• Title/Summary/Keyword: stability bearing capacity

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Study on the Vertical Pile Capacity of Base-grouted Pile (선단 하부지반 그라우팅된 개단강관말뚝의 연직 지지력에 관한 연구)

  • 정두환;최용규;정성교
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.165-180
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    • 1999
  • Static load tests were performed for open-ended piles, closed-ended piles, piles with grouted toe, and base-grouted piles by using calibration chamber. Then vertical bearing capacities determined from load tests were compared with each other. The stability of base-grouted pile during a simulated seaquake was investigated by changing the penetration depth. Also, static load tests and seaquake tests for 2-piles and 4-piles group were performed. The bearing capacity of the pile grouted inside the toe was 11.2~30.8% less than that of open-ended pile because of reduction of base resistance due to disturbance of base soil under pile toe. The bearing capacity of a base-grouted pile was 23.8~33.9% more than that of an open-ended pile and was similar to that of a closed-ended pile. The bearing capacity of base-grouted group pile was increased ; the bearing capacity of base-grouted 2-piles group increased 14.6~31.8% compared to that of open-ended 2-piles group, and that of base-grouted 4-piles group increased 15.3~22.4% compared to that of open-ended 4-piles group. During the simulated seaquake in deep sea, stability of base-grouted pile was found to be dependent on the pile penetration depth. During seaquake motion, single long base-grouted pile longer than 20m was stable and short base-grouted pile shorter than 12m failed. But relatively long base-grouted pile longer than 12m kept mobility state. Bearing capacity of base-grouted group pile with penetration depth less than 7m was degraded a little bit ; so, base-grouted group pile could maintain mobility condition.

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Analyses of Horizontal Behavior of Guardrail Posts Installed in Compacted Weathered Granite Soil (화강풍화토 지반에 타설된 가드레일 지주의 횡방향 거동 분석)

  • Lim, Yu-Jin;Hai, Nguyen Tien
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2005.03a
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2005
  • A small scale impact apparatus, pressuremter and soil chamber were used to investigate horizontal behavior and bearing capacity of the steel guardrail post installed in compacted soil. A useful test and data reduction method for pressuremter was developed to evaluate soil parameters of surrounding soil and stability of the post. From the analyses of the PMT, horizontal bearing capacity of the post impacted by a boggie was 12.7% bigger than that of the post with static loading. The increased horizontal bearing capacity is due to generated inertia force that is dependent on the shape of failed soil wedge around the post. P-y curves were obtained from the pressuremeter test and were applied to a finite difference program which predicted a load-deflection and a bending moment contours along the post.

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A Case Study of Scour Vulnerability Evaluation for Shallow Foundations during Floods (홍수시 얕은기초의 세굴위험도 평가 사례연구)

  • Park, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Ju-Hyung;Chung, Moon-Kyung;Kwak, Ki-Seok
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02a
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    • pp.59-62
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    • 2008
  • Scour vulnerability evaluation for shallow foundations was performed to assure bridge safety against scour in the national capital region. The case studies for 26 shallow foundations consisted of site investigation including boring test, bridge scour analysis for the design flood, bearing capacity evaluation of the bridge foundation before and after scour, and comprehensive evaluation of bridge scour vulnerability. Bridge scour vulnerability was determined based on the interdisciplinary concept considering predicted scour depth for the design floods and bearing capacity of foundation as well as dimensions of foundation. Nine of 26 shallow foundations showed the potential future vulnerability to scour with significant decrease in the bearing capacity of foundations due to scour and the remaining 17 were expected to maintain their stability against scour.

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A Study on the Performance of Slot Restrictor Bearing with a Variation in Circumferential Direction (원주방향 변화를 갖는 슬롯 레스트릭터 베어링의 성능 연구)

  • 박정구;김경웅
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2000
  • A slot restrictor air journal bearing has high load capacity and high stiffness. The stability characteristics of the slot restrictor air journal bearing are studied theoretically and experimentally to forecast and to prevent the whirl instability. As for the high speed rotating machinery, the instability called'whirl'occurs when the rotor rotates at a speed more than twice the resonant speed. Once the whirl occurs, rubbing contact between the journal and the bearing occurs mostly and the bearing-rotor system is destroyed ultimately. Therefore, the forecasting and prevention of the occurrence of whirl instability is a very important subject especially to develop highly efficient high speed rotating machinery. The bearing with the slot restrictor that varies about circumferential direction is used for the purpose of the prevention of whirl instability.

The aerostatic response and stability performance of a wind turbine tower-blade coupled system considering blade shutdown position

  • Ke, S.T.;Xu, L.;Ge, Y.J.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.507-535
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    • 2017
  • In the strong wind shutdown state, the blade position significantly affects the streaming behavior and stability performance of wind turbine towers. By selecting the 3M horizontal axis wind turbine independently developed by Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics as the research object, the CFD method was adopted to simulate the flow field of the tower-blade system at eight shutdown positions within a single rotation period of blades. The effectiveness of the simulation method was validated by comparing the simulation results with standard curves. In addition, the dynamic property, aerostatic response, buckling stability and ultimate bearing capacity of the wind turbine system at different shutdown positions were calculated by using the finite element method. On this basis, the influence regularity of blade shutdown position on the wind-induced response and stability performance of wind turbine systems was derived, with the most unfavorable working conditions of wind-induced buckling failure of this type of wind turbines concluded. The research results implied that within a rotation period of the wind turbine blade, when the blade completely overlaps the tower (Working condition 1), the aerodynamic performance of the system is the poorest while the aerostatic response is relatively small. Since the influence of the structure's geometrical nonlinearity on the system wind-induced response is small, the maximum displacement only has a discrepancy of 0.04. With the blade rotating clockwise, its wind-induced stability performance presents a variation tendency of first-increase-then-decrease. Under Working condition 3, the critical instability wind speed reaches its maximum value, while the critical instability wind speed under Working condition 6 is the smallest. At the same time, the coupling effect between tower and blade leads to a reverse effect which can significantly improve the ultimate bearing capacity of the system. With the reduction of the area of tower shielded by blades, this reverse effect becomes more obvious.

Analysis of Three-Pad Gas Foil Journal Bearing for Increasing Mechanical Preloads (3 패드 가스 포일 저널 베어링의 프리로드 증가에 따른 성능 해석)

  • Lee, Jong Sung;Kim, Tae Ho
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2014
  • In this study, a three-pad gas foil journal bearing with a diameter of 40 mm and an axial length of 35 mm was modeled to predict the static and dynamic performances with regard to an increasing mechanical preload. The Reynolds equation for an isothermal and isoviscous ideal gas was coupled with a simple elastic foundation foil model to calculate the hydrodynamic pressure solution iteratively. In the prediction results, the journal eccentricity, journal attitude angle, and minimum film thickness decreased, but the friction torque increased with the preload. A quick comparison implied a lower load capacity but higher stability for a three-pad gas foil bearing compared to a one-pad gas foil journal bearing. The direct stiffness coefficients increased with the preload, but the cross-coupled stiffness coefficients decreased. The direct damping coefficient increased in the horizontal direction but decreased in the vertical direction as the preload increased. These model predictions will be useful as a benchmark against experimental test data.

An Analysis of Herringbone Groove Journal Bearing Considering Groove Shape (그루브형상을 고려한 빗살무늬저널베어링의 유한요소해석)

  • 신동우;임윤철
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference
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    • 1999.06a
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    • pp.162-169
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    • 1999
  • Herringbone groove journal bearing (HGJB) is developed to improve the static and dynamic performances of hydrodynamic journal bearing. Conventional studies on HGJB were based on the Narrow Groove theory assuming that the number of grooves approaches infinity. In this study, an oil lubricated HGJB is analyzed using Finite Element Method. Load carrying capacity, attitude angle, stiffness and damping coefficients are obtained numerically for various bearing configurations especially for the inclined width ratio and asymmetric ratio and compared with the results obtained using Finite Volume Method. The bearing load and stability characteristics are dependent on geometric parameters such as inclined width ratio, asymmetric ratio, groove depth ratio, groove width ratio, groove angle.

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An Analysis of Herringbone Groove Journal Bearing Considering Groove Shape (그루브형상을 고려한 빗살무늬저널베어링의 유한요소해석)

  • 신동우;임윤철
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.425-431
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    • 2000
  • Herringbone groove journal bearing (HGJB) is developed to improve the static and dynamic performances of hydrodynamic journal bearing. Conventional studies on HGJB were based on the Narrow Groove theory assuming that the number of grooves approaches infinity. In this study, an oil lubricated HGJB is analyzed using Finite Element Method. Load carrying capacity, attitude angle, stiffness and damping coefficients are obtained numerically for various bearing configurations especially for the inclined width ratio and asymmetric ratio and compared with the results obtained using Finite Volume Method. The bearing load and stability characteristics are dependent on geometric parameters such as inclined width ratio, asymmetric ratio, groove depth ratio, groove width ratio, and groove angle.

Modification of Bearing Capacity Formula Considering Seam Tensile Strength of Geotextile in Soft Ground (연약지반에 포설된 Geotextile 봉합인장강도를 고려한 지지력 수정방정식)

  • Kim, Sun-Hak;Chae, Yu-Mi;Kim, Jae-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.35 no.12
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2019
  • With the increasing use of geotextile mats in dredging and reclaiming work and coastal construction, the assessment of bearing capacity in soft ground has become an important evaluation index for negligent accidents. The review of the allowable bearing capacity of soft ground consisting of inhomogeneous layers by laying geotextile mats and sand mat layers for soft ground improvement is generally compared with the equation of Meyerhof (1974) and Yamanouchi (1985). Mayerhof formula results in economic loss due to underestimation of bearing capacity, and Yamanouchi (1985) formula does not take into account negligent accidents for punching shear failure, so rather high bearing capacity is evaluated. It is considered that economic feasibility and stability will be ensured by proposing a modified formula to calculate the appropriate bearing capacity by applying the seam tensile strength of the geotextile mat to the design standard of soft ground improvement.

A Study on the Bearing Capacity of Rammed Aggregate Pier as the Intermediate Foundations (중간기초개념으로서 짧은 쇄석다짐말뚝의 지지력 특성에 관한 연구)

    • Proceedings of the Korea Committee for Ocean Resources and Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.247-252
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    • 2004
  • To secure stability and availability of Rammed Aggregate Pier method as the foundation of a structure, the bearing capacity and failure behavior characteristics was studied through soil laboratory tests in a model ground. In this study, soil laboratory tests use carried out to find the applicability of RAP method as the foundation of a structure. And bearing capacity and the failure mechanism of RAP method was studied according to relative density($60\%,\;70\%,\;90\%$), diameter(45mm, 60mm, 70mm) of each pier ana depth(5cm, l0cm, 15cm, 20cm, 25cm, 30cm). Earth pressure cell is set up approach RAP and 1.0D space at RAP center. Bearing acpacity and the failure mechanism of RAP is investigated by load test As a result, bulging failure was happened in $5\~10cm\;(1.0D\~2.00)$ depth which the maximum lateral earth pressure is acting. Especially, diameter changing of RAP are in inverse proportion to the relative density and the lateral stress is very much influenced by the lateral earth pressure in every layer and tends to decrease according to depth.

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