• Title/Summary/Keyword: self-support outcome

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Restoration of Sagittal Balance in Spinal Deformity Surgery

  • Makhni, Melvin C.;Shillingford, Jamal N.;Laratta, Joseph L.;Hyun, Seung-Jae;Kim, Yongjung J.
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.61 no.2
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    • pp.167-179
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    • 2018
  • The prevalence of patients with adult spinal deformity (ASD) has been reported as high as 68%. ASD often leads to significant pain and disability. Recent emphasis has been placed on sagittal plane balance and restoring normal sagittal alignment with regards to the three dimensional deformity of ASD. Optimal sagittal alignment has been known to increase spinal biomechanical efficiency, reduce energy expenditure by maintaining a stable posture with improved load absorption, influence better bony union, and help to decelerate adjacent segment deterioration. Increasingly positive sagittal imbalance has been shown to correlate with poor functional outcome and poor self-image along with poor psychological function. Compensatory mechanisms attempt to maintain sagittal balance through pelvic rotation, alterations in lumbar lordosis as well as knee and ankle flexion at the cost of increased energy expenditure. Restoring normal spinopelvic alignment is paramount to the treatment of complex spinal deformity with sagittal imbalance. Posterior osteotomies including posterior column osteotomies, pedicle subtraction osteotomies, and posterior vertebral column resection, as well anterior column support are well known to improve sagittal alignment. Understanding of whole spinal alignment and dynamics of spinopelvic alignment is essential to restore sagittal balance while minimizing the risk of developing sagittal decompensation after surgical intervention.

A Clinical Study of Ventilator Weaning Following Open Heart Surgery (개심술후의 Ventilator Weaning 에 관한 임상적 고찰)

  • Kim, Kyou-Tae;Han, Sung-Sae;Lee, Chong-Tae
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 1981
  • Cardiac surgery is generally followed by a period of routine ventilator support. When the patient seems hemodynamically stable and relatively alert following surgery, respiratory adequacy is tested by the weaning trial. In this study, physiological and clinical prediction of postoperative respiratory adequacy, including values of pulmonary function tests, were examined in an attempt to identity those few variables which predicted the outcome of the ventilator weaning trial following surgery. Our series comprised 27 patients who underwent elective open intracardiac operations at the Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, from October 1979 to July, 1980. The pulmonary function tests performed on all patients included the following; forced vital capacity [FVC], forced expiratory volume [FEV1.0], forced expiratory flow [FEF 25--75~], residual volume [RV], and functional residual capacity [FRC], measured with a helium dilution technique. Of our 27 patients, 8 were successfully weaned within 20 hours of operation. All patients with cyanotic heart diseases or acquired heart diseases were unsuccessfully weaned. The bypass time in the successful weaning group was shorter in the mean value [82.8 minutes]than in the unsuccessful weaning group [120.5 minutes]. There was a relatively significant difference in the mean values for the two groups in arterial pressure, bleeding amounts and FiO2 among the postoperative monitoring variables, and in forced vital capacity [FVC]. The postoperative clinical assessments appeared vague but corresponded reasonably well to appraisal of success in weaning, especially in variables of cough and self-respiration efforts.

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Development of Nutrition Education Program for Vietnamese Female Marriage Immigrants in Korea Based on the Health Belief Model (건강신념 모델에 근거한 베트남 결혼이민여성 영양교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Joe, Mee-Young;Hwang, Ji-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.64-77
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to develop a nutritional education program based on the health belief model to improve nutritional status among Vietnamese female marriage immigrants in Korea. The education program was developed through literature review, focus group interviews, expert consultation, and pilot tests. Based on theoretical requirements and needs of beneficiaries, the education program was consisted of 16 sessions with nine topics: 'how to evaluate own dietary habits and nutritional status', 'health problems according to dietary habits and nutritional status', 'understanding six food groups', 'healthy eating plan', 'understanding food cultures of Korea and Vietnam', 'traditional and seasonal Korean foods', 'how to cook Korean food', 'nutrition management of family members', and 'practicing of healthy dietary life'. Program contents in each session consisted of activities that could induce outcome and value expectations, self-efficacy, perceived benefits, and barriers and cues to actions regarding dietary behavior. This nutritional education program based on the health belief model would be helpful to implement healthy diet behaviors in Vietnamese marriage immigrants and their families. Extension of these nutritional education programs to health centers and multicultural family support centers would improve the current poor nutrition status of Vietnamese marriage immigrant women. Further studies are needed to validate our program.

The Effects of an Advanced Cardiac Life Support Training via Smartphone's Simulation Application on Nurses' Knowledge and Learning Satisfaction (스마트폰 어플리케이션을 활용한 전문심폐소생술 시뮬레이션 재학습이 간호사의 지식 및 교육 만족도에 미치는 효과)

  • Pyo, Mi Youn;Kim, Jung Yeon;Sohn, Joo Ohn;Lee, Eun Sook;Kim, Hyang Sook;Kim, Kye Ok;Park, Hye Jung;Kim, Min Ju;An, Gi Hyun;Yang, Jung Ran;Yu, Jun Hee;Kim, Yung A;Kim, Hyo Jin;Choi, Mo Na
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.228-238
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine how an Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) simulation application via smartphone effects nurses' ACLS knowledge and learning satisfaction. Methods: The participants were selected from nurses in medical Intensive Care Unit (ICU), surgical ICU and emergency room. The experimental group consists of fifty nurses who were self-learned with ACLS simulation application via smartphone and the control group of seventy-one nurses who used traditional learning materials. Outcome variables included nurses' knowledge and learning satisfaction which were collected before and after the intervention. Results: The scores of ACLS knowledge were higher in the control group compared to the experimental group (p=.001) while learning satisfaction showed no statistical difference (p=.444). In learning satisfaction, the experimental group showed higher interest than the control group (p=.019) while the control group rated higher on the item, 'the contents of education was reliable' (p=.007). Conclusion: ACLS knowledge score was graded higher in control group that used traditional learning method than the experimental group that used the smartphone application. This study showed that training with the new material significantly increased nurses' interest in ACLS education. Hence, more applications for smartphones should be developed to provide self-learning environment for nurses and improve care quality.

The Effect of a Telephone follow-up on the Self-care and the Satisfaction on Nursing Care in G-I Surgical Patients (전화추후관리가 위,장관계 수술환자의 자기간호수행 및 환자만족도에 미치는 효과)

  • Na, In-Jae;Lee, Byung-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.355-368
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    • 1999
  • This study was a quasi-experimental study to investigate the effect of a telephone follow-up on the self-care and the satisfaction on nursing care in G-I surgical patients. The subjects of the study were 38 patients, 19 in experimental group and 19 in control group, who discharged after gastrointestinal surgery at a university hospital in Taegu between August 11. 1998 and October 16, 1998. The telephone follow-up program for the experiment was developed by the researcher, which contained consultation, support and encouragement for self-care after discharge. Number of the instruments used for measurement of the outcome variables were 5, self-care after discharge, satisfaction(1)${\sim}$(2) on Nursing care. intention to visit the hospital again. intention to recommend the hospital to others. The results of this study were as follows ; 1. The first hypothesis, "The subjects of experimental group will show a higher level of self-care than the subjects of control group" was rejected (F=.48. p=.4937). 2. The Second hypothesis. "The subjects of experimental group will show a higher level of satisfaction than the subjects of control group" was accepted partly as follows. 1) The hypothesis 2-1, "The subjects of experimental group will show a higher level of satisfaction(1) than the subjects of control group" was accepted(F=4.04. p=.0496). 2) The hypothesis 2-2. "The subjects of experimental group will show a higher level of satisfaction(2) than the subjects of control group" was accepted(F=8.48. p=.0064). 3) The hypothesis 2-3, "The subjects of experimental group will show a higher level of intention to visit hospital again than the subjects of control group" was rejected(F=1.95. p=.1723). 4) The hypothesis 2-4. "The subjects of experimental group will show a higher level of intention to recommend the hospital to others than the subjects of control group" was rejected(F=1.43. p=.2411) . From the results of this study, the telephone follow-up can be regarded as an effective nursing intervention for the discharged patients.

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Factors related to Continuous Participation in the Pap Smear Screening among Korean Women: using a Structural Model (한국여성의 Pap 도말검사 지속적 참여행위에 관한 설명모델)

  • 박소미
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.160-170
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to develop an explanatory model to predict factors related to continuous participation in the Pap smear screening among Korean women. A hypothetical model was constructed on the basis of Health Belief Model and extensive review of literature on the Pap smear screening. Exogeneous variables included in this model were knowledge, perceived sensitivity, perceived severity, negative and positive emotional responses and professional support from physicians and nurses. Endogeneous variables were threat to cervical cancer, perceived benefit of the Pap smear screening, perceived barrier, and the final outcome variable was continuous participation in the Pap smear screening. The hypothetical model was tested with an empirical study. The data was collected from 623 married women whose age range was 24 - 83 using a self-reported survey questionnaire which was developed by the researcher. It's Cronbach's alpha score ranged from .6478 to .9118. Data was collected at different locations in Seoul; a university hospital, a local health center, and apartment complexes. Data analysis was done using SPSS 7.5 WIN Program for descriptive statistics and LISREL 8.12a WIN Program for covariance structural analysis. In conclusion, threat, perceived benefit, perceived barrier, positive emotion and professional support had a significant direct effect on continuous participation in the Pap smear screening among Korean women. The results of this study also showed that perceived barrier had the most significant direct effect on continuous participation in the Pap smear screening while negative emotional response had the most significant direct effect on perceived barrier. It can be suggested that decreasing perceived barrier by reducing negative emotional responses may be the most effective strategies for increasing continuous participation in the Pap smear screening among married Korean women.

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Self-Consciousness Information and Selection Effect (자기의식 정보와 관찰 선택 효과)

  • Kim, Myeongseok
    • Korean Journal of Logic
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2017
  • In modern cosmology, it is controversial whether the existence of human consciousness can be used as evidence to support the hypothesis that many parallel universes are actualized. In this paper, we want to explore the nature of self-consciousness information that I am awake now. Consider the following experiment participating Al and Bob. We throw a fair coin on Sunday. If the coin lands heads we wake up just one of Al and Bob on Monday. If the coin lands tails we wake up both of Al and Bob. On Monday, at least one of Al and Bob will wake up, to what degree ought they believe that the outcome of the coin toss is heads? We will argue that the correct answer to this question is 1/3. To this end, we will argue the awakened person's information that "I am awake" is given to himself through a random procedure.

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A Study on the Estimation of the Number of the Household for the Elderly Living Alone and Living with Spouse Only - Cases in Gyeongsangbuk-Do - (고령1인 및 고령부부가구수의 예측에 관한 연구 - 경상북도를 중심으로 -)

  • Bae, Jeong-In
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 2008
  • Research outcome shows the following: 1. Estimation by the year 2015 on the number of the aged people and on the number of the household of living alone and living with spouse only, per age-cohort by 5 years, per basic self-govern-ins local groups and the city of Daegu. The result is supposed to serve as meaningful basic material in building up future policies in many areas for the aged people living in their homes. 2. Estimation varies according to the areas and the age-cohorts. In urban areas, increase of the numbers of the households of the aged people living alone and living with spouse only is estimated in every age-cohort. In rural areas, variance between two age-groups, old-old and young-old, is observed. Both of the numbers of the households for the aged living alone and the aged living with spouse only have increased continuously by the year 2005. But the hither-to increase tendency is estimated to reverse itself to a decrease starting from the younger within the young-old age group, and the ratio of the old-old age-group in rural population will sharply increase starting from the year 2005. Such increase in the number of the aged people in need of the housing and the social support requires the increasing policy consideration for the issue of housing for the aged living in their homes. In spite of the decreasing tendency in the number of the aged people living alone and living with spouse only in rural areas, still there will continue to be more number of such households than in urban area for the time being. The government of Gyeongsangbuk-Do should pay more consideration to the old-old aged living alone and living with spouse only in rural areas, while being prepared for the sharply increasing households for the aged living alone and living with spouse only in urban areas.

A Survey of Urban Middle-Aged Women's Transition (중년여성의 전환상태 실태조사)

  • Park, Young-Sook;Cho, In-Sook
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.486-498
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to identify transition conditions, health behavior and indicators of healthy transitions among middle-aged women based on Schumacher & Meleis(1994) transition model for developing intervention program for their health promotion. A convenience sample of 221 women aged 40-60 was obtained in Jung-Gu, Seoul and they were asked to complete the questionnaires, which consisted of modified health-promoting lifestyle profile(HPLP), knowledge of menopause, physical well-being, emotional well-being, modified women's role integration protocol (WRIP), Beck's Depression Inventory(BDI), and indicators of healthy transition with subcategories such as subjective well-being, role mastery and well-being of interrelationship. The results were as follows: 1. Women had a mean age of 47.53 years. More than half(53.39%) of the women had jobs and 88.69 % had their spouses, Of 221 women, 51.13 % were premenopausal, 19.91% were perimenopausal, and 28.96% were postmenopausal. 2. Women scored lower on health responsibility and exercise than on self actualization, nutrition and interpersonal support among subcategories of health behavior measured the modified HPLP. Only 11.98% of respondents had breast-self examination and 42.66% had pap smear for screening cancer. 3. In transition conditions, women had poor knowledge about menopause and median level of physical well-being, emotional well-being and stress. 15.45% of the women had clinical depression. 4. As for the outcome index of the transition model, the mean of indicators of healthy transition was 3.69(possible range 1-5). 5. The levels of education and economic and the menstrual status were significantly related to physical well-being, depression and stress in the categories of transition conditions. The total score of health behavior correlated negatively with depression. The total score of indicators of healthy transition correlated with physical well-being, emotional well-being, stress, and depression in the categories of transition conditions. In conclusion, these findings suggested a profile of fragile middle-aged women and contributed to developing the community-based intervention program for health promotion.

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Oral health status of Korean adults with implants according to their use of oral hygiene products: results from a nationwide population-based study (2013-2015)

  • Choi, Yong-Keum;Kim, Eun-Jeong
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.268-277
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: Many home care treatments can be used to promote the health and longevity of dental implants; however, few studies are available to support the concept that self-performed oral hygiene behaviors are an essential tool for improving and maintaining oral health. We investigated age-stratified associations between dental health behaviors related to tooth brushing (TB) and oral hygiene product use in Korean adults with implants. Methods: A total of 1,911 subjects over 19 years of age who had 1 or more implants and who participated in the 2013 to 2015 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey were reviewed. Periodontal status was assessed using Community Periodontal Index (CPI) scores, and periodontitis was defined as a CPI greater than or equal to 3. The complex sampling design of the survey was utilized to obtain the variance and individual weight of each analyzed factor. A high CPI was the outcome variable, and the main explanatory variables were oral hygiene behaviors, such as TB, dental floss (DF), interproximal brushing, and mouth rinsing. Results: Almost all individuals with a lower CPI brushed their teeth twice or more per day, in contrast to those with a higher CPI, and were likely to use DF. The adjusted odds ratio of not using DF for a higher CPI was 1.83 (95% confidence interval, 1.35-2.49). Conclusions: TB was implemented more than twice a day by patients with good oral health, and the combination of TB and DF significantly reduced the prevalence of a higher CPI. Self-performed oral hygiene practices combining TB and DF were significantly related to a low prevalence of periodontitis in implant patients.