• 제목/요약/키워드: shape steel

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단순가력실험을 통한 콘크리트충전 강관기둥의 부착응력에 관한 연구 (An Experimental Study on the Bond Strengths for Concrete Filled Steel Tube Columns using a Push-Out Test)

  • 우해성;김진호;최성모
    • 한국강구조학회 논문집
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.481-487
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    • 2002
  • 콘크리트충전 강관기둥의 외다이아프램 접합부형식에서, 철골보의 하중이 내부의 콘크리트로 전달되는 하중전달 메카니즘이 아직 명확하게 규명되지 않았다. 여기서 각 층에서 철골보의 전단력은 외부의 강관과 내부의 콘크리트 사이의 부착응력에 의해 전달된다고 본다. 따라서 본 연구는 콘크리트충전 강관기둥의 부착응력을 파악하기 위해, 콘크리트면에만 하중을 가하는 단순가력실험을 실시하였다. 콘크리트 종류, 강관의 형상/길이, 이음부의 유무/뒷댐재의 두께 등을 변수로 총 30개의 실험체를 제작하여 실험을 실시했으며, 각 변수에 따른 실험결과를 비교/분석하고자 했다.

Fatigue behavior of concrete beams reinforced with HRBF500 steel bars

  • Li, Ke;Wang, Xin-Ling;Cao, Shuang-Yin;Chen, Qing-Ping
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제53권2호
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    • pp.311-324
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate experimentally the fatigue performance of reinforced concrete (RC) beams with hot-rolled ribbed fine-grained steel bars of yielding strength 500MPa (HRBF500). Three rectangular and three T-section RC beams with HRBF500 bars were constructed and tested under static and constant-amplitude cyclic loading. Prior to the application of repeated loading, all beams were initially cracked under static loading. The major test variables were the steel ratio, cross-sectional shape and stress range. The stress evolution of HRBF500 bars, the information about crack growth and the deflection developments of test beams were presented and analyzed. Rapid increases in deflections and tension steel stress occured in the early stages of fatigue loading, and were followed by a relatively stable period. Test results indicate that, the concrete beams reinforced with appropriate amount of HRBF500 bars can survive 2.5 million cycles of constant-amplitude cyclic loading with no apparent signs of damage, on condition that the initial extreme tensile stress in HRBF500 steel bars was controlled less than 150 MPa. It was also found that, the initial extreme tension steel stress, stress range, and steel ratio were the main factors that affected the fatigue properties of RC beams with HRBF500 bars, whose effects on fatigue properties were fully discussed in this paper, while the cross-sectional shape had no significant influence in fatigue properties. The results provide important guidance for the fatigue design of concrete beams reinforced with HRBF500 steel bars.

Investigating the load-displacement restorative force model for steel slag self-stressing concrete-filled circular steel tubular columns

  • Feng Yu;Bo Xu;Chi Yao;Alei Dong;Yuan Fang
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제49권6호
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    • pp.615-631
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    • 2023
  • To investigate the seismic behavior of steel slag self-stressing concrete-filled circular steel tubular (SSSCFCST) columns, 14 specimens were designed, namely, 10 SSSCFCST columns and four ordinary steel slag (SS) concrete (SSC)-filled circular steel tubular (SSCFCST) columns. Comparative tests were conducted under low reversed cyclic loading considering various parameters, such as the axial compression ratio, diameter-thickness ratio, shear-span ratio, and expansion ratio of SSC. The failure process of the specimens was observed, and hysteretic and skeleton curves were obtained. Next, the influence of these parameters on the hysteretic behavior of the SSSCFCST columns was analyzed. The self stress of SS considerably increased the bearing capacity and ductility of the specimens. Results indicated that specimens with a shear-span ratio of 1.83 exhibited compression bending failure, whereas those with shear-span ratios of 0.91 or 1.37 exhibited drum-shaped cracking failure. However, shear-bond failure occurred in the nonloading direction. The stiffness of the falling section of the specimens decreased with increasing shear-span ratio. The hysteretic curves exhibited a weak pinch phenomenon, and their shapes evolved from a full shuttle shape to a bow shape during loading. The skeleton curves of the specimens were nearly complete, progressing through elastic, elastoplastic, and plastic stages. Based on the experimental study and considering the effects of the SSC expansion rate, shear-span ratio, diameter-thickness ratio, and axial compression ratio on the seismic behavior, a peak displacement coefficient of 0.91 was introduced through regression analysis. A simplified method for calculating load-displacement skeleton curves was proposed and loading and unloading rules for SSSCFCST columns were provided. The load-displacement restorative force model of the specimens was established. These findings can serve as a guide for further research and practical application of SSSCFCST columns.

570MPa급 고강도강을 적용한 콘크리트 채움 U형 하이브리드 합성보의 휨거동 및 설계 (Flexural Behavior and Design of Concrete-filled U-shape Hybrid Composite Beams Fabricated from 570MPa High-strength Steel)

  • 이철호;소현준;박창희;이창남;이승환;오하늘
    • 한국강구조학회 논문집
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.109-120
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구에서는 콘크리트 채움 U형 하이브리드 합성보의 실물대 휨 실험을 수행하고 평가하였다. U형 강판의 웨브에는 공칭인장강도 400MPa 일반강종의 강재(SS400) 하부플랜지에는 공칭인장강도 570MPa 고강도 강재(SM570)의 강판을 각각 적용하였다. 연구의 주요 목적은 최대의 휨성능을 발현할 수 있는 하이브리드 단면구성과 설계지침의 개발이었다. 4점 단조가력실험의 수행을 통해 제안된 모든 하이브리드 합성보 실험체들은 의도한대로 소성모멘트 이상의 강도발현과 충분한 연성거동을 나타내었다. 그리고 하이브리드 합성단면의 소성중립축의 위치가 상부 콘크리트 기준으로 합성단면 전체깊이의 15%이내에 존재할 경우 휨강도 산정 시 소성응력분포법의 적용이 가능할 것으로 판단되었다. 또한 실험결과를 기반으로 하이브리드 합성보에 적합한 강성산정과정을 제안하였다.

신형상 U형 하이브리드 합성보의 휨성능에 대한 연구 (Study on the Flexible Strength of U-shape Hybrid Composite Beam)

  • 김성배;김상섭;이원록;김정연;이승배;유덕수;김대회
    • 한국강구조학회 논문집
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    • 제24권5호
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    • pp.521-534
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구에서는 합성보의 특징을 활용하고, 일부 고강도강 적용이 가능한 단면을 개발하여 이에 대한 기초연구를 실시하였다. 본 논문은 그 첫 번째로 단위부재인 합성보의 휨성능을 실험을 통해 평가하였다. 실험결과를 통해 기존 합성보의 공칭강도 산정식 적용여부를 검토하였고, 각 구성부재를 주요변수로 하여 실험하였다. 실험결과 신형상 U형 합성보의 내력평가는 콘크리트 압축강도와 강재의 인장강도에 의한 우력모멘트로 소요모멘트에 저항하는 것으로 평가하는 것이 적합하며, 보 춤 및 강판 두께에 비례하여 내력이 안정적으로 증가하였으며, 연성거동을 하는 것으로 나타났다.

Effects of openings geometry and relative area on seismic performance of steel shear walls

  • Massumi, Ali;Karimi, Nasibeh;Ahmadi, Mostafa
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제28권5호
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    • pp.617-628
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    • 2018
  • Steel shear wall possesses priority over many of the current lateral load-bearing systems due to reasons like higher elastic stiffness, desirable ductility and energy absorption, convenience in construction and implementation technology, and economic criteria. Besides these advantages, this system causes increase in the dimensions of other structural elements due to its high stiffness as one of its intrinsic characteristics. One of the methods for stiffness reduction is perforating the wall panel and creating openings in the wall that can also be used as windows or ducts in buildings service period. The aim of the present study is probing the appropriate geometric shape and location of opening to fulfil economic criterion plus technical and seismic design criteria. In the present research, a number of possible while reasonable opening shapes and locations are defined in various sizes for some steel shear wall specimens. The specimens are modelled in ABAQUS finite elements software and analyzed using nonlinear pushover analysis. Finally, the analyses' results are reported as force-displacement diagrams and the strength, the initial stiffness and the energy absorption are calculated for all specimens and compared together. The obtained results show that both shape and location of the openings affect the seismic parameters of the shear wall. The specimens in which the openings are further from the center and closer to the columns possess higher stiffness and strength while the specimens in which the openings are closer to the center show more considerable changes in their seismic parameters in response to increase in opening area.

STS304 스테인리스강 용접부 결함평가에 대한 Pulse-echo법과 TOFD법의 비교연구 (A Comparative Study of Pulse-echo Method and TOFD Method for the Defect in the Welding Joint of the STS304 Stainless Steel)

  • 길두송;최원두
    • 동력기계공학회지
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    • 제6권4호
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    • pp.68-72
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    • 2002
  • For the evaluation of a flaw in a welded stainless steel by the Time of Flight Diffraction(TOFD) Method, we have made the reference specimen for experimentation. As a result, we could analyze a specific character and the inner state of the structure in a welded stainless steel and we came to the conclusion as followed. (1) For analyze the structure state of a section in a welded stainless steel through the optical microscope, we could have analyzed the generated shape and the location of a flaw and the inner parts of the structure state through the microscope of eighty magnification and two hundred magnification about the soundness, the heat affected zone(HAZ) and the welded part. (2) Through the comparison with the shape and the size of a flaw in the welded part about the conventional ultrasonic test and the TOFD Method, we could make an observation the special character of the TOFD Method and principles. (3) We analyzed and collected the merit of the TOFD Method on the basis of the experimental result by the shape and the size of a flaw in the inner welded parts. So, we made up a base that we could use as a basic data for a similar flaw like that. Through the study as mentioned above, we could make an observation the flaw detective method and principles used in the TOFD Method.

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U-플랜지 트러스 보의 구조 내력에 관한 실험 연구 (Experimental Study on the Structural Capacity of the U-Flanged Truss Steel Beam)

  • 오명호;김영호;강재윤;김명한
    • 한국공간구조학회논문집
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2018
  • U-flanged truss beam is composed of u-shaped upper steel flange, lower steel plate of 8mm or more thickness, and connecting lattice bars. Upper flange and lower plate are connected by the diagonal lattice bars welded on the upper and lower sides. In this study the structural experiments on the U-flanged truss beams with various shapes of upper flange were performed, and the flexural and shear capacities of U-flanged truss beam in the construction stage were evaluated. The principal test parameters were the shape of upper flange and the alignment space of diagonal lattice bars. In all the test specimens, the peak loads were determined by the buckling of lattice bar regardless of the upper flange shape. The test results have shown that the buckling of lattice bar is very important design factor and there is no need to reinforce the basic u-shaped upper flange. However, the early lattice buckling occurred in the truss beam with upper steel bars because of the insufficient strength and stiffness of upper chord, and the reinforcement in the upper chord is necessary. The formulae of Eurocode 3 (2005) have presented more exact evaluations of lattice buckling load than those of KBC 2016.

Evaluating flexural strength of concrete with steel fibre by using machine learning techniques

  • Sharma, Nitisha;Thakur, Mohindra S.;Upadhya, Ankita;Sihag, Parveen
    • Composite Materials and Engineering
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.201-220
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    • 2021
  • In this study, potential of three machine learning techniques i.e., M5P, Support vector machines and Gaussian processes were evaluated to find the best algorithm for the prediction of flexural strength of concrete mix with steel fibre. The study comprises the comparison of results obtained from above-said techniques for given dataset. The dataset consists of 124 observations from past research studies and this dataset is randomly divided into two subsets namely training and testing datasets with (70-30)% proportion by weight. Cement, fine aggregates, coarse aggregates, water, super plasticizer/ high-range water reducer, steel fibre, fibre length and curing days were taken as input parameters whereas flexural strength of the concrete mix was taken as the output parameter. Performance of the techniques was checked by statistic evaluation parameters. Results show that the Gaussian process technique works better than other techniques with its minimum error bandwidth. Statistical analysis shows that the Gaussian process predicts better results with higher coefficient of correlation value (0.9138) and minimum mean absolute error (1.2954) and Root mean square error value (1.9672). Sensitivity analysis proves that steel fibre is the significant parameter among other parameters to predict the flexural strength of concrete mix. According to the shape of the fibre, the mixed type performs better for this data than the hooked shape of the steel fibre, which has a higher CC of 0.9649, which shows that the shape of fibers do effect the flexural strength of the concrete. However, the intricacy of the mixed fibres needs further investigations. For future mixes, the most favorable range for the increase in flexural strength of concrete mix found to be (1-3)%.

점진적 판재 성형 공정에서 스텐리스 극박판의 두께에 따른 성형성 및 주름 발생 특성 분석 (Analysis of Formability and Wrinkle Formation according to the Thickness of Ultra-thin Stainless Steel in the Incremental Sheet forming Process)

  • 이준호;이건일;정문성;정규석;이창환
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제28권6호
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    • pp.328-335
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    • 2019
  • Demand for ultra-thin materials is increasing due to their light-weight and versatile properties. In this work, the formability of the ultra-thin stainless steel sheets of various thicknesses in the incremental sheet forming (ISF) process is investigated. The effects of the thickness on formability were evaluated with forming experiments of the truncated cone shape with 10° intervals. As the thickness of the material decreased, the maximum forming angle decreased and wrinkles also occurred quickly. The maximum forming angles in the truncated cone shape without the wrinkles for the thickness of 0.05 mm, 0.08 mm, and 0.1mm were 30°, 40°, and 50°, respectively. Wrinkles occurred in a twisted shape along the moving direction of the tool. As the material thickness increased, the size of the wrinkles increased.