• Title/Summary/Keyword: systemic

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Comparison between Use of PSA Kinetics and Bone Marrow Micrometastasis to Define Local or Systemic Relapse in Men with Biochemical Failure after Radical Prostatectomy for Prostate Cancer

  • Murray, Nigel P;Reyes, Eduardo;Fuentealba, Cynthia;Orellana, Nelson;Jacob, Omar
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.18
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    • pp.8387-8390
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    • 2016
  • Background: Treatment of biochemical failure after radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer is largely empirically based. The use of PSA kinetics has been used as a guide to determine local or systemic treatment of biochemical failure. We here compared PSA kinetics with detection of bone marrow micrometastasis as methods to determine local or systemic relapse. Materials and Methods: A transversal study was conducted of men with biochemical failure, defined as a serum PSA >0.2ng/ml after radical prostatectomy. Consecutive patients having undergone radical prostatectomy and with biochemical failure were enrolled and clinical and pathological details were recorded. Bone marrow biopsies were obtained from the iliac crest and touch prints made, micrometastasis (mM) being detected using anti-PSA. The clinical parameters of total serum PSA, PSA velocity, PSA doubling time and time to biochemical failure, age, Gleason score and pathological stage were registered. Results: A total of 147 men, mean age $71.6{\pm}8.2years$, with a median time to biochemical failure of 5.5 years (IQR 1.0-6.3 years) participated in the study. Bone marrow samples were positive for micrometastasis in 98/147 (67%) of patients at the time of biochemical failure. The results of bone marrow micrometastasis detected by immunocytochemistry were not concordant with local relapse as defined by PSA velocity, time to biochemical failure or Gleason score. In men with a PSA doubling time of < six months or a total serum PSA of >2,5ng/ml at the time of biochemical failure the detection of bone marrow micrometastasis was significantly higher. Conclusions: The detection of bone marrow micrometastasis could be useful in defining systemic relapse, this minimally invasive procedure warranting further studies with a larger group of patients.

Influence of Immunity Induced at Priming Step on Mucosal Immunization of Heterologous Prime-Boost Regimens

  • Eo, Seong-Kug
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.110-117
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    • 2003
  • Background: The usefulness of DNA vaccine at priming step of heterologous prime-boost vaccination led to DNA vaccine closer to practical reality. DNA vaccine priming followed by recombinant viral vector boosting via systemic route induces optimal systemic immunity but no mucosal immunity. Mucosal vaccination of the reversed protocol (recombinant viral vector priming-DNA vaccine boosting), however, can induce both maximal mucosal and systemic immunity. Here, we tried to address the reason why the mucosal protocol of prime-boost vaccination differs from that of systemic vaccination. Methods: To address the importance of primary immunity induced at priming step, mice were primed with different doses of DNA vaccine or coadministration of DNA vaccine plus mucosal adjuvant, and immunity including serum IgG and mucosal IgA was then determined following boosting with recombinant viral vector. Next, to assess influence of humoral pre-existing immunity on boosting $CD8^+$ T cell-mediated immunity, $CD8^+$ T cell-mediated immunity in B cell-deficient (${\mu}K/O$) mice immunized with prime-boost regimens was evaluated by CTL assay and $IFN-{\gamma}$-producing cells. Results: Immunity primed with recombinant viral vector was effectively boosted with DNA vaccine even 60 days later. In particular, animals primed by increasing doses of DNA vaccine or incorporating an adjuvant at priming step and boosted by recombinant viral vector elicited comparable responses to recombinant viral vector primed-DNA vaccine boosted group. Humoral pre-existing immunity was also unlikely to interfere the boosting effect of $CD8^+$ T cell-mediated immunity by recombinant viral vector. Conclusion: This report provides the important point that optimally primed responses should be considered in mucosal immunization of heterologous prime-boost regimens for inducing the effective boosting at both mucosal and systemic sites.

Optimization of the Anastomosis Angle and Diameter with the Systemic- To-Pulmonary Artery Shunt (대동맥-폐동맥 연결관의 접합각도와 직경의 최적화)

  • Kim, Sung-Min;Park, Sung-Yun;Jun, Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.24 no.10
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2007
  • Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is currently the most lethal cardiac malformation of the newborn infant. Survival following a Norwood operation depends on the balance between systemic and pulmonary blood flow, which is highly dependent on the fluid dynamics through the interposition shunt between the two circulations. The purpose of this study is an optimization of the systemic-to-pulmonary artery shunt. In this study, We used computational fluid dynamic(CFD) models to determine the velocity profile in a systemic-to-pulmonary artery shunt and suggested a simplified method of calculating the blood flow in the shunt based on Ultrasound systems. We analyzed the flow characteristic variations and oscillatory shear index(OSI) due to the anastomosis angle and shunt diameter changing. Four different CFD models were constructed with the shunt sizes ranging from 3 to 3.5mm. The angle between the brachiocephalic trunk(BCT) and the shunt were $30^{\circ}$ and $45^{\circ}$, respectively. When the diameter is 3.0 mm, the oscillatory shear index decreased by 1.2% at $30^{\circ}$ as opposed to at $45^{\circ}$. When the diameter is 3.5 mm, it increased by 18% more at $30^{\circ}$ as opposed to at $45^{\circ}$. When the joint angle is $30^{\circ}$ and the diameter is 3.0 mm, the oscillatory shear index decreased by 4.1% in comparison with the 3.5 mm diameter. When the angle is $45^{\circ}$ and the diameter is 3.0 mm, the index increased by 14.6% in comparison with the 3.5 mm diameter.

Systemic and Local Anaphylaxis is Not Induced by Korean Red Ginseng Mixture in Guinea Pigs

  • Hyun, Sun Hee;Kyung, Jong Soo;Song, Yong Bum;So, Seung-Ho;Kim, Young Sook
    • Toxicological Research
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.183-189
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    • 2018
  • Currently, injuries to customers due to health functional foods are annually increasing. To evaluate the antigenicity of Korean red ginseng mixture (KRGM), we tested for systemic anaphylactic shock and passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in guinea pigs. Based on a comparison of measured body weights, there were no changes in body weight for the KRGM treatment group compared with the control group. In the ovalbumin treated group, however, there was a statistically significant decrease in body weight. For the active systemic anaphylaxis test, after the induction, there were no symptoms that suggested anaphylactic shock in the control and KRGM treatment group. In the ovalbumin treated group, there were symptoms that suggested severe anaphylaxis, and those symptoms included restlessness, piloerection, tremor, rubbing or licking the nose, sneezing, coughing, hyperpnea, dyspnea, staggering gait, jumping, gasping and writhing, convulsion, side position and Cheyne-stokes respiration. All animals died within thirty minutes in the ovalbumin treated group. For the passive cutaneous anaphylaxis test in guinea pigs sensitized to KRGM, each anti-serum was diluted in a stepwise manner. This was followed by an intravenous injection of a mixture of KRGM and Evans blue. The results of the test showed that all the responses were negative in the control and the low-dose and high-dose administration groups. However, in the ovalbumin treated group, all the responses were positive. Based on the above results, there were no anaphylactic responses for up to 12 times the amount of human intake of KRGM in Hartley Guinea-pigs. The results suggest that KRGM is safe as measured by the systemic and local antigenicity in guinea pigs.

Variation in the Pathogenicity of Lily Isolates of Cucumber mosaic virus

  • Lee, Jin-A;Choi, Seung-Kook;Yoon, Ju-Yeon;Hong, Jin-Sung;Ryu, Ki-Hyun;Lee, Sang-Yong;Choi, Jang-Kyung
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.251-259
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    • 2007
  • Two isolates of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) originated from lily plants, named Ly2-CMV and Ly8-CMV, were compared with their pathological features in several host plants. Ly2-CMV and Ly8-CMV could induce systemic mosaic symptom in Nicotiana benthamiana, but Ly2-CMV could not systemically infect tomato and cucumber plants that have been used for CMV-propagative hosts. While Fny-CMV used as a control infected systemically the same host plants, producing typical CMV symptoms. Ly8-CMV could infect systemically two species of tobacco (N. tabacum cv. Xanthi-nc and N. glutinosa) and zucchini squash (Curcubita pepo), but Ly2 failed systemic infection on these plants. As resulted from tissue-print immunoblot assay, different kinetics of systemic movement between Ly2-CMV and Ly8-CMV were crucial for systemic infection in tobacco (cv. Xanthi-nc). Sequence analysis of full-length genome of two lily isolates showed Ly2 and Ly8 belonged to subgroup IA of CMV. The lily isolates shared overall 98 % sequence identity in their genomes. Coat protein, 3a protein, and 2b protein involved in virus movement was highly conserved in genomes of the isolates Ly2 and Ly8. Although there is the low frequency of recombinants and reassortants in natural CMV population, phylogenetic analysis of each viral protein among a number of CMV isolates suggested that genetic variation in a defined population of CMV lily isolates was stochastically produced.

A Case of Systemic Sclerosis Sine Scleroderma Presenting as Pulmonary Interstitial Fibrosis (피부병변없이 간질성 폐섬유화로 표현된 경피증 1례)

  • Kwak, Jin-Ho;Choi, Won-II;Lee, Seung-Hyun;Seo, Chang-Gyun;Kim, Kyung-Chan;Kim, Min-Su;Kwon, Kun-Young;Suh, Soo-Ji;Park, Chang-Kwon;Jeon, Young-June
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.493-498
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    • 2001
  • Lung involvement in systemic sclerosis(SSC) is common but usually occurs late in the course. Skin changes usually occur before the pulmonary findings. In this report, a patient who developed pulmonary interstitial fibrosis without skin changes is presented. A diagnosis of SSC lung involvement was made histologically. The a nti-scl-70 antibody test was positive. Esophageal manometry revealed a lower amplitude in the lower two-third of the esophagus and pressure in the lower esophageal sphincter. Here we report a case of systemic sclerosis sine scleroderma presenting as pulmonary interstitial fibrosis with a review of the relevant literatures.

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A Case of Pleural Effusion due to Vasculitis in Scleroderma (혈관염에 의한 양측성 흉막염이 발생한 공피증 1예)

  • Lee, Young Ho;Sim, Jae Jeong;Kang, Kyung Ho;Song, Gwan Gyu
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.786-791
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    • 1996
  • Systemic sclerosis is a multisystemic disease of unknown origin charicterized by degenerative fibrotic and inflammatory changes in the skin, vessels, joints, muscles, and visceral organs. Involvement of the lung in systemic sclerosis is common, but pleural effusion is rare. Although vasculitis commonly accompanies many connective tissue disorders, it has been rarely reported in systemic sclerosis. A 43-year-old woman, with a 10-year history of Raynaud's phenomenon, was admitted due to right chest pain. Her hands showed diffuse thickening and swelling of skin. Chest X-ray showed pleural effusions and esophageal manometry showed hypotonic peristalsis and low lower esophageal sphincter tone compatible with scleroderma esophagus. Antinuclear antibodies were present (titer>1 : 160) with a speckled pattern. She was positive for rheumatoid factor, anti scl-70 and RNP antibodies, but negative for anti-Ro, La, and Sm antibodies. Histology of the pleura revealed the presence of leukocytoclastic vasculiti. After adminisrration of prednisolone 30 mg/day, her chest symptom was improved. We report a case of systemic sclerosis with pleural effusions due to leukocytoclastic vasculitis with review of the literatures.

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A Clinical Report of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (전신성 홍반성 낭창(SLE) 환자 1례 증례보고)

  • Jeon, Yeong-Seon;Lee, Eun-Kyu;Kim, Soo-Hyeon;Choi, Yoo-Jin;Park, Kyeong-Mi;Yang, Seung-Jeong;Cho, Seong-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.179-187
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to report the effect of Korean medicine treatments on a systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Methods: We treated 1 case of systemic lupus erythematosus patient with Korean herbal medicine, acupuncture, moxibustion and pharmaco-acupuncture. Patient is a 44-year-old woman, who suffered from general body weakness, arthralgia and foamy urine. She was treated with Samilshinki-hwan-gami and Oryeong-san-gami. Patient is taken acupuncture at GV20, CV12, LI4, LR3, ST36, BL23, BL25 and moxibustion at CV4. We injected pharmaco-acupuncture at BL23, BL25. Results: After treatments the patient recovered from foamy urine, reduced general body weakness, arthralgia. Conclusions: This study suggests that Korean medicine treatments have significant effect on reducing symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus.

A Case of Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome in a Child (소아에서 발생한 전신성 모세혈관 누출 증후군(Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome) 1례)

  • Lee, Taeg Young;Chung, Yoo Mi;Kang, Hee Gyung;Ha, Il Soo;Cheong, Hae Il;Choi, Yong
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.10
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    • pp.1298-1301
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    • 2002
  • Systemic capillary leak syndrome(SCLS) is a rare disorder of unknown etiology, which is characterized by recurrent attacks of hypotension, hemoconcentration, and hypoalbuminemia. Urinary or enteric loss of protein is not demonstrated. It is often associated with monoclonal gammopathy, but does not manifest multiple myeloma. Since Clarkson et al. described the first case in a 34-year-old woman, about 50 cases have been reported in the literature. However, most of the cases were of adult age, and the mean age of onset in the reported cases was 42.6 years. In literature review, we could refer only one pediatric case of SCLC by Foeldvari et al. in 1995. We report another pediatric case of SCLS.

A Fusion Survey on the Investigation of Correlation between Systemic Diseases and Oral Health (전신질환과 구강건강 상관성 인식에 관한 융합적 조사)

  • Kim, Seo-Yeon;Kim, Il-Shin
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2017
  • To investigate the perception of the correlation between systemic diseases and oral health among some university students. The questionnaires were conducted on 485 students from 3 universities in Gwangju. As a result of the study, the female was higher than the male and was the highest in the fourth grade. Subjective health status, drinking status, smoking experience, and exercise were not significantly different in recognizing the association between systemic disease and oral health. The group with experience in oral health education recognized 3.18, and the group that practiced educational contents was highly recognized as 3.21. There was a significant difference between the two groups. Multiple regression analysis showed that major factor and grade factor influenced the perception of association between systemic disease and oral health. Therefore, it is necessary for university students to recognize the importance and necessity of periodical oral examinations. It is thought that the incidence of disease should be strengthened and enforced to recognize that there is a correlation with various diseases.