• Title/Summary/Keyword: teaching language

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An analysis of the characteristics of communicative English classes using COLT (COLT 수업관찰 분석법을 통한 학교 현장의 의사소통중심 영어 수업 분석)

  • Jeon, Young-Joo
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.339-363
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the English classes in secondary schools in Korea are in terms of communicative nature. After literature study, COLT parts A and B were used to analyze three kinds of English classes: a common class type taught by a school teacher who had won 1st prize at TEE contest, a team teaching class taught by NNS and NS, and a model class taught by a pre-service English teacher. Their communicative English classes were videotaped and transcribed for analysis by COLT. The results of the study revealed that students participated in the classes mostly as a unit and, therefore, did not get many meaningful chances to speak English. Second, creative language-use opportunities were barely found during classes. Third, the group work seemed to be prepared before the class, not to be done during the class. Therefore it is likely to be learned from memorization rather than meaningful communication. These results suggest English classes in schools be more communicatively oriented for successful English learning. Further study should be conducted in order to make English classes more communicative to help students communicate their genuine messages in English and to help teachers teach English efficiently.

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Visual Thinking Tools in Enhancing ESL Students' Writing Ability

  • Rafik-Galea, Shameem
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.67-89
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    • 2005
  • Writing is a difficult skill for many people, both for children and adult alike and generally most people find it difficult to write down their thoughts effectively. Numerous studies have revealed that teachers find it frustrating to teach writing and many failed to help ESL students develop their writing ability. The theoretical emphasis on process oriented writing instruction has, in general brought about positive changes in the way writing is taught and has become widely accepted in the teaching of English as a second or foreign language (ESL/EFL). Although the interpretation and implementation of the process approach varies considerably from instructor to instructor, nevertheless, the emphasis on process writing has brought about significant and beneficial changes in teachers' orientations to writing. Despite the theoretical recognition of writing as a recursive process, many ESL/EFL classrooms continue to teach writing as a linear sequence of planning, pre-writing, writing, revising and editing and has not enhanced ESL/EFL students writing ability to the desired level. There appears to be a missing link in helping students to crystallize their thoughts before writing. Studies have shown that incorporating visual thinking tools into the process approach of ESL writing can enhance students' ability to write. This paper reports the findings of an exploratory study on the effects of using visual thinking tools in enhancing ESL students writing.

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Vocabulary Acquisition of Korean Learners for Academic Purposes -Focusing on the Effects of Instruction Introductory Methods of Context Inference and Activation of Background Knowledge (학문목적 한국어 학습자의 어휘 습득 연구 -문맥 추론과 배경지식 활성화를 통한 수업 도입을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, MinWoo
    • Journal of Korean language education
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.93-112
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to deal with vocabulary in KFL. As a result of this study, learners learned vocabulary on average 43 points through contextual inference and introduction of the class to activate background knowledge. In particular, the implicit method showed the highest learning rate of 52 points, and the thematic method had a 41 point-learning rate. In contrast, the semantic method was the lowest with a 25 point-learning rate. There was no significant difference in the improvement rate of upper vocabulary learners, but in the case of the lower learner, there was significant difference in the improvement rate. The difference was not significant in the post-test relative gain rate of upper learners, but there was significant in lower learners. In the delayed test relative gain rate, the difference was significant in all groups. There was correlation between vocabulary difficulty and score, but there was no correlation with the thematic method. And there was no correlation between vocabulary difficulty, improvement rate and relative gain rate in all three classes. However, content understanding, lexical grade, improvement rate, and relative gain rate showed a significant correlation.

From Imagism to Vorticism: Understanding the Early Work of Ezra Pound

  • Hofer, Matthew
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.64 no.2
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    • pp.171-185
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    • 2018
  • Students and other new readers of modernist poetry often experience difficulty with the influential early work of Ezra Pound. Although these typically brief poems may appear (deceptively) simple, an understanding of the relationship between Imagism and Vorticism is crucial to reading-or teaching-them effectively, which in turn requires significant familiarity with relevant poetics theories as well as representative poems. This essay clarifies the complex relations Imagism and Vorticism as two distinct styles that are too often conflated to the detriment of an accurate understanding of either one (and, in consequence, of the later modernist poetry that builds on their discoveries). In order to elucidate the modernists' justification of free verse over traditional metrical composition, I begin with an elaboration of T. E. Hulme's 1911 theory of the "cheerful, dry, and sophisticated" modern classicism on which both Imagism and Vorticism were largely predicated, developing Hulme's important distinction between the version of classicism that is "static" (and gives rise to Imagism) and the one that is "dynamic" (and leads to Vorticism and beyond it). In the following two sections, I draw upon and synthesize a broad range of Pound's own poetics statements to reveal the evolution of first sound ("melopoeia") and then the image ("phanopoeia") throughout his early work. Although the body of this article is analytical and historical in nature, it concludes with a practical template prompt for a creative response assignment, appropriate to undergraduate and graduate students, designed to help new readers recognize for themselves how Vorticist art works and why it matters.

On the type of peer interaction The difference between the inner and the environmental variables of infants (유아의 또래 상호작용 유형에 대한 유아의 내적 변인과 환경적 변인 차이 연구)

  • Choi, Hang Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.448-459
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between children's internal variables (gender, temperament, development) and environmental variables (teaching efficacy, teaching - child interaction, classroom environment) The data collected for this study were analyzed using descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, cluster analysis, and t-test using the SPSS 22.0 program. The results are as follows. First, the peer interaction of the infant showed a difference in sex between the types. Second, children's peer interaction showed differences in interstitial temperament, language development, and cognitive development. Third, the peer interaction of young children was different between the types of environment variables such as teaching efficacy, teacher - infant interaction, and classroom environment. As a result, it is suggested that the children's social temperament will lead to healthy peer interaction, and that language development and cognitive development will lead to a positive developmental process. In this study, the meaning and meaning of children's intergenerational behaviors in children's gender and temperament, language and cognitive development, and environmental variables such as teaching efficacy, teacher - infant interaction, I checked. In addition, it is meaningful that the positive and negative peer interactions are segmented and analyzed in detail to examine the peer interaction of infants. However, the limitation of this study is that it is not possible to investigate all the fields belonging to the infant's personal variables and environmental variables.

A study on a the poetic symbol and moral instruction (시적 상징과 도덕과수업)

  • Song, Young-min
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.35
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    • pp.415-443
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    • 2012
  • The moral instruction expresses and conveys a abstract objects so called moral. And it pursues occurrence of moral meaning contained a emotion. In these respects, there is a resemblance between moral instruction and artistic symbolic language. Meanwhile, the poetry are a typical form of artistic symbolic language, and especially poetic symbolism is a representative and possible way that expresses accepting a meaning of abstract objects. Then a moral instruction needs to be poetic symbolism. The poetic symbolism that a moral instruction intends to resemble is a linguistic expression, but at the same time that is a expression beyond a linguistic limitation for conveying the metaphysical meaning. For this, the poetic symbolism reveals visible and concrete vehicles that imply invisible and metaphysical tenor. At this point, poetic symbolism is characterized with sameness, implicitness, polysemy, context, allness. The poetic symbolism having these characters appears personal symbol of poet as combined with creative imagination, and is experienced poetic meaning as combined with creative imagination of reader. The moral instruction as a poetic symbolism offers learning experience similar to poetic experience. The moral instruction as a poetic symbolism would be constructed not a logical or prosaic explain but symbolic form that can draw various moral meaning. For this construction, first, we might find a symbolic media for materialization of teaching contents. Second, moral teaching should be constructed to be searching moral meaning of symbolic media. Third, moral teaching should be constructed to be interpreting moral meaning of symbolic media. When teacher can construct moral instruction as possible as similar to poetic symbolism, student can learn moral meaning combined with emotion through their response and interpretation to the teaching. It is very similar to good poem that is sympathized and accommodated poet's theme by reader.

Promoting self-efficacy through microteaching in a flipped classroom in US teacher education: focusing on elementary pre-service teacher's ESL teaching for culturally and linguistically diverse English language learners (플립드 러닝에서 수업시연을 통한 미국 초등 예비교사의 자기 효능감 향상 방안: 다문화 배경 영어학습자 대상 ESL 수업시연을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Yong-Jik;Cho, Hyoung-Sook;Lee, Kyung-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.221-230
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    • 2017
  • This study explores the impact of a flipped classroom, in terms of self-efficacy, for elementary pre-service teachers in US teacher education programs. This research project explores how ESL microteaching activity in the flipped classroom shapes teacher-candidates' self-efficacy regarding teaching culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students. By analyzing ESL microteaching videos, pre-service teachers' reflection papers, and individual interviews with the course instructors, the study results show how pre-service teachers enhance their self-efficacy in teaching CLD English language learners in mainstream content subject classrooms. Moreover, the researchers provide suggestions on how teacher educators can utilize the flipped classroom to create an authentic and meaningful learning experience, such as using ESL microteaching for pre-service teachers to shape their self-efficacy in order to be well-prepared for CLD English language learners. The implication is that Korean pre-service teachers should be prepared to teach CLD students in their mainstream classrooms.

A Study of Korean Teachers' Needs in In-Service Teacher Training and Variables Related to Their Needs: A Case of University Korean Language Education Centers in Korea (교원 재교육 프로그램에 대한 한국어 교원의 요구와 관련 변인 연구 -국내 대학 부설 한국어교육기관을 중심으로-)

  • Cho, Hyun Yong;Jang, Mi Ra
    • Journal of Korean language education
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.169-199
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to examine Korean teachers' needs in in-service teacher training and variables related to their needs. This study was conducted with teachers from Korean language centers in Korean universities. The following three research questions were investigated: (1) What are the teachers' experiences of Korean language teaching and in-service teacher training? (2) What are the teachers' needs and expectations for the content and components of in-service education programs? Are there any disparity between teachers' needs and institutional needs? (3) What are the variables to be considered in designing an effective in-service teacher education program? In order to answer the research questions, a survey was developed and distributed to university Korean language institutions and Korean language teachers. The results indicated that both institutions and teachers are highly aware of the importance of the need for in-service teacher training. The results also suggested that a more teacher-centered, bottom-up approach should be implemented for successful outcomes of teacher education programs. Based on the results, this study offers a summary of the need for in-service teacher training and variables (both individual teacher variables and environmental variables) to be considered in designing the content and components of a teacher education program.

A Study on the effectiveness of computers and mobile devices on learning foreign languages

  • Chi-Woon Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to show that "Computer-assisted language learning (CALL)" and "Mobile-based language learning (MALL)" actually influence education, deviating from the traditional "drill and practice" method in foreign language education and learning due to the development of information and communication technology (IT). Specifically, for first-year college students who have relatively poor English skills and do not feel enough motivation for English learning, I will produce educational video content using multimedia authoring tools and upload it to the e-learning system. Video content is configured to be accessed and utilized through various media such as computers, smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. Ultimately, an exploration of educational value behind the utilization of IT devices in English language Teaching(ELT) and the Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theory behind effective instructional use of such technology are presented. That is to say, the effectiveness of language learning using information and communication technology (IT) is introduced. The article closes by suggesting how to use computers and mobile media for 'Flipped Learning'.

An analysis of the theories and a case study for teaching EFL reading with the use of socioaffective strategies (사회감정전략을 이용한 영어독해수업 모형제시를 위한 이론 및 사례연구 분석)

  • Choi, Kyung-Hee
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.9 no.spc
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    • pp.185-208
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine some of the theories concerning socioaffective strategies, to analyze the dialogues of the students negotiating for meaning of a reading material and to suggest some implications of socioaffective strategies for teaching reading. The examination of the theories - the interaction hypothesis and the sociocultural theory - suggest that the use of socioaffective strategies facilitates more effective understanding of information that is to be found. distributed, and taken in among the participants. The discourse analyses of the students' interaction in a Korean college English reading class show ample evidence of the use of socioaffective strategies that helped them understand the meaning of a text. However, the analyses show that the strategies are mostly used to ask questions concerning the meaning of clauses. Only few analytical questions are raised for some structural and pragmatical features in the text which are crucial to the understanding of its meaning. Imbalance also exists in the types of the questions used by the participants. The analyses indicate that, instead of negotiating more interactively, the students tend to rely upon a more advanced student when they face difficult English sentences. Therefore as a conclusion this paper emphasizes the importance of teaching socioaffective strategies to help students to help themselves to become more cooperative, independent and analytical in reading English texts.

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