communication aids which address to language abilities by students with cerebral palsy in the stage of word recognition achievement. This SGD program aim at function of learning mediation and communication expression by synchronization not restrict aim of AAC aids' employment to the only function of communication expression. And this SGD was designed to evaluate language abilities of student with cerebral palsy through analysis of the date offered at this program, and then might utilize to set learning goals and objects, modify teaching contents. This SGD program have a meaning on contribution to possible teaching the user AAC aids, students with cerebral palsy by whole language approach in natural environment but in artificial situation at script.

An Analysis of the Influence of Block-type Programming Language-Based Artificial Intelligence Education on the Learner's Attitude in Artificial Intelligence (블록형 프로그래밍 언어 기반 인공지능 교육이 학습자의 인공지능 기술 태도에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Lee, Youngho
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2019
  • Artificial intelligence has begun to be used in various parts of our lives, and recently its sphere has been expanding. However, students tend to find it difficult to recognize artificial intelligence technology because education on artificial intelligence is not being conducted on elementary school students. This paper examined the teaching programming language and artificial intelligence teaching methods, and looked at the changes in students' attitudes toward artificial intelligence technology by conducting education on artificial intelligence. To this end, education on block-type programming language-based artificial intelligence technology was provided to students' level. And we looked at students' attitudes toward artificial intelligence technology through a single group pre-postmortem. As a result, it brought about significant improvements in interest in artificial intelligence, possible access to artificial intelligence technology and the need for education on artificial intelligence technology in schools.

A study on the On-line Teaching system for Linux-based Programming Language (리눅스 기반 프로그래밍 언어의 온라인 학습 시스템 구성에 관한 연구)

  • Jun, Ho-Ik;Lee, Hyun-Chang
    • Journal of Software Assessment and Valuation
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, a system configuration method that can practice Linux-based programming language online is presented. The proposed system utilizes the web-server function, which is the biggest feature of the Linux operating system, and simulates the telnet and FTP functions without firewalls or other security restrictions, so that it is possible to practice similar to the actual Linux console. To do this, we analyzed the functional elements that a programming tool should have on the web and established an algorithm to implement it. In particular, a method was implemented in which an error message caused by a user's mistake can appear in the same form as the actual telnet screen. As a result of using the implemented learning system in the class for students, it is possible to practice the Linux programming language online, as well as the instructor can directly check and guide all the learners, so the learner's satisfaction is similar to that of the offline class was confirmed.

Research on Characteristics of Teacher Professionalism by the Type of Science Pedagogical Content Knowledge (과학과 교과교육학 지식 유형별 교사 전문성의 특징 연구)

  • Kwak, Young-Sun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.592-602
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this research is to explore types of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK, hereafter) for effective science teaching. In this research, we explored three science teachers' PCK on light, who were effective in teaching the topic with particular students. The data analysis consisted of identifying the three teachers' unique PCK and ways to improve each teaching episode through the teacher meetings. These analyses, which consisted of verbal exchanges among the participants, were identified on the basis of our understanding. Using grounded theory methods, the types of science PCK drawn from this research are: (1) teaching through curriculum reconstruction, (2) teaching to help students build their own explanation models about surrounding nature, (3) teaching for learning the social language of science, (4) teaching to motivate students' learning needs based on relevance of science to students, (5) teaching through lowering students' learning demand by providing scaffolding, (6) teaching based on the teacher's understanding of students, (7) teaching through inquiry with argumentation, (8) teaching through reification of abstract science concepts, and (9) teaching none marginalized science. Common features of science teachers with quality PCK and their professionalism in teaching are discussed.

Study of Porspective Speech and Language Pathologist Competence by Completion of Clinical practicums (언어재활실습 여부에 따른 예비언어재활사의 역량조사)

  • Wha-Soo Kim;Ye-Joo Koo;Ji-Woo Lee;Ju-Hyeon Lee
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the competence of porspective speech and language pathologist according to Clinical practicums and to use it as basic data in guiding porspective speech and language pathologist. The porspective speech and language pathologist competence consisted of tasks, knowledge, skills, and language areas, and a total of 36 questionnaires were organized by dividing the language areas into sub-areas of smantics, morphology and pragmatics. A total of 105 questionnaires were collected from students with experience in Clinical practicums. A t-test, Pearson correlation analysis, and simple regression analysis were conducted to analyze the competence of porspective speech and language pathologist according to whether or not they practiced. The results of this study are as follows. First, there were significant differences between groups in all areas of knowledge, tasks, skills, and language in the competence area. Second, there was a very strong correlation between competence and language sub-areas. Third, it was found that it had a significant explanatory power in the sub-area of competence and language areas, and had a positive effect on the competence of porspective speech and language pathologist. This study is meaningful in that it should be based on theoretical knowledge of language elements to enhance the competence of porspective speech and language pathologist, and it can be confirmed that theory affects the competence of porspective speech and language pathologist. It is expected to be meaningfully used as a basis for efficient teaching methods based on the improvement of the capabilities of porspective speech and language pathologist, training training professional language rehabilitators, and theory, and theory.

A Comparative Study of Korean /에/,/애/ and English /${\varepsilon}$, /${\ae}$ (우리말 /에/, /애/모음과 영어 /${\varepsilon}$/, /${\ae}$/ 모음에 대한 음성학적 연구)

  • Hwang, Hye-Jeong;Moon, Seung-Jae
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 2005.04a
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    • pp.59-62
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    • 2005
  • One's mother tongue can have an effect on learning a foreign language, especially on pronunciation. Investigating and comparing English vowels /${\varepsilon}$/ and /${\ae}$/, and their- supposedly- corresponding vowels in Korean /에/ and /애/, this study addresses the following questions: Can Koreans distinguish /에/ and /애/? Can they distinguish /${\varepsilon}$/ and /${\ae}$/ in English? And what is the relationship between the Korean vowels and the English vowels? That is, is the conventional correspondence of /에/-/${\varepsilon}$/ and /애/-/${\ae}$/ appropriate? The results showed that most Korean students distinguish neither Korean /에/ and /애/, nor English /${\varepsilon}$/ and /${\ae}$/. While not distinguishable within a language, Korean /에/ and /애/ still form a separate group from English /${\varepsilon}$/ and /${\ae}$/. Therefore the correspondence between /에/-/${\varepsilon}$/ and /애/-/${\ae}$/ is not appropriate. Strategies for teaching English pronunciation should be designed accordingly.

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A Collocational Analysis of Korean High School English Textbooks and Suggestions for Collocation Instruction

  • Kim, Nahk-Bohk
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.41-66
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    • 2004
  • Under the textbook-driven approach to English education in the Korean selling, the importance of the English textbook can not be overemphasized as the main source of learning materials. Recently, with the development of computer-based language corpora, the recognition of the importance of collocations and the availability of computerized databases of words have caused a resurgence and facilitation in the instruction of collocation. The primary purpose of the present study is to identify the characteristics of lexical collocation and the extent of its use in high school 10th-grade textbooks. From all the analyses, it is revealed that the language materials reflect various constructed collocation in the case of adjective+noun and noun+noun collocations in a natural context. However, verb+noun and adverb+verb collocations are not fully reflected. This is true for delexicalized verbs, and verb and adjective intensifiers. Also the language materials do not provide sufficient support for the lexical syllabus, even though all textbooks may be somewhat adequate in terms of vocabulary size. Finally, based on the analyses of the texts, the suggestions for English collocation instruction are made in the lexical approach.

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Differences in teachers' and learners' perspective on ELT learners' anxiety (언어불안감에 대한 영어 교사와 학습자간의 인식 차이)

  • Kim, BoMin;Kim, Haedong
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.161-182
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    • 2010
  • The goals of this study were to identify differences in learners' and teachers' perspectives on EFL learners' language anxiety, to identify the differences among teachers coping with learners' language anxiety, and to find how learners cope with their language anxiety. The research was effectuated by means of a survey questionnaire and interviews. The data were collected from 92 teachers and 230 students in four different school settings. There were the $6^{th}$ grade 50 primary school learners, the $2^{nd}$ grade 60 middle school learners, the $11^{th}$ grade 60 high school learners of, and the $2^{nd}$ and $3^{rd}$ grade 60 university learners. There were also 26 primary school teachers, 22 middle school teachers, 21 high school teachers, and 23 university teachers. The findings reveal that there were differences in responses among the respondents. The findings suggest that teachers need to pay attention to their particular learners' anxiety sources: especially in the case of primary school setting, the activity of answering teachers' questions for teachers was the primary source of learner's anxiety, in the case of middle school settings, translating sentences in English into Korean, in the case of high school setting, checking unknown vocabulary, and in the case of university settings, university learners felt anxious when classmates spoke fluently. The implications of the study indicate that these aspects should be handled carefully to motivate certain group of learners.

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The Development and Application of International Collaborative Writing Courses on the Internet

  • Chong, LarryDwan
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.25-45
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    • 2007
  • In this article, I discuss an International Collaborative Writing Course on the Internet (ICWCI) that focused on the learning effectiveness Korean EFL students (KEFLSs) perceived to be necessary to exchange with international EFL students (IEFLSs). The course development was based on an internet-based instructional module, applying widely accepted EFL theories for modern foreign language instruction: collaborative learning, process writing, project-based learning, and integrated approaches. Data from online discussion forum, mid-of-semester and end-of-semester surveys, and final oral interviews are conducted and discussed. KEFLSs and IEFLSs were questioned about (a) changes in attitude towards computers assisted language learning (CALL); (b) effect of computer background on motivation; (c) perception of their acquired writing skills; and (d) attitude towards collaborative learning. The result of this study demonstrated that the majority of ICWCI participants said they enjoyed the course, gained fruitful confidence in English communication and computer skills, and felt that they made significant progress in writing skills. In spite of positive benefits created by the ICWCI, it was found that there were some issues that are crucial to run appropriate networked collaborative courses. This study demonstrates that participants' computer skills, basic language proficiency, and local time differences are important factors to be considered when incorporating the ICWCI as these may affect the quality of online instructional courses and students' motivation toward network based collaboration interaction.

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