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Influence of Empowerment and Job Satisfaction of Private Day Care Center Teachers on Infant's Right Respect Care (민간어린이집 교사의 임파워먼트와 직무만족도가 영유아 권리존중보육에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Sin Sook;Kim, Jung Hee
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2018
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is to provide practical data to effectively implement day care that respects the rights of infants in day care centers by investigating the relationship between private day care center teachers' empowerment, job satisfaction, infant's right respect care, and examining the influence of empowerment and job satisfaction of private day care center teachers on Infant's right respect care. Methods: The 228 day care teachers who work in private daycare centers located in Seoul and Gyeonggi province were the investigated subjects. For the analysis of questionnaire, frequency, percentage, reliability, t-test, ANOVA, correlation, and regression were used as SPSSWIN 20.0 program. Results: First, the difference of empowerment according to the individual variables of teachers was different to career, monthly salary, marital status, and turnover intentions. The difference of job satisfaction according to personal variables showed difference to age, career, marital status, type of work organization, and number of teachers and classes. There was a difference in infant's right respect care to age and marital status. Second, in the relationship between empowerment and job satisfaction and between empowerment and infant's right respect care, there was a positive correlation. The relationship between job satisfaction and infant's right respect care showed there is a positive correlation between infant's right respect care and all other factors except for the pay and promotion factors of job satisfaction. Third, Expert extension, autonomy, fellow relationship and job self have a positive influence on infant's right respect care. Conclusion/Implications: This study suggests that specific efforts should be made at the daycare center to raise the level of expertise and autonomy of private daycare teachers and to give satisfaction to their fellow relationship and their job self factors to effectively implement infant's right respect care.

Perceptions and Attitudes of Nurses toward Euthanasia (임상 간호사의 안락사에 대안 인식과 태도)

  • Son Haeng-Mi
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.309-316
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the perceptions and attitudes of nurses toward euthanasia. Method: In this descriptive study, data were collected from 485 nurses using a self-report questionnaire. The attitudes toward euthanasia scales were composed of four sub dimensions; quality of life, client's right, respect for life and medical ethics. The data were analyzed with descriptive and parametric statistics using SPSS WIN program. Results: Of the nurses, 84.7% were in agreement with constituting a law for euthanasia and 57.6% accepted passive euthanasia. Further, 80.1% would accept euthanasia for their own end-of-life situation. The most frequent reason for pro euthanasia was pain relief, and for con, respect for lift. The mean attitude score was 54.64 and that of sub dimensions, were 2.81 for quality of life, 3.21 for client's right, 2.87 for respect for life, and 2.84 for medical ethics. The nurses who were positive in their thinking about euthanasia had higher attitude scores. Among general characteristics of the nurses, attitudes scores were significantly different according to religion. Conclusion: Although many nurses had a positive concept of euthanasia, they still have ethical dilemmas in lift-sustaining care. Therefore training programs on moral rights are necessary to provide guidelines for end-of-life care.

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A Survey of Sailors Knowledge, Attitudes and Preventive Behaviors about AIDS (선원들의 에이즈에 관한 지식, 태도 및 예방행위에 관한 조사연구)

  • 문정자;김재호
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.103-116
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    • 1997
  • This study was to assess Korean sailors' knowldege, attitudes and behaviors about AIDS. The subjects of this study were 379 safety-trainee sailors. Data were collected by self reporting on a questionnaire during February to March 1996. The results were as follows : The mean score on AIDS knowledge was 17.3 out of a possible maximum score of 24.0. With respect to diseas transmission , only 45.6-86.5percent of the sailors correctly indicated that causal contact does not lead to contraction AIDS. The younger, unmarried , and educated groups had a higher level of knowledge about AIDS. With respect t sailors' attitudes about ADIS, 85.2 percent of the sailors reported that the AIDS is as big a problem as the media suggested, and over half of the sailors(53.8%) reported that they are being afraid of getting AIDS. One attitude, which was most pervasive(903.1 percent agreeing) was that it is important for sailors to receive AIDS education as a part of social education classes. In attitudes , there was statistical significance by age group, marital statistical signifiacance by age group , marital status, and educational level. With respect to sailor's preventive behaviors about AIDS, the mean score was 7.1 out of a possible maximum score of 9.0. It was shown that the older age, married groups had a higher level of preventive behaviors about AIDS.

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  • Lim, Jung-Ah
    • Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.525-538
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    • 1998
  • Recently, a stability theorem for the Feynman integral as a bounded linear operator onL2(Rd /) with respect to measures whose positive and negative variations are in the generalized Kato class was proved. We study a stability theorem for the Feynman integral with respect to measures whose positive variations are in the class of σ-finite smooth measures and negative variations are in the generalized Kato class. This extends the recent result in the sense that the class of σ-finite smooth measures properly contains the generalized Kato class.

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Mode Shape Variation of Disc Brake with Respect to Contact Stiffness Variation (마찰재 접촉강성에 따른 디스크 브레이크 진동모드 형상화)

  • Kang, Jae-Young
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.127-132
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    • 2010
  • Eigensolutions associated with self-excited vibration of disc brake system can be obtained by complex eigenvalue analysis. The eigenvalue sensitivity to change in contact stiffness can be used to demonstrate stability criteria and eigenvalue veering. Dynamic instability on eigenvalue loci with respect to the variation of contact stiffness is found to be related to mode interaction between two adjacent modes. This modal interaction can be effectively shown by mode shape visualization. This paper presents the methodology to construct the mode shape of disc brake system where a disc and two brake pads are coupled with contact stiffness.

"Open" Matehmatics Education and Education of "Open Mathematics" ("열린" 수학교육과 "열린수학"의 교육)

  • 이경화
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.425-437
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    • 1998
  • The difference between "open" mathematics education and education of "open mathematics" arises from the difference of tearcher's understanding on the meaning of "teaching and learning mathematics" in the paper. Discusses the agreements and the worries of the researchers, the teachers, the students in korea, about open educationism, firstly, Three practical cases in mathematics lesson in korea are reviewed and analyzed in the respect of learning principles, secondly. Thirdly, the paper examines how to be modified two main learning principles, individualised learning and self-regulation of learning by teachers in the process of instruction. Finally, open mathematics advocated by Fisher(1984) and closed mathematics are compared especially in the probability unit. It concludes that the open approaches in mathematics lessons in korea need to improve with respect to teacher's attitude for didactic contents or mathematical knowledge. It is argued that teacher's open or flexible understanding of mathematical knowledge is no less important than that of their pupils.ant than that of their pupils.

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An Effect of Housing Environment on Depression and Self-esteem in Analyzing the 4th Wave of Korea Welfare Panel Study Data in 2009 (한국복지패널연구 자료를 기초로 주거환경과 우울감 및 자존감과의 관계 분석)

  • Choi, Byung-Sook;Park, Jeong-A
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2012
  • The primary purpose of this study is to prove the relationship between housing environment and mental health with depression and self-esteem in the republic of Korea. The raw data of 10,608 respondents, was gathered from the 4th wave of Korea Welfare Panel Study (KoWePS) in 2009. Some variables related to housing environment and mental health were selected in KoWePS' data. Data was analyzed by SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 17.0. The major results are as follow: 1) Householder economic variables significantly relate to housing environment and resident mental health. 2) Housing environment variables are significantly related to resident mental health, and these variables explain 4.3% of depression and 6.7% of self-esteem. 3) Throughout path analysis of economic, housing environment, and mental health variables, housing environment variable is a parameter. In conclusion, these results show that better quality of housing environment would contribute to the residents' better mental health.

Fabrication of Nanoporous Alumina Membrane by High- Field Anodization (고전계 전기산화에 의한 나노다공성 알루미나 멤브레인의 제조)

  • Kim, Min-Woo;Hyun, Sang-Cheol;Ha, Yoon-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.03b
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    • pp.45-45
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    • 2010
  • Nanoporous anodic alumina membranes (NAAM) with high aspect ratio, self-ordered pore array were fabricated by high-field 2-step anodization method. High voltages of 80, 100, 120 and 140 V as well as 40 V for comparison were applied to an aluminum anode with respect to a Pt cathode immersed both in 0.3M oxalic acid solution in order to investigate the self-ordering characteristics of the nanoporous structure. The pore structures, including interpore distance, pore size, pore density, and porosity as well as the ordering characteristic were analyzed using field-enhanced scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and the corresponding Fourier-transformed images. The nanoporous structure could be produced for all the voltage conditions, but the well-ordered through-hole pore without a branched structure seemed to occur only at 40 and 140 V. It turned out that the growth rate under 140 V high-field anodization was about 40 times higher than under conventional 40 V mild anodization, which enabled the fast fabrication of self-ordered, high aspect ratio NAAMs.

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A Method of Self-Organizing for Fuzzy Logic Controller Through Learning of the Proper Directioin of Control (바람직한 제어 방향의 학습을 통한 퍼지 제어기의 자기 구성방법)

  • 이연정;최봉열
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, a method of self-organizing for fuzzy logic controller(FLC) through learning of the proper direction of coritrol is proposed. In case of designing a self-organizing FLC for unknown dynamic plants based on the gradient descent method, it is difficult to identify the desirable direction of the change of control inpul. in which the error would be decreased. To resolve this problem, we propose a method as fo1lows:at first, assign representative values for the direction of change of error with respect to control input to each partitioned region of the states, and then, learn the fuzzy control rules using the reinforced representative values through iterative trials. 'The proposed self-organizing FLC has simple structure and it is easy to design. The validity of the proposed method is proved by the computer simulation for an inverted pendulum system.

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Student's Motivation and Strategy in Learning Science (학생들의 과학 학습 동기 및 전략)

  • Jeon, Kyung-Moon;Noh, Tae-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.415-423
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    • 1997
  • The purposes of this study were to investigate the intercorrelations among various motivational patterns and learning strategies and to examine the differences in motivation and strategy usage in terms of students' science achievement level, gender, and grade. A questionnaire on achievement goal, self-efficacy, self-concept of ability, expectancy, value, causal attributions, and learning strategies was administered to 360 junior high/high school students (178 males, 182 females). Students who adopted performance-oriented goal tended not to be task oriented. Task-oriented students had high levels of self-efficacy, high self-concept of ability, and expectancies for future performance in science. They also valued science and attributed thier failures to the lack of effort. However, performance-oriented students evaluated their ability negatively, did not value science, and attributed thier failures to uncontrollable causes. With respect to learning strategy, task-oriented students tended to use deep-level strategy, whereas performance-oriented students tended to use surface-level strategy and not to use deep-level strategy. High-achieving students, boys, and junior high school students were more task-oriented, evaluated their ability more positively, and valued science more than low-achieving students, girls, and high school students, respectively. High-achieving students and boys also used deep-level strategy more than each of their counterparts. However, no significant difference in learning strategy was found between junior high school students and high school students. Educational implications of these findings are discussed.

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