• Title/Summary/Keyword: soluble solid

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Effect of Strawberry Puree on the Physicochemical Properties of Kochujang

  • Kim, Hui-Jeong;Seog, Eun-Ju;Lee, Jun-Ho
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.185-189
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    • 2007
  • Quality characteristics of kochujang prepared with strawberry puree (10, 20, and 30% on the total weight basis) were investigated after 30 and 300 days of storage. The moisture content of strawberry kochujang at 300 days was considerably higher than that of strawberry kochujang at 30 days and increasing strawberry content from 0 to 30% significantly increased moisture content of kochujang progressively (p<0.05). Water activity and titratable acidity also showed similar trends, but pH showed the reverse trend with the highest value in control at 30 days and the lowest value in 30% strawberry kochujang at 300 days. As the strawberry puree content increased, amino-nitrogen content consistently and correspondingly decreased. Amino-nitrogen content at 300 days was higher than that of strawberry kochujang at 30 days. Soluble solids content also showed a similar trend, but soluble solid content at 300 days was considerably lower than that of strawberry kochujang at 30 days. Reduction in soluble solids content with increasing strawberry concentration was more evident at 30 days than at 300 day.

Chemical Stabilization Study for Sulfonylurea Herbicides (Sulfonylurea계(系) 제초제(除草劑)의 화학적(化學的) 안정성(安定性))

  • Chen, Chia-Chung
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.135-138
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    • 1997
  • Sulfonylureas are highly active herbicides which can be applied at very low rate(10-50g/ha) to control broadleaf weeds. The nature of this category of compound is, however, very unstable toward hydrolysis. Therefore, the preparation of these compounds as liquid formulation was not possible. Most of the current formulations of sulfonylurea are in dry forms such as water dispersible granule or wettable powder. Even in these dry forms, the active ingredients also encounter significant chemical decomposition. This study involves the preparation of the sulfonylurea salts by reacting the parent compound with base such as sodium hydroxide. The salt becomes stable toward hydrolysis and it turns soluble when diluted with water. This discovery makes the preparation for liquid formulation or soluble granule of sulfonylurea possible. The stoichiometry of base added to the neutral sulfonylurea is controlled quite precisely. The base has to be added enough to quench the acidic impurities in the technical material and to convert the active ingredient into salt. However, the base should not be overused to cause further saponification of the sulfonylurea salts. The chemical nature of these compounds is presented and the chemical reaction is described. New soluble liquid formulation and solid granule formulation of sulfonylurea are suggested.

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Some Factors Affecting Glucoamylase Production from Aspergillus sp. (Aspergillus sp.의 Glucoamylase 생산에 미치는 요인)

  • Park, Inshik;Youngho Chung
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.519-523
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    • 1989
  • The effects of carbon, nitrogen sources and culture conditions on glucoamylase production from Aspergillus sp. were investigated. Among tested carbon sources, soluble starch was most effective for the production of the enzyme, and the level of concentration for the optimal enzyme production was found to be 5%. For nitrogen sources, yeast extract was best for the enzyme production, with the level of 0.1%. The enzyme was maximally produced by cultivating the organism at medium of initial pH 6.0, and temperature of 28C. Wheat bran was most suitable for the enzyme production from the organism in solid state culture.

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미세조류의 Methane 발효특성

  • 강창민;최명락
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.597-603
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    • 1996
  • This study was carried out to examine degradation characteristics of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris in methane fermentation. We measured COD and VS reduction, gas and methane productivity, VFA (volatile fatty acid), respectively. Then we calculated material balance and hydrolysis rates in soluble and solid material. The substrate concentration was controlled from 14 gCODcr/l to 64 gCODcr/l in batch cultures, and HRT (hydraulic retention time) controlled from 2 days to 30 days in continuous experi- ments. The results were as follows. In batch culture, accumulated gas productivity increased with the increase of the substrate concentration. The SS and VSS was removed all about 30% increase of substrate concentration and the most of the degradable material removed during the first 10 days. The curve of gas and methane production rate straightly increased until substrate concentration is 26 gCODcr/l. In continuous culture experiments, the removal rates at HRT 10days were 20% for total COD and TOC, respectively. At longer HRT, there was no increase in the removal efficiency. At HRT 15 days, the removal rates were 30% for SS and VSS, respectively. Soluble organic materials were rapidly degraded, and so there was no accumulated. Soluble COD concentration was not increase regardless of HRT-increasing. That meaned the hydrolysis was one of the rate-limiting stage of methane fermentation. The first-order rate constants of hydrolysis were 0.23-0.28 day1 for VSS, and 0.07-0.08 day1 for COD.

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Quality Characteristics of Early Varieties of Citrus Unshiu Collected at Different Packing Houses as Cultivation Area in Cheju (선과장을 중심으로 한 주요 생산지역별 조생온주의 품질 특성)

  • Go, Jeong-Sam;Yang, Yeong-Taek;Gang, Sun-Seon
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 1997
  • Physicochemical properties affecting on the quality of Citrus unshiu Marc. var miyagawa and C. unshiu Marc. var, okitsu according to cultivation area in Cheju were investigated. Linear correlations (r>0.9) were showed between fruit size and peel thickness. There were much difference between cultivation areas in soluble solids of C. unshiu Marc. var. okitsu. The difference were not so much in soluble solids and acid contents of citrus fruits produced at same area below 65mm of fruit diameter, but the quality of large size fruits were inferior. Brix/Acid ratio could not be index for quality evaluation, because of individual deviation. Soluble solid content of citrus fruits produced in south Cheju was higher than that produced in north Cheju. Acid content and Brix/Acid ratio of citrus fruits produced in south Cheju was lower than that produced in north Cheju. The quality of C. unshiu Marc. var. miyagawa clad not so much difference between cultivation area, but the difference of quality were recognized significantly in C. unshiu Marc. var. okitsu.

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Calibration transfer between miniature NIR spectrometers used in the assessment of intact peach and melon soluble solids content

  • Greensill, Colin.V.;Walsh, Kerry.B.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Near Infrared Spectroscopy Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.1127-1127
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    • 2001
  • The transfer of predictive models using various chemometric techniques has been reported for FTNIR and scanning-grating based NIR instruments with respect relatively dry samples (<10% water). Some of the currently used transfer techniques include slope and bias correction (SBC), direct standardization (DS), piecewise direct standardization (PDS), orthogonal signal correction (OSC), finite impulse transform (FIR) and wavelet transform (WT) and application of neural networks. In a previous study (Greensill et at., 2001) on calibration transfer for wet samples (intact melons) across silicon diode array instrumentation, we reported on the performance of various techniques (SBC, DS, PDS, double window PDS (DWPDS), OSC, FIR, WT, a simple photometric response correction and wavelength interpolative method and a model updating method) in terms of RMSEP and Fearns criterion for comparison of RMSEP. In the current study, we compare these melon transfer results to a similar study employing pairs of spectrometers for non-invasive prediction of soluble solid content of peaches.

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The changes of pectic substances of emphKimchis with different garlic contents during the fermentation periods (마늘첨가량을 달리한 김치의 펙틴질의 변화)

  • 유은주;신말식;전덕영;홍윤호;임현숙
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.59-63
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    • 1988
  • The changes of acidity, the content of alcohol-insoluble solid (AIS) and pectic substances of Kimchis which were prepared with various garlic contents and fermentation at 21C were investigated. Acidity and the content of water soluble pectin of Kimchis increased but the content of AIS and protopectin decreased during the fermentation. As the Kimchis contained high garlic contents compared with the Kimchis deleted garlic, acidity of those rapidly increased but the content of AIS of those slightly decreased with fermentation. In the case of Kimcltis contained high garlic contents, protopectin decreased and water soluble pectin increased with fermentation, but the amount of changes was small.

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Suitability of Coal Fly Ash and Incineration Ashes as Raw Materials for Zeolite Synthesis

  • Murayama, NorihiHo;Yamakawa, Yousuke;Ogawa, Kazuo;Takami, Yuko;Yamamoto, Hideki;Shibata, Junji
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.616-620
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    • 2001
  • The objectives of this study are to investigate the suitability of various coal fly ashes and incineration ashes for zeolite synthesis. Zeolite P and hydroxysodalite are produced from coal fly ash and paper sludge incineration ash. When soluble and acid-soluble materials in incineration fly ash are removed by the water washing or acid washing before hydrothermal synthesis, hydroxysodalite can be produced. The factors to make solid-liquid separation difficult are the calcium component and the unburned carbon in ash.

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Changes in Physicochemical Attributes of Potato Slices with Different Cultivars during Cold Storage (품종별 한국산 감자 슬라이스의 냉장 중 이화학적 품질의 변화)

  • Chung, Hyoun-Mi;Lee, Gui-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.97-100
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    • 1995
  • Three potato cultivars were prepared as slices and stored for 4 weeks at 5C. Changes in Vitamin C content and other quality factors, such as color, pH, soluble solid and protein content were determined. Vitamin C content and L value decreased in three potato cultivars. Initial Vitamin C contents of three potato cultivars varied from 49.27 mg% in Sumi to 56.40 mg% in Namjak. Changes in L value showed that the tendency of browning in Daejima was slower than Sumi and Namjak. Changes in pH were small. Soluble solids and protein content increased and varied by cultivar. From the correlation analysis, correlation between browning degree and Vitamin C content was low in three potato cultivars.

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Alcohol Fermentation of Opuntia ficus Fruit Juice

  • Lee, Sam-Pin;Lee, Suk-Kyung;Ha, Young-Duck
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.32-36
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    • 2000
  • Prickly pear juice(PPJ) extracted from prickly pear fruit (Opuntia ficus-indica)was used as raw material for the production of alcoholic beverages. Prickly pear juice (PPJ) had 0.88 oBrix of soluble solid, pH 3.96 and 0.14% of total acidity. Alcohol fermentation of 25% PPJ including 22 oBrix of sugar and 1×106 of inoculum was suitable for alcohol fermentation indicating the rapid decrease of sugar content. The 22 oBrix of sugar in PPJ (25%)GJ (50%) mixture was changed to 6.5 oBrix after fermentation at 30C for 7 days. The alcohol content was 9.2% (w/v). PPJ (70%)/GJ (30%) mixture produced alcoholic beverage with 6.9% alcohol content resulting in the gradual decrease of soluble for 7 days. On the other hand, PPJ (50%)/GJ(50%) mixture carried out completely the alcohol fermentation at 22C for 6 days and enhanced the red color of alcoholic beverages.

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