• 제목/요약/키워드: social activities of older adults

검색결과 79건 처리시간 0.018초

노인의 노화불안이 사회활동에 미치는 영향 : 사회적 관계망의 조절효과와 성별차이 (Effect of Older Adults' Aging Anxiety on Their Social Activities: The Moderating Effect of Social Networking and Gender Difference)

  • 임정숙
    • 노인복지연구
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    • 제73권1호
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    • pp.417-443
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구의 목적은 노인의 노화불안이 사회활동에 미치는 영향을 확인하고, 노화불안과 사회활동의 관계에서 사회적 관계망의 조절효과 검증 및 모형에 대한 성별 차이를 살펴보는것이다. 이를 위해 노인복지관을 이용하고 있는 65세 이상 노인 533명을 대상으로 분석하였다. 분석결과 노인의 노화불안은 사회활동에 부정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 노화불안과 사회활동의 관계에서 사회적 관계망의 조절효과가 확인되었다. 또한 노화불안과 사회활동의 관계에서 사회적 관계망의 조절효과는 성별에 따라 유의미한 차이가 있는 것으로확인되었다. 즉, 남성노인은 사회적 관계망이 노화불안과 사회활동의 관계를 유의미하게 조절하는 것으로 나타난 반면 여성 노인은 유의미하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구결과를통해 노인의 노화불안으로 인한 사회활동이 약화되는 것을 예방하는데 사회적 관계망의 중요성이 확인됨으로써 사회적 관계망 강화가 필요함이 시사된다. 특히 남성 노인의 특성을고려한 사회적 관계망을 확대하기 위한 다양한 방안 모색이 필요성을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 본 연구의 결과를 바탕으로 노인의 사회활동 향상을 위한 실천적 방안을 제언하였다.

The Reciprocal Causal Relationship between Social Activities and Health with Reference to the Cognitive Function Level among Community-dwelling Older Adults: A Cross-Lagged Panel Analysis

  • Kim, Da Eun;Yoon, Ju Young
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the reciprocal causal relationship between social activities and health with reference to the cognitive function level among community-dwelling older adults. Methods: We conducted a longitudinal data analysis using the $4^{th}$ (Time 1) and $5^{th}$ (Time 2) waves from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing adopting cross-lagged panel analysis (CLPA). Results: A total of 3,473 community-dwelling older adults were included in the analysis: 2,053 in the normal cognitive function group, 912 in the mild cognitive impairment group, and 508 in the moderate to severe cognitive impairment group. The CLPA revealed that higher levels of social activities at Time 1 significantly influenced better subjective health perception at Time 2 in all three groups. In addition, better subjective health perception at Time 1 significantly influenced higher levels of social activities at time 2 only in the normal cognitive function group. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that participating in social activities has positive effects on health regardless of the cognitive function level in community-dwelling older adults. This finding suggests that there is a need to develop strategies that can be used to encourage older adults with cognitive decline to maintain participation in social activities.

노인의 자산이 우울에 미치는 영향: 사회활동의 매개효과를 중심으로 (Asset Effects on Depression among Older Adults: Focusing on the Mediation Effects of Social Activities)

  • 강시온;한창근
    • 한국노년학
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    • 제37권2호
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    • pp.415-430
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 노인의 자산이 우울에 영향을 미치는지 그리고 그 영향이 사회활동에 의해 매개되는지를 자산효과이론에 근거하여 분석하였다. 추가적으로 노인의 자산과 사회활동의 관계를 이해관계자이론에 의해 설명하고 있으며 노인의 사회활동과 우울의 관계를 활동이론에 의해 설명하고 있다. 본 연구의 데이터는 2014년 제 5차 고령화 연구패널조사 자료가 이용되었고 다중회귀분석과 Baron & Kenny(1986)의 매개효과 검증방법 및 Sobel-test를 통해 매개효과의 유의미성을 살펴보았다. 분석결과, 자산이 많은 노인일수록 우울감이 낮은 것으로 나타났고 노인의 자산과 우울의 관계에서 사회활동이 부분매개효과를 가지고 있음이 확인되었다. 이러한 연구결과를 기초로 본 연구는 노인의 사회활동 참여를 증대시키고 우울을 줄일 수 있도록 자산형성프로그램의 확대가능성에 대해 논의하고 있다. 중 고령자를 대상으로 노후 자금을 준비할 수 있는 저축프로그램 설계가 필요하고 또한 노후 자산운용의 교육을 받을 수 있는 금융교육서비스의 확대를 제언하였다.

노인수면모델에 근거한 지역사회 노인의 수면에 관한 경로모형 (The Path Model based on Senescent Sleep Model for Sleep in Community-dwelling Older Adults)

  • 김아린;김옥수
    • 성인간호학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.211-222
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to test the model for sleep in community-dwelling older adults. The hypothetical model based on a senescent sleep model was constructed using the multiple influencing factors of sleep and associated adverse outcomes of changes in sleep in the older adults. Methods: Data were collected from 203 community-dwelling older adults living in Korea, and analyzed using IBM SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0. Results: Increased age and multiple comorbidities were associated with decreased physical activities. Decreased physical activities were associated with smaller social networks, and smaller social networks were associated with higher level of loneliness. Multiple comorbidities, decreased physical activities, larger social networks, and higher level of loneliness were associated with maladaptive sleep hygiene. Decreased physical activities, higher level loneliness, and shorter actual sleep duration were associated with worse sleep quality. Smaller social networks and shorter actual sleep duration were associated with lower cognitive functions. Smaller social networks, higher loneliness, and worse sleep quality were associated with more severe depressive symptoms. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the sleep improvement interventions not only with physical perspectives but psychosocial ones for older adults may improve depressive symptoms as well as sleep quality.

지역사회 노인의 죽음준비에 영향을 미치는 요인: 2014년도 노인실태조사를 중심으로 (Factors Related to Death Preparedness among Community-dwelling Older Adults in Korea: Using Korean National Survey on Elderly 2014)

  • 김향;윤주영
    • 가정∙방문간호학회지
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.264-274
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This study examined the current state of death preparedness and factors related to the death preparedness among community-dwelling older adults in Korea. Methods: A total of 6,879 older adults' data, selected from the Korean National Survey on the Elderly 2014 data, were analyzed. The criteria for selection were responding to the questionnaires directly and normal cognitive function. Stratified sampling logistic regression analysis was conducted on the compiled data. Results: It was seen that 37.3% of older adults were prepared for death; specifically, 28.6% had arranged for resting places, 10.7% had purchased burial clothes, 6.8% had subscribed to mutual aid societies, 0.7% participated in death education, and 0.6% had signed a will. The results of logistic regression indicated that the older adults who were females, older age, religious, highly educated, more satisfied with their economic status, living in rural areas, and participating in more social activities were more likely to prepare for their deaths compared to their counterparts. Conclusion: Education programs that prepare for death need to target marginalized groups in the community, such as male older adults and whose participation in social activities or satisfaction with their economic status are relatively low.

노인의 여가스포츠 활동참가와 일상생활수행능력 및 성공적 노화의 관계 (Relation between Leisure Sports' Activities among Older Adults on Activities of Daily Living and Successful Aging)

  • 김경식;이은주
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.424-432
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    • 2010
  • 이 연구는 노인의 여가스포츠 활동경험에 따른 일상생활수행능력 및 성공적노화의 차이를 비교, 분석하고 참가정도가 일상생활수행능력 및 성공적 노화에 미치는 직간접적인 영향을 규명하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 이 연구는 서울시에 거주하고 노인대학 및 노인복지관, 노인체육동호인조직에 소속된 65세 이상의 노인을 모집단으로 설정하고 유목적표집법을 활용하여 300명을 표집하였다, 그러나 실제 분석에 사용된 사례수는 여가스포츠 활동 참가자 162명, 비참가자 128명으로 총 290명이다. 요인분석결과 일상생활수행능력의 경우 수단적, 기본적 일상생활수행능력, 그리고 성공적노화의 경우 사회적, 심리적 노화의 하위요인이 도출되었다. 신뢰도는 일상생활수행능력 $\alpha$=.876이상, 성공적 노화 $\alpha$=.807이상으로 비교적 높게 나타났다. 통계분석 방법은 ANCOVA, 다중회귀분석, 경로분석의 통계기법이 활용되었다. 이상과 같은 연구방법 및 절차를 통하여 도출한 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 노인의 여가스포츠 활동 참가경험에 따라 일상생활수행능력은 차이가 없다. 둘째, 여가스포츠 활동 참가노인이 비참가 노인에 비해 성공적 노화를 더 높게 성취한다. 셋째, 노인의 여가스포츠 참가강도가 높을수록 수단적 일상생활수행능력은 높다. 넷째, 노인의 여가스포츠 참가빈도가 많고 참가강도가 클수록 사회적인 성공적 노화, 그리고 참가빈도가 많고 참가기간이 길수록 심리적인 성공적 노화를 경험한다. 다섯째, 노인의 여가스포츠 활동 참가정도는 일상생활수행 능력 및 성공적 노화에 직간접적인 영향을 미친다.

노인의 여가만족과 인지기능의 관계: 사회적 관계망의 매개효과 (Effects of Leisure Satisfaction on Cognitive Function: Mediating Effect of Social Network of the Elderly)

  • 이성은
    • 문화기술의 융합
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    • 제10권5호
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    • pp.491-496
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    • 2024
  • 본 연구는 노인의 여가만족이 인지기능에 미치는 영향에서 사회적 관계망의 매개효과를 검증하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위하여 본 연구는 사회조사 2023년도 자료를 이용하여 65세 이상 노인 9,526명을 대상으로 분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과 첫째, 노인의 여가만족은 인지기능에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 사회적 관계망은 노인의 인지기능에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 노인의 여가만족은 사회적 관계망을 매개로 인지기능에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 즉 노인의 여가만족이 높을수록 사회적 관계망의 크기가 커지며 이는 노인의 인지기능 수준을 높이는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과는 노인의 인지기능 유지 및 향상을 위해 여가활동이 고려될 수 있으며 사회적 관계를 확장시킬 수 있는 유형의 여가활동이 활성화될 필요가 있음을 보여주고 있다.

도시와 농촌지역 거주 노인의 사회활동, 우울 및 건강관련 삶의 질 간의 관계: 2019년 지역사회건강조사 자료활용 (The Association of Social Participation and Depressive Symptoms with Health-Related Quality of Life among Older Adults Living in Urban and Rural Areas Using the Korea Community Health Survey 2019)

  • 김선희;손연정
    • 가정∙방문간호학회지
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.288-300
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the association of social participation and depressive symptoms with health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among older adults living in urban and rural areas. Methods: This secondary, cross-sectional study was conducted with a total of 66,765 adults aged ≥65 years (urban-26,485 and rural-40,280) who participated in the household and individual surveys of the Korea Community Health Survey 2019. Data on the main study variables including social participation, depressive symptoms, and HRQoL were collected from August 16 to October 31, 2019. Multiple linear regression was used to identify the factors affecting HRQoL in urban and rural older adults. Results: The proportion of social participation (χ2=354.69, p<.001) and the level of HRQoL (χ2=12.06, p<.001) were significantly higher in older adults living in urban area than those in rural area. However, there was no significant difference in depressive symptoms between older adults living in urban and rural areas. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that social participation and depressive symptoms were significant predictors of HRQoL in both urban and rural older adults. Conclusion: Our main finding highlights that active participation in social activities and management of depressive symptoms in older adults regardless of living arrangements are crucial to improve HRQoL in later life. Interventions to increase social participation include early assessment of depressive symptoms in the community to promote HRQoL. More longitudinal studies are needed to identify the factors associated with HRQoL between older adults living in urban and rural areas while considering neighborhood environment and living arrangements.

Factors Associated with Physical Activity in Older Adults by Region: Based on the 2017 Community Health Survey

  • Lee, Hyun-Ju;Lee, Yeongsuk;Yun, Jungmi
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제31권spc호
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    • pp.563-576
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify personal factors, social factors, and environmental factors related to physical activity in older adults in urban and non-urban areas. Methods: We used source data from the 2017 Community Health Survey. The subjects of this study included some older adults aged 65 and over, and analyzed the data of 23,043 older adults living in the urban and 34,063 older adults living in the non-urban area. Results: The common factors influencing physical activity in older adults by region include current smoking and drinking, BMI, sleep duration, and subjective health status, help with neighbors, frequency of meeting with neighbors and friends, participation in social and leisure activities, and falls experience (p<.001). However, the living environment, public transport satisfaction, and medical service use significantly associated with physical activity for only older adults living in the urban area (p<.001). Conclusion: In order to improve physical activity in older adults in the community, it is necessary to consider not only the improvement of individual factors that practice health behaviors but also health promotion strategies that take into account social and environmental factors because there are environmental differences among regions.

노인의 건강증진행위 정도와 영향요인 (A Study on Health Promotion Behavior in Elderly People)

  • 송미령
    • 기본간호학회지
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.493-499
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: This study focused on identifying health promotion behavior of older adults, and factors affecting this behavior. Method: The participants in this survey analysis were Koreans aged 65 or over who had the ability to communicate and could do cognitive thinking, and who consented to participate in the survey. The survey questionnaire included items on demographic characteristics, level of depression, social support, activities of daily living, self-efficacy, and health promotion behavior. Data were analyzed using the SPSS Windows 14.0 program. Results: There were significant differences in health promotion behavior according to religion, economy and health status. Levels of depression, social support and self-efficacy had strong correlations with health promotion behavior. The factors that had the greatest effect on health promotion behavior were social support and self-efficacy. Conclusion: As social support and self-efficacy have been found to affect health promotion behavior in older adults, programs developed to enhance health of older adults should include activities to enhance both social support and self-efficacy.

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