• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial statistical technique

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Kinematic Characteristics Based on Proficiency In Geoduepyeopchagi in Taekwondo Poomsae Koryo

  • So, Jae Moo;Kang, Sung-Sun;Hong, AhReum;Jung, Jong Min;Kim, Jai Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.343-351
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    • 2016
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to help improve game performance and provide preliminary data to enhance the efficiency of the kick and stability of the support foot by comparing the kinematic characteristics of the repeated side kick (geodeupyeopchagi) in poomsaeKoryo between expert and non-expert groups. Method: The subjects were divided into 2 groups according to proficiency in Taekwondo, an expert group and a non-expert group (n = 7 in each group), to observe the repeated side-kick technique. Four video cameras were set at a speed of 60 frames/sec and exposure time of 1/500 sec to measure the kinematic factors of the 2 groups. The Kwon3D XPprogramas used to collect and analyze three-dimensional spatial coordinates. Ground reaction force data were obtained through a force plate with a 1.200-Hz frequency. An independent samplesttest was performed, and statistical significance was defined as .05. The SPSS 18.0 software was used to calculate the mean and standard deviation of the kinematic factors and to identify the difference between the experts and non-experts. Results: The angular displacement of the hip joint in both the expert and non-expert groups showed statistical significance on E1 and E4 of the left support foot and E5 of the right foot (p<.05). The angle displacement of the knee joint in both groups showed statistical significance on E4 of the left support foot, and E1 and E2 of the right foot (p<.05). The angular velocity of the lower leg in both groups showed no statistical significance on the left support foot but showed statistical significance on E2 and E6 of the right foot (p<.05). The angular velocity of the foot in both groups showed no statistical significance on the left support foot but showed statistical significance on E2 of the right foot (p<.05). The vertical ground reaction force in both groups showed statistical significance on E2 (p<.05). The center of pressure in all directions in both groups showed statistical significance (p<.5). Conclusion: While performing the repeated side kick (geodeupyeopchagi), the experts maintainedconsistency and stability of the angle of the support leg while the kick foot moved high and fast. On the other hand, the angle of the support foot of non-experts appeared inconsistent, and the kick foot was raised, relying on the support leg, resulting in unstable and inaccurate movement.

The Effect on Use Satisfaction and Revisit Intention of Spatial Storytelling Components in Historical Theme Park - Focused on Samgukyusa Theme Park in Gunwi-Gun - (역사테마파크 공간스토리텔링 구성인자가 이용만족도 및 재방문의사에 미치는 영향 - 군위 삼국유사테마파크를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Oh-yeon;An, Seung-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.64-78
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    • 2024
  • Storytelling is a communication technique to express and convey the story using various media, where the audience accepts the story, reinterprets the topic and interacts with the storyteller. It was assumed that the user's significance and awareness about the storytelling technique applied to historical theme parks would have an impact on the satisfaction of using the theme park and intention to revisit. In this study, it was purposed to derive the structural factors of spatial storytelling in historical theme parks, and to understand the impact of user's awareness and constituent factors on user responses. Based on previous researches, the structural factors of spatial storytelling in historical theme parks were derived related to theme, experientiality, unusualness, educationalness, unity, expressiveness, interactivity, and interest, and for which the users' awareness was surveyed. The survey was conducted targeting the users of Samguk Yusa Theme Park located in Gunwi-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, where the collected data was analyzed using EXCEL2020 and SPSS 21.0 statistical programs, and the results are as follows: First, the spatial storytelling technique applied as a conveying method of the theme of Samguk Yusa Theme Park affects users' satisfaction and intention to revisit, and most respondents responded that the storytelling was significant. Second, it showed that the significance of unusualness and educationalness among the awareness of significance of the spatial storytelling constituent factors of Samguk Yusa Theme Park has a significant impact on user's satisfaction, and the significance of unusualness, interactivity, educationalness, and interest has a significant impact on intention to revisit. Third, it showed that the awareness of interest, theme, and unity has a significant impact on user's satisfaction depending on the user's awareness of spatial storytelling constituent factors of Samguk Yusa Theme Park, and the awareness of interactivity and experientiality has a significant impact on intention to revisit. This study is meaningful in quantitative analysis and interpretation of the influence of storytelling on user's response to historical theme parks by the exploratory analysis of characteristic factors and spatial storytelling constituent factors on historical theme parks and deriving the structural factors of spatial storytelling in historical theme parks.

Effects of Local Climatic Conditions on the Early Growth in Progeny Test Stands of Korean White Pine (지역별 잣나무 차대검정림의 초기생장에 미치는 미기후의 영향)

  • 신만용;김영채
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to reveal the effects of local climatic conditions on the early growth of Korean white pine progeny test stands. For this, stand variables such as mean DBH, mean height, basal area per hectare, and volume per hectare by stand age and locality were first measured and summarized for each stand. Based on these statistics, annual increments for 10 years from stand age 10 to 20 were calculated for each of stand variables. The effects of local climatic conditions as one of environmental factors on the growth were then analyzed by both a topoclimatological method and a spatial statistical technique. From yearly climatic estimates,30 climatic indices which affect the tree growth were computed for each of the progeny test stand. The annual increments were then correlated with and regressed on the climatic indices to examine effects of local climatic conditions on the growth. Gapyung area provided the best conditions for the early growth of Korean white pine and Kwangju area ranked second. On the other hand, the growth pattern in Youngdong ranked last overall as expected. It is also found that the local growth patterns of Korean white pine in juvenile stage were affected by typical weather conditions. The conditions such as low temperature and high relative humidity provide favor environment for the early growth of Korean white pine. Especially, it was concluded that the low temperature is a main factor influencing the early growth of Korean white pine based on the results of correlation analysis and regression equations developed far the prediction of annual increments of stand variables.

Effects of Local Climatic Conditions on the Yearly Cone Production in Progeny Test Stands of Korean White Pine (국지기후가 잣나무 차대검정림의 년도별 구과 결실량에 미치는 영향)

  • 신만용;장용석;한상억;김영채
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to reveal the effects of local climatic conditions on the yearly cone production in progeny test stand of Korean white pine. For this, yearly cone production by locality of progeny test stands was first measured and analyzed. The effects of climatic conditions on the cone production was analyzed by the estimation of yearly local climates based on both a topoclimatological method and a spatial statistical technique. From yearly climatic estimates, 19 climatic indices affecting cone production were computed for each of the progeny test stand. The yearly cone productions were then correlated with and regressed to the climatic indices to examine effects of local climatic conditions on the reproductive growth. According to correlation analysis, it was found that some typical climatic indices by locality were significantly correlated with the cone production. Also, the optimal regression equations which can estimate cone production by local climatic conditions were provided for applying to each of the progeny test stand of Korean white pine.

Studies on Derivation of Appropriate Geodetic System Transformation Schemes for Spatial Data (공간정보의 측지기준체계 변환 기법 도출에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, Seonghyeon;Lee, Hungkyu;Song, Jinhun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.561-571
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    • 2020
  • Seven techniques widely used in the geodetic transformations have been reviewed and compared to figure out their theoretical characteristics. A series of numerical tests were performed about four data sets. This was followed by result analyses in terms of transformation residuals and accuracies together with some hypothesis testings based on the student-t distribution to confirm the statistical significance of the techniques. In the case of the transformation between the geodetic frames implemented in the same system, no statistical significance was revealed in the results of the 3D transformation techniques, even if the testing area becomes large as the Asia-Oceania continent. Among the 2D transformations, it was possible for the NTv2 grid modeling technique to deliver improved transformation accuracy. Finally, it was possible from the results analyzed in this study to propose the Helmert transformation to geodetic control points and the NTv2 technique to the 2D spatial data transformation of the geodetic systems.

Spatial clustering of PM2.5 concentration and their characteristics in the Seoul Metropolitan Area for regional environmental planning (수도권 환경계획을 위한 초미세먼지 농도의 공간 군집특성과 고농도지역 분석)

  • Lim, Chul-Hee;Park, Deuk-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.41-55
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    • 2022
  • Social interest in the fine particulate matter has increased significantly since the 2010s, and various efforts have been made to reduce it through environmental plans and policies. To support such environmental planning, in this study, spatial cluster characteristics of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations were analyzed in the metropolitan area to identify high-risk areas spatially, and the correlation with local environmental characteristics was also confirmed. The PM2.5 concentration for the recent 5 years (2016-2020) was targeted, and representative spatial statistical methods Getis-Ord Gi* and Local Moran's I were applied. As a result of the analysis, the cluster form was different in Getis-Ord Gi* and Local Moran's I, but they show high similarity in direction, therefore complementary results could be obtained. In the high concentration period, the hotspot concentration of the Getis-Ord Gi* method increased, but in Local Moran's I, the HH region, the high concentration cluster, showed a decreasing trend. Hotspots of the Getis-Ord Gi* technique were prominent in the Pyeongtaek-Hwaseong and Yeoju-Icheon regions, and the HH cluster of Local Moran's I was located in the southwest, and the LL cluster was located in the northeast. As in the case of the metropolitan area, in the results of Seoul, there was a phenomenon of division between the northeast and southwest regions. The PM2.5 concentration showed a high correlation with the elevation, vegetation greenness and the industrial area ratio. During the high concentration period, the relation with vegetation greenness increased, and the elevation and industrial area ratio increased in the case of the annual average. This suggests that the function of vegetation can be maximized at a high concentration period, and the influence of topography and industrial areas is large on average. This characteristic was also confirmed in the basic statistics for each major cluster. The spatial clustering characteristics of PM2.5 can be considered in the national land and environmental plan at the metropolitan level. In particular, it will be effective to utilize the clustering characteristics based on the annual average concentration, which contributes to domestic emissions.

Parameter and Modeling Uncertainty Analysis of Semi-Distributed Hydrological Model using Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Technique (Markov-Chain Monte Carlo 기법을 이용한 준 분포형 수문모형의 매개변수 및 모형 불확실성 분석)

  • Choi, Jeonghyeon;Jang, Suhyung;Kim, Sangdan
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.373-384
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    • 2020
  • Hydrological models are based on a combination of parameters that describe the hydrological characteristics and processes within a watershed. For this reason, the model performance and accuracy are highly dependent on the parameters. However, model uncertainties caused by parameters with stochastic characteristics need to be considered. As a follow-up to the study conducted by Choi et al (2020), who developed a relatively simple semi-distributed hydrological model, we propose a tool to estimate the posterior distribution of model parameters using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, a type of Markov-Chain Monte Carlo technique, and analyze the uncertainty of model parameters and simulated stream flow. In addition, the uncertainty caused by the parameters of each version is investigated using the lumped and semi-distributed versions of the applied model to the Hapcheon Dam watershed. The results suggest that the uncertainty of the semi-distributed model parameters was relatively higher than that of the lumped model parameters because the spatial variability of input data such as geomorphological and hydrometeorological parameters was inherent to the posterior distribution of the semi-distributed model parameters. Meanwhile, no significant difference existed between the two models in terms of uncertainty of the simulation outputs. The statistical goodness of fit of the simulated stream flows against the observed stream flows showed satisfactory reliability in both the semi-distributed and the lumped models, but the seasonality of the stream flow was reproduced relatively better by the distributed model.

Comparison of Daily Rainfall Interpolation Techniques and Development of Two Step Technique for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling (강우-유출 모형 적용을 위한 강우 내삽법 비교 및 2단계 일강우 내삽법의 개발)

  • Hwang, Yeon-Sang;Jung, Young-Hun;Lim, Kwang-Suop;Heo, Jun-Haeng
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.43 no.12
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    • pp.1083-1091
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    • 2010
  • Distributed hydrologic models typically require spatial estimates of precipitation interpolated from sparsely located observational points to the specific grid points. However, widely used estimation schemes fail to describe the realistic variability of daily precipitation field. We compare and contrast the performance of statistical methods for the spatial estimation of precipitation in two hydrologically different basins, and propose a two-step process for effective daily precipitation estimation. The methods assessed are: (1) Inverse Distance Weighted Average (IDW); (2) Multiple Linear Regression (MLR); (3) Climatological MLR; and (4) Locally Weighted Polynomial Regression (LWP). In the suggested simple two-step estimation process, precipitation occurrence is first generated via a logistic regression model before applying IDW scheme (one of the local scheme) to estimate the amount of precipitation separately on wet days. As the results, the suggested method shows the better performance of daily rainfall interpolation which has spatial differences compared with conventional methods. And this technique can be used for streamflow forecasting and downscaling of atmospheric circulation model effectively.

Reducing Dose in SPECT/CT Using Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction Technique (Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction 기법을 이용한 Bone SPECT/CT 검사에서 피폭량 감소 방안)

  • Choi, Jin-Wook;Choi, Hyeon-Jun;Park, Chan-Rok;Cho, Sung-Wook;Kim, Jin-Eui;Lee, Jae-Sung;Lee, Dong-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.134-139
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: Adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR) technique is a reconstruction method of CT image using statistical noise modeling which is known to reduce image noise and to preserve image quality despite reducing radiation dose. The aim of this study is to evaluate images using ASIR on bone SPECT/CT which is primarily performed in our hospital. Materials and Methods: We compared the images of applied ASIR (ASIR level: 20-80%) and none ASIR by changing the mA based on 120 kVp, 100 mA using Discovery NM/CT 670 (GE, U.S.A). First, we evaluated attenuation correction in SPECT image by changing the ASIR level using Anthropomorphic phantom. Second, we compared the contrast to noise ratio (CNR), image noise and spatial resolution in CT image using ACR phantom. Third, after selecting the ASIR level applicable patient using lower torso phantom, we examined 2 patients who followed up bone SPECT/CT and we performed blind test. Results: The degree of attenuation correction in SPECT image showed no significant difference between applied ASIR and none ASIR (P>0.05). When applied ASIR, the noise of CT image were reduced at least 17 up to 52% by changing the mA. The CNR of image with ASIR was maintained more than 0.8 at 40 mA (ASIR 60%) while those without ASIR showed 0.42 at standard 40 mA. In comparison of the high contrast object, we distinguished 12 line pairs/cm at 40 mA regardless of appling ASIR. Comparison of the patients image applied ASIR level 60% (40 mA) which found out by spine image of lower torso phantom showed no signigicant difference between applied ASIR and none ASIR in blind test. The CTDIvol and DLP for applied ASIR 60% showed decreased by 60%, 60% on average than using standard mA. Conclusion: The study show that the radiation dose in SPECT/CT using ASIR can be reduced despite degradation of SPECT and CT images. In addition, higher ASIR level could be possibly applied characteristics of SPECT/CT that region of interest is limited to bone.

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Survey of spatial and temporal landslide prediction methods and techniques

  • An, Hyunuk;Kim, Minseok;Lee, Giha;Viet, Tran The
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.507-521
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    • 2016
  • Landslides are one of the most common natural hazards causing significant damage and casualties every year. In Korea, the increasing trend in landslide occurrence in recent decades, caused by climate change, has set off an alarm for researchers to find more reliable methods for landslide prediction. Therefore, an accurate landslide-susceptibility assessment is fundamental for preventing landslides and minimizing damages. However, analyzing the stability of a natural slope is not an easy task because it depends on numerous factors such as those related to vegetation, soil properties, soil moisture distribution, the amount and duration of rainfall, earthquakes, etc. A variety of different methods and techniques for evaluating landslide susceptibility have been proposed, but up to now no specific method or technique has been accepted as the standard method because it is very difficult to assess different methods with entirely different intrinsic and extrinsic data. Landslide prediction methods can fall into three categories: empirical, statistical, and physical approaches. This paper reviews previous research and surveys three groups of landslide prediction methods.