• Title/Summary/Keyword: stop line detection

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Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition using Guide Lines (가이드라인을 이용한 동적 손동작 인식)

  • Kim, Kun-Woo;Lee, Won-Joo;Jeon, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2010
  • Generally, dynamic hand gesture recognition is formed through preprocessing step, hand tracking step and hand shape detection step. In this paper, we present advanced dynamic hand gesture recognizing method that improves performance in preprocessing step and hand shape detection step. In preprocessing step, we remove noise fast by using dynamic table and detect skin color exactly on complex background for controling skin color range in skin color detection method using YCbCr color space. Especially, we increase recognizing speed in hand shape detection step through detecting Start Image and Stop Image, that are elements of dynamic hand gesture recognizing, using Guideline. Guideline is edge of input hand image and hand shape for comparing. We perform various experiments with nine web-cam video clips that are separated to complex background and simple background for dynamic hand gesture recognition method in the paper. The result of experiment shows similar recognition ratio but high recognition speed, low cpu usage, low memory usage than recognition method using learning exercise.


  • Jung, H.G.;Lee, Y.H.;Kim, B.J.;Yoon, P.J.;Kim, J.H.
    • International Journal of Automotive Technology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.493-504
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    • 2007
  • This paper proposes a stereo vision-based forward obstacle detection and distance measurement method. In general, stereo vision-based obstacle detection methods in automotive applications can be classified into two categories: IPM (Inverse Perspective Mapping)-based and disparity histogram-based. The existing disparity histogram-based method was developed for stop-and-go applications. The proposed method extends the scope of the disparity histogram-based method to highway applications by 1) replacing the fixed rectangular ROI (Region Of Interest) with the traveling lane-based ROI, and 2) replacing the peak detection with a constant threshold with peak detection using the threshold-line and peakness evaluation. In order to increase the true positive rate while decreasing the false positive rate, multiple candidate peaks were generated and then verified by the edge feature correlation method. By testing the proposed method with images captured on the highway, it was shown that the proposed method was able to overcome problems in previous implementations while being applied successfully to highway collision warning/avoidance conditions, In addition, comparisons with laser radar showed that vision sensors with a wider FOV (Field Of View) provided faster responses to cutting-in vehicles. Finally, we integrated the proposed method into a longitudinal collision avoidance system. Experimental results showed that activated braking by risk assessment using the state of the ego-vehicle and measuring the distance to upcoming obstacles could successfully prevent collisions.

Driving three kinds of Course Test with RC car by Color Recognition (색깔 인식에 의한 RC car의 3가지 코스 시험 주행)

  • Lee, Jong-Min;Sohn, Young-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2014
  • Automatic driving needs many functions such as the obstacle recognition, the lane recognition, and the lane change, etc. In this paper, we realized a system which automatically drove the three-kinds of vehicle driving course, to introduce and apply the concept of 'color recognition' that expands the scope of 'lane recognition' for vehicle driving. We made the reduced each course compared with RC(Radio Control) car size, and controlled the steering considering the position and the slope of the detection line and the speed. Because the RC car does not have the brake function, we consider the speed and the position of the detection line to stop the RC car.

Development of Automatic Accidents Detection Algorithm Using Image Sequence (영상을 이용한 자동 유고 검지 알고리즘 개발)

  • Lee, Bong-Keun;Lim, Joong-Seon;Han, Min-Hong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.10B no.2
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2003
  • This paper is intended to develop an algorithm for automatic detection of traffic accidents using image sequences. This algorithm is designed for detecting stopped vehicles traffic accidents, break down, illegal stop in the road shoulder - on the range of camera view. Virtual traps are set on accident-prone spots. We analyze the changes in gray levels of pixels on the virtual traps which represent the motion of vehicles on the corresponding spots. We verify the proposed algorithm by simulating some situations and checking if it detect them correctly.

Using SDU Slip/Slide Control (SDU 장치를 이용한 Slip/Slide 제어방안)

  • Park, Ju-Yeon;Kang, Deok-Won;Lee, Jong-Seong
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.377-383
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    • 2011
  • The paper is to perceive accurately speed of the train through redundant processor operation. When Slip/slide is occurred at the axle, the train is applied brake force using the Tachometer and the Doppler sensor which assistance equipment. One of the main features of railway signaling system is that rolling stock is made stop to avoid collision with the rolling stock ahead when the rolling stock exceeds its maximum operating speed in line. In addition, in the case of the rolling stock with automatic train operation, it carries out activities such as braking and propulsion using the difference between its actual speed and target speed at the point. To perform these functions, it is essential to calculate the exact speed of the rolling stock in signaling equipment on vehicles. Train speed detection unit are composed of the Tachometer and the Doppler sensor, and speed information is sent to the SDU unit. The processor of SDU unit calculates the speed of the train using compare logic the received speed information. Even if there are Slip/Slide, signaling system is available to apply exact braking, to improve stop on position and to guarantee the safety of trains.

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A Study on Operating Position Sensing System of Pull Cord Switches Using Power Line Communication (전력선 통신을 이용한 풀 코드 스위치의 동작위치 인식 시스템에 대한 연구)

  • Choi, Nam-Sup;Lee, Buhm
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.745-748
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents a study on pull cord switch system which is employed in various industry for emergency stop of the equipments. By using power line communication(PLC) technique, in this paper, a new method for operation position detection of pull cord switch is suggested without complicated wiring of separate cables which utilize only 2 lines. Also, using control function of PLC IC, a reset signal for each switch reset can be implemented in the switch status control/sensing device. Finally, this paper shows validity and practical applicability of the proposed operating position sensing system of pull cord switch by implementing the system and revealing the response time and signal through the PLC line.

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Analysis of EMI Between Overlapped Railway Signalling Systems and Its Countermeasure (철도신호시스템 중첩운영으로 인한 전자파장해현상 분석 및 대책)

  • Kho, Young-Hwan;Yoon, Sun-Ho;Choi, Kyu-Hyoung
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.58 no.6
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    • pp.1116-1122
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    • 2009
  • ATS(Automatic Train Stop) system makes train stop when it runs over the speed limit and ensure the safe operation of train. Seoul Metro line 2 in Korea, which started its passenger service in 1982, has adopted ATS system for its signaling system. The ATS system has only a train stop function at the time of emergency, and Seoul Metro is planning to replaced them with ATC(Automatic Train Control)/ATO(Automatic Train Operation) system which can provide the dedicated speed control for headway reduction and automatic operation of train. Until all the ATS system is replaced with the new ATC system, both systems are to operate simultaneously at the same metro line. In this situation, ATS system sometimes reveals improper operation: train stops suddenly without any obstacles in front of it. These emergency stops cause interruption of passenger service, and abnormal abrasion of wheels and rail. This paper makes it clear that these interruptions are caused by EMI phenomena between ATS on-board device and ATC wayside device : Signal current flowing in AF track circuit of ATC is turn out to be a EMI source that prevent normal operation of the ATS on-board device. Although the two systems have different frequency-ranges (ATS system has frequency range between $78{\sim}130$[kHz] and ATC system has frequency range between $9.5{\sim}16.5$[kHz]), it turned out that EMI phenomena appears between the both systems. This is investigated by measuring the output signal from ATS on-board device passing over ATC wayside device. The FFT(Fast Fourier Transform) analysis of the signal reveals that AF track circuit signal is transmitted to the ATS on-board device and induce noise causing improper operation. The countermeasures to the EMI phenomena are examined in three ways; blocking EMI transmission, enforcement of EMS (Electromagnetic Susceptibility) of ATS on-board device, and blocking the EMI source. It is suggested that the practical solution be blocking EMI source temporarily, that is breaking AF track circuit signal when the trains with ATS on-board device pass over it. To this purpose, TODS(Train Occupation Detection System) is developed, and has made a success in preventing the EMI problem of Seoul Metro line 2.

Development of a Passive Infrared Detector Algorithm for the Stop-line Detector of a Signalized Intersection (신호교차로의 정지선 검지기를 위한 수동형 적외선 검지기 알고리즘 개발(점유시간을 중심으로))

  • Jeong Sok-Min;Lee Seung-Hwan;Kim Nam-Sun
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.2 no.1 s.2
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    • pp.25-40
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this thesis is development of detection algorithm for stop-line detector. Detail detection area is set in basing detection area($1.8{\times}4.0m$) and traffic information(volume, occupancy, nonoccupancy) is collected by passive infrared detector at designing detection area. The basis detection area($1.8{\times}4.0m$) is named existing PIR and detection area applied on development algorithm is named proposal PIR. The proposal PIR is collected data such volume, occupancy, nonoccupancy, speed and lane change, but this thesis is limited to evaluate for volume, occupancy and nonoccupancy The procedure and each step of being developed algorithm is described in the next (1) The detection area of proposal PIR is made up of 2 of $1.8{\times}0.6m$ size(the detection area is named 1 and 3) and 1 of $1.8{\times}1.78m$ size(the detection area is named 2) (2) The image detection area is set on monitor to analyze outdoor photographing data then video frame analysis has been done by analyzer. (3) The occupancy, nonoccupancy and speed data of vehicle have been collected with the detection area 1 and 3 and lane change has been collected with combination of detection area 1, 2 and 3 The MAD and MAPE have been utilized to being compared with volume, occupancy and nonoccupancy for the field application and evaluation of a algorithm As the result, the proposal PIR data have been identified superior to the existing PIR data and the effect has been improved its information(volume, occupancy and nonoccupancy)

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Train detection in railway platform area using image processing technology (영상처리를 이용한 철도 승강장 영역에서의 열차상태 검지방법)

  • Oh, Sehchan;Yoon, Yongki;Baek, Jonghyun;Jo, Hyunjeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.6098-6104
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    • 2012
  • Currently, dozens of CCTVs are widely used in railway station for monitoring passengers in danger and security areas. The most frequent accidents occur at the platform area where passengers boarding the train. However, It is almost impossible that station operator monitors dozens of CCTV screens and recognizes immediately accidents and handle them. Therefore, railway platform monitoring system using image processing technology which automatically detects platform accidents is needed, and in order to that, preferentially, accurate determination of train state in the platform is required. In the paper, we propose train state detection algorithm for vision based railway platform monitoring system. the proposed algorithm determines four different states i.e. trains approach(IN), departure(OUT), stop(ON), and empty(OFF) of the train, in the platform. To evaluate the proposed algorithm, we present the train detection results for the Seoul Metro Line 4 Dongjak and Namtaeryeong Station.

Effective Road Distance Estimation Using a Vehicle-attached Black Box Camera (차량 장착 블랙박스 카메라를 이용한 효과적인 도로의 거리 예측방법)

  • Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.651-658
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    • 2015
  • Recently, lots of research works have been actively focused on the self-driving car. In order to implement the self-driving car, lots of fusion techniques should be merged and, specially, it is noted that a vehicle-attached camera can provide several useful functionalities such as traffic lights recognition, pedestrian detection, stop-line recognition including simple driving records. Accordingly, as one of the efficient tools for the self-driving car implementation, this paper proposes a mathematical model for estimating effectively the road distance with a vehicle-attached black box camera. The proposed model can be effectively used for estimating the road distance by using the height of black box camera or the widths of the referenced road line and the observed road line. Through several simulations, it is shown that the proposed model is effective in estimating the road distance.