• Title/Summary/Keyword: set prescription

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A Study on the Optimal Mahalanobis Distance for Speech Recognition

  • Lee, Chang-Young
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.177-186
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    • 2006
  • In an effort to enhance the quality of feature vector classification and thereby reduce the recognition error rate of the speaker-independent speech recognition, we employ the Mahalanobis distance in the calculation of the similarity measure between feature vectors. It is assumed that the metric matrix of the Mahalanobis distance be diagonal for the sake of cost reduction in memory and time of calculation. We propose that the diagonal elements be given in terms of the variations of the feature vector components. Geometrically, this prescription tends to redistribute the set of data in the shape of a hypersphere in the feature vector space. The idea is applied to the speech recognition by hidden Markov model with fuzzy vector quantization. The result shows that the recognition is improved by an appropriate choice of the relevant adjustable parameter. The Viterbi score difference of the two winners in the recognition test shows that the general behavior is in accord with that of the recognition error rate.

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A study on Liu Wan-Su's theory about 'Zhong Feng(中風)' (유완소(劉完素)의 중풍론(中風論)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察))

  • Kim, Min-Seok;Jung, Seung-Hyun;Shin, Gil-Cho;Lee, Won-Chul
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.270-278
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    • 1997
  • In this study, the purpose was to consider the conception, the causes, the pathology, the treatment and the prescription of 'Zhong Feng(中風)' through Liu Wan-Su's works. The results are obtained as fallows. First, Liu Wan-Su regarded Zhong Feng(中風) as 'Feng Re(風熱)'. He thought the causes and the pathology of Zhong Feng(中風) that pathologically fever was due to excess of feelings and 'Heart-fire(心火)', was due to intemperate living, so he thought the leading causes of Zhong Feng(中風) were Feng Re(風熱) and Heart-fire(心火) and emphasized the internal causes of Zhong Feng(中風). But he excluded absolutely external causes. He also insisted that Feng Re(風熱) was cause in a fat and a thin person. Second, according to symptom of the limbs and 'Jiu Qiao(九竅)', he classified Zhong Feng(中風) into 'Zhong Fu(中腑)' and 'Zhong Zang(中臟)'. And in the treatment of Zhong Feng(中風), the three principle was set up that 'Sweating .method(發表法)' in the case of Zhong Fu(中腑), 'Passing method(通滯法)' in Zhong Zang(中臟) and 'Nutrient method(養筋法)', in case that both symptom would not revealed. And in the prescription of Zhong Feng(中風), he presented 'Xumingtang(續命湯)', 'Sanhuatang(三化湯)' and 'Daqinfantang(大秦?湯)' to them each.

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A Comparison between Three Dimensional Radiation Therapy and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy on Prostate Cancer (전립샘암의 방사선 치료 시 입체조형치료법와 세기조절방사선 치료법의 비교)

  • Kim, YoungJae;Lee, JaeSub;Hong, Seongill;Ko, HyeJin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.409-414
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we evaluated to the superiority of treatment techniques on prostate cancer, apply to each other treatment techniques-3D conformal therapy versus IMRT-using dose distribution and dose coverages. Obtained 10 patients CT simulation, divided tumor volume and critical organs. Prescription dose was 80 Gy on tumor volume and Each of plans was set by two different plans. As a result, Dose coverage was superior to IMRT. The IMRT's tumor absorbed dose(100.2%) was close to prescription doses. Normal tissue(bladder, rectal, bowel Lt Rt fumoral head) absorbed dose rate was superior. In other words, the radiation therapy of prostate cancer with intensity modulated radiation therapy was better than conformal radiation therapy on dose.

Survey Results to Understand the Current Status of Pest Management in Farms (농가의 병해충 관리 현황 이해를 위한 설문조사 결과)

  • Kwon, D.H.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2021
  • To investigate the current pest management status in Korea, a survey was conducted from 151 students and graduates in the Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries (KNCAF) by on-line. The questionnaire consists of two divisions, basic questions and pest control questions. The basic questions were including the respondent's age, academic status, cultivating crops and cultivating area. The pest control questions were including pest control methods, pesticide selection rationale, and pest forecasting methods. As a summary of basic questions, the respondents in their 20s accounted for 91.2%. Moreover, 34.5% of the respondents had over 3 hectares of cultivating area. The cultivating methods were differed by cultivating crops. As a summary of pest control questions, major control methods were using the conventional chemicals (>66%). To understand the pesticide selection rationale, farmers/respondents made their own decisions based on existing control techniques (30%) or depended on the decisions of pesticide vendors (29%). As for the pest forecasting method, it was mainly conducted by the Rural Development Administration affiliated organization (29%) and the National Crop Pest Management System (27%). Regarding the reliability of the pest diagnosis and pesticide prescription of pesticide vendors, 97% of the respondents marked above average. However, there was no choice on strong reliability. Interestingly, 79% of the respondents agreed to train experts for pest diagnosis and pesticide prescription with high necessity and, in particular, 47% of respondents were very strongly supported. These results suggest that the farmers might be need more qualified experts in pest diagnosis and pesticide prescriptions. Taken together, these survey results would provide important information to understand the current status of pest management by farmers' point of view and useful to set the direction of pest control.

Suggestions on Time-saving Processes of Receiving Medicines at the Outpatient Pharmacy in a University Hospital (일개 대학병원의 투약대기시간 단축방안)

  • Yu, Mi Seon;Park, Hye Soon;Park, Hyoun Jung;Kim, Ji Hwa;Kim, Hee Jeoung;Kim, Sun Young
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.28-40
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    • 1998
  • Background : Many patients have been frequently complaining that they have to spend couples of hours in hospital on visiting outpatient clinic. Among several steps, two major time consuming steps were waiting to see a doctor and/or waiting at pharmacy to get medicine. Therefore not only to provide the proper guidance for medication or counseling on health affairs but also to make waiting time short is very important for the better hospital services. The aim of this study is to validate several time-saving processes to reduce waiting time at outpatient pharmacy and its efficacy. Methods : We surveyed the time interval actually taken to receive medicine after issuing prescription by doctors, and analyzed the data on the bases of relevant or possible causative factors. Then following processes were given to reduce waiting time and resurveyed and compared both data to validate efficacy of those processes : 1. No work-off on Monday and Tuesday 2. Work hour shift to start 30 minutes earlier 3. Changeable work shift between outpatient pharmacy and ward pharmacy according to work load 4. Use of pre-made medicines prescribed more frequently by certain doctors at certain time 5. Cooperation with doctors to use set prescriptions. Results : Before the process, mean waiting time at pharmacy was 29.2 minutes and most time consuming period was from noon to 1 PM, 3 to 4 PM, 1 to 2 PM in order of frequency. Only 37.7 % of patients could get the medicine within 20 minutes. Three times of surveys after process showed mean waiting time at pharmacy were 18.1 minutes, 19.0 minutes, and 17.6 minutes, respectively. And 72.7 %, 81.3%, and 82.2% of patients could get the medicine within 20 minutes. Conclusion : The mean waiting time was markedly reduced with above mentioned processes which applied intradepartmently event hough with little cooperation from other department. Consequently, the complaints of patients were decreased with increasing the satisfaction degree. In conclusion, those suggestions were recommanded to improve the degree of satisfaction of patients.

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The comparison and consideration of indications of herbal medicine through analysis about insured herbal extracts and clinical prescriptions - Focusing on Bojungikgi-tang - (보험처방과 실제 임상처방의 분석을 통한 한약제제 적응증 비교 고찰 - 보중익기탕을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Jae-Min;Shin, Byung-Chul;Heo, Gwang-Ho;Lee, Byung-Wook
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : The discussion of enlargement of Korean Medical insurance has been existed since 1987. But it had less effects. For better discussion, we compared insured herbal extracts and clinical prescriptions. Methods : The database of insured herbal extracts and clinical prescriptions bas set up to compare the ratios of herbal weight and analyze indications of insured herbal extracts and diagnosis and chief complain of clinical prescriptions. Results & Conclusions : The most frequent insured herbal extract is Bojungiki-tang. Analysis about indications of insured herbal extracts and diagnosis and chief complain of clinical prescriptions is that Bojungiki-tang is used frequently for gastrointestinal diseases, pulmonary diseases, and not for diseases. Bojungikgi-tang is also used for muscloskeletal dieases, hemorrhage, and ischemia.

Traditional Agricultural Landscape as ail Important Model of Ecological Restoration in Japan

  • Toshihiko, Nakamura
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2002
  • The traditional Japanese agricultural landscape, In which a set of varied land-use patches functions as a sustainable ecosystem landscape unit, not only provides the local people tilth a stable food supply, but also offers a variety of habitats to many species of wildlife. Therefore, remaining natural habitats including those in the traditional agricultural landscape should be maintained whenever possible. In addition, restoration work should be implemented in areas where the natural habitat has been destroyed or severely degraded by human activities. This basic approach to the natural environment is a combination of maintenance and restoration. Types of maintenance and restoration can be classified into three categories according to the countermeasures employed: preservation, conservation and protection types of maintenance, and improvement, reconstruction and creation types of restoration. Four steps are proposed for ecological restoration and maintenance of a target area: exploration, diagnosis, prescription and care. In this process, a model for approaching the goal is important. One of the most important models should center on the traditional agricultural landscape involving a sustainable farming ecosystem. It is necessary to protect traditional landscapes and ecosystems from the degrading impact of urbanization and industrialization, as well as to enhance efforts at restoration.

A Study on Doping Test of Bojungchisheup-tang (보중치습탕(補中治濕湯)의 도핑검사 대상약물(對象藥物)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Sung-Yong;Geum, Dong-Ho;Lee, Myeong-Jong
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.289-319
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    • 1997
  • Non-medical use of drugs to enhance performance at Olympic Games by athletes has been prohibited by the International Olympic Committee(IOC) since 1968 on medical and ethical grounds. IOC wants to protect athlete from harmful side effect of drugs due to misuse of it. It also, ethically, wants to have Games run on fair base, not fortified by performance enhancing drugs, The banned substances include stimulants, narcotic analgesics, anabolic sterolds, ${\beta}-blockers$ and diuretics. In order to prevent the positive reaction in the doping test induced by herb medicine, this study was done on about Bojungchisheup-tang. The laboratory set up doping analyses methods to cover as many drugs as possible without sacrificing sensitivity and specificity within one procedure. Its screening method consisted of four different procedures. The results were negative. According to the above results, Bojungchisheup-tang taken by athletes would show the negative reaction in the doping test. So its prescription for athletes can be given without worries of the doping test.

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  • Bhatta, Dambaru D.;Debnath, Lokenath
    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.13 no.1_2
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2003
  • Here we present a study of small-amplitude, shallow water waves on sloping beds. The beds considered in this analysis are linear and quadratic in nature. First we start with stating the relevant governing equations and boundary conditions for the theory of water waves. Once the complete prescription of the water-wave problem is available based on some assumptions (like inviscid, irrotational flow), we normalize it by introducing a suitable set of non-dimensional variables and then we scale the variables with respect to the amplitude parameter. This helps us to characterize the various types of approximation. In the process, a summary of equations that represent different approximations of the water-wave problem is stated. All the relevant equations are presented in rectangular Cartesian coordinates. Then we derive the equations and boundary conditions for small-amplitude and shallow water waves. Two specific types of bed are considered for our calculations. One is a bed with constant slope and the other bed has a quadratic form of surface. These are solved by using separation of variables method.

Study on the Medical Records/Clinical Case Reports of "Kenjuroku" (건수록(建殊錄)에 수록된 길익동동(吉益東洞)의 의안에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Jai-Eun;Choi, Dall-Yeong
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.269-277
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    • 2009
  • "Kenjurok" is a set of medical records of Todo Yoshimasu, a Japanese docotr in the eighteenth century, who suggested that all diseases have originated from a poison, which is his own pathological term describing abnormal states of the body, The 54 records in "Kenjurok" were analyzed in statistical respects, including gender ratio, demographic distribution of patients, types of diseases, and herbal prescriptions used. Among 54 cases, male patients outnumbered female, as much as four times. The patients were quite evenly distributed according to ages. In 23 cases out of 54, abdomen palpation data were mentioned, Majority of the prescriptions used were originated from Sanghanron(傷寒論:Treaties on Febrile Diseases)/Geumgeyoryak(金匱要略: Synopsis of Golden Chamber). In frequency of use of prescriptions, however, showed somewhat different result, that is although Sanghan/Geumge prescriptions were used most often, esoteric prescriptions handed down in his family also composed significant part. The speculations derived from these statistical results are: Although Todo favored abdommen palpation to locate the poison and to decide a prescription, the proportion of abdomen palpation was not as high as expectation, He did use prescriptions not only in Sanghan/Geumge, but also other diverse prescriptions, rather often than not, which are regarded unique Japanese traditional prescriptions including poisonous minerals such as mercury and arsenic.