• 제목/요약/키워드: self-stabilization structure

검색결과 21건 처리시간 0.023초

수산물 냉동냉장창고업의 경쟁구조와 경영성과 영향요인에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Competition Structure and Effective Factors for Management Performance of the Fisheries Cold-Storage Warehouse Industry)

  • 장영수;장수호;장홍석
    • 수산경영론집
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.119-147
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    • 1999
  • This article is subject to the rationalization of the cold-storage warehouse management, which gives the stabilization of the fishery production and the food life with respect to fisheries industry. In this point of view, the article examines to the structure of the cold-storage warehouse industry from the perspective of the industrial organization. To put it concretely, the article intends to apprehend the state of the structure of the industry and analyze the cold-storage warehouse's management activities. In addition, I try to find know the factors that affect the management performance(profitablity) of the industry through the cross-sectional correlation analysis. Finally, the conclusion of the article can be described as follows : \circled1 On the basis of the cold-storage capacity, there is the tendency that the industry concentrate in the area of Pusan(41.7%). \circled2 By formulating step of development of the industry, it is divided by six types. Type I is designed as raw material-storage warehouse for self-processing. Type IIis the raw material-storage warehouse for self-processing and storage-sale warehouse. Type III is the raw material-storage warehouse for self.distribution. Type IV is the raw material-storage warehouse for self-distribution and storage-sale warehouse. Type V is the net storage-sale warehouse. Type Ⅵ is the physical distribution center warehouse. Although each region has one representative type,6 types exist in all regions. \circled3 The competition structure of the industry has double structure on the basis of cold-storage capacity. \circled4 With respect to the management activity of the cold-storage warehouse, there is no change or even a decrease not increasing or not any change in sales from 1996 to 1997 \circled5 In order to try to induce the amount of shipper's materials, services that a cold-storage warehouse supply with its users include a custody-fee discount, a distribution-process service, a finance service, quality management service and so on. One of the best attractive services is the custody-fee service. \circled6 In the structure and management activity of the industry, the factors that affect management performance (profitablity) are a custody-fee discount, sales ability and capital structure of individual firm. Positive factor is sales ability and capital structure of individual firm. But, The custody-fee discount turns out to be a negative capital structure of individual film.

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공진화를 이용한 신경회로망의 구조 최적화 (Structure optimization of neural network using co-evolution)

  • 전효병;김대준;심귀보
    • 전자공학회논문지S
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    • 제35S권4호
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 1998
  • In general, Evoluationary Algorithm(EAs) are refered to as methods of population-based optimization. And EAs are considered as very efficient methods of optimal sytem design because they can provice much opportunity for obtaining the global optimal solution. This paper presents a co-evolution scheme of artifical neural networks, which has two different, still cooperatively working, populations, called as a host popuation and a parasite population, respectively. Using the conventional generatic algorithm the host population is evolved in the given environment, and the parastie population composed of schemata is evolved to find useful schema for the host population. the structure of artificial neural network is a diagonal recurrent neural netork which has self-feedback loops only in its hidden nodes. To find optimal neural networks we should take into account the structure of the neural network as well as the adaptive parameters, weight of neurons. So we use the genetic algorithm that searches the structure of the neural network by the co-evolution mechanism, and for the weights learning we adopted the evolutionary stategies. As a results of co-evolution we will find the optimal structure of the neural network in a short time with a small population. The validity and effectiveness of the proposed method are inspected by applying it to the stabilization and position control of the invered-pendulum system. And we will show that the result of co-evolution is better than that of the conventioal genetic algorithm.

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나노급 Au층 삽입 니켈실리사이드의 미세구조 변화 (Microstructure Evaluation of Nano-thick Au-inserted Nickel Silicides)

  • 윤기정;송오성
    • 한국재료학회지
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 2008
  • Thermally evaporated 10 nm-Ni/1 nm-Au/(30 nm-poly)Si structures were fabricated in order to investigate the thermal stability of Au-inserted nickel silicide. The silicide samples underwent rapid thermal annealing at $300{\sim}1100^{\circ}C$ for 40 seconds. The sheet resistance was measured using a four-point probe. A scanning electron microscope and a transmission electron microscope were used to determine the cross-sectional structure and surface image. High-resolution X-ray diffraction and a scanning probe microscope were employed for the phase and surface roughness. According to sheet resistance and XRD analyses, nickel silicide with Au had no effect on widening the NiSi stabilization temperature region. Au-inserted nickel silicide on a single crystal silicon substrate showed nano-dots due to the preferred growth and a self-arranged agglomerate nano phase due to agglomeration. It was possible to tune the characteristic size of the agglomerate phase with silicidation temperatures. The nano-thick Au-insertion was shown to lead to self-arranged microstructures of nickel silicide.

Reinforcement learning-based control with application to the once-through steam generator system

  • Cheng Li;Ren Yu;Wenmin Yu;Tianshu Wang
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제55권10호
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    • pp.3515-3524
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    • 2023
  • A reinforcement learning framework is proposed for the control problem of outlet steam pressure of the once-through steam generator(OTSG) in this paper. The double-layer controller using Proximal Policy Optimization(PPO) algorithm is applied in the control structure of the OTSG. The PPO algorithm can train the neural networks continuously according to the process of interaction with the environment and then the trained controller can realize better control for the OTSG. Meanwhile, reinforcement learning has the characteristic of difficult application in real-world objects, this paper proposes an innovative pretraining method to solve this problem. The difficulty in the application of reinforcement learning lies in training. The optimal strategy of each step is summed up through trial and error, and the training cost is very high. In this paper, the LSTM model is adopted as the training environment for pretraining, which saves training time and improves efficiency. The experimental results show that this method can realize the self-adjustment of control parameters under various working conditions, and the control effect has the advantages of small overshoot, fast stabilization speed, and strong adaptive ability.

바이컨티니어스 큐빅상 액정의 생성과 자기조직화 (Self Assembly and Formation of Bi-continuous Cubic Liquid Crystalline Phase)

  • 김인영;최화숙;이소라;최성호
    • 한국응용과학기술학회지
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.478-485
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    • 2014
  • 이 연구는 경표피흡수를 위하여 큐빅액정의 자기조직체의 형성에 관한 것이다. 복수 수산기(-OH)를 가지는 친수부에 4개의 메칠 그룹을 가지는 양친매성지질인 diglyceryl phytylacetate (DGPA)를 합성하여 다양한 성능평가를 수행하였다. DGPA의 유화력은 1%의 적은 농도에서도 고 내상의 물을 함유하는 안정한 W/O water-in-oil)에멀젼이 유지되었다. DGPA, dimethicone (2CS), water의 3성분계의 특정영역에서, 안정한 큐빅상의 액정이 형성되었다. 3상 구조도 작성을 통하여 큐빅 액정영역, 헥사고날 영역, 물과 헥사고날이 혼제된 영역, 역미셀 영역을 확인하였고, SAXS (small angled x-ray scattering)분석을 통하여 그 구조를 증명하였다. 화장품의 응용으로, 큐보좀 (cubosome)에 10%의 마그네슘아스코르빌포스페이트, 5%의 피리독신트리헥사데카노에이트를 봉입하여 캡슐화하였다. 큐보좀의 occlusive 효과는 역미셀(reverse micelle)보다 1.7배 우수한 효과를 가졌다. 큐보좀을 분산제인 poloxamer를 사용하여 W/O 에멀젼을 만든 것으로부터 큐빅구조의 액정상으로 회복되는 것을 새롭게 발견하였다. 따라서, DGPA의 양친매성지질의 특성을 이용하여, 큐빅상의 액정을 형성하는 기재로써 화장품 산업과 의약품분야에서 경표피흡수제로써 응용이 가능할 것으로 기대된다.

항체가 건조상태로 고정된 면역진단키트의 안정화와 Shelf-Life 결정 (Stabilization of Dry Immuno-Diagnostic Kit with Immobilized Antibody and Determination of Its Shelf-Life)

  • 이창우;조정환;육순학;권오협;박영남;박세환
    • KSBB Journal
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    • 제13권5호
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    • pp.502-510
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    • 1998
  • Stabilization of antibody, which is specific to Salmonella typhimurium antigens, present in dry states on membranes was accomplished, and its shelf-life, i.e., duration for maintaining minimum 90% of the initial activity, under optimal conditions was determined. To prepare two major components of an immuno-strip, the antibody was not only immobilized on nitrocellulose membrane surfaces but also placed within the pores of glass fiber membrane after conjugating it with old colloids as signal generator. Among potential stabilizers of the immuno-components, a disaccharide, trehalose, showed a significant protection effect of immunoglobulin structure from thermal energy. Optimal concentrations of trehalose for the respective component were significantly different (8-fold higher for the antibody-gold conjugate than for the immobilized antibody), which probably resulted from distinct densities and configurations of antibody present on the membranes. An additional requirement for the gold conjugate was freeze-drying of this substance such that the conjugate can be readily resolubilized upon contact with aqueous medium. By using the components prepared under optimal conditions, immuno-strips were constructed and exposed to thermal energy. Signals with less than 10% decrease in the intensity were maintained for approximately 21 days at 60$^{\circ}C$. Compared to previous reports, this result represented a 2-year shelf-life at room temperature. it was, however, two times longer if determined from thermal acceleration tests based on the theory of inactivation rate of protein. Such discrepancy between the two estimates could be mainly attributed to errors in accurately controlling temperatures and also to changes in the physical properties of membranes due to a high thermal energy.

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고령자를 배려한 생활복지공간계획에 관한 연구-광주광역시 고령자를 중심으로- (A Study on the Space Planning of Lifestyle and Welfare for the Elderly - Focused on the Elderly in Gwangju City -)

  • 임만택;박경갑;김덕환
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제13권6호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2002
  • As the elderly population increases, concerns for the elderly's welfare become greater both quantitatively and qualitatively. In order to give a chance for the elderly to live in familiar dwelling and regional context to which they are accustomed, and to participate in their society actively, it is of great importance that suitable living spaces must be provided for the elderly. The practical ways of providing people with good living environment and its easy maintenance for healthy and valuable lives were discussed in this paper. This research is designed to propose pertinent policies related to social issues concerning the elderly. 137 seniors over 60 living in Gwanaju city were sampled and surveyed. The scope of planning for the elderly's lifestyle and welfare is divided into two parts, one is planning of space for the realization of stable and spacious dwellings and another is urban environment planning capable of supporting healthy and affluent lifestyles. Also, the realization of stable housing, the construction of urban structure for a healthy life, and the provision of barrier-free living conditions are investigated. For increasing the degree of stabilization and improvement for the elderly's life, self-governing bodies should grasp the demands of living condition and spatial requirements by taking the lifestyles of the elderly into account in urban or regional levels. Then, a master plan including development, improvement, execution, and maintenance of proper housing facilities and urban environments should be made for the best results.

사고전류 제한형 고온 초전도케이블의 한류부 특성평가 (Evaluation on the Properties of the Current Limiting Part for Fault-Current-Limiting Type HTS Cables)

  • 김태민;홍공현;한병성;두호익
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.191-195
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    • 2015
  • Inside the existing superconducting cables, the superconducting wire carries a loss-free current, and the cable former (the stranded copper wire) bypasses the fault current to prevent damage and loss of the superconducting cable when the fault current is applied. The fault-current-limiting-type superconducting cable proposed in this paper usually carries a steady current; but in a fault state, the cable generates self-resistance that makes the fault current lower than a certain width. That is, the superconducting cable that transmitted only a low voltage and a large capacity power repetitively limits the fault current, as does a superconducting current limiter. To complete this structure, it is essential to investigate the mutual resistance relationship between the superconducting wires after applying a fault current. Therefore, in this paper, one kinds of superconducting wires (a wire without a stabilization layer) were connected parallel 4 tapes, respectively; and after applying a fault current, the current, voltage, resistance and thermal stability of the HTS thin-film wires were examined.

Molecular Characterization of Chicken Toll-like Receptor 7

  • Chai, Han-Ha;Suk, Jae Eun;Lim, Dajeong;Lee, Kyung-Tai;Choe, Changyong;Cho, Yong-Min
    • Reproductive and Developmental Biology
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    • 제39권4호
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2015
  • Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) is critical for the triggering of innate immune response by recognizing the conserved molecular patterns of single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) viruses and mediated antigenic adaptive immunity. To understand how TLR7 distinguish pathogen-derived molecular patterns from the host self, it is essential to be able to identify TLR7 receptor interaction interfaces, such as active sites or R848-agonist binding sites. The functional interfaces of TLR7 can serve as targets for structure-based drug design in studying the TLR7 receptor's structure-function relationship. In contrast to mammalian TLR7, chicken TLR7 (chTLR7) is unknown for its important biological function. Therefore, it has been targeted to mediate contrasting evolutionary patterns of positive selection into non-synonymous SNPs across eleven species using TLR7 conservation patterns (evolutionary conserved and class-specific trace residues), where protein sequence differences to the TLR7 receptors of interest record mutation that have passed positive section across the species. In this study, we characterized the Lys609 residue on chTLR7-ECD homodimer interfaces to reflect the current tendency of evolving positive selection to be transfer into a stabilization direction of the R848-agonist/chTLR7-ECDs complex under the phylogenetically variable position across species and we suggest a potential indicator for contrasting evolutionary patterns of both the species TLR-ECDs.

비무장지대(DMZ) 인근의 훼손지 유형 분석 및 복원방향 (Analysis on the Type of Damaged Land in DeMilitarized Zone(DMZ) Area and Restoration Direction)

  • 성현찬;김수련;강다인;서정영;이상미
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.185-193
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    • 2016
  • Purpose of this study is to classify damaged lands according to the cause of the damage and their influences based on characteristic of the damaged lands in DeMilitarized Zone(DMZ) area, and utilize this study as a fundamental study for establishment of ecosystem restoration system. Literature review and field survey have been conducted to review the damage status of DMZ area. For field survey, first year and second year have been conducted, in which type of the damage has been reviewed in this study. In the result, types of damage have been classified into 6 categories: 'alteration of initial landform', 'loss of surface layer', 'land pollution', 'alteration of soil chemical property', 'decline of vegetation', and 'invasion of foreign species'. Restoration for each damage type is as following. First, for alteration of initial landform, the land is restored to the original landform prior to the damage and connection to surrounding ecosystem is considered. Second, for loss of surface layer, lost surface layer is restored or further loss is prevented with stabilization. Third, for land pollution, source of the pollution is eradicated or self-circulation with purification of polluted land is encouraged. Fourth, for alteration of soil chemical property, soil is restored of its original property with eradication of the pollution source and improvement of soil. Fifth, for decline of vegetation, current vegetation and anticipated alteration in future are considered and number of wild species is to be increased based on structure and characteristic of nearby vegetation. Sixth, for invasion of foreign species, prevention of dominance by risky species and facilitation ecological stability with ecological management are to be considered. Influence according to the cause of damage has occurred in secondary(indirect) influence or simultaneous occurrence of several damage types. Considering all these aspects, when type of the damage is complex, restoration process for each of former mentioned 6 damage types with solitary influence should be considered in unison.