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Deep inspiration breath-hold (DIBH) 적용한 림프절이 포함된 왼편 유방암의 방사선 치료계획에 따른 주변 장기 선량 평가

  • Jeong, Da-Lee;Gang, Hyo-Seok;Choe, Byeong-Jun;Park, Sang-Jun;Lee, Geon-Ho;Lee, Du-Sang;An, Min-U;Jeon, Myeong-Su
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: On the left side, breast cancer patients have more side effects than those on the right side because of unnecessary doses in normal organs such as heart and lung. DIBH is performed to reduce this. To evaluate the dose of peripheral organs in the left breast cancer including supraclavicular lymph nodes and internal mammary lymph nodes according to the treatment planning method of Conventional Radiation Therapy, Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy and Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy. Materials and Methods: We performed CT-simulation using free breathing and deep inspiration breath-hold technique for 8 patients including left supraclavicular lymph nodes and internal mammary lymph nodes. Based on the acquired CT images, the contour of the body is drawn and the convention is performed so that 95, Dmax110. Conventional Radiation Therapy used a one portal technique on the supraclavicular lymph node and used a field in field technique tangential beam on the breast. Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy was composed of 7 static fields. Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy was planned using 2 ARC with a turning radius of 290 to 179. The peripheral normal organs dose was analyzed by referring to the dose volume of Eclipse. Results: By applying the deep inspiration breath-hold technique, the mean interval between the heart and chest wall increased 1.6±0.6cm. The mean dose of lung was 19.2±1.0Gy, which was the smallest value in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy. The V30 (%) of the heart was 2.0±1.9, which was the smallest value in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy. In the left anterior descending coronary artery, the dose was 25.4±5.4Gy, which was the smallest in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy. The maximum dose value of the Right breast was 29.7±4.3Gy at Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy. Conclusion: When comparing the values of surrounding normal organs, Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy and Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy were applicable values for treatment. Among them, Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy is considered to be a suitable treatment planning method.

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  • Lee, Eun Chol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-44
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    • 1969
  • The important results which have been obtained in the investigation can be recapitulated as follows. 1. As demostrated by the experimental results and analyses concerning their effects in the on-ground type mushroom house, the constructions in relation to the side wall and ceiling of the experimental houses showed a sufficient heat insulation on effect to protect insides of the houses from outside climatic conditions. 2. As the effect on the solar type experimental mushroom house which was constructed in a half basement has been shown by the experimental results and analyses, it has been proved to be effective for making use of solar heat. However there were found two problems to be improved for putting solar houses to practical use in the farm mushroom growing: (1) the construction of the roof and ceiling should be the same as for the on-ground type house, and (2) the solar heat generating system should be reconstructed properly. A trial solar heat generating system is shown in Fig. 40. 3. Among several ventilation systems which have been studied in the experiments, the underground earthen pipe and ceiling ventilation, and vertical side wall and ceiling ventilation systems have been proved to be most effective for natural ventilation. 4. The experimental results have shown that ventilation systems such as the vertical side wall and underground ventilation systems are suitable to put to practical use as natural ventilation systems for farm mushroom houses. These ventilation systems can remarkably improve the temperature of fresh air which is introduced into the house by heat transfers within the ventilation passages, so as to approach to the desired temperature of the house without any cooling or heating operation. For example, if it is assuming that x is the outside temperature and y is the amount of temperature adjustment made by the influence of the ventilation system, the relationships that exist between x and y can be expressed by the following regression lines. Underground iron pipe ventilation system y=0.9x-12.8 Underground earthen pipe ventilation system y=0.96x-15.11 Vertical side wall ventilation system y=0.94x-17.57 5. The experimental results have shown that the relationships existing between the admitted and expelled air and the Co2 concentration can be described with experimental regression lines or an exponent equation as follows: 1) If it is assumed that x is an air speed cm/sec. and y is an expelled air speed in cm/sec. in a natural ventilation system, since the y is a function of the x, the relationships that exist between x and y can be expressed by the regression lines shown below: 2) If it is assumed that x is an admitted volume of air in m3/hr and y is an expelled volume of air in m3/hr in a natural ventilation system, since the y is a function of the x, the relationships that exist between x and y can be expressed by the regression lines shown below. 3) If it is assumed that the expelled air speed in cm/sec and replacement air speed in cm/sec. at the bed surface in a natural ventilation system are shown as x and y, respectively, since the y is a function of the x, the relationships that exist between x and y can be expressed by the following regression line: G.E. (100%)- C.V. (50%) ventilation system y=0.54X+0.84 4) If it is assumed that the replacement air speed in cm/sec. at the bed surface is shown as x, and CO2 concentration which is expressed by multiplying 1000 times the actual value of CO2 % is shown as y, in a natural ventilation system, since the y is a function of the x the relationships that exist between x and y can be expressed by the following regression line: G.E. (100%)- C.V. (50%) ventilation system y=114.53-6.42x 5) If it is assumed that the expelled volume of air is shown as x and the CO2 concentration which is expressed by multiplying 1000 times the actual of CO2 % is shown as y in a natural ventilation system, since the y is a function of of the x, the relationships that exist between x and y can be expressed by the following exponent equation: G.E. (100%)-C.V. (50%) ventilation system y=127.18×1.0093X 6. The experimental results have shown that the ratios of the crass sectional area of the G.E. and C.V. vent to the total cubic capacity of the house, required for providing an adequate amount of air in a natural ventilation system, can be estimated as follows: G.E. (admitting vent of the underground ventilation) 0.30-0.5% (controllable) C.V. (expelling vent of the ceiling ventilation) 0.8-1.0% (controllable) 7. Among several heating devices which were studied in the experiments, the hot-water boilor which was modified to be fitted both as hot-water toiler and as a pressureless steam-water was found most suitable for farm mushroom growing.

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Radiotherapy Results for Recurrent Uterine Cervical Cancer after Surgery (수술 후 국소재발한 자궁경부암에서의 방사선치료 성적)

  • Ryu Mi Ryeong;Kay Chul Seung;Kang Ki Moon;Kim Yeon Shil;Chung Su Mi;Namkoong Sung Eun;Yoon Sei Chul
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.217-222
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    • 1999
  • Purpose : To evaluate prognostic factors and survival rates of the patients who received radiation therapy for locally recurrent uterine cervical cancer after curative surgery. Materials and Methods : Between October 1983 and July 1990, fifty three patients who received radiation therapy for locally recurrent cervical cancer after curative surgery at the Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea were analysed retrospectively. Age at diagnosis ranged from 33 to 69 years (median 53 years). Pathological analysis showed that forty five (84.9%) patients had squamous cell carcinoma, seven (13.2%) patients had adenocarcinoma, and one (1.9%) patient had adenosquamous cell carcinoma. The interval between hysterectomy and tumor recurrence ranged from 2 months to 25 years (mean 34.4 months). The recurrent sites were vaginal stump in 41 patients (77.4%) and pelvic side wall in 12 patients (22.6%). Recurrent tumor size was devided into two groups : less than 3 cm in 43 patients (81.1%) and more than 3 cm in 10 patients (18.9%). External beam irradiation of whole pelvis was done first up to 46.8 Gy to 50.4 Gy in 5 weeks to 6 weeks, followed by either external beam boost to the recurrent site in 18 patients (34%) or intracavitary irradiation in 24 patients (45.3%). Total dose of radiation ranged from 46.8 Gy to 111 Gy (median 70.2 Gy). Follow up period ranged from 2 to 153 months with a median of 35 months. Results : Overall response rate was 66% (35/53). Among them, six patients (17.1%) relapsed between 7 months and 116 months after radiation therapy (mean 47.7 months), Therefore overall recurrence rate was 45.3%. Overall five-year actuarial survival rate was 78.9% and distant failure rate was 10% (5/50). The significant prognostic factors affecting survival rate were interval between primary surgery and tumor recurrence (p=0.0055), recurrent tumor size (p=0.0039), and initial response to radiation therapy (p=0.0428). Complications were observed in 10 (20/) patients, which included mild to moderate lower gastrointestinal, genitourinary, or skin manifestations. One patient died of pulmonary embolism just after intracavitary irradiation. Conclustion : Radiation therapy is the effective treatment for the patients with locally recurrent cervical cancer after curative surgery. These results suggest that interval between primary surgery and tumor recurrence, recurrent tumor size, and initial response to radiation therapy were significant prognostic factors for recurrent cervical cancer.

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Surgical removal of a left ventricular thrombus caused by acute myocarditis (급성 심근염에 의한 좌심실 혈전의 수술적 제거 1례)

  • Lee, Kyu Ha;Yoon, Min Jung;Han, Mi Young;Chung, Sa Jun;Kim, Soo Cheol
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.588-591
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    • 2007
  • Left ventricular thrombus is mainly caused by anterior myocardial infarction or severe cardiac wall dysfunction of the apex, and is rarely caused by a complication of acute myocarditis. A 12-year-old female who developed symptoms of motor dysphasia and incomplete hemiparesis of the right side was admitted to the hospital. The brain MRI taken on the day of her admission showed acute cerebral infarction in the left basal ganglia and the frontoparietal lobe. The echocardiogram showed a movable thrombus, which was 19×28mm sized and located in the apex of the left ventricle. So in order to prevent further thromboembolic event we performed open cardiac surgery via the atrium and removed the thrombus of the left ventricle. After the removal of the thrombus her symptoms improved and she was discharged from the hospital. Thrombus formation in acute viral myocarditis are considered to be related with endocardial injury and blood flow stasis. Treatment with anticoagulants in left ventricular thrombosis may not be effective and may even cause a major thromboembolism. When the thrombus is laminar and fixed, one should consider anticoagulant therapy. But if the thrombus is pedunculated and movable, which means that there are higher possibilities of major embolism or there may be already one, one should consider surgical removal. We report a 12-year-old girl who required surgical removal of a left ventricular thrombus caused by acute viral myocarditis.

Traumatic Asphyxia with Compressive Thoracic Injuries -4 Cases Report- (흉부손상에 의한 외상성 가사 4예)

  • 김현순
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.212-218
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    • 1980
  • A severe crushing injury of the chest produce a very striking syndrome referred to as traumatic asphyxia. This syndrome is characterized by bluish-red discoloration of the skin which is limited to the distribution of the valveless veins of the head and neck. And also if it is characterized by bilateral subconjunctival hemorrhages and neurological manifestations. But these clinical entities faded away progressively in a few weeks. Apporximately 90% of the patients who live for more than a few hours will recover from traumatic asphyxia when it occurs as a single entity. And so, death results from either severe associated injuries of from subsequent infection, rather than from pulmonary or cardiac insufficiency in traumatic asphyxia. We have experienced 4 cases of traumatic asphyxia with severe crushing thoracic injuries at department of the chest surgery, Captial Armed forces General Hospital during about 3 years from April 1977 to Aug. 1980. The 1st 22 year-old male was struct 212 ton truck on the road and was transferred to this hospital immediately. He had taken tracheostomy due to severe dyspnea with contusion pneumonia and for removal of a large amount of bronchial secretion. The 2nd case was 23 year-old male who was got buried in a chasm. In this case, the heavy metal post tumbled over him back while at work. The 3rd case was 39 year-old male who leapt out of a window in 5th story while fire broke out in living room by oil stove heating. He had multiple rib fracture with right hemothor x and right colle's fracture and pelvic bone fracture. The last 22 year-old male was run over by a gun carriage. The wheel of this gun carriage passed over his thorax and right chin. He was brought to this hospital by helicopter. when he was first examined at emergency room, he was in semicomatose state and has pneurmomediastinum with multiple rib fracture and severe subcutaneous emphysema. As soon as he arrived, bilateral closed thoracostomy was performed and cardiopulmonary resuscitation was done. In hospital 8th weeks, chest series showed fibrothorax in right side even if chest wall stabilized. All 4 cases had multiple petechiae over their facees and chest and bilateral subconjunctival hemorrhages referred to as traumatic asphyxia. 3 cases except one case who received splenectomy, had been suffered from contusion pneumonia and had been treated with respiratory care. In these 3 cases, they had warning of impending injury before accident, and took a deep breath hold it and braces himself. And also, even if he had not impending fear in remaining one case, he had taken a deep breath and had got valsalva maneuver for pulling off the heavy metal post. Intrathoracic pressure rose suddenly and resulted to traumatic asphyxia in this situation. All these cases were recovered completely without sequelae except one fibrothorax, right.

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A study on the exhaust gas recirculation in a MILD combustion furnace by using a Venturi nozzle (MILD 이용한 배기가스 재순환에 관한 연구)

  • Ha, Ji Soo;Shim, Sung Hoon
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.413-419
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    • 2013
  • The present study used the MILD combustor, which has coaxial cylindrical tube. The outside tube of the MILD combustor corresponds to the exhaust gas passage and the inner side tube is the furnace passage. A numerical analysis was accomplished to elucidate the characteristics of exhaust gas entrainment toward the inner furnace with the changes of venturi nozzle geometrical parameters, nozzle position, nozzle gap between high pressure air nozzle and venturi nozzle, and with the change of high pressure nozzle inlet velocity. The entrainment flow rate for the case with the high pressure air nozzle attached at the exhaust gas wall has relatively small change with the change of nozzle gap. That for the case with the high pressure air nozzle exposed to the exhaust gas has monotonically increase with the change of nozzle gap. The flow rate ratio of entrainment flow rate has considerably increase tendency with relatively lower air inlet velocity, on the other hand, that with relatively higher air inlet velocity could be seen relatively small increase.

An Experimental Study on the Estimation of Optimum Length of Soil Flow Protector with Wall Stiffness (벽체 강성에 따른 토사유입차단판의 최적 길이 산정에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Yoo, Jae-Won;Seo, Min-Su;Son, Su-Won;Im, Jong-Chul
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.789-799
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    • 2019
  • The settlement hardly occurs in structures supported by pile foundation such as abutment, culvert but a cavity is formed in the lower part of a structure. As a result, soil discharged from the lateral ground to the cavity accelerates the settlement of the lateral ground of the structure, resulting in a larger settlement. Therefore, in order to prevent problems caused by cavity under the structure supported by pile foundation, soil Flow Protector (briefly called 'FLP'), which can be easily installed on the side of structure, was developed. In this study, an laboratory model test was carried out to prove the reduction effect of settlement and to estimate the optimal installation length of the FLP. As a result, the installation of the FLP reduced the settlement of the lateral ground and prevented the leakage of lateral ground soil into the cavity. If the stiffness of the FLP is small, the state or active earth pressure is generated in the upper part, which is not favorable for stability. But if the stiffness of the FLP is high enough, the passive earth pressure area is generated in the upper part, which will be advantageous for the stability. Also, the increased installation length of FLP is effective to reduce the settlement. And the ratio of the optimal length of the FLP to the box structure height (H = 250 mm) are flexible FLP 1.38, stiff FLP 0.73.

A Study on Improvement of Discharge Obstruction Prevention Standard for Sprinkler Head on NFSC 103 (스프링클러설비 소화성능 향상을 위한 NFSC 103 살수장애 방지기준 개선 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sunghyun;Lee, Sungsu
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.237-247
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study aims to draw the problems and improvements of NFSC 103 sprinkler head discharge obstruction prevention standard to increase the fire extinguishing performance of sprinkler system in order to contribute to the protection of people's lives and property in the event of a fire. Method: NFSC 103 was compared to NFPA 13 which is the latest 2019 version in U.S in terms of sprinkler head discharge obstruction prevention. Results: This study found that NFSC 103 doesn't define even the basic concept of sprinkler discharge obstruction. And NFSC 103 doesn't have detailed standard for side wall sprinkler head discharge obstruction prevention as well as the "height" criteria of the "three times" separation rule. Conclusion: NFSC 103 needs a lot of supplements and improvements such as the addition of definition for water discharge obstructions, the adoption of sidewall sprinkler heads standard for preventing water discharge obstructions and the additional establishment of the "three times rule" considering the "height" of obstacles to promote the advance of fire safety standard equal or above fire fighting advanced country and increase the reliability for the suppression performance of sprinkler system.

Field Survey on the Structure and Manure Treatment of Two-Storey and Sawdust Pig Houses in Korea (국내 2층 돈사와 톱밥돈사의 구조 및 분뇨처리 실태조사)

  • Jeong J. W.;Yoo Y. H.;Song J. I.;Kim T. I.;Jeon B. S.;Yang C. B.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2005
  • The farm house structure, ventilation system and manure treatment of two-storey buildings and sawdust pig houses were surveyed and analyzed. Based on the data for ten selected farms in five provinces during eight months, the goal is to eventually establish a standard two-storey pig house. Manure treatments were composting, slurry and activated sludge in two-storey pig houses, while fermentation method was done in sawdust pig house. The depth of sawdust as a litter material were 10 to 60cm, with a duration of 1/2, 1, 3 and 6 months, respectively. The ventilation systems were the mechanical type in two-storey pig houses and natural system in the sawdust pig house. Side wall in the two-storey pig house was enclosed with insulation materials such as block, colored metal sheet and sandwich panels. The minimum ceiling height in the first floor of the two-storey pig house was 2.0m and the maximum was 3.0m. On the second floor, ceiling height ranged from 2.0 to 2.7m. The construction cost in the two-storey systems were 700\~140, and sidewall curtain systems were 30\~40 thousand Won/pyung.

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A Case Study on the effects of Elephant Foot Method considering the rate of Changes in Tunnel Cross Section (터널 단면적 변화를 고려한 각부보강 영향성 평가)

  • Lee, Gil-Yong;Oh, Hyeon-Mun;Cho, Kye-Hwan;Oh, Jeong-Ho;Kim, Jong-Ju;Kim, Yong-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2018
  • In case of excavation of the tunnel under weak ground conditions, such as fault zone, leg pile reinforcement with the purpose of suppressing tunnel crown settlement and side wall displacement is commonly applied. There are convergence, crown settlement, leg settlement, and the axial force of leg as a main factor for confirming the safety of support considering the installation angle and length of leg pile reinforcement according to the increase in rate of change of tunnel cross-section. In particular, the influence of right corner settlement, among variables for safety confirmation during excavation, has been analyzed as the dominant factor in the most important priority management showing larger displacement tendency than the increase in rate of the cross-section. And, it was analyzed that the occurrence tendency of axial force on leg pile reinforcement showed the influence of behavior according to the friction support concept mechanism of the pile reinforcement rather than the increase in rate of tunnel cross-section, as it showed a small increase compared to the increase rate of the tunnel cross-section which did not show a great correlation from the viewpoint of the change of the axial force by the length of each leg pile reinforcement with regards to the change in rate of increase in tunnel cross-section. If a certain length of the leg pile reinforcement is selected based on the above grounds, even if the cross-section of the tunnel in poor ground condition is somewhat larger, it has been proved to be a more reasonable method considering the workability and economical efficiency by not extending the length of the leg pile reinforcement by force.