• Title/Summary/Keyword: surface forest fire

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Estimation of Biomass Loss and Greenhouse Gases Emissions from Surface Layer Burned by Forest Fire (산불로 인한 지표층 연소량 및 온실가스 배출량 추정)

  • Lee, Byungdoo;Youn, Ho Jung;Koo, Kyosang;Kim, Kyongha
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.101 no.2
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    • pp.286-290
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    • 2012
  • Globally, the forest fires are a significant contributor of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In this study, fuel load consumed by forest fire and emission of green house gases were analysed in the surface layer. For this, remaining fuel was collected and weighed with the species (Japanese red pine, deciduous) and the forest fire types (surface fire, crown fire) in the 51 forest fires. 8,361 kg/ha fuel load was consumed in deciduous forest damaged by surface fire, and 8,055 kg/ha, 12,333 kg/ha in Japanese red pine burned by surface fire and crown fire. The combustion ratios were 78, 59, and 90%, respectively. 15,856 kg/ha the green house gases such as $CO_2$, $CH_4$, $CH_4$ in deciduous forest burned by surface fire was emitted and 14,834 kg/ha, 22,709 kg/ha in Japanese red pine burned by surface fire and crown fire.

A Numerical Study of Flame Spread of A Surface Forest Fire (지표화 산불의 화염전파 수치해석)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun;Lee, Myung-Bo;Kim, Kwang-Il
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.03b
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    • pp.80-83
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    • 2008
  • The characteristics of the spread of a forest fire are generally related to the attributes of combustibles, geographical features, and meteorological conditions, such as wind conditions. The most common methodology used to create a prediction model for the spread of forest fires, based on the numerical analysis of the development stages of a forest fire, is an analysis of heat energy transmission by the stage of heat transmission. When a forest fire breaks out, the analysis of the transmission velocity of heat energy is quantifiable by the spread velocity of flame movement through a physical and chemical analysis at every stage of the fire development from flame production and heat transmission to its termination. In this study, the formula used for the 1-dimensional surface forest fire behavior prediction model, derived from a numerical analysis of the surface flame spread rate of solid combustibles, is introduced. The formula for the 1-dimensional surface forest fire behavior prediction model is the estimated equation of the flame spread velocity, depending on the condition of wind velocity on the ground. Experimental and theoretical equations on flame duration, flame height, flame temperature, ignition temperature of surface fuels, etc., has been applied to the device of this formula. As a result of a comparison between the ROS(rate of spread) from this formula and ROSs from various equations of other models or experimental values, a trend suggesting an increasing curved line of the exponent function under 3m/s or less wind velocity condition was identified. As a result of a comparison between experimental values and numerically analyzed values for fallen pine tree leaves, the flame spread velocity reveals has a error of less than 20%.

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A Study on a Development of Automated Measurement Sensor for Forest Fire Surface Fuel Moistures (산불연료습도 자동화 측정센서 개발에 관한 연구)

  • YEOM, Chan-Ho;LEE, Si-Young;PARK, Houng-Sek;WON, Myoung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.917-935
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    • 2020
  • In this study, an automated sensor to measure forest fire surface fuel moistures was developed to predict changes in the moisture content and risk of forest fire surface fuel, which was indicators of forest fire occurrence and spread risk. This measurement sensor was a method of automatically calculating the moisture content of forest fire surface fuel by electric resistance. The proxy of forest fire surface fuel used in this sensor is pine (50 cm long, 1.5 cm in diameter), and the relationship between moisture content and electrical resistance, R(R:Electrical resistance)=2E(E:Exponent of 10)+13X(X:Moisture content)-9.705(R2=0.947) was developed. In addition, using this, the software and case of the automated measurement sensor for forest fire surface fuel moisture were designed to produce a prototype, and the suitability (R2=0.824) was confirmed by performing field monitoring verification in the forest. The results of this study would contribute to develop technologies that can predict the occurrence, spread and intensity of forest fires, and are expected to be used as basic data for advanced forest fire risk forecasting technologies.

Fire Effects on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties following the Forest Fire in Kosung (산불이 산림토양의 이화학적 성질에 미치는 영향)

  • 이원규;김춘식;차순형;김영걸;변재경;구교상;박재욱
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.157-162
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    • 1997
  • Changes on soil physical and chemical properties following the forest fire in Kosung area in Kangwon province were examined. Twenty seven sampling plots[16 burned (8 low intensity fire, 8 high intensity fire) and 11 unburned plots] from Pinus densiflora community were chosen and soil samples from three depths(0-5, 5-15, 15-25 cm) under the forest floor were collected. Forest fire in the area affected soil chemical properties. Soil pH, available phosphorus, base saturation, K, Ca, and Mg on the surface soil(0-5cm) in the burned areas compared with the unburned areas were increased, while soil properties on the subsurface soil(5-25 cm) were not changed. Organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, and exchangeable cations following the high in tensity fire on the surface soil were generally lower than those in the low intensity fire areas. This indicates that these nutrients on high intensity fire areas may be volatilized. The results suggest that the fire effects on soil chemical properties were confined mainly to the surface soil and were different between the high and the low intensity fire types.

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Development of the Surface Forest Fire Behavior Prediction Model Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 지표화 확산예측모델의 개발)

  • Lee, Byungdoo;Chung, Joosang;Lee, Myung-Bo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.94 no.6
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    • pp.481-487
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    • 2005
  • In this study, a GIS model to simulate the behavior of surface forest fires was developed on the basis of forest fire growth prediction algorithm. This model consists of three modules for data-handling, simulation and report writing. The data-handling module was designed to interpret such forest fire environment factors as terrain, fuel and weather and provide sets of data required in analyzing fire behavior. The simulation module simulates the fire and determines spread velocity, fire intensity and burnt area over time associated with terrain slope, wind, effective humidity and such fuel condition factors as fuel depth, fuel loading and moisture content for fire extinction. The module is equipped with the functions to infer the fuel condition factors from the information extracted from digital vegetation map sand the fuel moisture from the weather conditions including effective humidity, maximum temperature, precipitation and hourly irradiation. The report writer has the function to provide results of a series of analyses for fire prediction. A performance test of the model with the 2002 Chungyang forest fire showed the predictive accuracy of 61% in spread rate.

A New Forest Fire Detection Algorithm using Outlier Detection Method on Regression Analysis between Surface temperature and NDVI

  • Huh, Yong;Byun, Young-Gi;Son, Jeong-Hoon;Yu, Ki-Yun;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.574-577
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we developed a forest fire detection algorithm which uses a regression function between NDVI and land surface temperature. Previous detection algorithms use the land surface temperature as a main factor to discriminate fire pixels from non-fire pixels. These algorithms assume that the surface temperatures of non-fire pixels are intrinsically analogous and obey Gaussian normal distribution, regardless of land surface types and conditions. And the temperature thresholds for detecting fire pixels are derived from the statistical distribution of non-fire pixels’ temperature using heuristic methods. This assumption makes the temperature distribution of non-fire pixels very diverse and sometimes slightly overlapped with that of fire pixel. So, sometimes there occur omission errors in the cases of small fires. To ease such problem somewhat, we separated non-fire pixels into each land cover type by clustering algorithm and calculated the residuals between the temperature of a pixel under examination whether fire pixel or not and estimated temperature of the pixel using the linear regression between surface temperature and NDVI. As a result, this algorithm could modify the temperature threshold considering land types and conditions and showed improved detection accuracy.

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A Study of Calory Analysis Methods about Surface Fire Fuel (지표화 연료의 열량분석에 관한 실험방법 연구)

  • Kim, Jang-Hwan;Kim, Eung-Sik;Park, Hyung-Ju;Lee, Myung-Bo;Kim, Dong-Hyun
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.258-264
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    • 2008
  • This study proposes the experimental methods which shows various guidelines for systematic study of surface forest fuels. The thermal characteristics of surface fire fuels such as Quercus Variabilis and Pinus Densiflora fallen leaves are measured using TGA and Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter. Both of them are common species of Korean forest. Also the combustion characteristics of surface fire fuels are analysed according to the methods which are commonly used in Pool Fire analysis. The measured parameters are gas velocity, temperature, flame height, heat release rate and mass loss rate. A system is designed to simulate the surface fire. Methods and results are shown for the application of forest fire study.

Prediction of fuel moisture change on pinus densiflora surface fuels after rainfall in East sea region. (영동지역 봄철 산불기간 중 소나무림 지표연료의 임내 연료습도변화 예측)

  • Lee, Si-Young;Lee, Myung-Woog;Kwon, Chun-Geun;Yeom, Chan-Ho;Lee, Hae-Pyeong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Fire Science and Engineering Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.333-336
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    • 2008
  • This study is the result between the variation of fuel moisture and the risk of forest fire through measuring the change of moisture containing ratio on-site and its average analysis for each diameter of surface dead fuels in the forest. The measurement was performed on six days from the day after a rainfall. The fuel moisture on-site was measured on the day when the accumulated rainfall was above 5.0mm, and the measurements was 2 times in spring. From the pine forest which were distributed around Samcheok and Donghae in Kangwondo, three regions were selected by loose, medium, and dense forest density, and the fuel moisture was measured on the ranges which are less than 0.6cm, 0.6-3.0cm, 3.0-6.0cm, and more than 6.0cm in the forest for six days from the day after a rainfall. The study showed that the moisture containing ratio converged on 3 - 4 days for surface deads fuels which diameter are less than 3.0cm and the convergence was made more than six days for ones which diameters are more than 3.0cm except the surface dead fuel of 3.0-6.0cm diameter of loose forest density.

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Surface and Component Analysis of Deteriorated ACSR due to a Flame (화염에 열화된 강심알루미늄연선의 표면 및 성분분석)

  • Kim, Young-Dal;Shim, Jae-Myung;Park, Keun-Seok;Jeong, Yun-Mi;Kim, Jae-Kwang;Byun, Jeong-Seop;Lee, Dae-Dong
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.60 no.10
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    • pp.1966-1971
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    • 2011
  • Generally, the characteristics of the conductor that was affected by forest fire can be analyzed only when the forest fire is accurately modeled and its effect is identified. Few studies have been conducted with a forest fire model for transmission lines, and no results of the examination of the actual test specimens that were exposed to forest fire have been reported. As the deterioration characteristics of a forest fire are difficult to analyze in the actual field, an environment that was similar to that in the field was used in this study. Deterioration was deposited on a wire using an artificial flame experiment device, to analysis the temperature, surface and component characteristics. It seems that this analysis data in this study can be used as the basic data for the database that can be utilized to analyze wires exposed to forest fire and deterioration and to predict the ACSR wire refurnishment life.

Long Term Changes of the Amount of Surface Runoff in Forest Fire Area (산불발생지에 있어서 표면유출수량의 장기적인 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Ma, Ho-Seop;Jeong, Won-Ok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.98 no.4
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    • pp.458-463
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the changes of surface runoff by comparisons between burned and unburned area after forest fire. The amount of surface runoff in burned area was more high 1.72 times in the year of fire, 1.44 times in one year later, 1.38 times in five years later and 1.16 times in ten years later than those of unburned area. Therefore, surface runoff in the burned area almost tended to be stabilized like unburned area ten year later after forest fire. The most affecting factors on the amount of surface runoff in burned and unburned area were number of unit rainfall, number of rainfall accumulated and unit rainfall. But coverage was shown to mitigate the amount of surface runoff in burned and unburned area.