• Title/Summary/Keyword: shield tunneling

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Development of optimal cross-section design methods for bored utility tunnels: case study of overseas typical cross-sections and design criteria (터널식 공동구 최적단면 설계기술 개발: 해외 표준단면 사례 및 설계기준 분석)

  • Park, Kwang-Joon;Yun, Kyoung-Yeol
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.1073-1090
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    • 2018
  • Since the domestic utility tunnels were built mainly in the development project of the new city, they are all in the form of cut-and-cover box tunnel. But, in the case of overseas construction of utility tunnels for existing urban areas, the bored tunnel types are mainly adopted. It is reasonable to install bored tunnels in a downtown area because it is difficult to block the roads or install bypass roads due to heavy traffic and civil complaints. In order to activate the utility tunnels in bored type, it is necessary to secure optimized cross-sectional design technology considering the optimal supplying capacity and mutual influencing factors (Thermal Interference, electrolytic corrosion, efficiency of the maintenance, etc.) of utilities (power cables, telecommunication cables, water pipes, etc.). The optimal cross-section design method for bored utility tunnels is ultimately to derive the optimal arrangement technique for the utilities. In order to develop the design methods, firstly, the cases of tunnel cross-section (Shield TBM, Conventional Tunneling) in overseas shall be investigated to analyze the characteristics of the installation of utilities in the section and installation of auxiliary facilities, It is necessary to sort out and analyze the criteria related to the inner cross-section design (arrangement) presented in the standards and guidelines.

A Study on the Stability of Shield TBM Thrust Jack in the Behavior of Operating Fluid According to Thrust Force (추력에 따른 동작 유체의 거동에 있어 쉴드 TBM 추진잭의 안정성에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun-seok;Na, Yeong-min;Jang, Hyun-su;Suk, Ik-hyun;Kang, Sin-hyun;Kim, Hun-tae;Park, Jong-kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.38-45
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, the stability of the tunnel boring machine (TBM), used in tunnel excavation, according to the thrust force of the thrust jack was investigated. The existing hydraulic cylinder analysis method is fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analysis, where all of the flow setting and dynamic characteristics should be considered. Therefore, there is a need for a method to solve this problem simply and quickly. To facilitate this, the theoretical pressure in the hydraulic cylinder was calculated and compared with the analytical and experimental results. In the case of the analysis, the pressure generated inside the cylinder was analyzed statically, considering the operating characteristics of the shield TBM, and the stress and pressure were calculated. This method simplifies the analysis environment and shortens the analysis time compared to the existing analysis method. The obtained theoretical and analytical data were compared with the measured data during actual tunneling, and the analysis and experimental data showed a relative error of approximately 23.89%.

Investigation of Prior Technology and Development Case for Consecutive Excavation Technique of Shield TBM (연속굴착 쉴드 TBM 기술 관련 해외기술 및 개발사례 조사)

  • Mun-Gyu Kim;Jung-Woo Cho;Hyeong-seog Cha
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.299-311
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    • 2023
  • Continuous excavation technologies are developed to improve the excavation rate of shield TBM. Continuous excavation is a technology that provides thrust to segments, excluding being installed one, to reduce tunneling downtime. This paper investigated the prior technology related to continuous excavation segments. The main technology was classified into helical segment, honeycomb segment, and conventional segment methods. The helical segment method has not been applied in actual construction yet, and the honeycomb segment method has not succeeded in commercialization. The continuous excavation method using conventional segments has been successfully demonstrated. The thrust force and operation method of the thrust jacks for the semi-continuous technology were analyzed. Continuous excavation TBM research is also progressing in Korea, and through the analysis of successful cases, the need to develop independent continuous excavation methods has been identified.

Review of Technical Issues for Shield TBM Tunneling in Difficult Grounds (특수지반에서 쉴드TBM의 시공을 위한 기술적 고찰)

  • Jeong, Hoyoung;Zhang, Nan;Jeon, Seokwon
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2018
  • The use of TBM (tunnel boring machine) gradually increases in worldwide tunneling projects. TBM machine are often applied to more difficult and complex geological conditions in urban area, and many problems and difficulties have been reported due to these geological conditions. However, in Korea, there is a lack of research on difficult grounds so far. This paper discussed general aspects of investigation method, and problems of TBM tunneling in difficult grounds. Construction cases that passed through the difficult grounds in worldwide were analyzed and the typical difficult grounds were classified into 11 cases. For each case, the definition and general problems were summarized. Particularly, for mixed ground and boulder ground, and fault zone, which are frequent geological conditions in urban area with shallow depth, classification system, investigation methods and major considerations were discussed, and proposed the direction of future research. This paper is a basic study for the development of TBM construction technology in difficult ground, and it is expected that it will be useful for related research and construction of TBM in difficult ground in the future.

Development of a TBM Advance Rate Model and Its Field Application Based on Full-Scale Shield TBM Tunneling Tests in 70 MPa of Artificial Rock Mass (70 MPa급 인공암반 내 실대형 쉴드TBM 굴진실험을 통한 굴진율 모델 및 활용방안 제안)

  • Kim, Jungjoo;Kim, Kyoungyul;Ryu, Heehwan;Hwan, Jung Ju;Hong, Sungyun;Jo, Seonah;Bae, Dusan
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.305-313
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    • 2020
  • The use of cable tunnels for electric power transmission as well as their construction in difficult conditions such as in subsea terrains and large overburden areas has increased. So, in order to efficiently operate the small diameter shield TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine), the estimation of advance rate and development of a design model is necessary. However, due to limited scope of survey and face mapping, it is very difficult to match the rock mass characteristics and TBM operational data in order to achieve their mutual relationships and to develop an advance rate model. Also, the working mechanism of previously utilized linear cutting machine is slightly different than the real excavation mechanism owing to the penetration of a number of disc cutters taking place at the same time in the rock mass in conjunction with rotation of the cutterhead. So, in order to suggest the advance rate and machine design models for small diameter TBMs, an EPB (Earth Pressure Balance) shield TBM having 3.54 m diameter cutterhead was manufactured and 19 cases of full-scale tunneling tests were performed each in 87.5 ㎥ volume of artificial rock mass. The relationships between advance rate and machine data were effectively analyzed by performing the tests in homogeneous rock mass with 70 MPa uniaxial compressive strength according to the TBM operational parameters such as thrust force and RPM of cutterhead. The utilization of the recorded penetration depth and torque values in the development of models is more accurate and realistic since they were derived through real excavation mechanism. The relationships between normal force on single disc cutter and penetration depth as well as between normal force and rolling force were suggested in this study. The prediction of advance rate and design of TBM can be performed in rock mass having 70 MPa strength using these relationships. An effort was made to improve the application of the developed model by applying the FPI (Field Penetration Index) concept which can overcome the limitation of 100% RQD (Rock Quality Designation) in artificial rock mass.

A Study on the Gap Parameter in Sand by Scale Model Test (축소모형실험을 통한 사질토지반에서 Gap Parameter의 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Hwan;Kang, Jun-Gu;Seo, Yun-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2010.09a
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    • pp.1343-1349
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents the behavior of the soil based on the Gap Parameter during the Shield TBM tunnel excavation in sandy soil. This study reproduced the tunnel before and after the excavation according to the diameter of the tunnel, water ratio and depth to execute a Scaled Model Test and analyzed the behavior change of the upper soil. As a result, tunneling after for soil stress decreased was similar in all the Case. In addition, the soil stress decreased was in water ratio increases.

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Reliability analysis of tunnel face stability considering seepage effects and strength conditions

  • Park, Jun Kyung
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.331-338
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    • 2022
  • Face stability analyses provides the most probable failure mechanisms and the understanding about parameters that need to be considered for the evaluation of ground movements caused by tunneling. After the Upper Bound Method (UBM) solution which can consider the influence of seepage forces and depth-dependent effective cohesion is verified with the numerical experiments, the probabilistic model is proposed to calculate the unbiased limiting tunnel collapse pressure. A reliability analysis of a shallow circular tunnel driven by a pressurized shield in a frictional and cohesive soil is presented to consider the inherent uncertainty in the input parameters and the proposed model. The probability of failure that exceeding a specified applied pressure at the tunnel face is estimated. Sensitivity and importance measures are computed to identify the key parameters and random variables in the model.

Critical face pressure and backfill pressure of shield TBM considering surface settlements of saturated clayey ground (쉴드 TBM 굴진에 따른 포화 점성토 지반의 침하거동을 고려한 한계 굴진면압과 한계 뒤채움압)

  • Kim, Kiseok;Oh, Ju-Young;Lee, Hyobum;Choi, Hangseok
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.433-452
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    • 2018
  • The shield tunneling method can minimize surface settlements by preventing the deformation of tunnel face and tunnel intrados due to tunnel excavation. For this purpose, it is very important to control the operating conditions of shield TBM. The face pressure and backfill pressure for tail void grouting should be the most important and immediate measure not only to restrain surface settlement, but also to influence the effective stress and pore water pressure around the circumstance of tunnel during excavation. The reaction of the ground to the application of face pressure and backfill pressure relies on the stiffness and permeability of ground. Especially, the reaction of saturated clayey ground formations, which shows the time-dependent deformation, is different from the permeable ground. Hence, in this paper it was investigated how the TBM operating conditions, ground stiffness, and permeability impact on the surface settlement of saturated clayey ground. For this purpose, a series of parametric studies were carried out by means of the stress-pore water pressure coupled FE analysis. The results show that the settlement of soft clayey ground is divided into the immediate settlement and consolidation settlement. Especially, the consolidation settlement depends on the ground stiffness and permeability. In addition, the existence of critical face pressure and backfill pressure was identified. The face pressure and backfill pressure above the critical value may cause an unexpected increase in the ground settlement.

Prediction of Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Rock using Shield TBM Machine Data and Machine Learning Technique (쉴드 TBM 기계 데이터 및 머신러닝 기법을 이용한 암석의 일축압축강도 예측)

  • Kim, Tae-Hwan;Ko, Tae Young;Park, Yang Soo;Kim, Taek Kon;Lee, Dae Hyuk
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.214-225
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    • 2020
  • Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of rock is one of the important factors to determine the advance speed during shield TBM tunnel excavation. UCS can be obtained through the Geotechnical Data Report (GDR), and it is difficult to measure UCS for all tunneling alignment. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to predict UCS by utilizing TBM machine driving data and machine learning technique. Several machine learning techniques were compared to predict UCS, and it was confirmed the stacking model has the most successful prediction performance. TBM machine data and UCS used in the analysis were obtained from the excavation of rock strata with slurry shield TBMs. The data were divided into 8:2 for training and test and pre-processed including feature selection, scaling, and outlier removal. After completing the hyper-parameter tuning, the stacking model was evaluated with the root-mean-square error (RMSE) and the determination coefficient (R2), and it was found to be 5.556 and 0.943, respectively. Based on the results, the sacking models are considered useful in predicting rock strength with TBM excavation data.

Effects of parallel undercrossing shield tunnels on river embankment: Field monitoring and numerical analysis

  • Li'ang Chen;Lingwei Lu;Zhiyang Tang;Shixuan Yi;Qingkai Wang;Zhibo Chen
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2023
  • As the intensity of urban underground space development increases, more and more tunnels are planned and constructed, and sometimes it is inevitable to encounter situations where tunnels have to underpass the river embankments. Most previous studies involved tunnels passing river embankments perpendicularly or with large intersection angle. In this study, a project case where two EPB shield tunnels with 8.82 m diameter run parallelly underneath a river embankment was reported. The parallel length is 380 m and tunnel were mainly buried in the moderate / slightly weathered clastic rock layer. The field monitoring result was presented and discussed. Three-dimensional back-analysis were then carried out to gain a better understanding the interaction mechanisms between shield tunnel and embankment and further to predict the ultimate settlement of embankment due to twin-tunnel excavation. Parametrical studies considering effect of tunnel face pressure, tail grouting pressure and volume loss were also conducted. The measured embankment settlement after the single tunnel excavation was 4.53 mm ~ 7.43 mm. Neither new crack on the pavement or cavity under the roadbed was observed. It is found that the more degree of weathering of the rock around the tunnel, the greater the embankment settlement and wider the settlement trough. Besides, the latter tunnel excavation might cause larger deformation than the former tunnel excavation if the mobilized plastic zone overlapped. With given geometry and stratigraphic condition in this study, the safety or serviceability of the river embankment would hardly be affected since the ultimate settlement of the embankment after the twin-tunnel excavation is within the allowable limit. Reasonable tunnel face pressure and tail grouting pressure can to some extent suppress the settlement of the embankment. The recommended tunnel face pressure and tail grouting pressure are 300 kPa and 550 kPa in this study, respectively. However, the volume loss plays the crucial role in the tunnel-embankment interaction. Controlling and compensating the tunneling induced volume loss is the most effective measure for river embankment protection. Additionally, reinforcing the embankment with cement mixing pile in advance is an alternative option in case the predicted settlement exceeds allowable limit.