• Title/Summary/Keyword: study of patterns

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A Study on Maternal Verbal Control Pattens and Children's Recognition against those (어머니의 언어통제유형과 그에 대한 아동의 인지 연구)

  • 이희자
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.231-247
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    • 1992
  • A Study on Maternal Verbal Control Patterns and Children's Recognition against those. The primary objective of the material presented in this dissertation is the analysis of the maternal verbal control patterns. The major focus is given to the differences between maternal verbal control patterns and children's recognition against those. The purspoe of this study were; 1) to investigate the maternal verbal control patterns recognized by children according to their family and personal surroundings; 2) to investigate the verbal control patterns in mother's response according to the differences of family and personal surroundings; 3) to find the differences between children's recognition and maternal verbal control patterns; 4) How the maternal verbal control patterns recognized by children are? The materials of this study were 81(37; boys, 44; girl)) from kindergarten in Seou. The sample of age used in this study was 5 to 7 years old. The test about maternal verbal environment used the question sheet for reaction between mother and children by Gumperz. The kids got interviews with same questions as mothers with question sheet. The statistical tools used is the analysis of the data were frequency, crosstab, and t-test. The result of the study were summarized as follows; 1) The maternal verbal control patterns recognized by children had differences according to whether living with grand-parent or not. Living with grand-parent are more person-oriented than without grand-parent group. 2) The maternal verbal control patterns of mother response show the differences within mother's academic background, present situation of child, and parent's expection to child. The imperative verbal control pattern was more frequently used of low academic background who just fraduate the middle or high school. The personal verbal control pattern was more frequently used of high educational background's like university graduate or more educated group. 3) The differences between maternal verbal control patterns with children's recognition and with mother response is that mother responseis more person-oriented than children's. 4) The imperative verbal control pattern used command, verbal purnishment, and physical purnishment. the status-oriented verbal control pattern used univesal positional appeals and limited positional appeals. The person-oriented verbal control pattern used child-oriented cognitive affective appeals.

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A Study on Flower Patterns Found in the Fabrics of the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 직물의 시기감정을 위한 꽃무늬 조형특성 연구)

  • Cho, Hyo-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.58 no.5
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    • pp.87-101
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to identity the representative flower patterns in the Joseon Dynasty and investigate their chronological transitions. In the early Joseon Dynasty (i.e. 16th century), lotus patterns were very popular. Often lotus patterns were twisted around by ivy-leaves or decorated with treasures pattern in the margin. In the mid Joseon Dynasty (i.e. from 17th to mid 18th century), however, lotus patterns evolved from the typical lotus and ivy pattern and diversified into four types. In the 19th century, lotus pattern almost disappeared from the textiles of everyday dresses and were only found in the textiles of formal dresses or in special cases as in the cover pages of Buddhist scriptures. Poeny patterns was rarely used in textiles of 16th century, presumably because of the huge popularity of the lotus pattern. However, suddenly in the 17th century, Poeny patterns appeared quite frequently. There were 3 types of Poeny patterns. Poeny patterns became more popular over the years and it finally became a primary motive in textiles patterns for 100 years starting in the late 19th century. There were two types of Poeny patterns : one was realistic and true to life even in sizes, the other was more symbolic. Textile patterns combining four kinds of flowers started to appear from the late Koryo Dynasty but Flower patterns representing four seasons with distinct shapes appeared only in the 17th century. They could be categorized into three types. In the late 18th century, Flower patterns representing four seasons no longer appears in textile patterns, presumably due to a new preference for lucky omen over natural motives.

A Study on Product Attributes Information Search Patterns and Search Outcomes (제품속성별 정보탐색유형과 탐색성과에 관한연구)

  • 채정숙
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.91-108
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    • 1996
  • The major purpose of this study was to find the influencing factors in explaining search patterns of product attributes in formation and to find if significant differences exist in search outcomes by search patterns. The data for this study were collected in a survey and the final sample consisted of 327 respondents purchased refrigerator 340 purchased bed. The important findings of this study are as follows: First the variables related to search cost-benefit play an important role in identifying search patterns for each of product attributers. The findings of this study provide some implications regarding consumer education programs and consumer information providing policies.

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Characteristics of Contemporary Fashion using Camouflage Patterns (카무플라주 문양을 활용한 현대패션의 특성)

  • Kim, Sun-Young
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.661-673
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    • 2011
  • This study aimed to identify the intrinsic characteristics of camouflage patterns by reviewing their origin, transitions and types from a theoretical background and analyzing their forms of expression in contemporary fashion. For a literature review and an empirical analysis of the camouflage patterns used in contemporary fashion, the study referred to domestic and foreign fashion magazines published between 2000 S/S and 2010 S/S, including Gap Press, Fashion News, Vogue and Harper's Bazaar, and other related data available on the internet. The findings of this study show that the forms of camouflage patterns used in contemporary fashion can be divided into four types: abstract patterns, plant patterns of flowers or leaves, animal patterns and dotted patterns. In terms of coloration, the camouflage patterns work to refresh the design, breaking from the image of military uniforms through the use of a wide range of color variation and combinations as well as the traditional camouflage colors based on khaki and beige. In terms of expression, most of them utilize printing. However, other techniques of expression, such as embroidery, beading, knitting, and collages are used to emphasize the beauty of handcrafted decorations along with the aesthetic value of reliefs. Through these tendencies of expression, the characteristics of contemporary fashion using camouflage are explained with an emphasis on feminine beauty, the expression of neutrality, and the use as decorative factors.

Development of 3D Printed Shoe Designs Using Traditional Muntin Patterns

  • Lim, Ho Sun
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.134-139
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    • 2017
  • This study proposes 3D printed shoe designs with patterns made by reinterpreting traditional Korean muntin patterns as customized designs that are unique to individual consumers and different from existing products. In the fashion industry, shoes with diverse designs grafted with 3D printing technology have been introduced. Artistic 3D printed shoes showcase the unique designs of designers. Functional and practical 3D printed shoes that can be worn during daily activities and during exercise have been actively developed. Traditional Korean pattern designs are also being recreated into designs reflecting the aesthetic sense of modern times with our own identity. The uniqueness of the traditional muntin patterns in geometric shapes, such as intersections of lines, rectangles, and octagons, are expressed in shoe designs with modern aesthetic senses by utilizing the traditional patterns that conform well to the modern geometric beauty of forms. This study was intended to develop 3D shoe designs that reinterpreted the motif of muntin patterns from among traditional Korean geometric patterns with a modern aesthetic sense. The octagonal patterns that express the scenery of spring can be seen through the muntins in traditional Korean-style houses were designed on the heels of shoes. Utilizing the Rhino CAD program and ProJet 660 Pro 3D printer, shoes were designed and printed. The processes for making shoes using 3D printing technology proposed in this study are significant because they represent the creation of designs in a new area. The results of this study might help in the development of 3D printed fashion products.

The Effects of Private Education Patterns and Study Habits on Academic Achievement (사교육 패턴과 학습습관이 학업성취도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Eun Jung;Ko, Jung Won
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.443-456
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the patterns of private education, investigate the characteristics of private education patterns, and analyze the differences in study habits and academic achievement of youth on the basis of private education patterns. In this study, we used the data from the 2012 Panel of the Korea Children and Youth Panel Study by the National Youth Policy Institute. The subjects of this study were ninth-grade students and their parents. The statistical methods used for the analysis were two-step clustering, Chi-squared test, analysis of variance, and multiple regression. The major findings were as follows: first, private education was classified into three patterns, namely financial investment, time investment, and reduction of investment; and four categories, namely; private education methodology, private education time, private education expenses, and number of youth with access to private education. Second, the statistically significant socio-demographic characteristics of private education patterns were parents' education, parents' job type, father's working hours, sex of children, housing form, and income. Third, the study found that financial investment and a reduce of investment led to better study habits and academic achievement than time investment and no investment. Fourth, private education and study habits showed statistically meaningful effects on academic achievement; in particular, study habits had strong effects on academic achievement. Based on the results, a variety of educational programs for the improvement of the study habits of the youth were suggested.

A Comparative Study of Plant Patterns Found in the Textiles of Goryeo and its Neighbor Countries (고려와 주변국 직물에 표현된 식물무늬 비교 연구)

  • Yeom, Ha-Ryoung;Cho, Hyo-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.59 no.9
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    • pp.71-86
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    • 2009
  • This study examines plant patterns expressed on the fabrics during the Goryeo Dynasty and many countries in the Chinese continent and analyzes their symbolism and formativeness. This study deals with clothes which is one of the most fundamental aspects in a culture and plant patterns on them; it examines the overall formativeness of plant patterns in East Asia from the 10th century to the 14th century by studying plant patterns in the Goryeo Dynasty and the contemporaneous dynasties in the Chinese continent - Five Dynasties, Song Dynasty, Western Xia Dynasty, Liao Dynasty, Jin Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty. The plant patterns of each country were categorized by the type of plant. The composition and expression of plant patterns were examined and statistically analyzed. Small flowers were found in Goryeo fabrics twice more than other types that could be clearly identified, and peony was the most popular flower used in Chinese fabrics. In terms of composition of plant patterns, both Goryeo and Chinese fabrics had plant only patterns more frequently than the patterns mixed with animals or jewels. Regarding expression methods of plant patterns, the most common one in Goryeo fabrics was the petal-type, while the branch-type is the most common one in Chinese fabrics. The plant patterns of the Goryeo Dynasty show beauty of simplicity with minimalism and simplification while expressed with brilliant sold threads on dark background, such as purple or light green, so the overall feeling of fabrics was simple yet nobel.

A Comparative Study on the Patterns of Technological Innovation of Bio - Industry in Korea (한국 생명공학산업의 기술혁신 패턴에 관한 연구)

  • 박정민
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.224-241
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    • 2001
  • This paper is an inquiry into the patterns of technological innovation of bio - industry in Korea in comparison with the worldwide patterns. In another words, this study wants to check whether the patterns of technological innovation of bio - industry in Korea differ front those in advanced countries or not. The comparison is based on the theory of science - based industry asserted by Seol (2001) and Cho (2001). There are no specific difference in the patterns of technological innovation such as science - based innovation, capitalization of science, industries leading by scientific fields, the importance of venture firms for commercialization, high level of R&D expense to sales. Also the order of fields by size is similar to worldwide patterns. But the size of microbiology is bigger than that of worldwide patterns. The strength in microbiology may be the country specific features of Korea, like platform technology of Germany.

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A Comparative Study of Bat Patterns in Clothes and Personal Ornaments of China and Korea (복식에 표현된 한.중 박쥐문양의 형태적 비교)

  • Kim, Soon-Yeol;Park, Chun-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.405-416
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    • 2006
  • We, in this thesis, examined the similarities and differences of bat patterns in China and Korea, along with a consideration of how two peoples understood bats and how their understanding of bats developed and also influenced the bat patterns. As for research period, the Ming(明) dynasty and the Qing(淸) dynasty in China and the Chosun dynasty in Korea were considered. The subjects of this study included clothes, personal ornaments, and embroidery. This research was done by comparing and analyzing the similarities and differences of two countries' bat patterns. The results of comparing and analyzing Chinese and Korean bat patterns were as follows: In terms of similarity, people of two countries understood bat patterns as the symbol of happiness. Therefore, they were used in clothes, personal ornaments, and daily necessities. In terms of difference, bat patterns of two countries had different shapes. In China, colorful and realistic single bat patterns were shown as intensive composition, whereas in Korea plain and simple bat patterns were used. These differences resulted from different way of understanding of bat patterns. It can be concluded that the bat patterns can be a great cultural commodity with high commercial values, if the traditional pattern is used as a unique element of the Oriental designs and altered and developed to attract consumers' attention.

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A Study on the Patterns Used in the Hanbok in the Latter 1990s (1990년대 후반 한국 전통 의상에 사용한 문양에 관한 고찰)

  • 최경순;김수경
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.140-151
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    • 1999
  • This research was designed to study the different kinds of ancient patterns applied to the Korean traditional suit and the symbolism associated with these patterns being used the prevalent Han-bok collections in markets. The shapes and changes in the use of the patterns can be summarized as follows. The published collections in the last 5 years were specifically concentrated between 1996 and 1997, proving that the development in Han-bok designs was most active during that time. But the trend decreased due to the effects of a depressed domestic economy. The plant pattern was the most utilized pattern for practical purposes. It looks beautiful and it is also easily manufactured with open space. Symmetrical and linear arrangements make customers feel stable at sight and these patterns tend to attract public gaze resulting in increased sales. There is a problem whether to continue using the existing patterns of the Han-bok without any correction or whether to copy the pattern of the kimono or the western suit. Copying other patterns definitely hurts the elegance of the Han-bok. It is time for us to not only keep our own traditions but also to study and develop new patterns that are distinct from the Chinese and Japanese patterns. The following are suggested as the basic materials.

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