• Title/Summary/Keyword: slope terrain

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Monitoring of the Natural Terrain Behavior Using the Terrestrial LiDAR (지상라이다 자료를 이용한 자연사면의 변위 모니터링)

  • Park, Jae Kook;Lee, Sang Yun;Yang, In Tae;Kim, Dong Moon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.2D
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    • pp.191-198
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    • 2010
  • The displacement of slope is a key factor in predicting the risk of a landslide. Therefore, the slope displacement should be continuously observed with high accuracy. Recently, high-tech equipment such as optical fiber sensor, GPS, total station and measuring instrument have been used. However, such equipment is poorly used in fields due to economics, environment, convenience and management. Because of this, development of substantial observational techniques for varied slope observation and field applications is needed. This study analyzed the possibility of terrestrial LiDAR for slope monitoring and suggested it as information-obtaining technique for slope investigation and management. For that, this study evaluated the monitoring accuracy of terrestrial LiDAR and performed GRID analysis to read the displacement area with the naked eye. In addition, it suggested a methodology for slope monitoring.

Segmentation of LiDAR Point Data Using Contour Tree (Contour Tree를 이용한 LiDAR Point 데이터의 분할)

  • Han Dong-Yeob;Kim Yong-Il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.463-467
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    • 2006
  • Several segmentation algorithms have been proposed for DTM generation or building modeling from airborne LiDAR data. Three components are important for accurate segmentation: (i) the adjacent relationship of n-nearest points or mesh, etc. (ii) the effective decision parameters of height, slope, curvature, and plane condition, (iii) grouping methods. In this paper, we created the topology of point cloud data using the contour tree and implemented the region-growing Terrain and non-terrain points were classified correctly in the segmented data, which can be used also for feature classification.

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Motion control algorithm for a 4-legged walking robot over irregular terrain (다각 보행 로보트의 비평탄 지형에서의 걸음새 알고리즘)

  • 민병의;황승구
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1988.10a
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    • pp.131-136
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    • 1988
  • In this paper we describe a motion control algorithm for a 4-legged robot over slopped terrain and steps. The new concept of the mechanically constrained angle has been introduced and the algorithm has been developed based on the relationship between the gait stability margin and the slope angle. The result then has been extended to the case where the robot walks over steps.

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Geotechnical characteristics of the collapsed $\bigcirc\bigcirc$tunnel slope in Yeosu-Suncheon area (여수-순천 도로확장공사 구간 $\bigcirc\bigcirc$터널 붕괴사면 지반특성)

  • Kim, Seung-Hyun;Koo, Ho-Bon;Lee, Jeong-Yup;Rhee, Jong-Hyun;Kim, Seung-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.848-857
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    • 2008
  • In September 2007, the collapses of slopes and landslides are happened at Jeonlanamdo due to heavy rains accompanied with Typoon "Nari". The study area is the tunnel portal slope in new road construction site. This slope consists of pyroclastic rocks and has lots of faults. Particularly, the residual soils of the slope is deteriorated with yellowish mudstone layer as a results of chemical and physical weathering. This has a variety of swelling clay minerals and might be moved easily down at the gentle terrain. The inner factor of $\bigcirc\bigcirc$tunnel portal slope's collapse is the geological weak zone, the convergent topography, the inferiority of drainage and the heavy rain act on the failure as direct trigger.

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Effects of inflow turbulence and slope on turbulent boundary layer over two-dimensional hills

  • Wang, Tong;Cao, Shuyang;Ge, Yaojun
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.219-232
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    • 2014
  • The characteristics of turbulent boundary layers over hilly terrain depend strongly on the hill slope and upstream condition, especially inflow turbulence. Numerical simulations are carried out to investigate the neutrally stratified turbulent boundary layer over two-dimensional hills. Two kinds of hill shape, a steep one with stable separation and a low one without stable separation, two kinds of inflow condition, laminar turbulent, are considered. An auxiliary simulation, based on the local differential quadrature method and recycling technique, is performed to simulate the inflow turbulence be imposed at inlet boundary of the turbulent inflow, which preserves very well in the computational domain. A large separation bubble is established on the leeside of the steep hill with laminar inflow, while reattachment point moves upstream under turbulent inflow condition. There is stable separation on the side of low hill with laminar inflow, whilw not turbulent inflow. Besides increase of turbulence intensity, inflow can efficiently enhance the speedup around hills. So in practice, it is unreasonable to study wind flow over hilly terrain without considering inflow turbulence.

The appropriate shape of the boundary transition section for a mountain-gorge terrain model in a wind tunnel test

  • Hu, Peng;Li, Yongle;Huang, Guoqing;Kang, Rui;Liao, Haili
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.15-36
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    • 2015
  • Characterization of wind flows over a complex terrain, especially mountain-gorge terrain (referred to as the very complex terrain with rolling mountains and deep narrow gorges), is an important issue for design and operation of long-span bridges constructed in this area. In both wind tunnel testing and numerical simulation, a transition section is often used to connect the wind tunnel floor or computational domain bottom and the boundary top of the terrain model in order to generate a smooth flow transition over the edge of the terrain model. Although the transition section plays an important role in simulation of wind field over complex terrain, an appropriate shape needs investigation. In this study, two principles for selecting an appropriate shape of boundary transition section were proposed, and a theoretical curve serving for the mountain-gorge terrain model was derived based on potential flow theory around a circular cylinder. Then a two-dimensional (2-D) simulation was used to compare the flow transition performance between the proposed curved transition section and the traditional ramp transition section in a wind tunnel. Furthermore, the wind velocity field induced by the curved transition section with an equivalent slope of $30^{\circ}$ was investigated in detail, and a parameter called the 'velocity stability factor' was defined; an analytical model for predicting the velocity stability factor was also proposed. The results show that the proposed curved transition section has a better flow transition performance compared with the traditional ramp transition section. The proposed analytical model can also adequately predict the velocity stability factor of the wind field.

A Study on Modification of Geographical Features Affecting Onset of Sea Breeze (지형적 특징이 해풍시작에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구)

  • 정우식;이화운
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.757-772
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    • 2003
  • We simulate the geographical effects on the onset time of sea breeze at Suyoung and Haeundae districts by using the LCM (Local Circulation Model). The following can be found out from the numerical simulation on Case I (real terrain) which considered the real geography of Busan metropolitan area. Especially, as a result of analyzing the land breeze path, it could be found along the coastline as it flows out through low land coastal area. To find out more about the effects of terrain and geography on the onset time of sea breeze, the results of numerical simulation of virtual geography are as follows. In Case II (flat terrain), to find out how the terrain slope affects the onset of sea breeze, flat land and the ocean was considered. As a result, convergence of nighttime air mass at a Suyoung area and nighttime strong wind speed phenomenon was not shown. In Case III (modified flat terrain), to find out the effects of the irregularity of coastline affecting the onset of sea breeze, numerical simulation was carried out by simplifying the complex coastline into segments of straight coastline. So land breeze system and changing process of sea breeze after sunrise at Suyoung and Haeundae was simulated almost in a similar manner. Through this we could find the effects of coastal irregularities on onset of sea breeze.

Characteristics of Wind Direction Shear and Momentum Fluxes within Roughness Sublayer over Sloping Terrain (경사가 있는 지형의 거칠기 아층에서 풍향시어와 운동량 플럭스의 특성)

  • Lee, Young-Hee
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.591-600
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    • 2015
  • We have analyzed wind and eddy covariance data collected within roughness sublayer over sloping terrain. The study site is located on non-flat terrain with slopes in both south-north and east-west directions. The surface elevation change is smaller than the height of roughness element such as building and tree. This study examines the directional wind shear for data collected at three levels in the lowest 10 m in the roughness sublayer. The wind direction shear is caused by drag of roughness element and terrain-induced motions at this site. Small directional shear occurs when wind speed at 10 m is strong and wind direction at 10 m is southerly which is the same direction as upslope flow near surface at this site during daytime. Correlation between vertical shear of lateral momentum and lateral momentum flux is smaller over steeply sloped surface compared to mildly sloped surface and lateral momentum flux is not down-gradient over steeply sloped surface. Quadrant analysis shows that the relative contribution of four quadrants to momentum flux depends on both surface slope and wind direction shear.

Analysis of Terrain by LIDAR Data (LiDAR 자료에 의한 지형해석)

  • Kang, Joon-Mook;Yoon, Hee-Cheon;Min, Kwan-Sik;We, Gwang-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.389-397
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of the present paper is to offer an analysis of LiDAR data processing and three dimensional terrain for Geographic Information System (CIS) applications. Generally, LiDAR survey is the method which obtains quantitative and qualitative information of the terrain using airborne laser scanning (ALS). We will get a most topographic data at a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN), Digital Surface Model (DSM) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) using LiDAR data. We examined many factors such as visibility, hillshade, aspect and slope using DEM and DSM. The analyzing results obtained from each item are thought to be regarded as leading factors in the terrain analysis. It is to be hoped that LiDAR survey will contribute a new approach to the terrain analysis.

Improvement of Field Assessment List for Slope-stability Estimation (국내외 급경사지 평가표 분석을 통한 개선방안 연구)

  • Son, Young-Jin;Park, Dug-Keun;Oh, Jeong-Rim;Song, Young-Karb
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2010.03a
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    • pp.509-522
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    • 2010
  • There is a increasing trend in disaster occurrence due to steep-slope failures in urban area during typhoon and torrential rain season in Korea. The underlying hazards that cause slope failure are mainly linked with urbanization and industrialization. To minimize the disaster damages by slope failure, objective and unified evaluation approached are desired. Since currently available evaluation checklists are developed for specific purposed, there is a limitation to adapt those checklists for stability evaluation in natural terrain. This study proposes an improved evaluation checklist based on the comparison of previous checklists and applicability and feasibility are analyzed implementing field application.

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