• Title/Summary/Keyword: social responses

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The Effect of Pornography Use Among Adolescents on Violent Sexual Behavior and the Moderating Effect of Family Support (청소년의 음란물 이용이 성폭력 가해행동에 미치는 영향 : 가족지지의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jae Yop;Choi, Sunah;Lim, Jeong Su
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.489-500
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the impact of pornography use among adolescents on their subsequent violent sexual behavior, and to ascertain the moderating effect of family support. The study was conducted with a sample of 2,087 Korean middle and high-school students. To analyze the data, a descriptive analysis, a correlation analysis, and a Poisson regression were conducted using SPSS 24.0. A Poisson regression was performed because the dependent variable, violent sexual behavior, was measured by the frequency of occurrence, and most responses were distributed at '0', indicating a non-normal distribution. The results indicated that 8.1% of adolescents admitted to having sexually violent experiences over the past year, with a relatively high rate of sexual harassment. Secondly, 53.3% of adolescents had used pornography over the past couple of years, with the highest percentage of use occurring via the Internet. Finally, pornography use among adolescents had a significant and direct impact on their sexually violent behavior, with family support playing a moderating role. This indicated that, for adolescents with a high level of family support, the impact of pornography usage on sexually violent behavior decreased. Based on these results, we discuss practical and policy interventions to prevent sexually violent behavior by adolescents.

Can Coffee Shops That Have Become the Red Ocean Win with ESG?

  • KWAK, Min-Kyu;CHA, Seong-Soo
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study aims to investigate the relationship between ESG activities (Environment, Social, Governance) of coffee shops and their brand image, purchase intention. Research design, data and methodology: To test the hypothesis, a survey was conducted for about one month from May to June, 2021, and a total of 311 people responded to the survey, and the responses from 311 copies were used for the analysis. Validity and reliability analysis were performed, and the relationship between latent variables was empirically analyzed using the structural equation modelling. Results: The results of the study are as follows. First, among the ESG activities of coffee shops, the environmental and social sectors had a significant positive (+) effect on the brand image, but the governance aspect showed no significant effect on the brand image. Second, it was found that the symbolic image and the empirical image had a significant positive (+) effect on the purchase intention, but the functional image did not have a significant effect on the purchase intention. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that as the number of coffee shops and the heated competition are increasing, it is possible to build a differentiated brand image through ESG activities rather than relying on the functions and services of competing products.

The Effect of Reflected Appraisals on Selfie Behavior and the Moderating Effect of Hoped-for Self (자기에 대한 타인 평가 인식이 셀피행동에 미치는 영향과 희망자기의 조절효과)

  • Kim, Hyunsook;Yoon, Namhee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.1063-1074
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    • 2021
  • Selfie behavior, the act of taking a picture of oneself and distributing it on social media, has become increasingly popular. Researching how to communicate with others in a social context and express hoped-for self through selfies is essential for studying consumers in the digital age. This study investigates the effects of reflected appraisals on selfie expectations and selfie behaviors. Additionally, the interaction effect of hoped-for self on the relationships between reflected appraisals and selfie expectations was tested. A web-based survey was conducted on consumers above the age of 20 who have engaged in selfie behavior in the past month. A total of 495 responses were collected from a panel of online survey firms. The survey results were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis by AMOS 21.0 and bootstrap analysis by SPSS Macro process Model 4 and 7. Results indicated that reflected appraisals influenced selfie behavior, which was fully mediated by selfie expectations. Furthermore, the effect of reflected appraisals on selfie behavior was moderated by hoped-for self. The results will serve as a theoretical basis for understanding the psychological expectations in which selfie behavior is formed in a social context and can be applied in psychotherapy and marketing in practice.

The Impact of Individual Consumption Values and Consumption Tendencies on Repurchase Intention of Convenience Store Lunchbox Products. (소비자의 소비가치와 소비성향이 편의점 도시락의 재구매 의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Seung-Min Choi;Ji-Eun Choi
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.89-106
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    • 2024
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to ascertain the influence of individual consumption values and consumption tendencies on repurchase intention. It aims to examine how individual characteristics affect purchasing behavior in response to social environmental changes. Design/Methodology/Approach - This study targeted individuals who have experience purchasing convenience store lunches in Korea and collected 201 survey responses. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Multiple Regression Analysis were employed to analyze the data. Findings - Individual consumption values significantly influenced consumption tendencies. Additionally it was found that both consumption values and consumption tendencies have some significant impact on repurchase intention. However, certain factors had a significant influence specifically in the context of negative relationships, which was analyzed to be influenced by social environmental changes. Research Implications and Limitations - This study verified the clear relationship between consumption values, consumption tendencies, and repurchase intention, such as product purchase. However, it also verified that the relationship of these factors does not necessarily have a strictly positive impact. It suggests that future marketing research should also investigate factors such as the increase of single-person households and social environmental changes.

A Study of the Causal Relationship among Organizational Fairness, Organizational Trust, Organizational Cynicism, and Organizational Commitment: -Combined Examination on Effect of Social Workers' Perceived Work Value- (사회복지사의 조직공정성인식, 조직신뢰, 조직냉소주의와 조직몰입의 통합적 관계에 관한 연구 -일 가치감 효과에 대한 결합 분석-)

  • Kang, Chul-Hee;Joo, Myung-Kwan;Lee, Sang-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.64 no.1
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    • pp.31-52
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    • 2012
  • This study has three objectives. First, it examines the relationship between organizational fairness and organizational commitment perceived by social workers in Korea. Second, it simultaneously examines mediating effects of organizational trust and organizational cynicism in the relationship between organizational fairness and organizational commitment. Third, it also examines the effect of social workers' perceived work value on the combined model by considering the unique characteristics of social work profession. This study employs the stratified cluster sampling method on social workers with more than two year work experiences in their current social service agencies that are located in Seoul and Kyungki province; finally it analyzes the responses from 564 social workers by using the method of structural equation modeling. This study has the following results: (1) there is a positive causal relationship between organizational fairness and organizational commitment perceived by social workers; (2) there is also a positive causal relationship between social workers' perceived work value and organizational commitment; and (3) in the mediating effects of organizational trust and organizational cynicism, there are no mediating effects in the relationship between organizational fairness and organizational commitment. This study discusses the importance of social workers' perceived work value and theoretical and practical implications of the results.

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A Study on the educational alternatives for Public Social Worker to improve the effectiveness of public social welfare organization (사회복지 공공조직의 효과성을 위한 교육적 대안에 관한 실증연구)

  • Kim, Young-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.415-425
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this study was to identify the effective factors for improving the professionalism of the social welfare public organization and to suggest the implications for the relationship between public social welfare and educational alternatives. For the analysis, 637 government officials who worked in the social welfare department of local governments in Kangwon province were surveyed. Based on previous studies on the organizational effectiveness, this study examined differences in the perceptions of job stress, organizational satisfaction, organizational commitment, and social support by characteristics (gender, major, and serial), followed by relationship educational alternatives (job training, healing camp, psychological counseling). The differences according to gender were significant only in the creativity of the work and the self-esteem of the institution. Through the confirmation of recognition difference according to whether they majored or not, it was confirmed that expertise of the major in social welfare was necessary for job performance ability and suggested the urgency of the appointment of a major. The differences among the serials showed that administrative work is more difficult than social welfare work in terms of professionalism and expertise. Finally, based on the results of the causal relationships with educational alternatives, this paper introduces and operates systematic educational programs, such as personal psychological counseling and organizational healing camp management, as well as the need for active and proactive responses to changes in social welfare administration organizations.

Perception on the Importance of Items on Psychosocial Assessment among Hospice and Palliative Care Social Workers (호스피스·완화의료 사회복지사의 심리사회적 사정항목에 대한 중요도 인식)

  • Kim, Won-Chul;Hwang, Myung Jin
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.259-269
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This preliminary study is aimed at developing standardized tools for psycho-social assessment of patients in needs for hospice/palliative care. To accomplish the purpose, investigators examined effects of perceptions of social workers on the importance of psycho-social domains of assessment in hospice/palliative care settings. Moreover, investigators paid attention to variances of perceptions of social workers' along with types of institution and credentials of those family settings. Methods: A form of questionnaire was first explored from an initial interview assessment of 10 government-certified hospice care providers and a literature review, second constructed with eight domains and 80 items, and sent by e-mail to 55 institutions and hospitals providing hospice/palliative cares in Korea. Lastly, a total of 31 agencies returned with a completed responses and consent form (56% response rate). SPSS program (version 18.0) was used for data analysis. Results: Study found that social workers perceived patients' family background (m=4.53, 5-point scale) as the most important assessment domain, whereas economic conditions (4.06 point) the least important. Social workers' perception varied by credentials (i.e., license types, training, full-time position, types of care facility). Conclusion: Based upon study findings, investigators can conclude strong needs for developing a assessment tool that measures multiple domains (i.e., psychological, social and ecological aspects) of patients. A standardized assessment tool should be structured with 2 axis (center/core and expanded/peripheral) and tailored for institution type. Second, professional trainings must be provided by strengthening legal institutionalization and fostering qualified social workers with full responsibilities of hospice and palliative care patients.

The Impact of Brand's Backstage Information Disclosure via Social Media Contents on Consumer Responses: Adoption of Dramaturgical Theory (브랜디드 콘텐츠를 통한 브랜드 무대후면영역(backstage) 정보 노출이 소비자 반응에 미치는 영향: 연극적 접근이론의 적용)

  • Moon, Jang Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.139-152
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    • 2015
  • One of the most latest trends in today's marketing practice is to create branded contents for interacting with online consumers. Marketers are increasingly adopting behind-the-scene contents which disclose a brand's backstage information in their contents marketing efforts. The current study conceptualizes this behind-the-scene storytelling based on dramaturgical theory and investigates its impacts on consumer responses. The study also examines how consumers advertising skepticism level would influence on the evaluation of branded contents. In addition, the moderating role of advertising skepticism in evaluating brand's backstage information is investigated. The findings suggests that consumers who are exposed to brand's backstage indicate greater information attitude, brand attitude, and purchase intention than those who are not exposed to brand's backstage. Also consumers who have lower advertising skepticism evaluated branded contents more positively than high ad skepticism consumers. Lastly, the moderating role of advertising skepticism on the impact of brand's backstage disclosure is reported.

The Effect of Familiarity with Mental Illness on the Discrimination - Mediating Effect of Fear and Helping response - (정신장애인에 대한 친숙함이 차별에 미치는 영향 - 두려움과 도움의향을 매개로 -)

  • Lee, Min Hwa;Seo, Mi Kyung;Choi, Kyung Sook
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.68 no.4
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    • pp.75-96
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed the mediator effect of fear and helping responses on relationship between familiarity and discrimination based on the contact theory. We presented typical vignettes of schizophrenia, depression and alcoholism to 922 adults randomly. All respondents were asked for direct and indirect contact experiences with mental illness, fear and helping responses and discrimination against persons with mental illness. Our findings suggest that contact theory was not supported in every types of mental disorders. In schizophrenia, fear and help were the full mediator between familiarity and discrimination. In depression, only helping response was the mediator between familiarity and discrimination. But in alcoholism, familiarity did not predict discrimination. Based on theses findings, we suggest various anti-stigma strategies depending on the types of mental disorders.

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Relationship among Store's Physical Environment, Emotional Response and Behavior Intention: Comparison Between Korea and China (백화점의 물리적환경, 고객의 감정반응 및 행동의도의 관계: 한·중 비교를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Won-Kyum;Kim, Dae-Ryong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.761-770
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    • 2012
  • The purposes of the study is builded upon previous researches to investigate the relationship among store's physical environment, customers' emotional responses and behavior intention. For achieving study purposes, research model and hypotheses were set up after reviewing previous researches. The data were collected from a sample of 659 consumers of korea and china department stores, then used to conduct an empirical analysis. The results showed: First, the significant relationship were partially found among store's physical environment, emotional responses and behavior intention, design factor, social factor of store' physical environment both influence shoppers' positive emotions, indirectly influence shoppers' behavior intention through positive emotions, and social factor influence shoppers' negative emotions, indirectly influence shoppers' behavior intention through negative emotions. Second, the results also showed that they are different between korea and the china customer. Therefor, this study has provided a variety of theoretical and practical implications for global retailers to set up marketing strategies.