A New Forest Fire Detection Algorithm using Outlier Detection Method on Regression Analysis between Surface temperature and NDVI

  • Huh, Yong (Spatial Informatics and Systems Lab, Seoul National University) ;
  • Byun, Young-Gi (Spatial Informatics and Systems Lab, Seoul National University) ;
  • Son, Jeong-Hoon (Spatial Informatics and Systems Lab, Seoul National University) ;
  • Yu, Ki-Yun (Spatial Informatics and Systems Lab, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Yong-Il (Spatial Informatics and Systems Lab, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2006.11.02


In this paper, we developed a forest fire detection algorithm which uses a regression function between NDVI and land surface temperature. Previous detection algorithms use the land surface temperature as a main factor to discriminate fire pixels from non-fire pixels. These algorithms assume that the surface temperatures of non-fire pixels are intrinsically analogous and obey Gaussian normal distribution, regardless of land surface types and conditions. And the temperature thresholds for detecting fire pixels are derived from the statistical distribution of non-fire pixels’ temperature using heuristic methods. This assumption makes the temperature distribution of non-fire pixels very diverse and sometimes slightly overlapped with that of fire pixel. So, sometimes there occur omission errors in the cases of small fires. To ease such problem somewhat, we separated non-fire pixels into each land cover type by clustering algorithm and calculated the residuals between the temperature of a pixel under examination whether fire pixel or not and estimated temperature of the pixel using the linear regression between surface temperature and NDVI. As a result, this algorithm could modify the temperature threshold considering land types and conditions and showed improved detection accuracy.
