• 제목/요약/키워드: social-ethics

검색결과 499건 처리시간 0.02초

Identifying Implicit Rules in Social Work Agencies for the Exploration of Measures to Promote Efficiency of Social Work Practice (사회복지실천의 효율성 증대방안 모색을 위한 사회복지기관의 '숨은 규칙' (implicit rules) 찾기)

  • Um, Myung-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • 제46권
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    • pp.236-262
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    • 2001
  • This discovery-oriented study explored 31 social workers' perceptions of discrepancies between explicit and implicit rules in their work places that are supposed to affect the quality of social work services, and identified eight categories of dilemmas: (a) confused accountability or purpose, (b) ambiguous principle, (c) improper authority, (d) confused role of social workers, (e) conflict between ideal and reality, (f) confused work ethics, (g) confused boundary of workers' rights, and (h) binds. These eight categories revealed the real philosophy and purposes of social work agencies, work ethics and values prevalent among social work agencies, agencies' orientation toward clients, and the conditions of social support from the society in large. Instead of searching for discrete variables as separately responsible for inefficient social work services, this approach probed malfunctioning implicit rules in a holistic context to see if inefficient or ineffective provision of social work services is a logical response to a much larger and deeper nexus. Insight into discrepant rules does not solely ensure the improvement of social work practice in the field, particularly if their identification is simply used as another opportunity to blame and avoid self-responsibility. However, such discrepancies between implicit and explicit rules are real enough to the staff workers and agency administrators that they may want to begin the dialogue of contradictory rules as a way of sanctioning discussion of previously forbidden topics. This study provided the ground-work for the dialogue.

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A Research on Investigation Results of Teenagers' Civic and Ethic Awareness - Confucian values and a Treatise of Human Nature (유교사상을 통한 청소년의 시민윤리의식 실증조사연구)

  • Moon, Ki-young;Lee, In-young
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • 제52호
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    • pp.393-424
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    • 2017
  • This study investigates the relationship between South Korean youths' Confucian values and sense of citizen ethics while presenting outlook on the sense of citizen ethics based on the theory of human nature. The purpose of this study, by doing so, is to present educational measures. For this purpose, empirical research method was applied in this study. In the empirical study, youths were surveyed and the answers were statistically analyzed and discussed with a view to achieve the study purpose. In the empirical research part of the study, Korean youths' awareness on Confucian values was examined along with its relationship with the sense of citizen ethics. The effect of Confucian values on sense of citizen ethics and their relationship were analyzed to evaluate the receptivity of youths on Confucian ideas and usefulness of sense of citizen ethics. This study investigated a total of final 311 sets of data from male and female students at middle and high schools located in Seoul, Gyeonggi, South Korea. First, to identify the youths' Confucian values and level of sense of citizen ethics, descriptive statistical analysis was conducted. As a result, the survey subjects were found to have, concerning the Confucian values, world view M=3.54, human relations view M=3.66, morality cultivation M=3.76, and social order M=3.45, higher than 3.0 to represent positive levels. The morality cultivation, in particular, was recorded the highest among all whereas the social order was relatively lower, which represents the degree of relying on Confucian values to establish social order. Second, the sub-variables of Confucian values were verified according to the personal characteristics of the surveyed youths and differences in their entire perception was investigated. As a result, according to gender, morality cultivation was found higher in female students (M=3.85) than in male students (M=3.64). According to the subjective economic level of their household, world view was found higher in upper class (M=3.98) than middle-low class (M=3.25) and low class (M=3.22) while human relations view was found higher in middle-upper class (M=3.79) than low class (M=3.46). As for the family type, morality cultivation was found higher in extended family (M=3.83) than nuclear family (M=3.62); and social order was higher in extended family (M=3.54) than nuclear family (M=3.36). Third, to verify the study theme of identifying the effects of youths' Confucian values on sense of citizen morality, hierarchical regression analysis was employed in this study, which used the multi-level model of multiple regression analysis. As a result, the Confucian values was found to have significant positive (+) correlations with the entire sense of citizen ethics in order of human relations view(${\beta}=.499$), world view(${\beta}=.412$), social order(${\beta}=.341$), and morality cultivation(${\beta}=.241$). Confucian value showed significant positive (+) correlations with autonomy in order of morality cultivation(${\beta}=.458$), human relations view(${\beta}=.454$), social order(${\beta}=.362$), and world view(${\beta}=.158$). Confucian values was found to have significant positive (+) correlations with community spirit in order of human relations view(${\beta}=.295$), social order(${\beta}=.281$), and morality cultivation(${\beta}=.232$). As shown in the findings above, youths' Confucian values was found to have significant positive (+) effects on the sense of citizen ethics. It is noted that the higher the Confucian values, the more positive the sense of citizen ethics would be. Consequentially, the Confucian values was identified to play an important role in the sense of citizen ethics in the modern society. Based on this analysis, this study presented specific measures - the necessity and possibility of education on sense of citizen ethics under the theory of human nature. To this end, this study proposed to find an optimal interface between the contemporary sense of citizen ethics and Confucian ethics through the respect for human life and nature, man of virtue as the ideal human model, and united society as a desirable society model.

Discussing Metaverse Ethics with a Movie on Metaverse, 'Ready Player One' (메타버스를 영화 '레디 플레이어 원(Ready Player One)'을 통해 살펴본 메타버스 윤리)

  • Kim, Seong-Hee;Yi, Sang-Wook
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • 제27권5호
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    • pp.665-675
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    • 2022
  • After the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been growing interests in metaverse technology and social use of virtual reality platforms in non-face-to-face environments, but social issues and ethical concerns raised by metaverse have not been sufficiently discussed. In this paper, we discuss the social functions of the metaverse by examining the movie 'Ready Player One', and investigate the ethical problems that may arise in various implementation of metaverse. We identify the potential ethical problems that could occur in the context of metaverse including identity fragmentation, metaverse violence and crime, and mismanagement of personal information. We also propose some promising approaches to tackle these ethical problems ranging over descriptive ethics, normative ethics, and analytical (meta) ethics.

Lotte Mart: A Best Practice in Social Responsibility and Ethics Management (롯데마트:사회적 책임구현과 윤리경영의 실천)

  • Oh, Changho;Lim, Jongwon;Shin, Geon-Cheol
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.83-104
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    • 2005
  • This case describes Lotte Mart's practices and achievement in the aspect of social responsibilities and ethics management and its implications in retail industry. Lotte Mart set ethics management as core business objective, and establishes and operates a variety of ethics management programs for each of customer, shareholders, employees, suppliers and society. By these programs, Lotte Mart could achieve improvement in quality and price competitiveness through better partnership with supplier, get more efficiency in business through higher morale among employees, and gain improved customer loyalty through customer satisfaction.

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Role-based Morality, Ethical Pluralism, and Morally Capable Robots

  • Zhu, Qin;Williams, Tom;Wen, Ruchen
    • Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.134-150
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    • 2021
  • Dominant approaches to designing morally capable robots have been mainly based on rule-based ethical frameworks such as deontology and consequentialism. These approaches have encountered both philosophical and computational limitations. They often struggle to accommodate remarkably diverse, unstable, and complex contexts of human-robot interaction. Roboticists and philosophers have recently been exploring underrepresented ethical traditions such as virtuous, role-based, and relational ethical frameworks for designing morally capable robots. This paper employs the lens of ethical pluralism to examine the notion of role-based morality in the global context and discuss how such cross-cultural analysis of role ethics can inform the design of morally competent robots. In doing so, it first provides a concise introduction to ethical pluralism and how it has been employed as a method to interpret issues in computer and information ethics. Second, it reviews specific schools of thought in Western ethics that derive morality from role-based obligations. Third, it presents a more recent effort in Confucianism to reconceptualize Confucian ethics as a role-based ethic. This paper then compares the shared norms and irreducible differences between Western and Eastern approaches to role ethics. Finally, it discusses how such examination of pluralist views of role ethics across cultures can be conducive to the design of morally capable robots sensitive to diverse value systems in the global context.

An Artificial Intelligence Ethics Education Model for Practical Power Strength (실천력 강화를 위한 인공지능 윤리 교육 모델)

  • Bae, Jinah;Lee, Jeonghun;Cho, Jungwon
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2022
  • As cases of social and ethical problems caused by artificial intelligence technology have occurred, artificial intelligence ethics are drawing attention along with social interest in the risks and side effects of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence ethics should not just be known and felt, but should be actionable and practiced. Therefore, this study proposes an artificial intelligence ethics education model to strengthen the practical ability of artificial intelligence ethics. The artificial intelligence ethics education model derived educational goals and problem-solving processes using artificial intelligence through existing research analysis, applied teaching and learning methods to strengthen practical skills, and compared and analyzed the existing artificial intelligence education model. The artificial intelligence ethics education model proposed in this paper aims to cultivate computing thinking skills and strengthen the practical ability of artificial intelligence ethics. To this end, the problem-solving process using artificial intelligence was presented in six stages, and artificial intelligence ethical factors reflecting the characteristics of artificial intelligence were derived and applied to the problem-solving process. In addition, it was designed to unconsciously check the ethical standards of artificial intelligence through preand post-evaluation of artificial intelligence ethics and apply learner-centered education and learning methods to make learners' ethical practices a habit. The artificial intelligence ethics education model developed through this study is expected to be artificial intelligence education that leads to practice by developing computing thinking skills.

The Ethics of Multinational Enterprises and ESG Response: Suggestions for Transparent Management

  • LEE, Chun-Su;CHO, Yoonkyo;KIM, Byong-Goo
    • East Asian Journal of Business Economics (EAJBE)
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2022
  • Purpose - Through multinational corporate ethics and environmental, social, and governance (ESG), various policy and strategic countermeasures for transparent management in the management and economic fields are presented. Research design, data, and methodology - A literature review is conducted to find important areas for transparent management and to summarize and present transparent management countermeasures based on simple brainstorming opinions from experts. Result - Issues facing transparent management are presented. In particular, multinational enterprises present cases involving prevention of transfer prices and tax avoidance in relation to Industry 4.0. Additionally, a plan is presented to establish a corruption-free economic system through the practice of ESG transparency, ethical management of social enterprises, and transparent management. Conclusion - According to the brainstorming opinions of experts, ESG management and ethical management should be the cornerstone of transparent management in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to institutionally supplement the imposition of digital taxes on fourth industrial companies.

The Challenges of AI Ethics and Human Identity Reproduced by Global Content: Focusing on Narrative Analysis of Netflix Documentary (글로벌 콘텐츠가 재현하는 AI 윤리와 인간 정체성의 과제: 넷플릭스 다큐 <소셜딜레마>의 서사 분석을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Jong-Hwan;Lee, Hyun-Ju
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제22권7호
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    • pp.548-562
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to diagnose the issues of AI ethics in global content and to discuss what kind of discourse is needed to strengthen human identity. To this end, the study selected Netflix original content "The Social Dilemma" for analysis and adopted narrative analysis as the research method. The analysis results confirmed that "Social Dilemma" showed the structure of a traditional current affairs documentary and mainly used experts and statistical data to develop the story. It also reinforced core content claims by enumerating domestic and foreign cases such as the 2021 Myanmar massacre and the spread of fake news. In addition, the relationship between the characters clearly revealed the binary opposition between developers and media companies as well as users and advertisers. For the solution to the problem, strong regulations on businesses and the suspension of social media use were reached. However, "The Social Dilemma" merely pointed out the misuse of AI technology and had a narrative that ignored human identity and social relationships. Such results raise the need for creating contents that emphasize the importance of human sociality, relationships, and learning ability in the age of AI.

A study on corporate social responsibility activities of fashion companies (패션기업의 사회적 책임 활동에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, So-Jeong;Rhee, YoungJu
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2018
  • This study reviewed corporate social responsibility activities of fashion companies and discussed strategies of social enterprises. The research was conducted on 6 Korean fashion companies with sales over KRW 1 trillion as of the end of the term in 2015. Corporate social responsibility activities of each company were investigated from economic, social and environmental viewpoints. The results of this study were as follows: First, each company promoted win-win growth, co-existence management, transparent management and ethics management through economic activities. They pursued win-win growth and co-existence management, which aimed to respect and grow with their partners. Also, they ensured transparent management and ethics management to show their moral management. Second, each company conducted various social contribution programs as part of their social activities. Through the programs, they made donations, supported welfare and culture, and practiced voluntary work, local activities, training and equal opportunities. Third, as for environmental activities, each company tried to protect nature through various activities such as donation to environmental organizations, environmental cleanup activities, environmental management from production to disposal, reuse, eco-friendly system, environmental volunteering, etc. Articles on fashion companies' social responsibility activities have an influence on boosting their attitude and image towards businesses.

Analysis of research ethics education needs impact factors (연구윤리교육 필요성 인식 및 영향요인)

  • Seong, Jeong-Min;Park, Yong-Duk
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine the professors, who teach the dental hygiene program in Korea, on the awareness of the research ethics education check. And attempt to provide and promote a basic foundation for future research ethics education Methods : Questionnaire survey was carried out targeting 119, who teach the dental hygiene program. The collected data was performed frequency & percentage, independent t-test and one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple regression. Results : 1. As recognition about research ethics education needs, they expressed the biggest recognition that research ethics education is required($3.66{\pm}0.57$) 2. Regarding the correlation between students needs research ethics education and interested research ethics education had a statistically significant correlation of r=0.381 which was the highest correlation factor. 3. Research ethics education taking institutions, 39.4% respondents experienced the biggest national research institutes. 4. Between general characteristics and research ethics education recognition level, they were statistically significantly different with age and major course(p<0.05). 5. The affecting factors on the research ethics education were teaching career and number of articles published as the first author, explained 12.8%(p<0.001). Conclusions : Research ethics education is desperately needed. Therefore I will insist the case based approach in the research ethics education program with the format of a stand course.