• Title/Summary/Keyword: state recognition

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Newspaper Analysis of the 92nd Academy Awards and Parasite: Focusing on the Power Relationship of the Established and the Outsiders (제92회 아카데미 시상식과 영화 <기생충>에 대한 미국과 한국의 신문 분석 : 기득권과 아웃사이더 권력관계를 중심으로)

  • Choo, Hye-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed newspaper reports in the United States and South Korea that focused on Parasite's unprecedented performance at the 2020 Academy Awards. The research focused on the power relationship between 'the established and the outsiders (Elias & Scotson, 1994)' as represented by the Academy Awards and Parasite, respectively. Qualitative content analysis and text analysis were conducted to examine the reporting of American and South Korean newspapers and illuminate three aspects of the power relations between the Academy Awards and Parasite. Three major findings were derived. First, the Academy traditionally has a reputation for marginalizing films with a non-English or Asian background, but recognition of Parasite at the 92nd ceremony changed the Academy's established position of power. Second, historically, the Academy Awards had been characterized by a group charisma that exerts stigmatization (through an English-oriented policy and language stigmatization) and accords North American films priority over non-English movies. Lastly, the reports of newspapers in the two countries are generally similar, but the Korean articles internalized the individual, society, and the state.

Subsidence estimation of breakwater built on loosely deposited sandy seabed foundation: Elastic model or elasto-plastic model

  • Shen, Jianhua;Wu, Huaicheng;Zhang, Yuting
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.418-428
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    • 2017
  • In offshore area, newly deposited Quaternary loose seabed soils are widely distributed. There are a great number of offshore structures has been built on them in the past, or will be built on them in the future due to the fact that there would be no very dense seabed soil foundation could be chosen at planed sites sometimes. However, loosely deposited seabed foundation would bring great risk to the service ability of offshore structures after construction. Currently, the understanding on wave-induced liquefaction mechanism in loose seabed foundation has been greatly improved; however, the recognition on the consolidation characteristics and settlement estimation of loose seabed foundation under offshore structures is still limited. In this study, taking a semi-coupled numerical model FSSI-CAS 2D as the tool, the consolidation and settlement of loosely deposited sandy seabed foundation under an offshore breakwater is investigated. The advanced soil constitutive model Pastor-Zienkiewics Mark III (PZIII) is used to describe the quasi-static behavior of loose sandy seabed soil. The computational results show that PZIII model is capable of being used for settlement estimation problem of loosely deposited sandy seabed foundation. For loose sandy seabed foundation, elastic deformation is the dominant component in consolidation process. It is suggested that general elastic model is acceptable for subsidence estimation of offshore structures on loose seabed foundation; however, Young's modulus E must be dependent on the confining effective stress, rather than a constant in computation.

Cryptic variation, molecular data, and the challenge of conserving plant diversity in oceanic archipelagos: the critical role of plant systematics

  • Crawford, Daniel J.;Stuessy, Tod F.
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.129-148
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    • 2016
  • Plant species on oceanic islands comprise nearly 25% of described vascular plants on only 5% of the Earth's land surface yet are among the most rare and endangered plants. Conservation of plant biodiversity on islands poses particular challenges because many species occur in a few and/or small populations, and their habitats on islands are often disturbed by the activity of humans or by natural processes such as landslides and volcanoes. In addition to described species, evidence is accumulating that there are likely significant numbers of "cryptic" species in oceanic archipelagos. Plant systematists, in collaboration with others in the botanical disciplines, are critical to the discovery of the subtle diversity in oceanic island floras. Molecular data will play an ever increasing role in revealing variation in island lineages. However, the input from plant systematists and other organismal biologists will continue to be important in calling attention to morphological and ecological variation in natural populations and in the discovery of "new" populations that can inform sampling for molecular analyses. Conversely, organismal biologists can provide basic information necessary for understanding the biology of the molecular variants, including diagnostic morphological characters, reproductive biology, habitat, etc. Such basic information is important when describing new species and arguing for their protection. Hybridization presents one of the most challenging problems in the conservation of insular plant diversity, with the process having the potential to decrease diversity in several ways including the merging of species into hybrid swarms or conversely hybridization may generate stable novel recombinants that merit recognition as new species. These processes are often operative in recent radiations in which intrinsic barriers to gene flow have not evolved. The knowledge and continued monitoring of plant populations in the dynamic landscapes on oceanic islands are critical to the preservation of their plant diversity.

A Survey of the State of Nutrition in Rural Korea (ll) (농촌영양실태(農村營養實態)에관(關)한 조사((調査)ll))

  • Lee, Geum-Yeong
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.6-11
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    • 1974
  • 1. The status of nutrition hasn't been found a great difference between the model village and the compared one, so there should be a great need of the improvement of the traditional food life which is chiefty consisted of some cereal grains and vegetables, in a Larger sense, the mixing diet would diminish the burden of stomach and help us to get high nutrition with a bit of quantify. 2. The health of the oral cavity has a close relation with that of whole body. In order to keep a good dental health, there fore, we should study and try to get more calcium in another food group except in the vegetarian diet. The pregnant women must especially have much recognition to the necessity for getting a lot of calcium. 3. It is desirable to clean our teeth three times every day after having meals for every three minutes. The habit which is called 'three three three campaign' should clearly be kept for all of us.

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An Analysis of Wind environment on the Basis of reclassified Zoning (주거지역 종세분화에 따른 바람환경 분석)

  • Lee, Jun-Young;Jung, Eung-Ho;Kim, Dae-Wuk;Cha, Jae-Gyu
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.109-112
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    • 2009
  • Various environmental problems due to the rapid industralization and urbanization have been worsened as much as to threaten the environmental restitution of globe and become a critical international issue. Korean government presented the green growth as a new state vision for 60 years afterwards and is making efforts to solve the environmental problems. Daegu metropolitan city has faced various environmental problems including overpopulation of cities, traffic pollution, household wastes and green zone problem because of urbanization for the last decades. As such urbanism continues, the quality of residential environment is rapidly deteriorating and the intensive use of land leads to increase of building area raising the temperature of cities. Therefore there have been demands for the healthy, pleasant and satisfying residential environment and the improvement of residential environment and such recognition rises from society in full measure. Nevertheless the current residential complex concentrates only on raising the efficiency of land use. Related laws in the past(Daegu Metropolitan City, Urban Planning Municipal Ordinance as of October 10, 2003) tried to prepare a standard to segmentalize the building-to-land ratio, floor area ratio and regulations of number of floors vertically, but currently it is abolished and the regulations are becoming eased. The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of the floating wind before and after the vertical segmentation of residential areas(Daegu Metropolitan City, Urban Planning Municipal Ordinance as of October 10, 2003) by using KLAM_21, a model that enables analysing and predicting the flow and generation of clod wind, and to present a plan to improve the quality of residential areas afterwards when developing building lot and re-developing housing areas.

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A Novel Hyperspectral Microscopic Imaging System for Evaluating Fresh Degree of Pork

  • Xu, Yi;Chen, Quansheng;Liu, Yan;Sun, Xin;Huang, Qiping;Ouyang, Qin;Zhao, Jiewen
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.362-375
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    • 2018
  • This study proposed a rapid microscopic examination method for pork freshness evaluation by using the self-assembled hyperspectral microscopic imaging (HMI) system with the help of feature extraction algorithm and pattern recognition methods. Pork samples were stored for different days ranging from 0 to 5 days and the freshness of samples was divided into three levels which were determined by total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) content. Meanwhile, hyperspectral microscopic images of samples were acquired by HMI system and processed by the following steps for the further analysis. Firstly, characteristic hyperspectral microscopic images were extracted by using principal component analysis (PCA) and then texture features were selected based on the gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). Next, features data were reduced dimensionality by fisher discriminant analysis (FDA) for further building classification model. Finally, compared with linear discriminant analysis (LDA) model and support vector machine (SVM) model, good back propagation artificial neural network (BP-ANN) model obtained the best freshness classification with a 100 % accuracy rating based on the extracted data. The results confirm that the fabricated HMI system combined with multivariate algorithms has ability to evaluate the fresh degree of pork accurately in the microscopic level, which plays an important role in animal food quality control.

Word Recognition Using K-L Dynamic Coefficients (K-L 동적 계수를 이용한 단어 인식)

  • 김주곤
    • Proceedings of the Acoustical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1998.06c
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    • pp.103-106
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    • 1998
  • 본 논문에서는 음성인식 시스템의 인식 정도의 향상을 위해서 동적 특징으로서 K-L(Karhanen-Loeve)계수를 이용하여 음소모델을 구성하는 방법을 제안하고, 음소, 단어, 숫자음 인식 실험을 통하여 그 유효성을 검토하였다. 인식 실험을 위한 음성자료는 한국 전자통신 연구소에서 채록한 445단어와 국어정보공학연구소에서 채록한 4연속 숫자음을 사용하였으며, K-L계수 동적 특징의 유효성을 확인하기 위해 정적 특징으로서 멜-켑스트럼과 동적 특징으로서 K-L계수 및 회귀계수를 추출한 후 음소, 단어, 숫자음 인식 실험을 수행하였다. 인식의 기본 단위로는 48개의 유사음소단위(Phoneme Likely Unite ; PLUs)를 음소모델로 사용하였으며, 단어와 숫자음 인식을 위해서는 유한상태 오토마타(Finite State Automata; FSA)에 의한 구문제어를 통한 OPDP(One Pass Dynamic Programming)법을 이용하였다. 인식 실험 결과, 음소인식에 있어서는 정적특징인 멜-켑스트럼을 사용한 경우 39.8%, K-L 동적 계수를 사용한 경우가 52.4%로 12.6%의 향상된 인식률을 얻었다. 또한, 멜-켑스트럼과 회수계수를 사용한 경우 60.1%, K-L계수와 회귀계수를 결합한 경우에 있어서도 60.4%로 높은 인식률은 얻었다. 이 결과를 단어인식에 확장하여 인식 실험을 수행한 결과, 기존의 멜-켑스트럼 계수를 사용한 경우 65.5%, K-L계수를 사용한 경우 75.8%로 10.3% 향상된 인식률을 얻었으며, 멜-켑스트럼과 회귀계수를 결합한 경우 91.2%, K-L계수와 회귀계수를 결합한 경우 91.4%의 높은 인식률을 보였다. 도한, 4연속 숫자음에 적용한 경우에 있어서도 멜-켑스트럼을 사용한 경우 67.5%, K-L계수를 사용한 경우 75.3%로 7.8%의 향상된 인식률을 보였으며 K-L계수와 회귀계수를 결합한 경우에서도 비교적 높은 인식률을 보여 숫자음에 대해서도 K-L계수의 유효성을 확인할 수 있었다.

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Developments and Trends in Fisheries Processing: Value-Added Product Development and Total Resource Utilization

  • Meyers Samuel P.
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.839-846
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    • 1994
  • Changing concepts in fishery science increasingly are recognizing depletion of traditional stocks, utilization of alternate(non-traditional) species, demand for high quality products, and a total resource utilization approach. Innovative practices are occurring in fisheries processing wherein solid and liquid discharges are no longer treated as 'waste,' but rather as valuable feedstocks for recovery of a variety of value-added ('value enhanced') by-products. Among these are protein hydrolysates, soluble proteins and amino acids, proteolytic enzymes, flavor and flavor extracts, pigments, and biopolymers such as chitosan. Properties and applications of this deacetylated derivative of chitin are noted. Crustacean processing by-products are discussed in terms of their serving as materials for generation of natural flavors and flavor extracts, and products such as fish sauces using contemporary enzymatic techniques. Various food and feed applications of fisheries processing by-products are illustrated with increased usage seen in formulated diets for an expanding aquaculture market. Examples are given of aquaculture becoming increasingly significant in global fisheries resource projections. Critical issues in the international seafood industry Include those of seafood quality, processing quality assurance (HACCP), and recognition of the nutritional and health-related properties of fisheries products. A variety of current seafood processing research is discussed, including that of alternate fish species for surimi manufacture and formulation of value-added seafood products from crawfish and blue crab processing operations. Increasing emphasis is being placed on international aspects of global fisheries and the role of aquaculture in such considerations. Coupled with the need for the aquatic food industry to develop innovative seafood products for the 21st century is that of total resource utilization. Contemporary approaches in seafood processing recognize the need to discard the traditional concept of processing 'waste' and adapt a more realistic, and economically sound, approach of usable by-products for food and feed application. For example, in a period of declining natural fishery resources it is no longer feasible to discard fish frames following fillet removal when a significant amount of residual valuable flesh is present that can be readily recovered and properly utilized in a variety of mince-based formulated seafood products.

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Analysis of Nonlinear CA Using CLT (CLT를 활용한 비선형 CA의 분석)

  • Kwon, Min-jeong;Cho, Sung-jin;Kim, Han-doo;Choi, Un-sook;Lee, Kue-jin;Kong, Gil-tak
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.2968-2974
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    • 2015
  • Method for finding the attractors is the important object to investigate in the linear/additive CA because it is a primary interest in applications like pattern recognition, pattern classification, design of associative memory and query processing etc. But the research has been so far mostly concentrated around linear/additive CA and it is not enough to modelize the complex real life problem. So nonlinear CA is demanded to devise effective models of the problem and solutions around CA model. In this paper we introduce CLT as an upgraded version of RMT and provide the process for finding the attractors and nonreachable states effectively through the CLT.

Improved Adaptive Smoothing Filter for Indoor Localization Using RSSI

  • Kim, Jung-Ha;Seong, Ju-Hyeon;Ha, Yun-Su;Seo, Dong-Hoan
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.179-186
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    • 2015
  • In the indoor location estimation system, which has recently been actively studied, the received signal strength indicator contains a high level of noise when measuring the signal strength in the range between two nodes consisting of a receiver and a transceiver. To minimize the noise level, this paper proposes an improved adaptive smoothing filter that provides different exponential weights to the current value and previous averaged one of the data that were obtained from the nodes, because the characteristic signal attenuation of the received signal strength indicator generally has a log distribution. The proposed method can effectively decrease the noise level by using a feedback filter that can provide different weights according to the noise level of the obtained data and thus increase the accuracy in the distance and location without an additional filter such as the link quality indicator, which can verify the communication quality state to decrease the range errors in the indoor location recognition using ZigBee based on IEEE 802.15.4. For verifying the performance of the proposed improved adaptive smoothing filter, actual experiments are conducted in three indoor locations of different spatial sections. From the experimental results, it is verified that the proposed technique is superior to other techniques in range measurement.