• 제목/요약/키워드: streptozotocin-induced diabetes

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고구마 분말을 첨가하여 제조한 dinner roll의 품질특성과 당뇨 유도 흰쥐의 혈당에 미치는 효과 (Quality Characteristics of Dinner Roll Added with Lyophilized Sweet Potato Powder and Its Effect on the Blood Glucose Level)

  • 모은경;김승미;제갈성아;최영심;송칠석;안상란;이명호;성창근
    • 한국식품과학회지
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    • 제45권1호
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    • pp.40-46
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    • 2013
  • SPP를 첨가하여 제조한 빵(dinner roll) 반죽의 pH는 대조구와 실험구 사이에 차이가 없었다. SPP 첨가량과 반죽의 밀도 사이에는 강한 양의 상관관계를, 반죽의 발효팽창력 사이에는 음의 상관관계를 나타내었다. Dinner roll의 굽기손실율은 SPP의 첨가량이 증가할수록 감소하였으나, 비용적은 차이가 없었다. Dinner roll crust의 L value, b value, chroma 및 Hue angle은 대조구보다 SPP 첨가구가 유의적으로 낮았고, a value는 대조구보다 SPP 첨가구가 유의적으로 높았다. Crumb의 L value와 Hue angle은 대조구보다 SPP 첨가구가 유의적으로 낮았고, a value, b value 및 chroma는 대조구보다 SPP 첨가구가 유의적으로 높았다. SPP 첨가량과 dinner roll의 hardness 및 cohesiveness 사이에는 강한 양의 상관관계가 있었으나, springiness 및 chewiness와는 상관관계가 형성되지 않았다. Streptozotocin 투여로 당뇨병이 유발된 흰쥐에 SPP가 첨가된 dinner roll을 4주간 섭취시킨 결과, SPP 첨가구의 혈당 농도가 대조구보다 유의적으로 감소하였고, 이는 SPP에 함유된 ${\beta}$-carotene 때문인 것으로 사료되었다.

Involvement of Estrogen Receptor-α in the Activation of Nrf2-Antioxidative Signaling Pathways by Silibinin in Pancreatic β-Cells

  • Chu, Chun;Gao, Xiang;Li, Xiang;Zhang, Xiaoying;Ma, Ruixin;Jia, Ying;Li, Dahong;Wang, Dongkai;Xu, Fanxing
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.163-171
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    • 2020
  • Silibinin exhibits antidiabetic potential by preserving the mass and function of pancreatic β-cells through up-regulation of estrogen receptor-α (ERα) expression. However, the underlying protective mechanism of silibinin in pancreatic β-cells is still unclear. In the current study, we sought to determine whether ERα acts as the target of silibinin for the modulation of antioxidative response in pancreatic β-cells under high glucose and high fat conditions. Our in vivo study revealed that a 4-week oral administration of silibinin (100 mg/kg/day) decreased fasting blood glucose with a concurrent increase in levels of serum insulin in high-fat diet/streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetic rats. Moreover, expression of ERα, NF-E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), and heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) in pancreatic β-cells in pancreatic islets was increased by silibinin treatment. Accordingly, silibinin (10 μM) elevated viability, insulin biosynthesis, and insulin secretion of high glucose/palmitate-treated INS-1 cells accompanied by increased expression of ERα, Nrf2, and HO-1 as well as decreased reactive oxygen species production in vitro. Treatment using an ERα antagonist (MPP) in INS-1 cells or silencing ERα expression in INS-1 and NIT-1 cells with siRNA abolished the protective effects of silibinin. Our study suggests that silibinin activates the Nrf2-antioxidative pathways in pancreatic β-cells through regulation of ERα expression.

한국산 야생식용식물의 조리과학적 연구 (A Study on the develpoment of new recipes of 5-Korean Wild Vegetables)

  • 임숙자;박노정
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.412-419
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    • 1994
  • The Contents of proximate compositions, vitamin C and minerals(Ca, P, Fe and Zn) of five Korean wild vegetables were analyzed. Twenty four cooking recipes with three of the vegetables were developed and their taste characteristics were evaluated by 12-trained panels. The five Korean wild vegetables are Cassia tora(C.t.), Lycium chinese Mill(L.c.), Trichosanthes quadricirra MIQ(T.q.), Polygonatum japonicum MORR et DECAIS(P.j.) and Articum lappa L.(A.l.). They have been known as the efficacious plants agaginst diabetes mellitus. In our previous work, their hypoglycemic effects have been studied through streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and fed on the wild vegetables. Contents of moisture were 14~86% in the samples and L.c. showed relatively higher content of crude protein(16.4%). High level of crude fat was seen in C.t.(9.4%). Contents of vitamin C were also relatively high in the wild vegetables(14.2~42.0 mg%). Analysis of minerals revealed the high level of Ca in L.c. leaves, P in A.l. and Fe in C.t. and L.c. leaves. All of the samples contained Zn in 5.0~14.6 mg%. Twelvetrained taste panels indicated that the 24-preparations of L.c. leaves, fruites and P.j. were well accepted in taste, color and odor. Although L.c. fruit gruel, L.c. cream soup and P.j. saute were evalulated as less acceptable, their sensory scores were in 3.6~5.4 which were not undesirable. The newly developed cooking recipes of L.c. fruits and leaves showed better scores in color and texture, P.j. in texture and odor.

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Potential on Hypotriglyceridemic Effect of Chloroform-Methanol Extract of Adlay Diabetic Rats

  • Cho, Youn-Ok;Lee, Mie-Soon
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제31권5호
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    • pp.921-926
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential hypolipidemic effect of adlay extract in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Fifty six rats were fed either a control diet or adlay extract diets of : Methanol 1%(Ml%) ; Methanol 2%(M2%) ; Methanol 4%(M4%) ; Chloroform-Methanol 1%(CMl%) ; Chloroform-Methanol 2%(CM2%) ; Chloroform-Methanol 4%(CM4%) for 3 weeks. The amount of extracts added was 1%, 2% or 4% by diet weight respectively. The levels of glucose, total cholesterol(TC), high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), free-fatty acid(FFA) and triglyceride(TG) in plasma, liver and skeletal muscle were compared. Among diabetic rats, there were no significant differences in the plasma level of glucose and TC regardless of a different extraction procedure or different amount of extracts added. While the plasma 7G level tended to increase with times passed in diabetic control group, was not increased with times passed in CM groups and was significantly lower in CM groups at 3rd week. Compared to the diabetic control group, the levels of FFA tended to be lower in all M groups and were not different in all CM groups. The levels of HDL-cholesterol were not different in all M groups and were significantly lower in all CM groups than diabetic control group. Compared to diabetic control group, liver triglyceride level was lower in M4% group and no significant difference was seen in Ml%, M2% and all CM groups. Muscle triglyceride level tended to be lower in Ml%, M2% and CM2% group and significantly was lower in M4% and CM4% group. Thus, it can be suggested that a CM extract of adllay could have a potential hypotriglyceridemic effect on diabetic subjects. (Korean J Nutrition 31(5) : 921∼926, 1998)

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녹차가루 식이가 당뇨쥐의 혈당 및 혈중 지질 농도에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Green Tea Powder Supplementation on Blood Glucose and Lipid Concentrations in Rats with Streptozotocin-induced Diabetes)

  • 최미자;김선화
    • 동아시아식생활학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2010
  • The study examined the effects of dietary green tea powder supplementation on blood glucose, and plasma and liver lipid concentrations in diabetic rats. Twenty-five male Sprague-Dawley rats (body weight $200{\pm}5\;g$) were divided into two groups (diabetic and non-diabetic), which were each randomly divided into two subgroups that were fed a control and 1% green tea powder-supplemented diet. Serum and liver lipid concentrations were measured by established techniques. Low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) was calculated from an established equation. Body weight gain and feed efficiency ratio were lower in diabetic rats than in non-diabetic rats regardless of diet. There were no differences in weight gain in diabetic and non-diabetic rats consuming the control and green tea powder-supplemented diets. The levels of fasting plasma glucose, serum total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL-C and atherogenic index of diabetic rats were significantly higher than that of non-diabetic rats. Conversely, the levels of high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) of diabetic rats was significantly lower than that of non-diabetic rats. Fasting plasma glucose, serum total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL-C and atherogenic index were significantly lower in diabetic rats fed the green tea powder diet than in rats fed the control diet, and HDL-C was significantly higher in rats fed the green tea powder diet than in rats fed the control diet. The content of liver total cholesterol and triglyceride of diabetic rats were significantly higher than that of non-diabetic rats. Liver total cholesterol and triglyceride were significantly lower in diabetic rats fed green tea powder-supplemented diet than in rats fed the control diet. It is concluded that green tea powder supplementation positively influences blood glucose and lipid metabolism in diabetic rats. The present study, although not directly applicable to humans, may have some implications for individuals who habitually consume green tea powder.

Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CHP-12에 의한 대두 발효물의 Cyclo-His-Pro (CHP) 함량 증진 및 항당뇨 효과 (Enhancement of Cyclo-His-Pro (CHP) Content from Soybean Fermented with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CHP-12 and Its Anti-diabetic Effect)

  • 나경수;최장원
    • KSBB Journal
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2011
  • To enhance cyclo-His-Pro (CHP) content, soybean hydrolysate was obtained using the strains isolated from Chungkukjang and further purified by various purification steps. First, twenty two strains were screened from Chungkukjang containing high level of CHP. Among them, the strain No. 12, which showed higher productivity of CHP from soybean ferment and have homologous sequence with 16S rDNA of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, was named B. amyloliquefaciens CHP-12. Through various purification processes, CHP was concentrated from soybean ferment using ultrafiltration, which showed the best efficiency of CHP production, with the yield (71.3%) and CHP content (2.14 mg/g). Moreover, when glucose tolerance test was performed in Type I Sprague-Dawley rat induced by streptozotocin using the soybean ferments [0.5 g soybean ferment/kg body weight (CHP-0.5 group)] and 1.0 g soybean ferment/kg body weight (CHP-1.0 group), there were significant differences in glucose levels between diabetes-control group (265.3 mg/dL) and soybean ferment-treated groups (CHP-0.5 group: 84.3 mg/dL and CHP-1.0 group: 85.3 mg/dL) 120 min after glucose injection (2 g/kg body weight) (p < 0.05). Accordingly, it is suggested that the soybean ferment containing high level of CHP might be a candidate material as an anti-diabetic supplement for manufacturing functional healthy foods.

Minimal Amount of Insulin Can Reverse Diabetic Heart Function: Sarcoplasmic Reticulum $Ca^{2+}$ Transport and Phospholamban Protein Expression

  • Kim, Hae-Won;Cho, Yong-Sun;Lee, Yun-Song;Lee, Eun-Hee;Lee, Hee-Ran
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.175-182
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    • 1999
  • In the present study, the underlying mechanisms for diabetic functional derangement and insulin effect on diabetic cardiomyopathy were investigated with respect to sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) $Ca^{2+}-ATPase$ and phospholamban at the transcriptional and translational levels. The maximal $Ca^{2+}$ uptake and the affinity of $Ca^{2+}-ATPase$ for $Ca^{2+}$ were decreased in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat cardiac SR, however, even minimal amount of insulin could reverse both parameters. Levels of both mRNA and protein of phospholamban were significantly increased in diabetic rat hearts, whereas the mRNA and protein levels of SR $Ca^{2+}-ATPase$ were significantly decreased. In case of phospholamban, insulin treatment reverses these parameters to normal levels. Minimal amount of insulin could reverse the protein levels; however, it could not reverse the mRNA level of SR $Ca^{2+}-ATPase$ at all. Thus, the decreased SR $Ca^{2+}$ uptake appear to be largely attributed to the decreased SR $Ca^{2+}-ATPase$ level, which is further impaired due to the inhibition by the increased level of phospholamban. These results indicate that insulin is involved in the control of intracellular $Ca^{2+}$ in the cardiomyocyte through multiple target proteins via multiple mechanisms for the decrease in the mRNA for both SR $Ca^{2+}-ATPase$ and phospholamban which are unknown and needs further study.

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보중익기탕(補中益氣湯), 십전대보탕(十全大補湯), 영계출감탕(苓桂朮甘湯)이 장음으로 평가된 흰 쥐의 위(胃) 수축력(收縮力)에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Bojoongikki-tang, Sipjeondaebo-tang, Youngkaechulgam-tang on Gastric Contractility Estimated by Bowel Sound in Rats)

  • 박영선;윤상협
    • 대한한방내과학회지
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    • 제31권2호
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    • pp.212-223
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : The aims of this study were to evaluate whether gastric contractility could be measured by bowel sound of rats, and whether gastrointestinal side effect of any herbal restoratives would be related with their inhibition of gastric contraction. Methods : Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats were used as a gastric hypocontraction model. At the time of 6 weeks after induction of diabetes, 2mL of normal saline (NS) and 2mL of extract solution each containing 125mg/kg of Bojoongikki-tang (BJ), Sipjeondaebo-tang (SJ), Youngkaechulgam-tang (YG) were given to Normal (NR) and diabetic rats (DR), respectively. Bowel sound was recorded for 30 minute in fasting, and 120 minute of their administration. Gastric motility index was serially calculated with the ratio of accumulated potentials of post-administration/fasting state every 10 minutes. Results : Gastric contractility between NR and DR could be significantly distinguished by bowel sound auscultation. BJ had a decreasing effect, SJ had a bidirectional effect, and YG had an increasing effect on gastric contractility measured by bowel sound auscultation. Conclusions : BJ showed the possibility of inhibitory effects on gastric contraction. So, before administration, a gastric motility test should be recommended to prevent possible side effects in patients with gastric hypocontractility.

정상 및 당뇨 흰쥐에서 주령과 절식에 의한 양파의 혈당조절작용 변화 (Influence of Age and Fasting on the Anti-hyperglycemic Effect of Onion in Normal and Diabetic rat)

  • 문창현;정이숙;김민화;이수환;백은주;박세원
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • 제5권4호
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    • pp.364-368
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    • 1997
  • Onion (Allium cepa Linn) has been reported to have hypoglycemic activity in human and several animal models. In the present study, we performed intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test (IPGTT) in young (1.5mo) and aged (5 mo) rats treated with onion in order to determine whether aging can influence on the anti-hy-perglycemic effect of onion. In addition, we investigated the hypoglycemic effect of onion in streptozotocin- induced diabetic rats treated with aqueous extracts of onion (500 mg/kg, i.p., daily) for 4 weeks. Blood glucose level was determined in fasted and fed rats by using a glucometer (Johnson & Johnson). In glucose tolerance test, blood glucose level was maximally increased 15 min after glucose load (2 g/kg, i.p.), and recovered to the basal level 3 hr after glucose challenge in young and old rats. The maximum blood glucose levels of young and aged rat were 184$\pm$7.49 and 225.2$\pm$ 12.55 mg/dl, respectively. A single i.p. injection of aqueous extract of onion (1 g/kg) 30 min before glucose challenge significantly decreased blood glucose levels at 15, 30, 60, 90 min after glucose load in aged rats, while the administration of onion did not show any significant effect in young rats. In onion-treated diabetic rats, significant hypoglycemic effect (p<0.05) was observed, and the effect was greater in fasted rats than in fed. In conclusion, these results suggest that anti-hyperlycemic effect of onion can be changed by age and fasting.

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Anti-hyperglycemic effect and single oral toxicity of SPP003

  • Kim, Yong-Hyuk;Eum, Hyun-Ae;Lee, Woo-Yong;Lee, Sang-Ho;Kim, Hyun-Young
    • 한국응용약물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국응용약물학회 2002년도 창립10주년기념 및 국립독성연구원 의약품동등성평가부서 신설기념 국재학술대회:생물학적 동등성과 의약품 개발 전략을 위한 국제심포지움
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    • pp.219-219
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    • 2002
  • The SPP003 is a mixture of water extract from Schizandrae Fructus, Poligoni multiflori Radix, Ginseng Radix Akba and Hoelen. The aim of this study was to investigate the anti-hyperglycemic effect of SPP003 in normal and streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats, and to monitor the toxicity of SPP003. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was performed after oral administration of SPP003 100, 300, 600 and 900 mg/kg in normal rats. Blood glucese concentration was measured at -30 min (vehicle, SPP003 or tolbutamide 60 mg/kg, 0 min (glucose treatment), 60, 120 and 180 min. Rats were administerd STZ 65mg/kg (0.1M citrate buffer, pH 4.5) intraperitoneally to induce diabetes and administered vehicle, Spp003 (100, 300 and 600 mg/kg) or tolbutamide (60 mg/kg) orally once a day for 4 weeks. Blood glucose level was measured a 0, 4, 7, 14, 21 and 29 day after initial drug administration. A single oral toxicity of SPP003 was studied in Sprague-Dawley rats of both sexes. In this study, rats were administered with doses of 1, 2 and 5 g/kg of SPP003. In glucose tolerance test, SPP003 900 mg/kg markedly decreased glucose concentration at 1 hr after glucose treatment. Blood glucose levels were much higher in STZ-diabetic rats. These increases were significantly attenuated by SPP003 600 mg/kg. SPP003 did not show any signigicant toxicity. These findings suggest that SPP003 has hypoglycemic properties in STZ-diabetic rats.

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