• Title/Summary/Keyword: soil-steel structure

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Effects of soil-structure interaction on construction stage analysis of highway bridges

  • Ates, Sevket;Atmaca, Barbaros;Yildirim, Erdal;Demiroz, Nurcan Asci
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.169-186
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    • 2013
  • The aim of this paper is to determine the effect of soil-structure interaction and time dependent material properties on behavior of concrete box-girder highway bridges. Two different finite element analyses, one stage and construction stage, have been carried out on Komurhan Bridge between Elazi$\breve{g}$ and Malatya province of Turkey, over Fırat River. The one stage analysis assume that structure was built in a second and material properties of structure not change under different loads and site conditions during time. However, construction stage analysis considers that construction time and time dependent material properties. The main and side spans of bridge are 135 m and 76 m, respectively. The bridge had been constructed in 3 years between 1983 and 1986 by balanced cantilever construction method. The parameters of soil-structure interaction (SSI), time dependent material properties and construction method are taken into consideration in the construction stage analysis while SSI is single parameter taking into consideration in the one stage analysis. The 3D finite element model of bridge is created the commercial program of SAP2000. Time dependent material properties are elasticity modulus, creep and shrinkage for concrete and relaxation for steel. Soft, medium, and firm soils are selected for evaluating SSI in both analyses. The results of two different finite element analyses are compared with each other. It is seen that both construction stage and SSI have a remarkable effect on the structural behavior of the bridge.

Estimation of the lateral behavior of steel-concrete composite piles using subgrade-reaction spring system (지반 반력 스프링 시스템을 이용한 강관 합성 말뚝의 수평 지지 특성 평가)

  • Kwon, Hyung-Min;Lee, Ju-Hyung;Park, Jae-Hyun;Chung, Moon-Kyung;Kwak, Ki-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2009.03a
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    • pp.388-395
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    • 2009
  • Steel casing used to keep a borehole wall in the construction of drilled shaft increases the vertical and lateral stiffness and strength of pile, but it is usually pulled out or ignored due to the absence of standard or the problem of erosion of steel casing. In order to make use of steel casing as a permanent structure, this study carried out an experimental work for the steel-concrete composite pile. Four types of piles were used to estimate the lateral behavior of piles, which are reinforced concrete pile, steel pile and steel-concrete composite pile with and without reinforcing bar. The subgrade-reaction spring system was developed to simulate the lateral stiffness of soil in laboratory. Also, the composite loading system which can apply the axial and lateral load simultaneously was employed.

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In-Situ Behaviors of Steel Frame-type Retaining Walls (조립식 강재틀 옹벽의 현장적응성 분석)

  • 박종배;임해식;박용부;나승민;정형식
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2003.06a
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2003
  • Steel frame-type retaining walls(SFRW) are constructed by on site bolting of prefabricated steel frames and internal filling of materials such as rocks with the size of 150-300mm. Easy & fast construction, superior drainage performance and structural performance to rigorous site conditions are some of the merits of applying the SFRW to various construction sites. After the development of the structural details, a test construction of SFRW, with the height of 6m and 30m in length, was carried out at an apartment site. After completion, several months of monitoring was carried out on the structure to check displacement, tilting, settlement, soil pressures and drainage characteristics. The results of the structural behavior of SFRW along with its construction methods are presented in the paper.

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Case Study on the Design of Earth Retaining and Retention Wall Using Pre-casted Concreted Pile(PHC) (기성콘크리트말뚝(PHC)을 이용한 옹벽겸용 흙막이설계사례)

  • Han, Jung-Geun;Cho, Young-Ryang;Kim, Sang-Kwi;Park, Sang-Cheol;Eo, Yun-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2005
  • The bearing methods using pile of steel itself or reinforced concrete has been applying which in excavated depth was not deep. Also, the retaining wall as resisting structure to lateral force has taken weakness that the cure periods of concreted is long. Recently, with the material cost of steel, the application of cement is more increasing trend. In this study, the design methods of earth retaining and retention wall within the pre-casted concrete pile, PHC(Pretentioned spun High strength Concrete piles), was proposed which in the ground condition of excavated depth was not deep. The typical ground conditions, cohesive and non-cohesive soil, was considered as follows; soil strength as internal friction angle and UU(Undrained Unconsolidation triaxial test) strength, soil reaction and stabilization of structures. The application of design methods could be confirmed through the comparing and analyzing between measured data and utility software for the design.

Study on the Application of Press in Steel Pipe Pile for Restoring Building of different settlement (부동침하 건축물 복원을 위한 압입강관파일 공법 현장 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Sin, Jae-Kwon;Lee, Hee-Seok;Sho, Kwang-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2015.11a
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    • pp.85-86
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    • 2015
  • Recently, As the high rise buildings have been demanded due to the rising current of land price, the permanent drainage method have been applied during and after the construction as a way to reduce the buoyancy acting on the bottoms of the foundations in the basement. This method has brought about the consolidation subsidence of the ground and turned out to be the problems of sinking hole and foundation re-settlement. The representative methods to be used for extending the life cycle of the existing building structure which is tilted by the foundation re-settlement or differential settlement of the foundation can be divided into the building structures reinforcement and soil reinforcement. The purpose of this study is to analyze and present the application example of steel pipe pile method to extend the life cycle of the six -stories building tilted in a soft ground.

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Overturning Resistance of Plain Concrete Piers in OSPG Railroad Bridges

  • Rhee, In-Kyu;Park, Joo-Nam;Choi, Eun-Soo
    • International Journal of Railway
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2010
  • The steel plate-girder bridges with concrete gravity piers have possibilities of overturning by lateral inertial force which can be reproduced by sudden earthquake attack. This paper explores an overturning mechanism of existing concrete gravity pier onto the sandy soil in the event of lateral push-over load by in-situ experimental observation. The in-situ push-over experiment for pier with earth anchors between spread footing and rock beds exhibits a reasonable enhancement of ductility against overturning. In unanchored system, a flexural crack at cold joint of concrete pier is not developed because of the over-turning of the pier. This leads a global instability (rotation) of pier-footing system with relatively low stresses in pier itself. While a lateral load is persistently increased in anchored system, the successive flexural cracking failure at cold joint is observed even after the local shear failure of soil due to redistribution of stress equilibrium between soil and pier structure as long as a tensile action of anchor cable is active.

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Inelastic Analysis of Steel Frame Structures with Viscoelastic Damper (점탄성 감쇠기가 설치된 철골조 건물의 비탄성 해석)

  • 김진구;최현훈
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.271-278
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    • 2000
  • In this study the effect and applicability of viscoelastic dampers on the seismic reinforcement of steel framed structures are investigated in the context of the performance based design approach. The effect of the damper on dissipating the input seismic energy was investigated with a single degree of freedom system. For analysis models a five-story steel frame subjected to gravity load, a ten-story and twenty-story structure subjected to gravity and wind load were designed. The code-specified design spectrums were constructed for each soil type and performance objective, and artificial ground excitation records to be used in the nonlinear time history analysis were generated based on the design spectrums. Inter-story drift was adopted as the primary performance criterion. According to the analysis results, all model structures turned out to satisfy the performance level for most of the soil conditions except for the soft soil(operational level). It was also found that the seismic performance could be greatly enhanced, and the structures were led to behave elastically by installing viscoelastic dampers on appropriate locations.

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Optimum Design of Braced Steel Framed Structures Considering Soil Condition Under Earthquake Loads (지반조건을 고려한 브레이스된 강골조 구조물의 내진 최적설계)

  • Park, Moon-Ho;Kim , Ki-Wook;Lee , Seung-Jo;Park , Jung-Hwal
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2006
  • This study is structural analysis and continuous, discrete optimum design of braced steel frame structures under earthquake loads considering soil condition. The program which is able to perform simultaneously structural analysis and continuous, discrete optimum design, it is applied steel frame structures using unbraced, Z-braced, and X-braced types and analyze the program about static loads and seismic loads. The purpose of this study is to present proper braced type for seismic effects by comparing and analyzing results of analytic method about various cases using specially Newmark-Hall design spectrum, ATC design spectrum and ATC equivalent static analysis and finding minimum weight and design variables which satisfy the ultimate strength requirements of AISC-ASD specifications, the serviceability requirements and allowable story drift requirements of ATC-3-06 and various constraints.

Field Test on Rigidities of Piers in High-speed Railway (고속전철 교각의 강성도 산정을 위한 현장실험)

  • 진원종;곽종원;김병석;박성용
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.745-750
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    • 2000
  • The rigidity of pier is important in the analysis of rail on high speed railway bridges. This study is being performed because of followings. 1) Actual longitudinal stiffness of the structure including substructure should be considered in the calculation of longitudinal stresses in rails. 2) There are many uncertainties in piers and foundations for design. 3) Actual guideline for the design of piers is necessary. 4) Measurement on the rigidity of pier according to the types of pier, foundation and soil-condition is needed. Curve for rigidity will be obtained through this study and applied for actual design as the guideline. Stresses in rails can be estimates accurately. A pair of piers, which consists of pot-bearing for fixed support and pad-bearing for movable support, is loaded by steel frame through steel wire ropes. The responses which are intended to measure in the field test are displacements, forces and tilts on the top of piers.

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Energy Demand in Steel Structures with Buckling Restrained Braces (좌굴이 방지된 가새가 설치된 철골조 건물의 에너지 요구량)

  • 최현훈;김진구
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2003
  • In this study, a story-wise distribution of hysteretic energy in steel moment resisting framse(MRF), buckling restrained braced frames(BRBF), and hinge-connected framed structures with buckling restrained braces(HBRBF) subjected to various earthquake ground excitations was investigated. Sixty earthquake ground motions recorded in different soil conditions were used to compute the energy demand in model structure. According to analysis results, the hysteretic energy in MRF and BRBF turned out to be the maximum at the base and monotonically diminishes with increasing height. However the story-wise distribution of hysteretic energy in HBRBF was relatively uniform over the height of the structure. In this case damage is not concentrated in a single story, and therefore it is considered to be more desirable than other systems. The story-wise energy distribution pattern under three different soil types turned out to be approximately the same.