• Title/Summary/Keyword: self-support outcome

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A Study on the Social Adaptation of Spinal Cord Injured Patients (척수 손상자의 사회 적응에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Soon;Song, In-Young
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.405-419
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    • 1997
  • This research has been conducted to provide the spinal cord injured patients with comprehensive necessity of and backup data for their rehabilitation in the community and make the aware of importance of overall community support to patients. The data was collected through questionnaire made to 83 patients charged to general hospital in Jeonbuk Province between 1 and 31 March 1997 to analyse the patients ability on activities of daily living through the research on general characteristics and Modified Barthel Index(MBI). As a result the outcome of the research was as follows : 1. Sexual distribution represented that 57 male (68.7%) and 26 female(31.3%) and in the age distribution majority group was 36 thirties (43.4 %) most active in social activities. 2. Analysis on occupation of patients showed majority group was in technicians, 21 people representing 25.4 % and the major cause of injury was traffic accident, 45people representing 54.2%, fall down, 17 people representing 20.5% and industrial accident, 13 people representing 15.7%, respectively. 3. In the multiple choice questionnaire on complications, the rate of appealing pain was highest and spasticity, pressure sore, contracture, depression which restrict the patients from activities of daily living ability were also appeared. 4. The theoretical points in MBI Should lie between 1 and 115 and the average point be 58 but the average point of the MBI among 83 patients was 63. 5. The MBI point by the level of injured represented statistically critical difference(P<0.001) and the MBI points tested by Duncan's Multiple Area Testing in lumbar(80.1) and in thoracic (65.8) represented critically higher than the one in cervical(42.5). 6. In the distribution of the method of Urination after spine injury, the intermittent catheterization represented highest numbar of 34(41.1 %). Testing by Duncan's Multiple Area Testing, as we found the critical difference in the analysis on MBI points(P<0.001), the point in independent self voiding patients ($90.87{\pm}29.34$) was higher than the one in other self voiding patients(P<0.05). 7. In th category of social activities after spine injury, the number of people classified in others, 41 people representing 49.5% was highest and in the MBI points of the spinal cord injured people in religious activity, hobby activity, private club, occupation was critically higher than the people classified in miscellancous(P<0.01) who are the spinal cord injured people and mostly depend on their family's assistance at home in their daily activities.

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The correlation analysis between fatigue and health promoting life style among a rural college students (일 지역 대학생의 피로와 건강증진 생활양식과의 관계분석)

  • Jang Hee-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.477-492
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    • 1999
  • The disease patterns among the Korean was shifted from acute and infectious diseases to chronic diseases. According to the these disease patterns trends, people have concerned about the health promotion and health behaviors. Pender's(1996) revised health promotion model(HPM) is consist of three categories; Individual characteristics and experiences, Behavior-specific cognitions and affect, behavioral outcome. Of these categories, individual characteristics and experiences, this category of variables is considered to be of biological, psychological and socio-cultural personal factors, especially, individual fatigue. Futhermore. these variables constitute a critical core for nursing intervention, as they are subject to modification through nursing actions. But there is no few the research of the relationship between the fatigue and health promotion. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation between the fatigue and health promoting life style among a rural college students. Additionally, this descriptive correlational study identified the relation of demographic factors and fatigue, health promoting life style. From June 20 to 26, 1998, a convenience sample of 270 college students completed the questionnaire of the fatigue and health promoting life style profile which were developed by the Yoshitake(1978) and Walker, et al.(1987), respectively. The descriptive correlational statistics, mean, t-test, ANONA, Pearson correlation coefficient were used to analyze the data gathered with SAS pc+ program. The results were as it follows: 1. The average fatigue score of the subjects was $64.93{\pm}12.89$. Fatigue scores by subcategory were physical symptoms($23.5{\pm}4.87$). psychological symptoms($22.11{\pm}4.66$) and neuro-sensory symptoms($19.32{\pm}5.14$). With the respect to the demographic characteristics of the subjects, there were statistically significant differences between the demographic factors and fatigue, especially, sex(t==3.69 p<0.01), major(t=-2.89 p<0.01). the experience of family illness(t=2.76 p<0.01). 2. The average health promoting life style item score of the subjects was $2.33{\pm}0.33$. In the subcategories, the highest degree of performance was self-actualization(2.94), following interpersonal support(2.81). stress management(2.33), exercise(2.20), nutrition(2.10), and the lowest degree was health responsibility(1.73). There were the significant differences on the learning of health education(t=2.00 p<0.01). religion(F=3.01, p<0.05), circle activity(t=2.07, p<0.05), nutrition control(t=5.25, p<0.01) of demographical factors with the health promoting life style. 3. The correlation between the fatigue and health promoting life style made statistically no significance(r=-0.09731, p>0.05). But there was negative significant relationship between health promoting life style and psychological symptom as a fatigue subcategory(r=-0.15721, p<0.05). The self-actualization showed negative significant correlation with all fatigue subcategory. The health responsibility showed significant relationship with total fatigue(r=0.13050. p<0.05). For further research, it suggests to replicate the correlational and causal study between the fatigue and the health promoting life style using the another fatigue scale which is able to measure the subjective and objective fatigue degree. And it needs to develop the nursing intervention program for maintaining and promoting the health behavior as well as for decreasing the college students's fatigue.

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A Prediction Model of Fear of Falling in Older Adults Living in a Continuing-Care Retirement Community(CCRC) in United States (미국 노인의 낙상에 대한 두려움 예측모형에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Dukyoo
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.243-258
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    • 2009
  • Background: Falls are among the most common and serious health problems of older people. The psychological symptoms of falling have received relatively little attention compared to physical problems. Objective: The purpose of this study is to test a model to explain the factors that influence fear of falling among older adults living in a continuing care retirement community (CCRC) in Baltimore city, United States. Methods: A secondary analysis was conducted using data obtained from a Health Promotion Survey done on 149 older adults living in a CCRC. Data was originally obtained during face to face interviews with each participant. Descriptive statistics and bivariate correlations were used to describe the sample and evaluate simple correlations. A path analysis was done using the AMOS 4.0 statistical program. Results: Of the 49 hypothesized paths, 13 were statistically significant, and the model accounted for 22% of the variance in fear of falling among the elderly. There was support for the fit of the model to the data with a nonsignificant chi square at 0.478 (df=2, p=0.79), and the ratio of chi-square to degrees of freedom was 0.24, a CFI of 0.99 and RMSEA of 0.00. In particular, gender, a history of falling, and exercise were significant predictors of fear of falling. Conclusions/Implications: As anticipated, exercise is an important factor to prevent fear of falling. As a modifiable variable, self-efficacy and outcome expectation indirectly influence fear of falling through exercise.

An Empirical Study in Relationship between Franchisor's Leadership Behavior Style and Commitment by Focusing Moderating Effect of Franchisee's Self-efficacy (가맹본부의 리더십 행동유형과 가맹사업자의 관계결속에 관한 실증적 연구 - 가맹사업자의 자기효능감의 조절효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Hoe-Chang;Lee, Young-Chul
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.49-71
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    • 2010
  • Franchise businesses in South Korea have contributed to economic growth and job creation, and its growth potential remains very high. However, despite such virtues, domestic franchise businesses face many problems such as the instability of franchisor's business structure and weak financial conditions. To solve these problems, the government enacted legislation and strengthened franchise related laws. However, the strengthening of laws regulating franchisors had many side effects that interrupted the development of the franchise business. For example, legal regulations regarding franchisors have had the effect of suppressing the franchisor's leadership activities (e.g. activities such as the ability to advocate the franchisor's policies and strategies to the franchisees, in order to facilitate change and innovation). One of the main goals of the franchise business is to build cooperation between the franchisor and the franchisee for their combined success. However, franchisees can refuse to follow the franchisor's strategies because of the current state of franchise-related law and government policy. The purpose of this study to explore the effects of franchisor's leadership style on franchisee's commitment in a franchise system. We classified leadership styles according to the path-goal theory (House & Mitchell, 1974), and it was hypothesized and tested that the four leadership styles proposed by the path-goal theory (i.e. directive, supportive, participative and achievement-oriented leadership) have different effects on franchisee's commitment. Another purpose of this study to explore the how the level of franchisee's self-efficacy influences both the franchisor's leadership style and franchisee's commitment in a franchise system. Results of the present study are expected to provide important theoretical and practical implications as to the role of franchisor's leadership style, as restricted by government regulations and the franchisee's self-efficacy, which could be needed to improve the quality of the long-term relationship between the franchisor and franchisee. Quoted by Northouse(2007), one problem regarding the investigation of leadership is that there are almost as many different definitions of leadership as there are people who have tried to define it. But despite the multitude of ways in which leadership has been conceptualized, the following components can be identified as central to the phenomenon: (a) leadership is a process, (b) leadership involves influence, (c) leadership occurs in a group context, and (d) leadership involves goal attainment. Based on these components, in this study leadership is defined as a process whereby franchisor's influences a group of franchisee' to achieve a common goal. Focusing on this definition, the path-goal theory is about how leaders motivate subordinates to accomplish designated goals. Drawing heavily from research on what motivates employees, path-goal theory first appeared in the leadership literature in the early 1970s in the works of Evans (1970), House (1971), House and Dessler (1974), and House and Mitchell (1974). The stated goal of this leadership theory is to enhance employee performance and employee satisfaction by focusing on employee motivation. In brief, path-goal theory is designed to explain how leaders can help subordinates along the path to their goals by selecting specific behaviors that are best suited to subordinates' needs and to the situation in which subordinates are working (Northouse, 2007). House & Mitchell(1974) predicted that although many different leadership behaviors could have been selected to be a part of path-goal theory, this approach has so far examined directive, supportive, participative, and achievement-oriented leadership behaviors. And they suggested that leaders may exhibit any or all of these four styles with various subordinates and in different situations. However, due to restrictive government regulations, franchisors are not in a position to change their leadership style to suit their circumstances. In addition, quoted by Northouse(2007), ssubordinate characteristics determine how a leader's behavior is interpreted by subordinates in a given work context. Many researchers have focused on subordinates' needs for affiliation, preferences for structure, desires for control, and self-perceived level of task ability. In this study, we have focused on the self-perceived level of task ability, namely, the franchisee's self-efficacy. According to Bandura (1977), self-efficacy is chiefly defined as the personal attitude of one's ability to accomplish concrete tasks. Therefore, it is not an indicator of one's actual abilities, but an opinion of the extent of how one can use that ability. Thus, the judgment of maintain franchisee's commitment depends on the situation (e.g., government regulation and policy and leadership style of franchisor) and how it affects one's ability to mobilize resources to deal with the task, so even if people possess the same ability, there may be differences in self-efficacy. Figure 1 illustrates the model investigated in this study. In this model, it was hypothesized that leadership styles would affect the franchisee's commitment, and self-efficacy would moderate the relationship between leadership style and franchisee's commitment. Theoretically, quoted by Northouse(2007), the path-goal approach suggests that leaders need to choose a leadership style that best fits the needs of subordinates and the work they are doing. According to House & Mitchell (1974), the theory predicts that a directive style of leadership is best in situations in which subordinates are dogmatic and authoritarian, the task demands are ambiguous, and the organizational rule and procedures are unclear. In these situations, franchisor's directive leadership complements the work by providing guidance and psychological structure for franchisees. For work that is structured, unsatisfying, or frustrating, path-goal theory suggests that leaders should use a supportive style. Franchisor's Supportive leadership offers a sense of human touch for franchisees engaged in mundane, mechanized activity. Franchisor's participative leadership is considered best when a task is ambiguous because participation gives greater clarity to how certain paths lead to certain goals; it helps subordinates learn what actions leads to what outcome. Furthermore, House & Mitchell(1974) predicts that achievement-oriented leadership is most effective in settings in which subordinates are required to perform ambiguous tasks. Marsh and O'Neill (1984) tested the idea that organizational members' anger and decline in performance is caused by deficiencies in their level of effort and found that self-efficacy promotes accomplishment, decreases stress and negative consequences like depression and emotional instability. Based on the extant empirical findings and theoretical reasoning, we posit positive and strong relationships between the franchisor's leadership styles and the franchisee's commitment. Furthermore, the level of franchisee's self-efficacy was thought to maintain their commitment. The questionnaires sent to participants consisted of the following measures; leadership style was assessed using a 20 item 7-point likert scale developed by Indvik (1985), self-efficacy was assessed using a 24 item 6-point likert scale developed by Bandura (1977), and commitment was assessed using a 6 item 5-point likert scale developed by Morgan & Hunt (1994). Questionnaires were distributed to Korean optical franchisees in Seoul. It took about 20 days to complete the data collection. A total number of 140 questionnaires were returned and complete data were available from 137 respondents. Results of multiple regression analyses testing the relationships between the each of the four styles of leadership shown by the franchisor as independent variables and franchisee's commitment as the dependent variable showed that the relationship between supportive leadership style and commitment ($\beta$=.13, p<.001),and the relationship between participative leadership style and commitment ($\beta$=.07, p<.001)were significant. However, when participants divided into high and low self-efficacy groups, results of multiple regression analyses showed that only the relationship between achievement-oriented leadership style and commitment ($\beta$=.14, p<.001) was significant in the high self-efficacy group. In the low self-efficacy group, the relationship between supportive leadership style and commitment ($\beta$=.17, p<.001),and the relationship between participative leadership style and commitment ($\beta$=.10, p<.001) were significant. The study focused on the franchisee's self-efficacy in order to explore the possibility that regulation, originally intended to protect the franchisee, may not be the most effective method to maintain the relationships in a franchise business. The key results of the data analysis regarding the moderating role of self-efficacy between leadership behavior style as proposed by path-goal and commitment theory were as follows. First, this study proposed that franchisor should apply the appropriate type of leadership behavior to strengthen the franchisees commitment because the results demonstrated that supportive and participative leadership styles by the franchisors have a positive influence on the franchisee's level of commitment. Second, it is desirable for franchisor to validate the franchisee's efforts, since the franchisee's characteristics such as self-efficacy had a substantial, positive effect on the franchisee's commitment as well as being a meaningful moderator between leadership and commitment. Third, the results as a whole imply that the government should provide institutional support, namely to put the franchisor in a position to clearly identify the characteristics of their franchisees and provide reasonable means to administer the franchisees to achieve the company's goal.

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Development and Testing of the Model of Health Promotion Behavior in Predicting Exercise Behavior

  • O'Donnell, Michael P.
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.31-61
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    • 2000
  • Introduction. Despite the fact that half of premature deaths are caused by unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking tobacco, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol and drug abuse and poor nutrition, there are no theoretical models which accurately explain these health promotion related behaviors. This study tests a new model of health behavior called the Model of Health Promotion Behavior. This model draws on elements and frameworks suggested by the Health Belief Model, Social Cognitive Theory, the Theory of Planned Action and the Health Promotion Model. This model is intended as a general model of behavior but this first test of the model uses amount of exercise as the outcome behavior. Design. This study utilized a cross sectional mail-out, mail-back survey design to determine the elements within the model that best explained intentions to exercise and those that best explained amount of exercise. A follow-up questionnaire was mailed to all respondents to the first questionnaire about 10 months after the initial survey. A pretest was conducted to refine the questionnaire and a pilot study to test the protocols and assumptions used to calculate the required sample size. Sample. The sample was drawn from 2000 eligible participants at two blue collar (utility company and part of a hospital) and two white collar (bank and pharmaceutical) companies located in Southeastern Michigan. Both white collar site had employee fitness centers and all four sites offered health promotion programs. In the first survey, 982 responses were received (49.1%) after two mailings to non-respondents and one additional mailing to secure answers to missing data, with 845 usable cases for the analyzing current intentions and 918 usable cases for the explaining of amount of current exercise analysis. In the follow-up survey, questionnaires were mailed to the 982 employees who responded to the initial survey. After one follow-up mailing to non-respondents, and one mailing to secure answers to missing data, 697 (71.0%) responses were received, with 627 (63.8%) usable cases to predict intentions and 673 (68.5%) usable cases to predict amount of exercise. Measures. The questionnaire in the initial survey had 15 scales and 134 items; these scales measured each of the variables in the model. Thirteen of the scales were drawn from the literature, all had Cronbach's alpha scores above .74 and all but three had scores above .80. The questionnaire in the second mailing had only 10 items, and measured only outcome variables. Analysis. The analysis included calculation of scale scores, Cronbach's alpha, zero order correlations, and factor analysis, ordinary least square analysis, hierarchical tests of interaction terms and path analysis, and comparisons of results based on a random split of the data and splits based on gender and employer site. The power of the regression analysis was .99 at the .01 significance level for the model as a whole. Results. Self efficacy and Non-Health Benefits emerged as the most powerful predictors of Intentions to exercise, together explaining approximately 19% of the variance in future Intentions. Intentions, and the interaction of Intentions with Barriers, with Support of Friends, and with Self Efficacy were the most consistent predictors of amount of future exercise, together explaining 38% of the variance. With the inclusion of Prior Exercise History the model explained 52% of the variance in amount of exercise 10 months later. There were very few differences in the variables that emerged as important predictors of intentions or exercise in the different employer sites or between males and females. Discussion. This new model is viable in predicting intentions to exercise and amount of exercise, both in absolute terms and when compared to existing models.

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The Qualities of an Effective Teacher Recognized by Secondary Teachers (중등교사가 인식하는 유능한 교사의 자질)

  • Chang, Han-Kee;Chang, Hong-Seok
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.37-62
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    • 2001
  • This study examined the qualities of an effective teacher needed to accomplish educational reform successfully and prepare for a rapidly changing knowledge-based society. To achieve the purpose of the study, the following specific questions were looked into; (1) knowledge, skills, attitude of an effective teacher. (2) a proposal for staff development programs to improve the effectiveness of teachers. (3) a proposal to support teachers' efforts to improve their effectiveness. (4) the factors inhibiting the improvement of teachers' effectiveness. In this study, 'in-depth interview' was used for data collection because the study deals with the "subjective consciousness" of teachers, and qualitative research methods are useful to such a case. The research was done on teachers from secondary schools in Pusan City. According to the teachers interviewed, an effective teacher needed in the new age has such knowledge, skills, and attitude as; (1) knowledge in their major, general culture and common sense, psychology of educational counselling, social science, and knowledge and information related to curriculum. (2) effective instruction skills, skills to guide student behavior, skills related to administrative clerical work, using the computers, extra curriculum activities, educational evaluation, using teaching materials, developing educational programs, and good communication skills. (3) attitude relevant to willingness to understand and converse with students at their cognitive level, positive expectations and concern toward students, democratic problem solving, continuous self-study and development, thoroughgoing mission and professionalism, will for educational reform and innovation, neat appearance and refined language, and successful interpersonal relationships. The teachers also said that the current staff development system, as a program to provide necessary qualities for teachers, has improved in the last 3 years through diverse curriculum and systematic programs. However, due to the problematic promotion system, the staff development program has turned into just a 'point collecting' game from the role of in-service training program; teachers take training courses as the means just collecting points for promotion purpose. Factors inhibiting the improvement of teachers are (1) overload of formal paperwork over emphasizing outcome, (2) mannerism of teachers not perceiving their lack of professionalism, (3) the general attitude in the teaching profession resisting change and reform, (4) supervisory activities lacking rigid regulation, (5) research just as the means of point-collection only for promotion, and (6) staff development programs lacking efficiency. These factors, interacting each other, inhibited the improvement of teachers.

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Long-term Effect of the 5-Day Stop-Smoking School (5일 금연학교의 장기적 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Seon Ae
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.103-115
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    • 1998
  • As the studies that smoking can be a major cause to various diseases have been made, many following researches on the outcome of stop-smoking education were in progress. Even though researches based on the knowledge about smoking and status about the teenagers were prevalent, the research based on the outcomes in long time basis were not in progress. Therefore, I tracked the people who went through 5-Day Stop-Smoking School that has taught through complexed structure of behavioral, intellectual, and psychological education. I made researches on the average of success and the hardest point during their efforts to stop just to show the necessity of going through re-education. The objectives of this study were the ones who have completed the education on the years 1990, 1991. 47 were selected from 364 people that completed the training, and who were able to be contacted on the phone line. This study was conducted from 27 Oct. to 7 Nov. 1997 through verbal interviews based on the questionnaire. The questionnaire used here was made by myself, assisted by my professor. Analysis was made through unstructured open questions. The data was analyzed using SPSS program. The major results were as follows ; 1) General characteristics of the objectives are $97.0\%$ were male, $17\%$ ages below 40s, $34\%$ in the age group of 40s, and $48.9\%$ over 50s. Religiously christian 340/0, buddhist $19.1\%$, no religion or any other reason $46.8\%$. Status married $93.6\%$, unmarried $6.4\%$. There is someone smoking in the family $36.2\%$, no one smokes $63.8\%$. Reputation salary men $55.3\%$, personal business $27.7\%$. 2) The average of success is $42.6\%(20/47)$, the failure is $57.4\%$. 3) The results from the study 'When was the hardest point in the process of stop smoking' : For the successors the first week $33.3\%$, after the first week $66.7\%$. For the failures the first week $55\%$, after first week $45\%$(Statistics not precisely done), the most effective element that helped through the hardest point was the family $40\%$, personal determination $30\%$. 4) The necessity of re-education : Successors needed $55\%$, not needed $45\%$. Failures needed $48.1\%$, not needed $51.9\%$(Statistics not precisely done). The perfect time for reeducation : Successors in 6 months $50\%$, irregular time basis $50\%$. Failures in six months $36.4\%$, after six months $27.3\%$, irregular time basis $36.4\%$(Statistics not precisely done). Synthesizing the result of the study can't generalize the long-term effect of the stop-smoking due to the number of the objectives,. but recognize the fact that 47.6 have experienced success, and also the self-determination and the support from the family are desirable. Seeing the fact that both are great motivation to stop smoking. Since the first week is necessary. The necessity of re-education is rather high, so this education should be planned to be done repeatedly in a long term along with close observation, instead of short education.

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The Prediction Model of Adaptation in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis - Propositional Synthesis of Roy's and Lazarus & Folkman's Theory - (류마티스 관절염 환자의 적응 예측모형 -Roy이론과 Lazarus 및 Folkman 이론의 명제 합성-)

  • Kim, In-Ja;Suh, Moon-Ja
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.197-220
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    • 1997
  • The lack of a comprehensive theory describing the mechanism of adaptation scientifically has been one of the limiting factors for the development of nursing intervention of patients with chronic illness. Since Roy's theory provides the general conceptual framework depicting adaptation process with structural stimuli and control mechanism, it is appropriate to understand the process of adaptation. But in Roy's theory, the propositions about cognator and regulator as control mechanisms are not clearly defined. For this reason, most of the previous researches applying the Roy's theory have disregarded the study of cognator and regulator. For the patients with chronic illness such as rheumatoid arthritis, it was reported that adaptation states were different for the same stimuli due to the difference of the control mechanism. Moreover in nursing it is important to identify the control mechanism which can be and must be intervened by nurses. It was the Lazarus and Folkman's theory that proposed the control mechanism. They suggested that individual differences in the reaction against the perceived stress are due to the difference in appraisal and coping. Therefore, the synthesis of Roy's and Lazarus and Folkman's propositions might help to clearly understand the mechanism of adaptation. From this point, a theoretical framework has been developed and tested. The subjects were the 297 patients who had been diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis and attended the outpatient clinic. A hypothetical prediction model of adaptation was tested by the covariance structure analysis with PC-LISREL 7.13. As a result, the overall fit was good($x^2$=78.83, p=0.00 ; GFI=0.96 : AGFI=0.90 ; RMR=0.04) for the hypothetical model. In the final model added GA(5, 1), the overall fit was increased ($x^2$=57.82, p=0.003 ; GFI=0.97 ; AGFI=0.93 : RMR=0.036). Except the fact that illness symptoms affected physical adaptation directly, it was supported that focal and contextual stimuli affected physical and psychosocial adaptation through appraisal and coping. Therefore, it was asserted that the synthesis of two theory's propositions was appropriate. So this model would be useful for the theoretical framework in the nursing practice. And this study synthesizing and testing the theory might contribute to establish nursing's scientific base.

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Music Teachers' Perceptions of the Music Therapy Curriculum in Special Education Schools (특수학교 음악교과의 운영과 음악치료적 접근에 대한 교사인식)

  • Gu, Sin-Sil;Hwang, Soon-Young
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.89-117
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to explore and better understand special education music teachers' perceptions of their music curriculum. For this purpose, we conducted a focus group interview with seven special education music teachers. During the interview, four major themes and 14 sub-themes were identified. The main themes were the following: (a) types of applied activities and the goals of music classes (e.g., activities to be applied in various ways depending on the characteristics of the disability and intended outcome), (b) difficulty in implementing the music curriculum (e.g., lack of fit between textbook and students' chronological ages, lack of time and focus, self-evaluation of performance as a music teacher, (c) therapeutic experiences during music classes (e.g., expectation for positive effects through music therapy, joy of witnessing changes in students, and sense of togetherness), and (d) obstacles to the therapeutic approach of music classes and need for support (e.g., lack of professional knowledge regarding therapeutic approaches and problems with administrators and school environment). Based on these results, problems in implementing the music therapy approach as part of the music curriculum in special education schools are discussed and practical solutions for educators are offered.

Factors Affecting the Weight Control Intention of the Female Adolescent by Body Size - In Daegu Area - (청년기 여성의 체형에 따른 체중조절 행동의도에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석 - 대구지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Ryu, Ho-Kyung
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to provide information about the behavioral intentions to diet in adolescent females. To explain the behavior intention to diet, a conceptual framework based on the ' Social Support, Control and the Stress Process Model ' and the ' Theory of Reasoned Actio ' was used. The survey was carried out by self-questionnaires with 463 female high school and college students in Daegu. Analysis of data was done by using mean, correlation and multiple regression analysis with the SAS computer program. Subjects were divided into 3 groups-underweight, normal weight, and overweight-according to their current body size. The most powerful influencing factor related to perceived stress -that is dissatisfaction with body image- was the current figure, regardless of current body size. The fatter the current body size, the higher the score for the behavioral intention to diet. In attitude toward the behavior of dieting, the fatter the current figure, the higher the attitude score, and the belief of behavioral outcome was the main decision variable. For the score of the subjective norm, the overweight group was significantly higher than other groups. The influencing factors for the behavioral intention to diet were perceived stress and attitude toward dieting behavior, especially beliefs of behavioral outcome.

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