• Title/Summary/Keyword: slope terrain

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Landslide monitoring using wireless sensor network (무선센서 네트워크에 의한 경사면 계측 실용화 연구)

  • Kim, Hyung-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.1324-1331
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    • 2008
  • Recently, landslides have frequently occurred on natural slopes during periods of intense rainfall. With a rapidly increasing population on or near steep terrain in Korea, landslides have become one of the most significant natural hazards. Thus, it is necessary to protect people from landslides and to minimize the damage of houses, roads and other facilities. To accomplish this goal, many landslide prediction methods have been developed in the world. In this study, a simple landslide prediction system that enables people to escape the endangered area is introduced. The system is focused to debris flows which happen frequently during periods of intense rainfall. The system is based on the wireless sensor network (WSN) that is composed of sensor nodes, gateway, and server system. Sensor nodes and gateway are deployed with Microstrain G-Link system. Five wireless sensor nodes and gateway are installed at the man-made slope to detect landslide. It is found that the acceleration data of each sensor node can be obtained via wireless sensor networks. Additionally, thresholds to determine whether the slope will be stable or not are proposed using finite element analysis. It is expected that the landslide prediction system by wireless senor network can provide early warnings when landslides such as debris flow occurs.

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Study on Driving a Bumped Slope of Mobile Robot According to Changing the Damping Coefficient of Suspensions (이동 로봇의 서스펜션 댐핑계수 변화에 따른 장애물이 있는 경사로 주행에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Bongsoo;Kim, Jayoung;Lee, Jihong
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2016
  • Most of outdoor mobile robots have a suspension on each wheel in order to relieve the shock by ground obstacles and to improve the driving stability. Typically, in the actual operations, the suspensions have been used under a given set of conditions as all the damping and spring coefficients of the suspensions are fixed. However, it is necessary to readjust the coefficients of the suspensions according to surface conditions that may cause the unstable shaking of a robot body at high speed driving. Therefore, this paper is focused on the mobility analysis of an outdoor robot when the coefficients of suspensions (in particular, damping coefficients) are changed while driving on an uneven road surface. In this paper, a semi-active suspension with twelve damping coefficient levels was used and a small sized vehicle with the suspensions was employed to analyze the mobility dependent on a change of the damping coefficient. And the mobility was evaluated through driving experiments on a bumped slope.

Construction of Spatial Information Big Data for Urban Thermal Environment Analysis (도시 열환경 분석을 위한 공간정보 빅데이터 구축)

  • Lee, Jun-Hoo;Yoon, Seong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.53-58
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to build a database of Spatial information Bigdata of cities using satellite images and spatial information, and to examine the correlations with the surface temperature. Using architectural structure and usage in building information, DEM and Slope topographical information for constructed with 300 × 300 mesh grids for Busan. The satellite image is used to prepare the Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Bare Soil Index (BI), and Land Surface Temperature (LST). In addition, the building area in the grid was calculated and the building ratio was constructed to build the urban environment DB. In architectural structure, positive correlation was found in masonry and concrete structures. On the terrain, negative correlations were observed between DEM and slope. NDBI and BI were positively correlated, and NDVI was negatively correlated. The higher the Building ratio, the higher the surface temperature. It was found that the urban environment DB could be used as a basic data for urban environment analysis, and it was possible to quantitatively grasp the impact on the architecture and urban environment by adding local meteorological factors. This result is expected to be used as basic data for future urban environment planning and disaster prevention data construction.

A Comparative Study of Vegetation Phenology Using High-resolution Sentinel-2 Imagery and Topographically Corrected Vegetation Index (고해상도 Sentinel-2 위성 자료와 지형효과를 고려한 식생지수 기반의 산림 식생 생장패턴 비교)

  • Seungheon Yoo;Sungchan Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.89-102
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    • 2024
  • Land Surface Phenology (LSP) plays a crucial role in understanding vegetation dynamics. The near-infrared reflectance of vegetation (NIRv) has been increasingly adopted in LSP studies, being recognized as a robust proxy for gross primary production (GPP). However, NIR v is sensitive to the terrain effects in mountainous areas due to artifacts in NIR reflectance cannot be canceled out. Because of this, estimating phenological metrics in mountainous regions have a substantial uncertainty, especially in the end of season (EOS). The topographically corrected NIRv (TCNIRv) employs the path length correction (PLC) method, which was deduced from the simplification of the radiative transfer equation, to alleviate limitations related to the terrain effects. TCNIRv has been demonstrated to estimate phenology metrics more accurately than NIRv, especially exhibiting improved estimation of EOS. As the topographic effect is significantly influenced by terrain properties such as slope and aspect, our study compared phenology metrics estimations between south-facing slopes (SFS) and north-facing slopes (NFS) using NIRv and TCNIRv in two distinct mountainous regions: Gwangneung Forest (GF) and Odaesan National Park (ONP), representing relatively flat and rugged areas, respectively. The results indicated that TCNIR v-derived EOS at NFS occurred later than that at SFS for both study sites (GF : DOY 266.8/268.3 at SFS/NFS; ONP : DOY 262.0/264.8 at SFS/NFS), in contrast to the results obtained with NIRv (GF : DOY 270.3/265.5 at SFS/NFS; ONP : DOY 265.0/261.8 at SFS/NFS). Additionally, the gap between SFS and NFS diminished after topographic correction (GF : DOY 270.3/265.5 at SFS/NFS; ONP : DOY 265.0/261.8 at SFS/NFS). We conclude that TCNIRv exhibits discrepancy with NIR v in EOS detection considering slope orientation. Our findings underscore the necessity of topographic correction in estimating photosynthetic phenology, considering slope orientation, especially in diverse terrain conditions.

Soil Characteristics according to the Geological Condition of Soil Slopes in Landslide Area (산사태지역 토층사면의 지질조건별 토질특성)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Su
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.16 no.4 s.50
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    • pp.359-371
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    • 2006
  • In this study, the soil characteristics are analyzed using the result of various soil tests as an object of the soil layer of natural slopes in landslides areas composed with gneiss, granite, and the tertiary sedimentary rock. To investigate the soil characteristics according to landslide and non landslide areas, soils are sampled from Jangheung, Sangju and Pohang. The landslides at three areas are occurred due to heavy rainfall in same time. The geology of Jangheung area, Sangju area and Pohang area is gneiss, granite, and the tertiary sedimentary rock, respectively. On the basis of the landslide data and the result of soil test, the soil characteristics at the landslide area and the differentiation between landslide area and non landslide area are analyzed. However soil characteristics have a little differentiation to geological condition, the uniformity coefficient and the coefficient of gradation of soils at the landslide area is larger than those of soils at the non landslide area. Also, the proportion of fine particle of soils at the landslide area is higher. The plastic limit of soils sampled from the granite and the sedimentary rock regions is larger than that sampled from the gneiss region. However the liquid limit is irrelevant to the geological condition. Also, the consistency of soils at the landslide area is smaller. The natural moisture content of soils in the sedimentary rock regions is larger than that of the granite and gneiss. It is mainly influenced by mineral composition, soil layer structure, weathering condition, and so on. The soils sampled from landslide area have higher porosity and lower density than those from non landslide area. It means that the soils of landslide area have poor particle size distribution and loose density. Therefore, the terrain slope with poor distribution and loose density is vulnerable to occur in landslides. Also, landslides are occurred in the terrain slope with high permeability. The permeability is mainly influenced by the soil characteristics such as particle size distribution, porosity, particle structure, and the geological origins such as weathering, sedimentary environment. Meanwhile, the shear strength of soils is little difference according to the geological condition. But, the internal friction angle of soils sampled from the landslide area is lower than that of soils from the non landslide area. Therefore, the terrain slope with low internal friction angle is more vulnerable to the landslide.

Electrical Resistivity Response Due to the Variation of Embankment Shape and Reservoir Level (제체형태와 수위에 따른 전기비저항 반응 연구)

  • Oh, Seok-Hoon
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.214-220
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    • 2008
  • The distortion effect of electrical response for two-dimensional (2-D) DC resistivity method was verified in terms of 2-D inversion result of synthetic data obtained by three-dimensional (3-D) modeling, which is frequently applied to assess the safety of center core-type fill dam structure. The distortion effect is due to 2-D interpretation for 3-D structure. By the modeling analysis, we found that the water level is correctly described in the resistivity section around the middle part rather than each end side of the embankment due to the 3-D terrain effect, when the material of the embankment is assumed as horizontally uniform. And when we set the slope of outer rock fill part as uniform. the sharper the slope of the center core is, the more similar the resistivity section reflects. On the other hand, when the slope of the rock fill is steep, the resistivity section shows the water level at lower position than the real one, and the 3-D distortion effect at the end side of the embankment was enhanced.

Development of a Landslide Hazard Prediction Model using GIS (GIS를 이용한 산사태 위험지 판정 모델의 개발)

  • Lee, Seung-Kii;Lee, Byung-Doo;Chung, Joo-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2005
  • Based on the landslide hazard scoring system of Korea Forest Research Institute, a GIS model for predicting landslide hazards was developed. The risk of landslide hazards was analyzed as the function of 7 environmental site factors for the terrain, vegetation, and geological characteristics of the corresponding forest stand sites. Among the environmental factors, slope distance, relative height and shapes of slopes were interpreted using the forestland slope interpretation module developed by Chung et al. (2002). The program consists of three modules for managing spatial data, analyzing landslide hazard and report-writing, A performance test of the model showed that 72% of the total landslides in Youngin-Ansung landslides area took place in the highly vulnerable zones of grade 1 or 2 of the landslide hazard scoring map.

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Mapping Inundation of Vulnerable Agricultural Land by Considering the Characteristics of Drainage and Terrain Types - Case study in Chungcheongnam-do - (지리 및 배수특성을 고려한 농경지 침수 취약성 지도 작성 연구 - 충청남도를 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Gyeongjin;Cha, Jungwoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.127-135
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    • 2015
  • In recent years, meteorological disasters have frequently occurred in rural areas. As a result, there have been growing concerns over the protective measures needed. In order to avoid natural risks and damage, and to strengthen countermeasure to meteorological disasters, local governments needs to be prepared. Therefore, this paper seeks to prevent meteorological disasters through mapping of inundation vulnerability in agricultural land, Chungcheongnam-do. In doing so, this study were considered 5 variables (i.e. precipitation, region of altitude below 50m, region of slope gradient is below 10 degree, distance from river within less 50m) for creating vulnerability map. The precipitation was excluded in five variables. Since, the precipitation which include Daily maximum precipitation, 2-Daily maximum precipitation, summer precipitation was not any correlation among them. The results of analysing four variables, exclusive of precipitation, were showed that the agricultural lands where located in Dangjin, Buyeo, Hongseong and Asan were low correlation of inundation vulnerability by overlapping analysis. Moreover, The correlation analysis was showed low correlation between each factors and the annual average area of agricultural lands' inundation, whereas, the correlation analysis which was overlapping each factor showed high correlation. In conclusion, in order to create reliable vulnerability map in agricultural lands, Chungcheongnam-do, it must be considered to overlap analysis of the four main factors such region of altitude below 50m, region of slope gradient is below 10 degree, distance from river within less 50m. We suppose that this study's analysis can help to set the preparedness site of agricultural lands inundation.

A Study on the Planning Parameter of Ski Course-A Case of GaPyung Ski Resort (스키코스 계획기준에 관한 연구-가평스키장을 사례로)

  • Lee, Sfi-Young
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.97-111
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    • 2003
  • This study aims at presenting the planning parameter of ski course by designing Gapyung ski course. This site is located at Hacheon-ri, Gapyung-gun, Kyunggi-do and has an area $1,594,001m^2$. Design objectives of Gapyung Ski Resort were to build the most suitable ski course on the site area and make a comparative ski resort. This design process covers the following : site inventory and analysis; integration of design program and terrain analysis; slope planning and trail balance; comparison with other ski resort. This ski resort was composed of 5 lifts and 10 ski trails which are divided into 2 intermediate course, 3 high intermediate course, 4 advanced course, and I expert course. Total length of slope distance is 8,738m. This ski resort will be developed for advanced skiers and snow boarders who enjoy a mogul and a half pipe course. Therefore, the strategy of this ski resort is marked for target market of high intermediate.

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Recycling of Suspended Particulates by Atmospheric Boundary Depth and Coastal Circulation

  • Choi, Hyo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Environmental Sciences Society Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2003
  • The dispersion of recycled particulates in the complex coastal terrain containing Kangnung city, Korea was investigated using a three-dimensional non-hydrostatic numerical model and lagrangian particle model (or random walk model). The results show that particulates at the surface of the city that float to the top of thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL) are then transported along the eastern slope of the mountains with the passage of sea breeze and nearly reach the top of the mountains. Those particulates then disperse eastward at this upper level over the coastal sea and finally spread out over the open sea. Total suspended particulate (TSP) concentration near the surface of Kangnung city is very low. At night, synoptic scale westerly winds intensify due to the combined effect of the synoptic scale wind and land breeze descending the eastern slope of the mountains toward the coast and further seaward. This increase in speed causes development of internal gravity waves and a hydraulic jump up to a height of about 1km above the surface over the city. Particulate matter near the top of the mountains also descends the eastern slope of the mountains during the day, reaching the central city area and merges near the surface inside the nocturnal surface inversion layer (NSIL) with a maximum ground level concentration of TSP occurring at 0300 LST. Some particulates were dispersed following the propagation area of internal gravity waves and others in the NSIL are transported eastward to the coastal sea surface, aided by the land breeze. The following morning, particulates dispersed over the coastal sea from the previous night, tend to return to the coastal city of Kangnung with the sea breeze, developing a recycling process and combine with emitted surface particulates during the morning. These processes result in much higher TSP concentration. In the late morning, those particulates float to the top of the TIBL by the intrusion of the sea breeze and the ground level TSP concentration in the city subsequently decreases.

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