• 제목/요약/키워드: supplementary practice

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영유아의 수유 및 보충식에 대한 도시지역 어머니들의 지식 및 실천에 관한 조사연구 (A Study on the Knowledge and Practice of Breastfeeding Mothers about the Feeding and Supplementary Food)

  • 심재영
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.41-64
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    • 1987
  • The main objectives of the present study were to understand the knowledge and practice of breastfeeding mothers about the feeding and supplementary food and to analyze the factors related to it. The data for the present study collected from July 9 to July 31, 1984 for 302 mothers in Seoul. 1. The Knowledge of Breastfeeding Mothers about the Fee4ing and Supplementary Food (1) In the knowledge of mothers on the appropriate feeding pattern before 6 month, 69.3% of total women believed that breast-fed babies are healthier. There was a singificant difference in the type of feeding in order to education level, socio-economic state, and. mass-media exposure. (2) In the knowledge of mothers on an appropriate duration of lactation, the mean duration of breastfeeding is 8. 1 month. The duration of breastfeeding gradually decreases in order of education level, socio-economic state, mass-media exposure, and employment status. (3) In the knowledge of mothers on an appropriate time of introduction of supplementary food, the mean time of introduction of supplementary food is 4. 7 month. It is gradually decrease in order of education level, socioeconomic state, mass-media exposure, and employment state. 2. The Practice of Breastfeeding Mothers about the Feeding and Supplementary Food (1) The practice of mothers on infant-feeding before 6 month and that education level, socio-economic state and mass media exposure are the higher, the rate of breast feeding is the less. (2) The mean duration of breastfeeding is 9 month. It is 1 month longer the knowledge of mothers on an appropriate feeding pattern before 6 month. (3) The time of introduction of supplementary food is average 4.75 month. It is similar to the knowledge of mothers on an appropriate time about introduction of supplementary food. The result of this study indicate that the knowledge and practice of breast feeding is maintained comparatively high in low educated group, whereas it is noticeably decreasing among the high educated group. High educated group believed that the short duration of breastfeeding better than long, and they practiced breastfeeding so short period. And high educated group also thought early introduction of supplementary food is good for the babies health. Consequently, in this study, for the most part, elite group is found to have rather wrong opinions and practice about infant nutrition. Therefore the accurate information of infant nutrition is must be encouraged to mothers.

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영유아의 이유실태(離乳實態) -대전지역(大田地域)- (Weaning Practice for Infants in Daejeon City)

  • 정영진
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 1979
  • For the purpose of investigating the weaning practice for infants, this study of 251 infants aged from 3 months to 2 years old was conducted in Daejeon City during the the period of August 9 through 23, 1978. The results obtained were as follows: About 60% of the infants were breast-fed, 27.6%, mixed-fed, and 12.0%, bottled-fed. The reason for bottle-feeding was either the lack of breast-milk secretion or ill-health of mothers. There was no significant difference in the feeding methods according to a level of mother's education. Sixty precent of the infants began to be weaned 6. months. The most of the infants were completely weaned within 18 months. The knowledge on weaning was mainly obtained from the publications, such as newspapers, journals for women, child care booklets, etc. The difficulties in the weaning practice were the shortage of knowledge on weaning and the unacceptability by the infants. Liquid or semi-liquid foods were firstly given to the more than 60% of the infants as introducing weaning foods, while 23.3% of the babies were given solid foods. Interestingly, the earlier the birth order was, the more babies were given liquid or semi-liquid foods, The motives for weaning was either the boby's demand for other foods than milk(41.3%) or the lack of breast-milk secretion (31.3%). In the selection of supplementary foods, the nutritional value was given the highest consideration) (54.9%). many mothers (64.2%) prepared supplementary foods for infants at home, while 23.1% used commercial body foods and 12.7% gave infants adult's meals as supplementary foods. The major materials for home-made supplementary foods were fruits and vegetables (41.5%) and cereals (37.5%). The commercial supplementary foods (mainly powdered from) were not used much (never used; 53.6%) and even in the babies, who had consumed them once, nearly half of the babies (42.9) did not eat well. Accordingly, the many mothers (68.8%) welcomed the development of the domestic supplementary foods in good quality and one-third (31.2%) responded that they would consume them regardless of the price.

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강원도 춘천지역 유아의 이유실태에 관한 조사연구 (Study on Weaning Practice of Infants in Chunchon Area, Kangwon-Do)

  • 이정수
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.272-280
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    • 1994
  • The weaning practice of infants from 5 to 12 months of age in the area of Chunchon, Kangwon-do was studied. Subjects were divided into 2 groups depending on residential area, monthly family income and mother's educational level. Parents of group 1 (n=90) received higher education and more monthly family income than those of group 2(n=32). The family income was significantly higher in group 1 than in group 2. Mother's educational level has been markedly improved over 10 years, which affected the feeding methods before weaning in both groups(P<0.05). Group 1 appeared to be bottle-fed. Bottle-and mixed-feeding were mainly due to lack of breast milk. 95.6% of group 1 and 71.9% of group 2 started weaning before the age of 6 months and only 16.4% were completely finished regardless of the groups. Commercially prepared foods were used more than home-made for first given-supplementary food. 82.2% of group 1 received fruits and 84.4% of group 2 cookies/crackers as their main supplementary foods. As the motivation of onset of weaning, 'for baby's health and nutritional status' was the most common. These results demonstrate that there are distinct differences between these 2 groups in 1) the feeding methods prior to weaning, 2) time of onset of weaning, and 3) main supplementary foods, influenced by mother's educational level, economic purchasing power, or subjects birth order.

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치과위생사의 보수교육 만족도 (A study on satisfaction level with supplementary education among dental hygienists)

  • 박일순;이선희
    • 한국치위생학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.159-167
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    • 2011
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine the satisfaction level of dental hygienists with supplementary education. The subjects in this study were 305 dental hygienists, on whom a survey was conducted from September 26 to December 10, 2009. Methods : The instrument used in this study was questionnaires that consisted of three sections: educational environments, the content and method of education, and educational administration. Results : The findings of the study were as follows: 1. In terms of satisfaction level with supplementary education, they gave a mean of 3.13, which was on the average. The dental hygienists who worked in public dental clinics, who had a 10 years or more of career and who worked in the provinces expressed more satisfaction. 2. In terms of satisfaction level with educational environments, they gave a mean of 3.22. They were most gratified with lecturers(3.34), and they expressed the least satisfaction with educational opportunities(3.14). 3. In terms of satisfaction level with the content and method of education, they gave a mean of 3.15. They were most contented with the professionalism of education, and they expressed the least satisfaction with the ratio of theory and practice(2.92). 4. In terms of satisfaction level with educational administration, they gave a mean of 3.02. They were most satisfied with the application procedure(3.22), and they expressed the least satisfaction with educational cost and publicity(2.91). Conclusions : Educational institutions that provide supplementary education should reinforce small-group supplementary education for each district, provide systematic practice-centered educational programs and offer streamlined administration service to boost the satisfaction level of dental hygienists.

유공압기초실습의 보완학습으로서 E러닝의 효과 (Effects of E-Learning as a Supplementary Learning for Basic Fluid Power Practice)

  • 허준영;정성원
    • 한국실천공학교육학회논문지
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.10-15
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    • 2010
  • 산업체가 필요로 하는 인력의 양성을 위하여 대학에서는 공학교육의 질을 향상시키는 다양한 노력이 이뤄지고 있다. 유공압기초실습은 그러한 노력의 일환인 공학교육 인증과목으로, 자동화가 요구되는 모든 산업 분야에서 폭넓게 사용되고 있는 공압기기의 구성과 원리를 이해하고, 전기시퀀스회로의 프로그래밍과 공압시스템의 응용 설계능력 배양을 교과목 목표로 하고 있다. 본 교과목은 주당 3시간의 수업을 통하여 이론과 실습을 병행해야 하는데 실제 학생들에게 많은 내용을 전달하기에는 시간적인 여유가 절대적으로 부족하다. 이로 인하여 단편적인 전문지식 전달 강의로 진행 될 수밖에 없으며 산업체와 연계된 교육 또한 어려운 실정이다. 본 논문에서는 이에 대한 해결방법으로 E러닝을 통한 보완학습을 제시하고 있다. 한 학기 동안 유공압기초실습교과목의 오프라인 수업과 E러닝을 병행하고, 수업에 참여한 학생들을 대상으로 설문을 실시하여 보완학습에 대한 효과를 분석하였다. 그리고 추후 필요한 연구에 대해서도 제시하였다.

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도시 저소득층 지역의 모자 영양 및 섭식에 관한 생태학적 연구 -III. 영유아의 섭식과 성장발육- (Ecological Studies of Maternal-Infant Nutrition and Feeding in Urban Low Income Areas -III. Infant's Nutrient Intakes and Growth pattern-)

  • 안흥석;정지윤
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.174-189
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status and growth of Korean infants, who were atending peripheral community clinics in low income areas, by anthropometric measurements and estimating dietary intakes. Dietary intakes and growth were compared among different feeding patterns of 143 infants until age 9 months. The overall mean nutrient intakes of infants in this study were below the recommended allowances except the calcium intake from significant difference in each groups; however, calcium, zinc and iron intake of the formula fed infant(FF) was higher than the breast fed infant(BF) or the mixed fed infant(MF). Form ages 4-6 months, the nutrient intakes were shown to be higher in groups that were given supplementary foods than groups that were not. From ages 7-9 months, all nutrient intakes were higher in or the formula and supplementary foods fed(ESF) infants than in the breast and supplementary food(BSF) or the formula and supplementary food(FSF) groups, All subjets in this study showed a large Z-score. The growth of infants up to 6 months of age showed no significant difference in the feeding pattern, however, after 7 months of age the BSF group had significantly lower weight than the FSF or the ESF groups, There were significant positive relationships between infants weight gain at age 7-9 months from birth and the current protein or zinc intakes. As a result the average status of nutrient intakes of infants in this area was loser than the RDA, however, the growth pattern was fairly good. Although the breast milk is beneficial for infants, mothers should be educated for the importance of supplemental food and its practice to support good mutrition(Korean J Community Nutrition 3 (2) : 174-189, 1998)

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대전지역 영유아의 수유 및 이유실태 조사 (A Study on Infant Feeding and Weaning Practice in Taejon)

  • 왕수경;김지현
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제4권4호
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    • pp.489-495
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    • 1999
  • This study was conducted to investigate the weaning practice of 198 infants in Taejon city in October, 1998. Information on infant feeding and weaning practices were obtained by interviewing mothers in gynecologist and pediatric clinics located in Taejon. The results obtained were as follows : In the survey 37.4% of the infants were breast-feeding, while 31.3% of them were bottle-feeding and 29.3% of them were mixed-feeding. The reason for bottled-feeding was due either to the lack of breast-milk secretion or motner’s job. The educational level of the mother and maternal job affected the feeding methods before weaning. Lower rates of breast-feeding were found among mothers witn a lover level of education. The breast-feeding rate was lower in full-time and part-time job worker groups than in housewife. There was no significant difference in the feeding methods according to family income. Among the subjects, 71.5% of infants began to be weaned within 7 months. The onset of weaning was delayed in the full-time worker group. There was no significant difference in the onset time of weaning according to feeding method, the educational level of the mother, and family income. 60.6% of infants received fruit juice and 29.6% of them received cereals for first-given-supplementary food. ‘For baby’s nutritional status’ was the most common motivation for the onset of weaning. Commercially prepared foods were used more than home-made food for supplementary food.

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고등학교 가정과 교육에서 보조학습 교재.교구의 활용실태 연구 (A Study on the Use of Supplementary Teaching Materials and Implements in the High School Home Economics Education)

  • 조은경;김용숙
    • 한국가정과교육학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 1997
  • This study was conducted to obtain basic materials to improve the teaching method of Home Economics by theoretically looking into the supplementary teaching materials or implements usable in teaching Costume History area. And based on these data, the types and the applications of the supplementary teaching materials or implements highschool owned were examined. The subjects of this study were 111 Home Economics and Housework curriculum highschool teachers who give a lecture in the country by using self-administered questionnaires. SAS program was used to calculate frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, and $\chi$(sup)2-test analysis. The results of the study were as follows; 1. Most of the highschool teachers used the school expenses for experiments in preparing the supplementary teaching materials or implements. 2. Of the supplementary teaching materials and implements concerning Costume History, visual implements such as slides and pictures were the mostly owned. CD and audio implements as cassette-tapes were not used. 3. Most of the teachers recognized the importance of the audio-visual teaching materials and implements concerning Costume History. 4. Among the audio-visual materials and implements concerning Costume History by which can be made by school teachers of Home Economics and Housework curriculum, the mostly used one was ‘cutting pictorials from magazines and newspapers’, and the next were ‘orbital materials’, and ‘copy the pictorials’, and the least was ‘recording from the radio’. 5. Most of the annual expenses assigned to the department of Home Economics was used in cooking practice, and the least of the expenses was assigned in buying audio-visual teaching materials and implements. 6. Time assigned to the area of Home Economics was for the most part one or two hours per week, and among this, time assigned to the history of western costume and the history ok korean costume was for the most part five to eight hours. 7. The areas that the highschool teachers felt difficulties mostly during clothing and textiles curriculum were ‘textiles’and the next were ‘knitting’, ‘western costume history’, and ‘korean clothing construction’. 8. The difficulties the highschool teachers faced while teaching Costume History were mostly that ‘the pictorials in the text is not fully explainable’, the next were ‘most of the supplementary teaching materials or implements are not owned’, ‘have to explain very much in a short time’, and ‘the lectural explanation is insufficient’. 9. The solution for the difficulties that the highschool teachers faced while teaching Costume History was mostly ‘the information, on which audio-visual materials and implements are distributed in the market, should be easy to obtain’, the next opinions were ‘the school should provide enough experiment and practice expenses to buy audio-visual materials and implements’, and ‘education facilities of the Home Economics Department should be the main aspects in improving the teaching methods and should give special lectures about it’.

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웹 기반 조리실습 교육자료 개발 연구 (A Study of an Approach to the Development of Web-Based Culinary Practice Education Materials)

  • 강경심
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제48권9호
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 2010
  • This study describes the beginning and further development of a collection web-based materials for an efficient approach to culinary practice education. A database was created using a five-step process of analysis, design, development, operation and evaluation. The menu for the web-based culinary practice educational materials included cooking basics, the real status of cooking, cooking related knowledge, performance evaluation, a data room and a bulletin board. As at 30 July, 2010, the datadase of educational materials, contained a total of 571 items. These comprised 139 cooking pictures, 33 recipes, 22 cooking videos, 74 cooking animations, 57 collections of basic knowledge, 14 evaluation reports, 21 supplementary textbooks, and 211 sets of other related information. The webbased materials are adequate for culinary education purposes, and their use is expected to be very highly valued.

해양관련학과 승선실습의 문제점과 개선을 위한 방안 (Problems of On-board Training for Marine Sciences Majors and Suggestions for improvement)

  • 김정창
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 1998
  • For the purpose of increasing the efficiency of practices on board in the education of oceanography by the oceanographic research vessel "Tamyang", the problems which were generated while maneuvering the vessel for the practices were examined thoroughly, the proposals for the improvement of the above problems were summarized as follows : 1. The career of cruise for research should be recognized as the credit of practice on board by the training ship, the chances for credits of practice on board should be provided more and the demand of research assistant should be satisfied. 2. The special programs for the practice on board in the education of oceanography should be developed for increasing the educational and economical efficiency during the practice. 3. The research cruise should be enlarged fir providing the more chance of study to the professor. 4. The supplementary practice on board should be carried out in the vacation. 5. The budget for purchasing the spares of research equipment should be allotted and the expert technician should be supplemented for the maintenance and instruction.

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