• Title/Summary/Keyword: social consumers

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The Effects of the Attractiveness of an Internet Shopping Mall and Flow on Affective Commitment

  • Kang, Sung-Ju;Kim, Jae-Yeong;Park, Young-Kyun
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 2011
  • With the many advantages of the internet, online shopping has become one of the fastest growing types of retail businesses. However, internet-based firms are much more firmly required to retain existing customers rather than secure new ones, and to make them revisit the site by strengthening trust and loyalty, thereby improving profits and outrivaling competitors. Commitment is an essential part of successful long-term relationships between buyers and sellers. Although commitments by both parties in an exchange can provide the foundation for the development of relational social norms, disproportionate commitments can lead to opportunism by the less committed partner. Moreover, flow, which is characterized by intense concentration and enjoyment, was found to be significantly linked with exploratory use behavior, which in turn was linked to the extent of computer use. The level of flow was, itself, determined by the individual's sense of being in control, and the level of challenge perceived in maneuvering a website. Website attractiveness goes hand in hand with the attractiveness of an internet shopping mall, and it can be conceptualized as the persuasive effectiveness of a message by the use of familiarity, favor, similarity, etc. It occurs when information receivers try to achieve self-satisfaction when they actually or emotionally identify themselves with an information source. This study investigates the relationship between the perceived system characteristics of an internet shopping mall and the loyalty of online consumers, and it examines how perceived website attractiveness and flow play mediating roles between the perceived system characteristics of an internet shopping mall and the affective commitment in the context of a clothes internet shopping mall. For these purposes, a structural model comprising several variables was developed. That model was tested with an analysis of moment structure (AMOS) using data from respondents who had purchased clothing through the internet during the past three months. In this model, the perceived system characteristics of an internet shopping mall, such as familiarity, reputation, uniqueness, positive emotions, self-efficacy, and interactivity, were proposed to affect the website's attractiveness and flow, and lead to a higher affective commitment over time. Thus, the perceived website attractiveness and flow were proposed as core mediating variables between perceived system characteristics and affective commitment. The results of a reliability test using Cronbach's Alpha, and a confirmatory factor analysis warranted using unidimensionality for the measures for each construct. In addition, the nomological validity of the measures was warranted from the results of a correlation analysis. The results of empirical analyses indicated that systematic attributes resulting in website attractiveness and user's characteristics, thereby triggering customers' flow, play a crucial role in inducing customers' affective commitment, and a user's characteristics are twice as important as systematic attributes in this study. Moreover, familiarity, reputation, and uniqueness all have a significant effect on website attractiveness, and the research showed that uniqueness took the first place, and that familiarity and reputation followed in order of magnitude. The fact that reputation was not the most important factor that affects the attractiveness of an internet shopping mall, with uniqueness or familiarity having a greater impact, suggests much deeper implications. Finally, positive emotion, self-efficacy, and interactivity all have a significant effect on customers' flow. In particular, the fact that positive emotion, compared to self-efficacy or interactivity, has much more impact on flow is very suggestive.

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Influence of Elderly People's Lifestyle on Successful Aging (노인의 라이프스타일이 성공적 노후에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Kun-Young;Ko, Jae-Ug
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.243-256
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    • 2015
  • This study aimed at investigating the effects of sub-variables of elderly people's lifestyle health and leisure oriented pursuits, outdoor and challenge pursuits, security and material pursuits, family oriented pursuits, and peer oriented pursuits on what they perceive to be successful later years. The background of this study was that there has been few study on the older population in Korea with focus on their cultural and traditional norms. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of elderly people's lifestyle on what they perceive to be successful later years, thereby identifying practical implications for better social welfare associated with successful later years. Analysis was carried out of self reported questionnaires and self-interviews with elderly people aged over 65 frequenting a welfare center for elders and a community center in a city in Korea. In order to examine the effects, a reliability test, a descriptive analysis, a correlation analysis, and a multi-regression analysis were performed. The results of the analysis for sub-variables of lifestyle showed that health and leisure oriented pursuits, outdoor and challenge pursuits, security and material pursuits, family oriented pursuits, and peer oriented pursuits had significant positive impact on successful later years. The two most influential were peer oriented and family oriented pursuits. Drawing on the results, this study suggests that what is needed for dejected and lonely elderly members in the society is to provide them with opportunities for developing and keeping good relationships with friends and family members and there is a need for a system where old people, as consumers of cultural capital, can have easy access to a variety of cultural resources and activities at a local and regional level.

Commercialization of Field for Improving VI Design & Package Design at Rural Tourism Village and Its Effect : Focused on Ok-Gye Village of Youngcheon (농촌관광마을 VI디자인·포장디자인 개선 현장 실용화 및 효과 - 연천옥계마을을 중심으로 -)

  • Jin, Hye-Ryeon;Chae, Hye-Sung;Jo, Lok-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.191-199
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    • 2014
  • The current rural conditions are undergoing the change from the past production-intensive structure to an integral and complex one of producing, processing, selling, touring and lodging owing to the changes of life-style, consumption trend and social environments. The rural area is developing into a community of rural tourism villages to grow into one management system along with the assistance of the government's various supporting projects. Through this, the rural designing has got to play a significant role as one of the factors of the enhancement of competitiveness and the increase of income. Therefore, those previous studies on the variety and possibility of rural development are being employed for the researches which are to develop techniques of branding, marketing and packaging. In particular, the researches for VI (Village Identity), BI (Brand Identity) and designs of landscaping, packaging of agricultural specialties and display stores, which definitely shows that the importance of rural designing, is being paid a lot more attention to. Thus, this study has verified the site commercialization and its effect by developing some practical designing with the focus of package design at rural tourism villages. The Okgye Village in Yoncheon was selected for study subject based on the result of status investigation. This study has analyzed such problems as lack of village identity, non-description of items and their indispensible marks which were seen their designs of village and packaging. The colors of major items and the village image being substituted into the image scale of IRI color were estimated so that the appropriate colors might be selected, along with which the shapes of major items were decided to be motif for the village symbol and design to be created. The designs of such major items as grains, greens and sauces were created with the consideration of the easiness of loading, the continuity of using and the aesthetics. For grains, those outer boxes which are possible for set-packaging and small-sized packaging have been developed. For greens were developed the boxes with the structure of the permeability for the persisten't quality as well as the possibility for packaging small amount. In case of sauces, those outer-boxes equipped with fixing tray were made with the transport-convenience taken into consideration. The sticker-label designs for all those three were also developed which stand for the village identity and are conveniently used in each farm family. When this development was applied at the sites, it was found that the satisfaction and reliability of consumers as well as the satisfaction of farmers were raised along with the increase by more than 30% after the improvement.

Methods to improve infant clothing made with Hanji yarn - Investigating the image of Hanji and Hanji yarn infant clothing - (한지사 영·유아복 개선 방안 모색을 위한 연구 - 한지와 한지사 영·유아복 이미지 조사를 중심으로 -)

  • Ju, Jeong Ah;Shim, Joon Young;Kim, Hyun Chul
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2013
  • With environmental pollution becoming a serious problem, recently there has been increased interest in the environment and health. In addition, the development of materials for environmentally friendly and functional clothing has increased. Environmentally friendly products that use bark fibers of the mulberry(dak) tree are expressed in terms of dak fiber and Hanji yarn. This research analyzed consumer's perceived images of Hanji and Hanji yarn infant clothing. The research results are as follows. Based on analyzing images of Hanji and Hanji yarn, Hanji was categorized into four images that can be described as natural, pure, decorative, and functional, and Hanji yarn infant clothing was categorized into three images that can be described as natural, decorative, and functional. Based on the analysis of well-being elements in subjects' lifestyles, the following four inclinations were found: environmental friendliness, pursuit of novelty, life care, and environmental protection. On this basis, the subjects were categorized into three groups: the trend-pursuing group, the life-care group, and the social responsibility group. Subjects' perceived images of Hanji and Hanji yarn infant clothing were investigated, and these products were found to have a strong image of being Korean, traditional, and natural, while being weakly perceived as comfortable, functional, and practical. Analyzing the correlation between images of Hanji and Hanji yarn infant clothing and lifestyle groups revealed that these products were not perceived differently according to group. This study showed that Hanji and Hanji yarn are terms that are commonly associated with positive clothing material. However, both Hanji and Hanji yarn are perceived negatively in terms of functional image, which is an important factor in clothing material. In addition, even among consumers who pursue a lifestyle based on well-being, the functional image of Hanji yarn was not perceived highly. Hence, it is necessary to further examine the effect of terms such as Hanji and Hanji yarn on consumer choices. Therefore, caution is considered needed when using such terms in the marketing of related products.

Understanding the Korean Fandom of the K-pop Focusing on Its Perspectives on Foreign Fans (케이팝(K-pop)의 한국 팬덤에 대한 연구 해외 팬들에 대한 인식을 중심으로)

  • Berbiguier, Mathieu;Cho, Younghan
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.81
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    • pp.272-298
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    • 2017
  • This study aims at understanding Korean fans who are also one of the most inquisitive consumers of the Korean pop products. For this purpose, it examines how Korean fandom perceives the procedures of the K-pop's globalization and constructs different perspectives of foreign fans. Firstly, it examines Korean fandom's the national pride as the K-pop expands to the global markets. Secondly, it explores how the Korean fandom rationalizes its possessive instinct while the global fans and markets becomes increasingly important. Finally, it explores how the Korean fandom constructs the different perceptions on foreign fans. In order to observe korean fans' thoughts and activities, it participates in the interactions in the tweeters and an online community. The Korean fans' perspective reflects both on individual tastes and the social dimensions in which fans live through. Through the lens of the Korean fandom, this study attempts to explicate the Korean fans' perception on foreign fans, which reflects another dimension of the K-pop's globalization.

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Influence of ethical consumption proprieties on the attitude and purchasing intention of ethical cosmetics (윤리적 소비성향이 윤리적 화장품에 대한 태도와 구매의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Baek, Ji-Eun;Rhee, Young-Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 2020
  • Recently, there has been a change in consumer culture. The paradigm is changing from a consumption model that used to emphasize rationality to an ethical consumption model that focuses on sustainability. Such a change in consumption patterns has also been seen in the cosmetics industry, but studies to empirically assess this trend are incomplete. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to empirically identify the impact of ethical consumption proprieties on attitudes and purchasing intentions for ethical cosmetics. To achieve the aim of this study, 506 adult women residing in Korea were selected as subjects and surveyed. To identify the demographic characteristics of the study participants, a technical statistical analysis and frequency analysis were conducted. To check the validity and reliability of the measuring tools, an exploratory factor analysis was performed, and the Cronbach's α factor was calculated. The analysis method was analyzed using the SPSS 25.0 and the Amos 25.0 statistical analysis programs. The results of this study are as follows. First, ethical spending tendencies had a positive impact on attitudes toward ethical cosmetics. Specifically, interest in ethical issues, altruism, and business ethics perception have had a positive impact on attitudes toward ethical cosmetics. However, consumer effectiveness had no significant impact on attitudes toward ethical cosmetics. Second, attitudes toward ethical cosmetics had a positive effect on purchasing intentions. This study found that for the spread of ethical cosmetics and ethical consumption trends varied according to the age and that attitudes toward ethical cosmetics and differences in purchasing intentions should be kept in mind. It also showed that attitudes toward ethical cosmetics affect purchasing intentions. The results of this study suggested that the analysis of adult women, the main consumers of cosmetics, by age was meaningful for finding the factors for growth in the macroscopic ethical cosmetics industry and that the industry could raise its ethical awareness. If such tasks are systematically established, ethical cosmetics are thought to be able to actively solve social problems and lead a mature cosmetics industry.

An Analysis on the Factors Affecting Green Product Purchasing Behavior with Regard to State-Action Orientation(SAO): - Focus on Chinese Urban Consumers - (소비자의 state-action orientation(SAO)에 따른 녹색제품 구매행동 영향요인 분석 - 중국 도시 소비자를 대상으로 -)

  • You, Yang;Hwang, Yun-Seop
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.331-355
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    • 2014
  • With the rapid growth of Chinese economy, environmental issues also became a serious problem that public and private sector have to take under consideration. For the sustainable growth of Chinese economy scholars and policy makers agree to the stronger regulation for protection of natural environment, but at the same time worry about its negative effect on economic growth. This paper primarily focus on the relationship between the factors that have the effect on green product purchasing intention and purchasing behavior. Purchasing intention was considered as mediating variable in our model and state-action orientation - as moderating variable. We set 8 hypotheses and tested with structural equation modeling. The result shows that governmental regulation and subsidy, social environment related with green product purchase, and consumer perception on the benefit of green product have positive relationship with purchasing intention, but environmental concern does not show relationship with it. We also proved that state-action orientation has moderating effect between purchasing intention and purchasing behavior. Purchasing intention with action orientation show positive and statistically significant effect on purchasing behavior. This result supports the hypothesis that the attitude of customers has the effect on ones purchasing behavior.

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A Critical Review on 'Public Interest' Defense in Libel Litigation (명예훼손 소송의 위법성 조각사유로서의 공익성에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Jin;Lee, Sung-Hoon
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.20
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    • pp.141-176
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    • 2003
  • This paper examined how Korean courts conceptualized and applied public interest defense of Penal Code to the libel cases raised by socially influential persons. For this, this paper analyzed a total of 58 libel cases in which 'public interest' was mentioned by Korean courts between 1981 and 2000. It was found that whereas truth or believed-to-be-true defense is emphasized In libel cases by politicians or public officials, public interest defense was emphasized in the cases by private figures. It was also found that Korean courts tended to think of matters related with 1) national security and social order, 2) prevention of asocial crime, 3) enlightening of public, and 4) protection of consumers' interest as public interest. Conclusively, 'public interest' is not simply applied as an independent legal defense, because Korean courts insistently concentrated on the truth of a story and did not even specifically define what is public interest. Constitution Court recently maintained that the slope of legal defense should be broadened when a story is about public matters. However, Korean courts will not be likely to accept public interest defense as an independent one for the time being.

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A Study on Selection Attributes of Traditional Liquor by Life-style of Eating-out Consumers (외식소비자의 라이프스타일에 따른 전통주 선택속성에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Yong-Ju;Lee, Jae-Hoon;Song, Heung-Gyu
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.90-107
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    • 2012
  • This research has been conducted to discover the consumer's behavior in the purchase and consumption of korean alcoholic beverages. The intent of these works are to contribute to the growth of the traditional alcoholic beverages markets by giving necessary data for the marketing strategies and the development of favorite beverage to meet the consumer's tastes. The surveys have been conducted against a group of people ranging from their 20's to 60's randomly picked from seoul. The duration of the surveys was from August 1st to September 30th, 2010. We also examined the relationship between the selection attributes of traditional liquor and purchase satisfaction by consumer's life-styles. SPSS 18.0 statistical package was used to process data. Frequency analysis, factor analysis, a reliability test, K-means cluster analysis, one-way ANOVA and multiple regression were executed. As a result, through factor analysis and cluster analysis, authors identified 6 factors in the selection attributes of traditional liquor(characteristics, taste & fragrance, popularity, design, harmony, interest), 4 consumer groups(expert, fan, beginner, indifference), 4 consuming lifestyles(social oriented consuming style, maniac consuming style, pursuit of knowledge consuming style, outsider consuming style). Among the selection attributes of traditional liquor, taste & fragrance and popularity had effects on purchase satisfaction.

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농식품안전 정책방향

  • Jo, Jang-Yong
    • 한국환경농학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.07a
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    • pp.3-18
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    • 2009
  • It is difficult for consumers to satisfy high safety request with post-management method such as inspection and surveillance, as various changes in-and-out of the country associated with food safety. In terms of food safety problems related to foods, it is crucial to recognize public health and consumer protection and construct pre-preventive Food Control System. A joint committee, FAO/WHO made the following consultations to the National Food Safety System. ${\circ}$ Approach entirely from farm to table ${\circ}$ Get ready for Risk Analysis System ${\circ}$ Secure transparency ${\circ}$ Establish the optimal policy by evaluating the effect of regulation When it comes to summarizing the consultation, it would be accumulated as two key words; "Efficiency" and "Credibility". Whereas the problem of efficiency focuses on precaution rather than post-management, it requires policy option to maximize consumer's benefit by evaluating the cost for the Food Safety Management and its benefit. Also, analyzing risk's character and amount, demanding an optimal means, and introducing scientific analysis system put much value on the stakeholder's communications are procedure's security which can satisfy both "Efficiency" and "Credibility" simultaneously. Especially, it is emphasized here that Risk Assessment need to be separated from Risk Management. This action is a valid means of credibility security throughout improving transparency. A number of nations and organizations have reformed the method of food management passing through reflection and examination of the prior National Food Safety Management since BSE occurred in Britain, 1996. FSA; Food Standard Agency, AFFSA, EFSA, BfR, and FSC are Risk Assessment Organization functionally separated from Risk Management Organization, JECFA, JMCFA, JMPR, JEMRA in Codex charge Risk Assessment internationally. In case of advanced countries excluding several those such as The U.S. and so forth, though these Risk Assessment Organizations are either separated functionally within Risk Management Organization or operated as apart organ, common factors are in which it has independence as Science Base. While securing independence of Risk Assessment Function, it is a tendency Risk Management should be functionally unified into efficiency as well. Though Germany constructs integral Risk Management System of diverse ways according to social and political conditions of each country such as GFOCP, DVFA, SNFA, CFIS and AQIS, there is a key word in the center, "Securing efficiency of Food Safety Management". However our nation has a representative plural;diversified system with The U.S., we took a step forward for unification as empowering policy's generalization;adjustment and Risk Assessment Function by means of enacting the "Food Safety Fundamental Law" in 2008 and establishing the "Food Safety Policy Commission" with private and governmental sectors in the Prime Minister's office. Even though the unification of Risk Management hereby increased, there is the lack of strengthening function of Risk Assessment and securing independence. It needs to be required for the professional committee in Food Safety Policy Commission to develop as a exclusive office of Risk Assessment by separating from a policy decision. Administrative Branches should reinforce feeble functions such as fundamental investigation;research for carrying out Risk Assessment with securing efficiency throughout reassessment of prior Risk Management Means.

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