• Title/Summary/Keyword: slope variation

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Analysis Method for Full-length LiDAR Waveforms (라이다 파장 분석 방법론에 대한 연구)

  • Jung, Myung-Hee;Yun, Eui-Jung;Kim, Cheon-Shik
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.44 no.4 s.316
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    • pp.28-35
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    • 2007
  • Airbone laser altimeters have been utilized for 3D topographic mapping of the earth, moon, and planets with high resolution and accuracy, which is a rapidly growing remote sensing technique that measures the round-trip time emitted laser pulse to determine the topography. The traveling time from the laser scanner to the Earth's surface and back is directly related to the distance of the sensor to the ground. When there are several objects within the travel path of the laser pulse, the reflected laser pluses are distorted by surface variation within the footprint, generating multiple echoes because each target transforms the emitted pulse. The shapes of the received waveforms also contain important information about surface roughness, slope and reflectivity. Waveform processing algorithms parameterize and model the return signal resulting from the interaction of the transmitted laser pulse with the surface. Each of the multiple targets within the footprint can be identified. Assuming each response is gaussian, returns are modeled as a mixture gaussian distribution. Then, the parameters of the model are estimated by LMS Method or EM algorithm However, each response actually shows the skewness in the right side with the slowly decaying tail. For the application to require more accurate analysis, the tail information is to be quantified by an approach to decompose the tail. One method to handle with this problem is proposed in this study.

Study on Runoff Variation by Spatial Resolution of Input GIS Data by using Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model (분포형 강우-유출 모형의 입력자료 해상도에 따른 유출변동 연구)

  • Jung, Chung Gil;Moon, Jang Won;Lee, Dong Ryul
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.47 no.9
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    • pp.767-776
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    • 2014
  • Changes in climate have largely increased concentrated heavy rainfall, which in turn is causing enormous damages to humans and properties. Floods are one of the most deadly and damaging natural disasters known to mankind. The flood forecasting and warning system concentrates on reducing injuries, deaths, and property damage caused by floods. Therefore, the exact relationship and the spatial variability analysis of hydrometeorological elements and characteristic factors is critical elements to reduce the uncertainty in rainfall-runoff model. In this study, grid resolution depending on the topographic factor in rainfall-runoff models presents how to respond. semi-distribution of rainfall-runoff model using the model GRM simulated and calibrated rainfall-runoff in the Gamcheon and Naeseongcheon watershed. To run the GRM model, input grid data used rainfall (two event), DEM, landuse and soil. This study selected cell size of 500 m(basic), 1 km, 2 km, 5 km, 10 km and 12 km. According to the resolution of each grid, in order to compare simulation results, the runoff hydrograph has been made and the runoff has also been simulated. As a result, runoff volume and peak discharge which simulated cell size of DEM 500 m~12 km were continuously reduced. that results showed decrease tendency. However, input grid data except for DEM have not contributed increase or decrease runoff tendency. These results showed that the more increased cell size of DEM make the more decreased slope value because of the increased horizontal distance.

Porewater Pressure Predictions on Hillside Slopes for Assessing Landslide Risks (II) Development of Groundwater Flow Model (산사태 위험도 추정을 위한 간극수압 예측에 관한 연구(II) -산사면에서의 지하수위 예측 모델의 개발-)

  • Lee, In-Mo;Park, Gyeong-Ho;Im, Chung-Mo
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.5-20
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    • 1992
  • The physical-based and lumped-parameter hydrologic groundwater flow model for predicting the rainfall-triggered rise of groundwater levels in hillside slopes is developed in this paper to assess the risk of landslides. The developed model consists of a vertical infiltration model for unsaturated zone linked to a linear storage reservoir model(LSRM) for saturated zone. The groundwater flow model has uncertain constants like soil depttL slope angle, saturated permeability, and potential evapotranspiration and four free model parameters like a, b, c, and K. The free model parameters could be estimated from known input-output records. The BARD algorithm is uses as the parameter estimation technique which is based on a linearization of the proposed model by Gauss -Newton method and Taylor series expansion. The application to examine the capacity of prediction shows that the developed model has a potential of use in forecast systems of predicting landslides and that the optimal estimate of potential 'a' in infiltration model is the most important in the global optimum analysis because small variation of it results in the large change of the objective function, the sum of squares of deviations of the observed and computed groundwater levels. 본 논문에서는 가파른 산사면에서 산사태의 발생을 예측하기 위한 수문학적 인 지하수 흐름 모델을 개발하였다. 이 모델은 물리적인 개념에 기본하였으며, Lumped-parameter를 이용하였다. 개발된 지하수 흐름 모델은 두 모델을 조합하여 구성되어 있으며, 비포화대 흐름을 위해서는 수정된 abcd 모델을, 포화대 흐름에 대해서는 시간 지체 효과를 고려할 수 있는 선형 저수지 모델을 이용하였다. 지하수 흐름 모델은 토층의 두께, 산사면의 경사각, 포화투수계수, 잠재 증발산 량과 같은 불확실한 상수들과 a, b, c, 그리고 K와 같은 자유모델변수들을 가진다. 자유모델변수들은 유입-유출 자료들로부터 평가할 수 있으며, 이를 위해서 본 논문에서는 Gauss-Newton 방법을 이용한 Bard 알고리즘을 사용하였다. 서울 구로구 시흥동 산사태 발생 지역의 산사면에 대하여 개발된 모델을 적용하여 예제 해석을 수행함으로써, 지하수 흐름 모델이 산사태 발생 예측을 위하여 이용할 수 있음을 입증하였다. 또한, 매개변수분석 연구를 통하여, 변수 a값은 작은 변화에 대하여 목적함수값에 큰 변화를 일으키므로 a의 값에 대한 최적값을 구하는 것이 가장 중요한 요소라는 결론을 얻었다.

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Experimental analysis of the sedimentation processes by variation of standing angle in the improved-pneumatic-movable weir (실내실험에 의한 가동보 기립각도 변화에 대한 토사의 퇴적 과정 분석)

  • Lee, Kyung Su;Jang, Chang-Lae
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.51 no.9
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    • pp.795-802
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    • 2018
  • This study investigates the hydraulic characteristics and the delta development processes in the improved-pneumatic-movable weir by considering the standing angle of the weir through laboratory experiments. The delta migration speed decreases rapidly with time. As the ratio of delta height to water depth increases, the dimensionless delta migration speed decreases at the delta point. Therefore, the water depth decreases as the delta height increases. Although the delta volume is large due to the effective height of the delta, the delta migration speed and sediment deposition decreases because of the backwater effect on the delta. On the same bed slope condition, the larger the weir height, the larger the delta volume and the ratio of delta height to delta front length is close to 1.0. The delta development could be suppressed when the weir is high. Therefore, the condition that the weir is high has the suppressing effect on the delta developments.

The Spatial Variations in Sex Age Structure in the Kyonggi Province (경기지역의 성별 연령구조지수에 관한 공간적 연구)

  • Kwon, Yong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.35-50
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this research seeks to analyze the spatial variations in the sex age structure which have been shown to exist within the study atrea, the Kyonggi province in Korea. In this study it is desired to use the Age Structure Index developed by Coulson in order to describe thi sex age structure of each of 186 tracts that comprise the tracted portion of the Kyonggi province. The mechanics of computing the Age Structure Index are found in the equation describing a linear least squares trend line: y=a+bx. For each census tract, the percentage of the population in each age group(y) was plotted against the middle age of each age group(x). The a is a constant representing the value of y, when x equals zero. The b is the regression coefficient and is a measure of the angle of the slope of the least squares trend line. Thus the value of b is the Age Structure Index for each census tract. The major results of this investigation can be summarized as follows: The spatial distributions of sex age structures in the Kyonggi province are far from random. They have exhibited great regularity with the yonger sex age structures near Seoul and a sharp decline to the older sex age structures out in all derections towards rural region. The results of this investigation should have important general significance for the study of the Kyonggi province Age Structure Index is a flexible, operational definition shich allows sex age structure to be measured, mapped, and incorporated in a wide variety of methods of statistical analysis. Futurer, it has been demonstrated that sex age structure varies spatially within Seoul metropolitan finge and that this variation is relagfed to many other attributes of the population. Especially, Age Structure Index is strongly related to the variables-rate of population growth rate. density, rate of numbers of manufacturing, land price. At the same time, considerably more research is needed before a genmeral body of knowlege concerning sex age structure can be developed.

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Efficient Construction Method of Topographic Data for Flood Mapping Using Digital Map (수치지형도를 활용한 홍수지도 제작용 지형자료의 효과적인 구축방법 연구)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Koh, Deuk-Koo;Kim, Woo-Gu
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.52-61
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    • 2004
  • Korea Water Resources Corporation carried out LiDAR survey to construct detailed terrain data for flood mapping and it is expected that much money is required in flood mapping of all over the country. Therefore, it is desirable to use NGIS digital map to construct preliminary modelling data for selection of flood mapping area. And the analysis of DEM error with respect to scale of digital map is necessary for the sake of applying digital map as the input data of flood mapping. We compared DEM from digital map with DEM from LiDAR survey. Especially we analyzed DEM error characteristics that is occurred with respect to the interpolation method that is used to construct DEM from TIN of digital map. As a result of analysis, digital map(1:1,000) showed smaller error than digital map(1:5,000) and DEM applying linear interpolation showed smaller error than DEM applying quintic interpolation. Especially, variation of DEM error by cell resolution was evaluated as very slight because urban district was composed of gentle slope.

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Determination of flood-inducing rainfall and runoff for highly urbanized area based on high-resolution radar-gauge composite rainfall data and flooded area GIS Data

  • Anh, Dao Duc;Kim, Dongkyun;Kim, Soohyun;Park, Jeongha
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.157-157
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    • 2019
  • This study derived the Flood-Inducing-Rainfall (FIR) and the Flood-Inducing-Runoff (FIRO) from the radar-gage composite data to be used as the basis of the flood warning initiation for the urban area of Seoul. For this, we derived the rainfall depth-duration relationship for the 261 flood events at 239 watersheds during the years 2010 and 2011 based on the 10-minute 1km-1km radar-gauge composite rainfall field. The relationship was further refined by the discrete ranges of the proportion of the flooded area in the watershed (FP) and the coefficient variation of the rainfall time series (CV). Then, the slope of the straight line that contains all data points in the depth-duration relationship plot was determined as the FIR for the specified range of the FP and the CV. Similar methodology was applied to derive the FIRO, which used the runoff depths that were estimated using the NRCS Curve Number method. We found that FIR and FIRO vary at the range of 37mm/hr-63mm/hr and the range of 10mm/hr-42mm/hr, respectively. The large variability was well explained by the FP and the CV: As the FP increases, FIR and FIRO increased too, suggesting that the greater rainfall causes larger flooded area; as the rainfall CV increases, FIR and FIRO decreased, which suggests that the temporally concentrated rainfall requires less total of rainfall to cause the flood in the area. We verified our result against the 21 flood events that occurred for the period of 2012 through 2015 for the same study area. When the 5 percent of the flooded area was tolerated, the ratio of hit-and-miss of the warning system based on the rainfall was 44.2 percent and 9.5 percent, respectively. The ratio of hit-and-miss of the warning system based on the runoff was 67 percent and 4.7 percent, respectively. Lastly, we showed the importance of considering the radar-gauge composite rainfall data as well as rainfall and runoff temporal variability in flood warning system by comparing our results to the ones based on the gauge-only or radar-only rainfall data and to the one that does not account for the temporal variability.

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Variation of Seasonal Groundwater Recharge Analyzed Using Landsat-8 OLI Data and a CART Algorithm (CART알고리즘과 Landsat-8 위성영상 분석을 통한 계절별 지하수함양량 변화)

  • Park, Seunghyuk;Jeong, Gyo-Cheol
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.395-432
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    • 2021
  • Groundwater recharge rates vary widely by location and with time. They are difficult to measure directly and are thus often estimated using simulations. This study employed frequency and regression analysis and a classification and regression tree (CART) algorithm in a machine learning method to estimate groundwater recharge. CART algorithms are considered for the distribution of precipitation by subbasin (PCP), geomorphological data, indices of the relationship between vegetation and landuse, and soil type. The considered geomorphological data were digital elevaion model (DEM), surface slope (SLOP), surface aspect (ASPT), and indices were the perpendicular vegetation index (PVI), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), normalized difference tillage index (NDTI), normalized difference residue index (NDRI). The spatio-temperal distribution of groundwater recharge in the SWAT-MOD-FLOW program, was classified as group 4, run in R, sampled for random and a model trained its groundwater recharge was predicted by CART condidering modified PVI, NDVI, NDTI, NDRI, PCP, and geomorphological data. To assess inter-rater reliability for group 4 groundwater recharge, the Kappa coefficient and overall accuracy and confusion matrix using K-fold cross-validation were calculated. The model obtained a Kappa coefficient of 0.3-0.6 and an overall accuracy of 0.5-0.7, indicating that the proposed model for estimating groundwater recharge with respect to soil type and vegetation cover is quite reliable.

Analysis on the Runoff Reduction Efficiency of Non Point Pollutants in Animal Feeding Area Using Artificial Reservoir (인공 저류지를 이용한 축산 지역 비점오염물질 유출 저감 효율 분석)

  • Oa, Seong-Wook
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.417-423
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    • 2018
  • It analyzed the efficiency of the runoff reduction of artificial reservoir by analyzing the influent and effluent of reservoir located downstream of the livestock area. Production of non point pollutants in livestock feeding areas, which is located at steep slope land, was mainly due to first flushes. Suspended Solid concentration of influent increased due to amount of rainfall, and T-P also increased over four times and 30 % of total nitrogen increased on average compared to those of dry season. While the concentration of nitrate nitrogen showed little variation, ammonia nitrogen increased over two times. The storage style nonpoint reduction facility showed the highest removal efficiency of 53 % for total phosphorus in dry weather, when the removal efficiency was 37 % for suspended solids, 10% for organic compounds, and 5 % for total nitrogen. Since algal bloom grows due to eutrophication in summer, the minus removal efficiencies of nitrogen concentration through the reservoir occurred with high frequency. Removal efficiency decreased during rainfall, showing 60 % for supended solids, and 22 % for total phosphorus. While having over nine times of capacity than the standard of non-point removal facility from Ministry of Environment, it was impounded with water during rainy season, showing not enough nonpoint removal efficiency, which indicates that maintenance is also an important factor to the nonpoint removal efficiency.

A Study for Detecting Fuel-cut Driving of Vehicle Using GPS (GPS를 이용한 차량 연료차단 관성주행의 감지에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Kwang-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.207-213
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    • 2019
  • The fuel-cut coast-down driving mode is activated when the acceleration pedal is released with transmission gear engaged, and it's a default function for electronic-controlled engine of vehicles. The fuel economy becomes better because fuel injection stops during fuel-cut driving mode. A fuel-cut detection method is suggested in the study and it's based on the speed, acceleration and road gradient data from GPS sensor. It detects fuel-cut driving mode by comparing calculated acceleration and realtime acceleration value. The one is estimated with driving resistance in the condition of fuel-cut driving and the other is from GPS sensor. The detection accuracy is about 80% when the method is verified with road driving data. The result is estimated with 9,600 data set of vehicle speed, acceleration, fuel consumption and road gradient from test driving on the road of 12km during 16 minutes, and the road slope is rather high. It's easy to detect fuel-cut without injector signal obtained by connecting wire. The detection error is from the fact that the variation range of speed, acceleration and road gradient data, used for road resistance force, is larger than the value of fuel consumption data.