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Characteristics of Solid-state Fermented Feed and its Effects on Performance and Nutrient Digestibility in Growing-finishing Pigs

  • Hu, Jiankun;Lu, Wenqing;Wang, Chunlin;Zhu, Ronghua;Qiao, Jiayun
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.1635-1641
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    • 2008
  • This study investigated the effects of solid-state fermentation of a compound pig feed on its microbial and nutritional characteristics as well as on pig performance and nutrient digestibility. A mixed culture containing Lactobacillus fermentum, Saccharomyces cerevisae and Bacillus subtilis was used for solid-state fermentation and solid-state fermented feed samples were collected on days 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20 and 30 for microbial counts and chemical analysis. Lactic acid bacteria increased rapidly during the first three days of fermentation and then slowly declined until day 10 and, thereafter, the counts were maintained at about 6.7 log cfu/g for the duration of the fermentation period. Enterobacteria also increased during the first two days, and then fell below the detectable level of the analysis (3.0 log cfu/g). The pH of the fermentation substrate declined from 6.1 at the start of fermentation to 5.7 by day 30. The water-soluble protein content increased from 8.2 to 9.2% while the concentration of acetic acid increased from 16.6 to 51.3 mmol/kg over the 30-day fermentation. At the end of the 30-day fermentation, the solid-state fermented feed was used in a pig feeding trial to determine its effects on performance and nutrient digestibility in growing-finishing pigs. Twenty crossbred barrows (14.11±0.77kgBW) were allotted into two dietary treatments, which comprised a regular dry diet containing antibiotics and a solid-state fermented feed based diet, free of antibiotics. There was no difference due to diet on pig performance or nutrient digestibility. In conclusion, solid-state fermentation resulted in high counts of lactic acid bacteria and low counts of enterobacteria in the substrate. Moreover, feeding a diet containing solid-state fermented feed, free of antibiotics, can result in similar performance and nutrient digestibility in growing-finishing pigs to a regular diet with antibiotics.

Solid Dispersions as a Drug Delivery System

  • Kim, Ki-Taek;Lee, Jae-Young;Lee, Mee-Yeon;Song, Chung-Kil;Choi, Joon-Ho;Kim, Dae-Duk
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.125-142
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    • 2011
  • Solid dispersion, defined as the dispersion of one or more active ingredient in a carrier or matrix at solid state, is an efficient strategy for improving dissolution of poorly water-soluble drugs for enhancement of their bioavailability. Compared to other conventional formulations such as tablets or capsules, solid dispersion which can be prepared by various methods has many advantages. However, despite numerous studies which have been carried out, limitations for commercializing these products remain to be solved. For example, during the manufacturing process or storage, amorphous form of solid dispersion can be converted into crystalline form. That is, the dissolution rate of solid dispersion would continuously decrease during storage, resulting in a product of no value. To resolve these problems, studies have been conducted on the effects of excipients. In fact, modification of the solid dispersions to overcome these disadvantages has progressed from the first generation to the recent third generation products. In this review, an overview on solid dispersions in general will be given with emphasis on the various manufacturing processes which include the use of polymers and on the stabilization strategies which include methods to prevent crystallization.

Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidant Activities in Infrared Dried Peach Processed by Different Pretreatment (전처리조건에 따른 적외선건조 복숭아의 이화학적 특성 및 항산화효과)

  • Kim, Jae-Won;Youn, Kwang-Sup
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.849-857
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to determine the effects of the pretreatment and infrared drying methods on the physicochemical properties and antioxidant activities of dried peaches. The pretreatment methods were the 30 min treatment of NaCl, vitamin C, and soluble Ca (1:5 w/v immersion ratio), and leaving them untreated before infrared drying at 55C for 20 hr. The moisture content was lower in the pre-treated group and was significantly lowest in the 0.3% NaCl. The titratable acidity and soluble solid content and acid ratio (SS/TA) were high for the vitamin C and soluble Ca groups. The browning degree and cutting strength of the dried peach were lower in the pre-treated group. The total sugar content in the 0.3% NaCl group was significantly higher than those in the vitamin C and soluble Ca groups. The Ca contents were more effective in the soluble Ca treated group and increased with higher Ca concentration. The sensory evaluation results indicated that the organoleptic scores for the overall preference were higher in the 0.1% vitamin C treated group. The phenolic compounds and ABTS radical scavenging ability were high for the 0.1% vitamin C and 0.1% soluble Ca treated groups. These results suggest that pretreatment affected the qualities of the dried peaches, showing that infrared drying can be applied to the production of high quality dried peach products.

Quality Characteristics of Kongnamulguk with Commercial Soy Sprouts (시판 콩나물로 제조한 콩나물 국의 품질 특성)

  • Shon, Hee-Kyung;Kim, Yong-Ho;Lee, Kyong-Ae
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.1147-1158
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    • 2009
  • The physicochemical and sensory characteristics of Kongnamulguk with commercial film-packed soy sprouts from domestic cultivars were investigated. The color determination showed that the solid part of Kongnamulguk had a light green color and did not change even when cooking for 9 minutes. The solid part of Kongnamulguk was much higher in insoluble dietary fiber than soluble dietary fiber. Soluble and insoluble dietary fiber of the soy sprout tended to increase upon cooking. The acceptability of the solid part of Kongnamulguk was negatively correlated with a bean odor and flavor, and a grassy odor and flavor, but positively correlated with a nutty odor and flavor. In addition, the acceptability of the liquid of Kongnamulguk was negatively correlated with a bean odor, a grassy and bitter flavor, while it was positively correlated with a sweet flavor. These results suggest that soy sprout with a less bean odor and flavor would be highly acceptable, so it would probably be suitable for Kongnamulguk.

Studies on Quality Characteristics of Commercial Silken Tofu Products (주요 시판 연두부의 품질 특성 평가)

  • Sim, Eun-Yeong;Kim, Hong-Sik;Park, Hye Young;Choi, Hye-Sun;Park, Jiyoung
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.576-583
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the quality characteristics of silken tofu products from the commercial market in Korea. Seven types of commercial silken tofu were sampled and their physicochemical properties, including soluble solid contents, salinity, pH, total acidity, moisture contents (total solid contents), crude protein and fat contents were evaluated. The TPA results suggest that the texture of silken tofu was very different from one another according to the type of and the amount of coagulant. The commercial silken tofu showed a range of pH 5.53~6.48, total acidity of 0.12~0.32%, soluble solid contents of 2.62~5.07 °Brix, salinity of 2.28~4.30%, and moisture contents of 87.10~92.24%, respectively. In terms of the coagulant of tofu, besides the GDL (glucono-δ- lactone), other coagulants such as MgCl2 for making 'silken tofu' in the Korean tofu market. The quality characteristics differed depending on the constituents of sample and the coagulants of tofu used. These results are expected to be useful in identifying new trends in the domestic silken tofu industry.

Optimal Mixture Ratio for Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Gruel Supplemented with Puffed Rice by Mixture Design (혼합물 실험 계획법에 의한 팽화미 첨가 쌀죽의 최적 배합비 분석)

  • Ku, Kyung-Hyung;Choi, Eun-Jeong;Koo, Min-Sun
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.218-226
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    • 2013
  • This study examined the optimal mixture ratio of rice gruel supplemented with puffed rice by mixture design. The quality characteristics of rice gruel samples were examined according to mixture ratios at eleven experimental points. The high soluble solid content and viscosity of gruel samples were significantly dependent on rice (short grain) content instead of glutinous rice. The viscosity ranged from 2,8919,153cPs and soluble solid content ranged from 8.2310.13Brix at the eleven experimental points. The mixture with the highest solid content and viscosity, 12% rice gruel sample was 10.1010.13Brix and 9,1509,153cPs. The L color of sample decreased with decreasing rice content, while "a" (redness) and "b" (yellowness) values slightly increased. In the sensory evaluation, samples with higher amount of puffed rice and glutinous rice scored higher for brown color, flavor and sweetness than high-content rice samples. The response surface and trace plot results showed that increasing of puffed rice increased the brown color, sweet taste and sticky aftertaste. From the results of the F-test, viscosity, "a" (redness) and "b" (yellowness) values fit a quadratic model with significant probabilities within 0.05%. The optimum predicted formulations of rice gruel containing puffed rice were 1.69% of puffed rice, 0.47% of glutinous rice and 9.84% of rice, respectively.

Analysis of fruit growth and post-harvest characteristics of hydroponically grown 'K3' melons (Cucumis melo L.) harvested at different days after fruit setting and stored at low temperature

  • Jung-Soo Lee;Ju Youl Oh
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.341-355
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    • 2022
  • This research was to examine the differences in post-harvest quality of melons depending on the harvest time after fruit setting. Musk melon cultivar 'K3' plants were grown in glass house conditions with a hydroponic system, and the fruits were harvested at 50, 60, and 70 days after fruit setting. The post-harvest characteristics of melons stored at 7℃ were measured over 32 days. The harvested fruits at 50, 60, 70 days after fruit setting did not differ significantly in weight, height, or size. Solid sugar content was highest in the fruits harvested at 70 days after fruit setting, but firmness, L* value, and respiration rate were highest in the fruits harvested at 50 days after fruit setting. When the harvested melons were stored at 7℃, 'K3' melons responded differently according to the harvest days after fruit setting. The major changes during storage of 'K3' melons can be summarized as follows: Firmness, respiration, moisture content, and general appearance index during storage were highest in the melons harvested at 50 days after fruit setting, but soluble solid content, fresh weight loss, and sensory evaluation were high in the melons harvested at 60 and 70 days after one. During storage at 7℃, there were no significant differences in the appearance of 'K3' melons harvested at different periods after fruit setting, but difference in soluble solid content and taste were noted. It is recommended that the fruit of 'K3' melon plants be harvested about 60 days after fruiting to provide consumers with the highest quality for taste and for storage.

Application Effect of Rendering Livestock Carcass-Based Carbonized Material in Chinese Cabbage Cultivation (배추재배지에서 랜더링 가축사체 탄화체의 시용효과)

  • Tae-Uk Jeong;Jae-Hoon Lee;Jun-Suk Rho;Dong Yeol Lee;Jeong-Min Lee;Jong-Hwan Park;Dong-Cheol Seo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.177-183
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    • 2023
  • Rendering, is attracting attention as a technology that can stably and quickly process livestock carcasses. However, large amounts of livestock carcass solid residues are discharged in this process and limited methods are available for recycling them. In this study, rendered animal carcass solid residues were pyrolyzed to produce carbonized materials (350℃; RACR-C) and their chemical properties were investigated. Further, RACR-C were applied to cabbage cultivation for investigating their crop growth characteristics and soil improvement effects. RACR-C contained large amounts of fertilizer components such as nitrogen and phosphorus, and showed no toxic effects on the seedling growth of crops. The content of water-soluble nutrients released from RACR-C under the reaction time increased rapidly within 30 min, but was insignificant compared to the total content. Thus, most fertilizer components in RACR-C were not readily soluble in water. The optimal application amount for applying RACR-C to cabbage cultivation based on the changes in cabbage growth, inorganic content, and soil chemistry was 200 kg/10a. Overall, pyrolysis of solid residues after rendering livestock carcass to produce carbonized material as a soil improver is an effective method to recycle the waste discharged from the rendering process.

Mechanical Property Enhancement of Water Soluble Polymer Pouch for Ground Reinforcement (지반함몰 긴급복구용 수용성 폴리머 파우치의 기계적 물성강화)

  • Jung, Dongho;Chung, Dasom;You, Seung-Kyong;Kim, Joo-Hyun;Han, Jung-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.221-230
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    • 2017
  • We developed a polymer pouch using PVP that is water soluble in the precedent study. Yet melt viscosity was so low that it was not possible to produce hemispheric type which is essential for mass production, therefore we used another material to make the polymer pouch. It enabled to figure out a water-soluble transition and mechanic physical property of PEG that is newly chosen, and to blend the PEG with LLDPE and TALC followed by result. So, we could implement an evaluating property on blended proportion. It is important to find out a proper blending ratio throughout an experiment since its property is different or varied followed by each proportion as a water soluble character is conflict to a solid character. With the blending technique we were able to produce the polymer pouch enhanced for a tensile force and an impact intensity maintaining a water soluble character. We could identify a ground solidity effect of the polymer pouch as a result of a direct shear test using the product developed.

The Effect of Hot Water Soluble Extract from Green Tea on Metabolism of Calcium and Bone Strength in rats fed Soy Protein Diet (녹차 열수 추출물이 콩단백질을 급여한 흰쥐의 칼슘대사와 골격강도에 미치는 영향)

  • Won Hyang Rye
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 2005
  • This study is to find out effects of hot water soluble extract from green tea, one of the Korean favorites, on the calcium metabolism and bone strength in body. To do so, calcium, phosphate, creatinine concentration and ALP activity in blood and the content of calcium and ash in the organ, the length, weight, strength in bone were measured. In addition, to find the calcium metabolism, the level of calcium intake, excretion, retention were measured. Twenty male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two groups and isoloated soy protein was provided as the source of protein and CaCO₃ was provided as the source of calcium. 0.5% hot water soluble extract from green tea was provided to the green tea groups and for the control group deionized water was provided. The results are as follows ; 1. There is no difference between the experimental groups in diet intake, weight gain, and the feed intake. 2. Feed efficiency ratio was low in the group which hot water soluble extract from green tea was provided. 3. There is no difference between groups the level of calcium, phosphorus, creatinine and ALP activity in serum. 4. There is no difference between groups weight, contents of ash and calcium in kidney and liver. 5. There is no difference between groups in calcium intake, absorption, excretion, and retention. 6. There is no difference between groups weight, length and strength in bone. In summary, when hot water soluble extract from green tea was provided with the amount of 150-200mg, which is taken when people generally drink as favorite tea, weight gain was reduced due to the decrease of feed efficiency ratio. However, it did not affect the availability of calcium in body at all. Thus, even if a big quantity of green tea powder or solid of hot green tea extract is not provided, the quantity obtained when people drink green tea lowers the feed efficiency ratio without reducing availability of calcium in body.

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