• 제목/요약/키워드: substance

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간흡충에 대한 살충성 물질에 관한 연구 V. 잉어 체표점액내 살충성물질의 화학적 성상 (The Wormicidal Substance of Fresh Water Fishes on Clonorehis sinensis V. Purification and Chemical Charaeterization of Clonorehicidal Substance from Epidermal Mucus of Cyprinus carpio)

  • 이재구;안병준
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 1984
  • As a series of studies to clarify clonorchicidal substances in body surface mucus of some freshwater fishes, the substance in the epidermal mucus of Cyprinus carpio was isolated by silica gel column and thin layer chromatography and analysed for its chemical nature. Wormicidal trial was done in vitro, and the results obtained are summarized as follows: The mucus was extracted by ethyl ether and separated into 4 fractions by column chromatography using benzene as solvent. The second fraction with yellowish red colour among them showed the strongest clonorchicidal effect. The yellowish red fraction obtained by column chromatography was then fractionated into 6 spots by thin layer chromatography with petrol/ etherjchloroform (30/70, v/v), and the Rf. 0.714 spot among the 6 spots showed the strongest effect. The Rf. 0.714 spot was further fractionated into 6 spots by thin layer chromatography with benzene/acetone (90/10, vlv), and the Rf. 0.800 spot among the later 6 spots revealed the strongest effect. The Rf. 0.800 spot was chromatographed on column with benzene and 2 fractions were obtained. The second fraction of light brown colour represented the final purified fraction. By these Purification Procedures, clonorchicidal substance was Purified 15-fold with 0.035 yield from the mucus of C. carpio, and 10mg of the final fraction killed the cercaria in 26 min, the metacercaria in 115 min, and the adult in 443 min. Infra red and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometric analysis of the purified substance revealed that the substance belongs to an ethyl ester of unsaturated fatty acid with 2 double bonds, 15 methylene groups and 1 methyl group.

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도심지터널에 유입된 지하수량 및 침전물의 성분분석 연구 (A study on analysis of influx path and ingredient of sedimentation substance and groundwater influx quantity in downtown tunnel)

  • 우종태
    • 한국터널지하공간학회 논문집
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.219-226
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    • 2005
  • 서울지하철5호선에 설치된 60여개 집수정의 지하수 유입량을 6년간 조사 분석한 결과 터널연장 1km당 유입량은 분당 $0.77m^3$으로 집수정 설계기준인 박스구조물은 $2m^3$, 터널구조물은 $3m^3$와 비교 했을때 상당한 여유가 있는 것으로 분석되었다 붉은색 침전물은 첨성분이 가장 많이 포함되어 있었는데 이는 흙막이 공법과 지역 특성상 철분을 많이 포함하고 있는 지하수에 원인이 있는 것으로 판단되었다. 백색 침전물의 경우 가장 많이 발견된 성분은 산화칼슘으로 건설당시 지반보강을 위하여 시행한 그라우팅 주업재인 시멘트가 지하수와 함께 터널 내부로 유입된 침전물로서 터널의 안전성에는 영향이 없을 것으로 판단된다.

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신소재 활용 제방의 월류 붕괴 경감 효과 분석 (Analysis of Breach Mitigation Effect on Levee made with New Substance by Overtopping)

  • 고동우;강준구
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2018
  • 최근 전 세계적으로 이상기후에 따른 국지성 폭우로 인한 홍수 발생과 하천제방의 노후화로 인하여 제방이 소실되고 저지대에서의 엄청난 재산 피해 및 인명 피해가 발생되고 있다. 특히 월류에 의한 제방붕괴는 약 40%에 달하는 것으로 보고되고 있다. 본 연구는 월류에 의한 제방붕괴의 원인 및 메커니즘을 파악하기 위해 수리모형실험을 수행하였고 제방의 내구성 향상을 위한 친환경 신소재인 바이오폴리머를 이용하여 월류에 따른 제방사면의 안정성 및 붕괴지연효과 등을 평가하였다. 영상계측장치를 이용한 실험분석 결과, 제방사면에 신소재 적용 시 총 제방붕괴시간은 흙 제방과 비교했을 때 약 2.25배의 차이를 보였고 신소재가 적용되지 않은 흙 제방의 경우 초기 붕괴발달속도가 약 1.43배 빠르게 나타났으며 시간이 지날수록 제체가 급격하게 붕괴되는 것을 관찰할 수 있었다. 또한 신소재 적용 제방의 붕괴메커니즘은 흙 제방에 비해 확연히 다르게 나타났으며 월류 흐름에 저항하여 사면침식속도를 경감시킴으로써 급격한 제체붕괴 예방이 가능한 것으로 평가되었다.

메틸사이클로핵산 (methylcyclohexane)의 흡입독성과 유해성 평가 (A Study on the Hazardousness Evaluation and the Inhalation Toxicity of Methylcyclohexane)

  • 김현영;이성배;강민구;송시환
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.173-184
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    • 2006
  • From the harmfulness expectation test conducted through a toxicity anticipation program, methylcyclohexane turned out to be harmful and simulative, but no carcinogenicity was anticipated. In a four-hour acute inhalation toxicity test, the result showed that lethal concentration ($LC_{50}$) was 3,750 ppm (15,054 mg/L), which was identified as a harmful substance on the basis of the harmful substance classification standard $2 of the Industrial safety and health law. methylcyclohexane fell under the category $4(2,500 substance from the GHS standard acute toxicity harmfulness classification. Also, from subchronic inhalation toxicity test that included 6 hours a day, five days a week, and for 13 weeks, we could observe weight, activity, long term weight, blood and blood biochemical influence from the exposure of test substance. No-observed effect level (NOEL) was determined below $100{\sim}400ppm$ inboth male and female. This material falls under the Category 2 ($50{\sim}250ppm/6hours/90days$) in the GHS (Globally Harmonized System) standard trace long-term whole body toxicity repeated exposure, and can be classified as a harmful substance in accordance with the Industrial Safety and Health Law harmful substance standard $NOEL{\leq}0.5mg/L/6hr/90day$ (rat).

임자잎과 모과 에탄올 추출물의 피부 가려움증 억제 효과 (Antipruritic Effects of Ethanol Extracts from Perillae Japonicae Semen leaves and Chaenomelis Fructus)

  • 김현수;전인화;목지예;강현주;장선일
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.314-319
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    • 2012
  • Itching is one of the major diagnostic criteria of atopic dermatitis (AD) and one of its most troublesome symptoms that provokes the desire to scratch. Effective control of itching is believed to be one of the basic approaches in controlling AD. The purpose of this study was undertaken to investigate the antipruritic effect of ethanol extracts from Perillae Japonicae Semen leaves (PJSL) and Chaenomelis Fructus (CF) on the scratching behavior induced by pruritogen such as compound 48/80 or substance P in hairless mice. PJSL or CF treatment inhibited histamine release in HMC-1 stimulated compound 48/80 or substance P in a dose-dependant manner. In particularly, co-treatment PJSL ($50{\mu}g/mL$) plus CF ($100{\mu}g/mL$) significantly inhibited histamine release in HMC-1 stimulated compound 48/80 or substance P. PJSL, CF or PJSL plus CF was administered orally for 2 h and then compound 48/80 ($50{\mu}g/site$) or substance P ($100{\mu}g/site$) was injected into rostral back, and scratching of the injected site by the hind paw was counted for 1 h. PJSL or CF administration reduced the scratching behavior induced by compound 48/80 as well as substance P in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, co-administration of PJSL and CF markedly suppressed the scratching behavior induced by compound 48/80 as well as substance P. These suppressive effects were synergistically increased by their combination. From the preliminary observations, we considered that ethanol extracts from PJSL and CF could be an effective natural materials for itching treatment.

사상의학(四象醫學)의 역철학적(易哲學的) 기초(基礎)에 관한 연구 (A study on fundamental basis of four-constitution medicine from the principle of Yeokgyeong)

  • 김영목
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.151-172
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    • 2008
  • This study searched fundamental basis of four-constitution medicine from the principle of "Yeokgyeong(易經)" that is scientific foundations of Dongmu(東武) Ijema(李濟馬)'s four-constitution medicine based on system of "Yeokgyeong(易經)" and looked into the principle of our-constitution medicine ontologically. That is to say, the translation of five phase(五行) that represented in "Hwangjenaegyeong(黃帝內經)" regulated that substance of five phase is spleen-earth(脾土). But four-constitution medicine mentions the substance as heart-earth(心土) in place of spleen-earth. Because of it's standpoint, the differences on meanings between spleen-earth and heart-earth on the substance of five-phase becomes motive to interpret scientific system of four-constitution medicine fundamental wrongly. For that reason, the research of this title is needed. The results was summarized as follows. First, in ontological view point of structure of four-constitution, five phase is substance and phenomenon, in other words it includes earth of unrevealed substance and wood, fire, metal and water of self-manifestation of existence. Second, in axiological view point, the four-constitution represent principles and contents of four virtues of human nature. And so the innate four virtues ontologically based on four-constitution of heaven. Therefore a human being is endowed innately benevolence, courtesy, justice, intelligence of four virtues. Third, the concept of greater and lesser of Eum(陰, yin) and Yang(陽, yang) in Dongmu(東武)'s four-constitution medicine is four-constitution in "Yeokgyeong(易經)". Greater principle(太極) and four-constitution is a relation of substance and phenomenon. Fourth, the origin and structure of four-constitution medicine includes the structure and principle of natural philosophical Eumyang and four-constitution, the human-centric theory and sciences of human nature and natural laws and medical experience of traditional oriental medicine and medical principle.

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Streptomyces sp. 182-27 균주가 생산하는 아미노산 대사길항물질의 정제와 특성 (Isolation and Properties of Amino Acid Antimetabolite from Streptomyces sp. 182-27)

  • 박부길
    • 한국미생물·생명공학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.335-343
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    • 1992
  • 미생물이 생산하는 대사길항물질을 screening한 결과 최소검정배지에서 Gram 양성균에 항균활성을 나타내고 L-leucine에 의하여 그 항균활성이 길항당하는 182-27 물질을 생산하는 방선균을 토양에서 새로이 분리하였다. 본 생산균을 분류 동정한 결과, 유연균을 찾아볼 수가 없고 신 균종으로 동정하기에는 많은 type culture와의 비교분류를 하여야만 하므로 여기서는 다만 기균사의 포자형성과 세포벽 성분의 조성, 형태학적 성상 등으로 보다 Streptomyces sp.로만 동정하였다. 182-27 균주의 배양조건을 검토하고 최적조건에서 대량 배양하여 그 배양여액으로부터 이온교환수지, silica gel column chromatography 등에 의하여 활성 물질을 분리 정제하였으며 배양액 약 20$\ell$에서 약 20mg의 백색분말을 얻었다. 182-27 물질은 그의 이화학적 성질로 보아 아미노산 유연물질로 추정할 수가 있으나 그의 화학구조는 아직 밝히지 못했다. 생물학적 성질은 최소검정배지상에서 Gram 양성균에 항균력을 나타냈고 이러한 항균력은 L-leucine의 첨가에 의해 저해 당했다.

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현(玄)사시나무의 결정성물질(結晶性物質)의 종류(種類)와 분포특성(分布特性) (Distribution and Types of Crystalliferous Substance in Populus alba × glandulosa)

  • 박상진;박병수
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제79권4호
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    • pp.398-406
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    • 1990
  • 현(玄)사시나무는 속성조림(速成造林) 수종(樹種)으로 선정(選定)되어 전국(全國)에 보급(普及)되어 있으나 벌채이용단계(伐採利用段階)에 재내(材內)에 포함(包含)된 잎옹이와 결정성질(結晶性質)의 영향(影響)으로 볼 수 있는 인물(刃物)이 쉽게 마모(磨耗)되는 등(等)의 생리적(生理的)인 결점(缺點)이 발견(發見)되고 있다. 본(本) 연구(硏究)는 특히 이들 결점중(缺點中) 결정성물질(結晶性物質)의 종류(種類)와 그 분포특성(分布特性)을 구명(究明)코저 하였다. 결정성물질(結晶性物質)은 심재(心材)에 주(主)로 분포(分布)하고 분포량(分布量)은 수체(樹體)내의 부위(部位)에 따라 차이(差異)가 크며 그 종류(種類)는 silica, aluminum, 탄산(炭酸)칼슘, 수산(修酸)칼슘이었다. silica와 aluminum을 주성분(主成分)으로하는 결정성질(結晶性質)은 방사유세포(放射柔細胞)와 도관(導管) 및 목섬유내강(木纖維內腔)에는 입상(粒狀)으로 관찰되었고, 탄산(炭酸)칼슘은 잎옹이와 도관(導管) 및 목섬유(木纖維)에 주상(柱狀) 혹은 괴상(塊狀)으로 분포(分布)하였다. 한편 수산(修酸)칼슘은 주(主)로 수피(樹皮)의 사부유세포(篩部柔細胞) 소상(銷狀)으로 분포(分布)하고 있었다.

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Single-Dose Toxicity Study of Intramuscular Neuralgia-Pharmacopuncture Injection in Rats

  • Ji Hye Hwang
    • 대한약침학회지
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.348-356
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: Neuralgia-pharmacopuncture (NP) was recently developed as a water-soluble type of pharmacopuncture inspired by CS (care special pain)-pharmacopuncture. I aimed to evaluate the toxic response and approximate lethal dose of when NP when administered intramuscularly to Sprague Dawley rats. Methods: The experimental group was divided into the NP test substance group and the saline control group and administered at a dose of 1.0 mL/animal to the posterior thigh muscles on both sides using a 1 mL syringe; each group consisted of five males and five females. Each rat was monitored for clinical signs and changes in body weight for 14 days after a single intramuscular injection. After completing observation, necropsy findings and localized tolerance at the injection site were assessed via gross necropsy and histopathological examination. Results: No deaths occurred in the NP or control group, regardless of sex. During the observation period, no changes (such as general symptoms, weight change, or visual observation results at the time of autopsy) were judged to be due to the test substance. Histopathological examination showed no changes at the administration site judged to be caused by the test substance in either the male or female test substance administration groups. In addition, mononuclear cell infiltration of the outer membrane of the femoris muscle at the administration site was observed at the same frequency and extent in the control and NP groups, and was judged to be caused by physical stimulation by the injection needle; therefore, it had no toxicological significance. Conclusion: Based on the above results, the approximate lethal dose for a single intramuscular administration of the test substance NP in Sprague-Dawley rats was judged to be > 1.0 mL/animal, and there were no findings that were judged to be due to the test substance at the administration site.

Lactobacillus amylovorus IMC-1에 의해서 생산되는 항균성 물질의 식품 오염세균에 대한 항균 효과 (Antibacterial Effect of Antibacterial Substance Produced by Lactobacillus amylovorus IMC-1 against Food Spoilage Bacteria)

  • Mok, Jong-Soo;Kim, Poong-Ho;Yu, Hyen-Duk;Kim, Ji-Hoe;Lee, Hee-Jung;Kim, Young-Mog
    • 한국식품위생안전성학회지
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.346-351
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    • 1999
  • 본 연구에서는 발효 식품의 제조에 유용한 항균성 물질을 생산하는 유산균 starter의 개발의 일환으로 장내 상존균으로 알려진 Lactobacillus acidophilus group유산균인 Lactobacillus amylovorus IMC-1 균주가 생산한 항균성 물질의 식품오염세균에 대한 항균 활성을 검토하였다. 내몽골 원산 치즈에서 분리된 L. amylovorus IMC-1 균주는 탈지유배지에서 37$^{\circ}C$에서 72시간 배양하였을 때 최대로 항균성 물질을 생산하였으며, 더 이상의 배양은 항균성 물질의 생산에 영향을 미치지 않았다. 겔 여과후의 항균성 물질은 식품오염세균인 Bacillus subtilis IFO 3025, staphylococcus aureus IAM 1011, Listeria monocytogenes VTU 206, Escherichia coli RB. 및 Pseudomonas fragi IFO 3458등과 같은 모든 피검균에 대하여 20units/ml 첨가로 항균활성을 나타내었다. 그리고 이 물질은 B. subtilis, E. coli및 Ps. fragi에 대해서는 살균 작용을 나타내었으며, Staphy. aureus와 L. monocytogenes에 대해서는 정균 작용을 보였다. 그 살균 작용은 용균 작용에 기인한 것임이 밝혀졌다. 또한 이 물질은 유기산, 과산화수소 및 단백질성 물질이 아님이 밝혀졌다.

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