• Title/Summary/Keyword: similarity confusion

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Antecedents of consumers' decision postponement on purchasing fast fashion brands (패스트 패션 브랜드에 대한 소비자 의사결정 연기의 선행변수)

  • Park, Hye-Jung
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.743-759
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the antecedents of consumers' decision postponement on purchasing fast fashion brands. Ongoing search behavior, overchoice confusion, and similarity confusion were considered as antecedents. It was hypothesized that ongoing search behavior influences decision postponement both directly and indirectly through overchoice confusion and similarity confusion. Data were gathered by surveying university students in Seoul, using convenience sampling. Three hundred five questionnaires were used in the statistical analysis, which were exploratory factor analysis using SPSS and confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis using AMOS. Factor analysis proved that ongoing search behavior, overchoice confusion, similarity confusion, and decision postponement were uni-dimensions. Tests of the hypothesized path proved that ongoing search behavior influences decision postponement indirectly through overchoice confusion. In addition, similarity confusion influences decision postponement. The results suggest some confusion reduction strategies for marketers of fast fashion brands. Suggestions for future study are also discussed.

Consumer confusion, shopping fatigue, and negative purchasing behavior in internet shopping environment (인터넷 쇼핑환경에서의 소비자 혼란과 쇼핑 피로감이 부정적 구매행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jong-Ouk
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.505-521
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    • 2021
  • This study analyzed the effects of consumer confusion on shopping fatigue and negative purchasing behaviors in an internet shopping environment. Further, the effects of shopping fatigue on negative purchasing behaviors were analyzed. The survey was conducted among consumers in their 20s and 40s in the Seoul metropolitan area who had experience of purchasing fashion products through internet shopping. A total of 392 questionnaire were analysis, with frequency, reliability, factor, correlation, and regression analysis completed using the SPSS statistics program. The results of the study showed that consumer confusion and shopping fatigue in internet shopping environment affected negative purchasing behaviors. First, consumer confusion comprised overload confusion, similarity confusion, and ambiguity confusion. It was found that overload confusion and similarity confusion significantly affected shopping fatigue. Second, shopping fatigue significantly affected negative purchasing behaviors, and an increased level of shopping fatigue result in, increased purchase delay and non-purchase behavior. Third, consumer confusion (overload confusion, similarity confusion, ambiguity confusion) significantly affected purchase delay behavior, while similarity confusion and ambiguity confusion significantly affected non-purchasing behavior. These results will provide useful data for e-CRM and marketing directions of internet companies and will contribute to rational decision-making of internet consumers and improve the quality of consumer life.

Similarity Analysis Between SAR Target Images Based on Siamese Network (Siamese 네트워크 기반 SAR 표적영상 간 유사도 분석)

  • Park, Ji-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.462-475
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    • 2022
  • Different from the field of electro-optical(EO) image analysis, there has been less interest in similarity metrics between synthetic aperture radar(SAR) target images. A reliable and objective similarity analysis for SAR target images is expected to enable the verification of the SAR measurement process or provide the guidelines of target CAD modeling that can be used for simulating realistic SAR target images. For this purpose, this paper presents a similarity analysis method based on the siamese network that quantifies the subjective assessment through the distance learning of similar and dissimilar SAR target image pairs. The proposed method is applied to MSTAR SAR target images of slightly different depression angles and the resultant metrics are compared and analyzed with qualitative evaluation. Since the image similarity is somewhat related to recognition performance, the capacity of the proposed method for target recognition is further checked experimentally with the confusion matrix.

Research on Deep Learning Performance Improvement for Similar Image Classification (유사 이미지 분류를 위한 딥 러닝 성능 향상 기법 연구)

  • Lim, Dong-Jin;Kim, Taehong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2021
  • Deep learning in computer vision has made accelerated improvement over a short period but large-scale learning data and computing power are still essential that required time-consuming trial and error tasks are involved to derive an optimal network model. In this study, we propose a similar image classification performance improvement method based on CR (Confusion Rate) that considers only the characteristics of the data itself regardless of network optimization or data reinforcement. The proposed method is a technique that improves the performance of the deep learning model by calculating the CRs for images in a dataset with similar characteristics and reflecting it in the weight of the Loss Function. Also, the CR-based recognition method is advantageous for image identification with high similarity because it enables image recognition in consideration of similarity between classes. As a result of applying the proposed method to the Resnet18 model, it showed a performance improvement of 0.22% in HanDB and 3.38% in Animal-10N. The proposed method is expected to be the basis for artificial intelligence research using noisy labeled data accompanying large-scale learning data.

Removal of Heterogeneous Candidates Using Positional Accuracy Based on Levenshtein Distance on Isolated n-best Recognition (레벤스타인 거리 기반의 위치 정확도를 이용하여 다중 음성 인식 결과에서 관련성이 적은 후보 제거)

  • Yun, Young-Sun
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.30 no.8
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    • pp.428-435
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    • 2011
  • Many isolated word recognition systems may generate irrelevant words for recognition results because they use only acoustic information or small amount of language information. In this paper, I propose word similarity that is used for selecting (or removing) less common words from candidates by applying Levenshtein distance. Word similarity is obtained by using positional accuracy that reflects the frequency information along to character's alignment information. This paper also discusses various improving techniques of selection of disparate words. The methods include different loss values, phone accuracy based on confusion information, weights of candidates by ranking order and partial comparisons. Through experiments, I found that the proposed methods are effective for removing heterogeneous words without loss of performance.

Clinical study on the one case of sequelae of pneumococal meningoencephalitis with intermittent confusion (간헐적 전광(癲狂)을 동반한 세균성 뇌막염후유증 1례(例)의 임상적 고찰)

  • Won, Chul-Hwan;Cho, Gyu-Seon;Lee, Won-Chul;Lee, Dong-Won;Kim, Ji-Hyoung
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.515-519
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    • 2000
  • Developing of antibiotic, bacterial meningitis is one of the disease of high mortality. Especially in case of gram negative, pneumococal meningitis, they have high mortality and neurological disorders after treatment. Main symptoms of bacterial meningitis are fever, headache, vomit, neck stiffness and coma etc. In oriental medicine, acute feverish infectious diseases have been treated as wenbing(溫病). We can divide wenbing into 8 kinds. Bacterial meningitis is included as Chunwen(春溫), fengwen(風溫) in the sight of similarity on the symptoms and falling ill. Comparing with CVA, we have too rare cases of treating bacterial meningitis with oriental medicine. A case of sequelae of bacterial meningitis patient diagnosed as Chunon, pungon showed prominent improvement by herb med and acupuncture treatment etc.

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The Effect of AD Noises Caused by AD Model Selection on Brand Awareness and Brand Attitudes (광고 모델 관련 광고 노이즈가 브랜드 인지도와 브랜드 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Jai-Hak;Lee, Sang-Mi
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.89-114
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    • 2008
  • Most of the extant studies on communication effects have been devoted to the typical issue, "what types of communication activities are more effective for brand awareness or brand attitudes?" However, little research has addressed another question on communication decisions, "what makes communication activities less effective?" Our study focuses on factors negatively influenced on the efficiency of communication activities, especially of Advertising. Some studies have introduced concepts closely related to our topic such as consumer confusion, brand confusion, or belief confusion. Studies on product belief confusion have found some factors misleading consumers to misunderstand the physical features of products. Studies on brand confusion have uncovered factors making consumers confused on brand names. Studies on advertising confusion have tested the effects of ad models' employed by many other firms for different products on communication efficiency. We address a new concept, Ad noises, which are any factors interfering with consumers exposed to a particular advertisement in understanding messages provided by advertisements. The objective of this study is to understand the effects of ad noises caused by ad models on brand awareness and brand attitude. There are many different types of AD noises. Particularly, we study the effects of AD noises generated from ad model selection decision. Many companies want to employ celebrities as AD models while the number of celebrities who command a high degree of public and media attention are limited. Inevitably, several firms have been adopting the same celebrities as their AD models for different products. If the same AD model is adopted for TV commercials for different products, consumers exposed to those TV commercials are likely to fail to be aware of the target brand due to interference of TV commercials, for other products, employing the same AD model. This is an ad noise caused by employing ad models who have been exposed to consumers in other advertisements, which is the first type of ad noises studied in this research. Another type of AD noises is related to the decision of AD model replacement for the same product advertising. Firms sometimes launch another TV commercial for the same products. Some firms employ the same AD model for the new TV commercial for the same product and other firms employ new AD models for the new TV commercials for the same product. The typical problem with the replacement of AD models is the possibility of interfering with consumers in understanding messages of the TV commercial due to the dissimilarity of the old and new AD models. We studied the effects of these two types of ad noises, which are the typical factors influencing on the effect of communication: (1) ad noises caused by employing ad models who have been exposed to consumers in other advertisements and (2) ad noises caused by changing ad models with different images for same products. First, we measure the negative influence of AD noises on brand awareness and attitudes, in order to provide the importance of studying AD noises. Furthermore, our study unveiled the mediating conditions(variables) which can increase or decrease the effects of ad noises on brand awareness and attitudes. We study the effects of three mediating variables for ad noises caused by employing ad models who have been exposed to consumers in other advertisements: (1) the fit between product image and AD model image, (2) similarity between AD model images in multiple TV commercials employing the same AD model, and (3) similarity between products of which TV commercial employed the same AD model. We analyze the effects of another three mediating variables for ad noises caused by changing ad models with different images for same products: (1) the fit of old and new AD models for the same product, (2) similarity between AD model images in old and new TV commercials for the same product, and (3) concept similarity between old and new TV commercials for the same product. We summarized the empirical results from a field survey as follows. The employment of ad models who have been used in advertisements for other products has negative effects on both brand awareness and attitudes. our empirical study shows that it is possible to reduce the negative effects of ad models used for other products by choosing ad models whose images are relevant to the images of target products for the advertisement, by requiring ad models of images which are different from those of ad models in other advertisements, or by choosing ad models who have been shown in advertisements for other products which are not similar to the target product. The change of ad models for the same product advertisement can positively influence on brand awareness but positively on brand attitudes. Furthermore, the effects of ad model change can be weakened or strengthened depending on the relevancy of new ad models, the similarity of previous and current ad models, and the consistency of the previous and current ad messages.

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A Study on the Semiological Similarity between Sipseungji and the Cutting Shape of Korean $J{\check{o}}gori$ (저고리 마름질 꼴과 십승지의 기호학적 유사성 연구)

  • Jung, Ok-Im
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.58 no.9
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    • pp.38-50
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    • 2008
  • In the late Joseon period, as Korea suffered from two battles such as Byeongjahoran and Imjinweran, the people wanted to find comfortable shelters, which caused Bigi to prevail. That is, as an alternative to find a shelter which is physically prosperous and mentally comfortable and to get out of turbulent days, the people desired the utopian world of Sipseungji. The Sipseungji of 'Namsako' was deeply rooted in the society, which had a great impact on it. However, it is very surprising to find that the Sipseungji is metaphored in the process to make the shapes of Korean $J{\check{o}}gori$ which are a represented product of our culture. In other words, the ideal world we desired is a clothe itself which wraps human bodies, not any mysterious place that can not be found. They wanted to deliver the assumption that the ideal world is in humans themselves through clothes. Though a shaman sign of Sip (meaning ten), the Sipseungjiseol of Namsako became rooted in the living of the common people, which caused social confusion, but the Sipseungji suggests that as humans are the very lucky place, the utopian world is in themselves. Therefore, it should not be overlooked that the shapes of Korean $J{\check{o}}gori$ have instructional values that can not be found in those of other foreign cultures.

Analysis on Triangle Determination and Congruence (삼각형의 결정과 합동의 분석)

  • Kim, Su-Hyun;Choi, Yoon-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.341-351
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    • 2007
  • The primary purpose of this treatise is to suggest the solutions as follows for the errors concerning the triangle determination and congruence in every Korean mathematics textbook for 7th graders: showing that SsA, along with SSS, SAS, ASA, should also be included as the condition for triangle determination, congruence and similarity; proving that contrary to what has been believed, minimality applies only to congruence and similarity but not to determination; examining related Euclidean propositions; discussing the confusion about the characteristics of determination and congruence; and considering the negative effects of giving definite figures in construction education. The secondary purpose is to analyze the significance of triangle determinant that is not dealt with in either Euclid's Elements or the text books in the U.S. or Japan, and suggest a way to effectively deal with triangle determination and congruence in education.

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Various Approaches to Improve Exclusion Performance of Non-similar Candidates from N-best Recognition Results on Isolated Word Recognition (고립 단어 인식 결과의 비유사 후보 단어 제외 성능을 개선하기 위한 다양한 접근 방법 연구)

  • Yun, Young-Sun
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.153-161
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    • 2010
  • Many isolated word recognition systems may generate non-similar words for recognition candidates because they use only acoustic information. The previous study [1,2] investigated several techniques which can exclude non-similar words from N-best candidate words by applying Levenstein distance measure. This paper discusses the various improving techniques of removing non-similar recognition results. The mentioned methods include comparison penalties or weights, phone accuracy based on confusion information, weights candidates by ranking order and partial comparisons. Through experimental results, it is found that some proposed method keeps more accurate recognition results than the previous method's results.

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