• Title/Summary/Keyword: seismic inelastic response

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Evaluation of the Strength Required in Current Seismic Design Code (현행 내진설계 규준의 수평강도 요구에 대한 평가)

  • 한상환;오영훈;이리형
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.281-290
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    • 1997
  • Current seismic design code is based on the assumption that the designed structures would be behaved inelastically during a severe earthquake ground motion. For this reason, seismic design forces calculated by seismic codes are much lower than the forces generated by design earthquakes which makes structures responding elastically. Present procedures for calculating seismic design forces are based on the use of elastic spectra reduced by a strength reduction factors known as "response modificaion factor". Because these factors were determined empirically, it is difficult to know how much inelastic behaviors of the structures exhibit. In this study, lateral strength required to maintain target ductility ratio was first calculated from nonlinear dynamic analysis of the single degree of freedom system. At the following step, base shear foeces specified in seismic design code compare with above results. If the base shear force required to maintain target ductility ratio was higher than the code specified one, the lack of required strength should be filled by overstrength and/or redundancy. Therefore, overstrength of moment resisting frame structure will be estimated from the results of push-over analysis.

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Estimation of Interstory Drift for Moment Resisting Reinforced Concrete Frames Using Equivalent SDOF System (등가 1자유도계를 이용한 철근콘크리트 골조건물의 층간변위 응답 산정)

  • Kang, Ho-Geun;Jun, Dae-Han
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.8 no.5 s.39
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2004
  • To evaluate the seismic capacity of a multistorey building structures in performance based seismic design, it is needed to convert MDOF model into equivalent SDOF model. This paper presents predictions for interstory drift of multistorey structures using method of converting a MDOF system into an equivalent SDOF model. The principal objective of this investigation is to evaluate appropriateness of converting method through performing nonlinear time history analysis of a multistory building structures and an equivalent SDOF model. Comparing the interstory drift of multistorey structures calculated by time history analysis and those evaluated by an equivalent SDOF model, the adequacy and the validity of converting method is verified. The conclusion of this study is following; A method of converting a MDOF system into an equivalent SDOF model through the nonlinear time history response analysis is valid. Inelastic first mode shapes are expected to be more accurate than elastic first mode shapes in obtaining interstory drift of multistorey structures from equivalent SDOF model.

Effect of soil in controlling the seismic response of three-dimensional PBPD high-rise concrete structures

  • Mortezaie, Hamid;Rezaie, Freydoon
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.66 no.2
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    • pp.217-227
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    • 2018
  • In the last decades, valuable results have been reported regarding conventional passive, active, semi-active, and hybrid structural control systems on two-dimensional and a few three-dimensional shear buildings. In this research, using a three-dimensional finite element model of high-rise concrete structures, designed by performance based plastic design method, it was attempted to construct a relatively close to reality model of concrete structures equipped with Tuned Mass Damper (TMD) by considering the effect of soil-structure interaction (SSI), torsion effect, hysteresis behavior and cracking effect of concrete. In contrast to previous studies which have focused mainly on linearly designed structures, in this study, using performance-based plastic design (PBPD) design approach, nonlinear behavior of the structures was considered from the beginning of the design stage. Inelastic time history analysis on a detailed model of twenty-story concrete structure was performed under a far-field ground motion record set. The seismic responses of the structure by considering SSI effect are studied by eight main objective functions that are related to the performance of the structure, containing: lateral displacement, acceleration, inter-story drift, plastic energy dissipation, shear force, number of plastic hinges, local plastic energy and rotation of plastic hinges. The tuning problem of TMD based on tuned mass spectra is set by considering five of the eight previously described functions. Results reveal that the structural damage distribution range is retracted and inter-story drift distribution in height of the structure is more uniform. It is strongly suggested to consider the effect of SSI in structural design and analysis.

Experimental and analytical investigation on seismic behavior of RC framed structure by pushover method

  • Sharma, Akanshu;Reddy, G.R.;Eligehausen, R.;Vaze, K.K.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.125-145
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    • 2011
  • Pushover analysis has gained significant popularity as an analytical tool for realistic determination of the inelastic behaviour of RC structures. Though significant work has been done to evaluate the demands realistically, the evaluation of capacity and realistic failure modes has taken a back seat. In order to throw light on the inelastic behaviour and capacity evaluation for the RC framed structures, a 3D Reinforced concrete frame structure was tested under monotonically increasing lateral pushover loads, in a parabolic pattern, till failure. The structure consisted of three storeys and had 2 bays along the two orthogonal directions. The structure was gradually pushed in small increments of load and the corresponding displacements were monitored continuously, leading to a pushover curve for the structure as a result of the test along with other relevant information such as strains on reinforcement bars at critical locations, failure modes etc. The major failure modes were observed as flexural failure of beams and columns, torsional failure of transverse beams and joint shear failure. The analysis of the structure was by considering all these failure modes. In order to have a comparison, the analysis was performed as three different cases. In one case, only the flexural hinges were modelled for critical locations in beams and columns; in second the torsional hinges for transverse beams were included in the analysis and in the third case, joint shear hinges were also included in the analysis. It is shown that modelling and capturing all the failure modes is practically possible and such an analysis can provide the realistic insight into the behaviour of the structure.

Ductility-based design approach of tall buildings under wind loads

  • Elezaby, Fouad;Damatty, Ashraf El
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2020
  • The wind design of buildings is typically based on strength provisions under ultimate loads. This is unlike the ductility-based approach used in seismic design, which allows inelastic actions to take place in the structure under extreme seismic events. This research investigates the application of a similar concept in wind engineering. In seismic design, the elastic forces resulting from an extreme event of high return period are reduced by a load reduction factor chosen by the designer and accordingly a certain ductility capacity needs to be achieved by the structure. Two reasons have triggered the investigation of this ductility-based concept under wind loads. Firstly, there is a trend in the design codes to increase the return period used in wind design approaching the large return period used in seismic design. Secondly, the structure always possesses a certain level of ductility that the wind design does not benefit from. Many technical issues arise when applying a ductility-based approach under wind loads. The use of reduced design loads will lead to the design of a more flexible structure with larger natural periods. While this might be beneficial for seismic response, it is not necessarily the case for the wind response, where increasing the flexibility is expected to increase the fluctuating response. This particular issue is examined by considering a case study of a sixty-five-story high-rise building previously tested at the Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory at the University of Western Ontario using a pressure model. A three-dimensional finite element model is developed for the building. The wind pressures from the tested rigid model are applied to the finite element model and a time history dynamic analysis is conducted. The time history variation of the straining actions on various structure elements of the building are evaluated and decomposed into mean, background and fluctuating components. A reduction factor is applied to the fluctuating components and a modified time history response of the straining actions is calculated. The building components are redesigned under this set of reduced straining actions and its fundamental period is then evaluated. A new set of loads is calculated based on the modified period and is compared to the set of loads associated with the original structure. This is followed by non-linear static pushover analysis conducted individually on each shear wall module after redesigning these walls. The ductility demand of shear walls with reduced cross sections is assessed to justify the application of the load reduction factor "R".

Seismic response and energy dissipation in partially restrained and fully restrained steel frames: An analytical study

  • Reyes-Salazar, Alfredo;Haldar, Achintya
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.459-480
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    • 2001
  • The damage suffered by steel structures during the Northridge (1994) and Kobe (1995) earthquakes indicates that the fully restrained (FR) connections in steel frames did not behave as expected. Consequently, researchers began studying other possibilities, including making the connections more flexible, to reduce the risk of damage from seismic loading. Recent experimental and analytical investigations pointed out that the seismic response of steel frames with partially restrained (PR) connections might be superior to that of similar frames with FR connections since the energy dissipation at PR connections could be significant. This beneficial effect has not yet been fully quantified analytically. Thus, the dissipation of energy at PR connections needs to be considered in analytical evaluations, in addition to the dissipation of energy due to viscous damping and at plastic hinges (if they form). An algorithm is developed and verified by the authors to estimate the nonlinear time-domain dynamic response of steel frames with PR connections. The verified algorithm is then used to quantify the major sources of energy dissipation and their effect on the overall structural response in terms of the maximum base shear and the maximum top displacement. The results indicate that the dissipation of energy at PR connections is comparable to that dissipated by viscous damping and at plastic hinges. In general, the maximum total base shear significantly increases with an increase in the connection stiffness. On the other hand, the maximum top lateral displacement Umax does not always increase as the connection stiffness decreases. Energy dissipation is considerably influenced by the stiffness of a connection, defined in terms of the T ratio, i.e., the ratio of the moment the connection would have to carry according to beam line theory (Disque 1964) and the fixed end moment of the girder. A connection with a T ratio of at least 0.9 is considered to be fully restrained. The energy dissipation behavior may be quite different for a frame with FR connections with a T ratio of 1.0 compared to when the T ratio is 0.9. Thus, for nonlinear seismic analysis, a T ratio of at least 0.9 should not be considered to be an FR connection. The study quantitatively confirms the general observations made in experimental results for frames with PR connections. Proper consideration of the PR connection stiffness and other dynamic properties are essential to predict dynamic behavior, no matter how difficult the analysis procedure becomes. Any simplified approach may need to be calibrated using this type of detailed analytical study.

A Study on the Relationship between the Eccentricity and the Level of Damage in the Seismic Response of Buildings with Plan Irregularities (지진 하중을 받는 평면 비정형 건물의 편심과 손상도의 상관관계에 대한 연구)

  • Jeong, Seoung-Hoon;Lee, Kwang-Ho
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2010
  • Most previous research on the seismic response of structures with plan irregularities have focused on the relationship between the eccentricity and the amount of torsion. This approach cannot provide the direct relationship between the irregularity and the damage. Therefore, an investigation on the relationship between the eccentricities of buildings with plan irregularities and the damage index was performed. Inelastic dynamic time-history analyses were performed on one-story buildings with various eccentricities. For the damage assessment, a 3D damage index was adopted to reflect the effect of the bi-directional response and torsion. Based on the analysis results, buildings with eccentricities of 10%, 20% and 30% will suffer 3~5%, 13~18%, and 33~47% more damage than their regular counterparts, respectively.

A Study of Seismic Resistant Design for Base-Isolated Bridges(II) (지진에 대비한 기초분리 교량의 설계법에 관한 연구(II))

  • Lee, Sang Soo;Yu, ChulSoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.9 no.4 s.33
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    • pp.637-647
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    • 1997
  • As stated in Part(I), the use of the isolator is meant to protect a structure from seismic risk, by concentrating the inelastic deformations to relatively cheap and replaceable devices while the rest of the structures remains elastic. This research has been carried out to investigate the effects of various structural parameters and isolator characteristics on the seismic response of Base Isolated Bridges. Simplified analysis method for practical design is developed by using the results. The Proposed Code-Type approach method can be used to estimate the inertial forces accurately, not only at the isolator but throughout the height of the Base-Isolated Bridges. The proposed method is recommended to use in preliminary design tool or even a final design tool for Base Isolated Bridges. For the validation of simplified design method, examples with artificial earthquake time history and design response spectrum for P.C Box Bridge with bilinear hysteretic steel damper are evaluated.

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Deformation Based Seismic Design of Asymmetric Wall Structures (변형에 기초한 비대칭 벽식 주초의 내진설계)

  • 홍성걸;조봉호
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2002
  • Current torsional provisions focus n restricting torsional effect of asymmetric wall structures by proportioning strength of wall based on the traditional assumption that stiffness and strength are independent. Recent studies have pointed out that stiffness of structural wall is dependent on the strength. This implies that actual stiffness of walls can be determined only after torsional design is finished and current torsional provisions may result in significant errors. To overcome this shortcoming, this paper proposes deformation based torsional design for asymmetric wall structures. Contrary to the current torsional provisions, deformation-based torsional design uses displacement and rotation angle as design parameters and calculates base shear for inelastic torsional response directly. Main purpose of deformation based torsional design is not to restrict torsional response but to ensure intended torsional mechanism according to the capacity design concept. Because displacement and rotation angle can be used as performance criteria indicating performance level of asymmetric structures, this method can be applied to the performance based seismic design effectively.

Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of RC Frames Based on Constitutive Models of Constituent Materials (재료의 구성모델에 따른 철근콘크리트 골조의 비선형 동적거동 특성 차이에 관한 연구)

  • Heo, YeongAe;Kang, Thomas H.K.
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2013
  • Constitutive modeling of constituent materials is very important for reinforced concrete (RC) frames. Cyclic constitutive behavior of unconfined concrete, confined concrete and reinforcing steel should be well defined in fiber-based discretization of RC sections. This study performs nonlinear dynamic analyses of RC frame structures to investigate the sensitivity of seismic behavior of such frames to different constitutive models of constituent materials. The study specifically attempts to examine confinement effects in concrete modeling and degrading effects in steel modeling, which substantially affects the monotonic, cyclic and seismic responses of RC members and frames. Based on the system level analysis, it is shown that the response of non-ductile frames is less sensitive to confined concrete models while the modeling of reinforcing steel is quite influential to the inelastic response of both non-ductile and ductile frames.