• Title/Summary/Keyword: satisfaction with organizational communication

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The Effect of the Attitude to Labor Unions and Union-Management Cooperation on Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Evidence from the IT Industry (노조에 대한 태도와 협력적 노사관계가 조직몰입과 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향: IT산업을 중심으로)

  • Hahm, Sangwoo
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.269-279
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    • 2017
  • Today, labor unions have become more serious and have more critical roles in the IT industry. Labor union should enhance the quality of working life in an organization. It is the most important role of the union to satisfy employees. When a labor union enriches its roles, members have a positive attitude to the union. Hence, workers will be more satisfied and make more positive results. Moreover, although members have positive attitudes to the union, when labor and capital have a negative relationship, workers do not make the best performance. Furthermore, although unions and the companies work in close cooperation, when members have a negative attitude to the labor union, workers' performance will also decline. Hence, a positive attitude to labor unions and union-management relations has a mutual benefit for performance. This study explains these relationships with the effect of attitudes to labor unions (satisfaction, trust, and commitment) on organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior, and the moderate effect of union- management cooperation. The purpose of this study is to suggest that labor unions should have a positive relationship with management and win members' recognition in the IT field.

A Study on Antecedents of Ethical Leadership of Power Retailers, : Focusing on the Relationship between Discount Stores and Their Suppliers (대형 유통업체 윤리적 리더십의 선행변수에 관한 연구 : 할인점과 공급업체 간 관계를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sang-Deok
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.59-92
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    • 2012
  • With accumulated research evidence, there is little doubt that leadership behavior is related to a wide variety of positive individual and organizational outcomes. Indeed, leadership behavior has been empirically linked to increased employee satisfaction, organizational commitment, extra effort, turnover intention, organizational citizenship behavior, and overall employee performance. Although leadership behavior has been linked to a number of positive organizational outcomes, research regarding the antecedents of such behavior is limited. Especially there is little research dealing with the antecedents of inter-organizational leadership behavior. This study interests in inter-organizational ethical leadership among marketing channel members. In both the mass media and the academic association, there has been a surge in interest in the ethical and unethical behavior of leaders. Although the corporate scandals in recent years may explain much of the mass media and popular focus, academics' interest has been limited by evidence that ethical leadership behavior is associated with both positive and negative inter-organizational processes and performances. This study tried to contribute to this body of knowledge by examining antecedents of ethical leadership. Ethical leadership is defined "the demonstration of normatively appropriate conduct through personal actions and interpersonal relationships, and the promotion of such conduct to followers through two-way communication, reinforcement, and decision-making." Ethical leaders not only inform individuals of the behefits of ethical behavior and the cost of inappropriate behavior, such leaders also set clear standards and use rewards and fair and balanced punishment to hold followers accountable for their ethical conduct. Despite the assume importance and prominence of ethical leadership among organizations, there are still many questions relating to its antecedents and consequences. One is whether the likelihood of an leading organization being perceived as an ethical leader among other following organizations in marketing channels can be predicted using its characteristics and inter-organizational relationship maintenance skills. Identifying trait and skill antecedents will aid in the development of strategies for selecting and developing ethical leaders and determining the best means to reinforce ethical behaviors. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of three categorized variables on ethical leadership of channel leader. To be concrete, this study develops a model of the antecedents of three conceptually distinct forms of channel leader characteristics, such as organizational traits, inter-organizational relationship maintenance strategies, and supplier management strategies, and tests the hypothesized differential effects on ethical leadership of marketing channel leaders. The reason why this study deals with discount store channel is that there is very strong inter-dependence between a discount store and its suppliers. Their strong inter-dependence makes their relationship as the relationship between a leader and suppliers and creates an atmosphere that leadership occur without difficulty. The research model is as follows. For the purpose of empirical testing, 295 respondents of suppliers of discount store channel in Korea were surveyed. The procedures included scale reliability, and discriminant and convergent validity were used to validate measures. Also, the reliability measurements traditionally employed, such as the Cronbach's alpha, were used. All the reliabilities were greater than .70. This study conducted confirmatory factor analyses to assess the validity of our measurements. All items loaded significantly on their respective constructs(with the lowest t-value being 15.2), providing support for convergent validity. We then examined composite reliability and average variance extracted(AVE). The composite reliability of each construct was greater than .70. The AVE of each construct was greater than .50. This study tested research model using Partial Least Square(PLS). The estimation of the structural equation model revealed an acceptable fit of the model to the data($r^2$=.851). Thus, This study concluded that the model fit was considered acceptable. The results of PLS are as follows. The results indicated that conscientiousness, openness, conflict management, social networks, training, fair reward had positive effects on ethical leadership of channel leaders. On the other hand, emotional insecure had negative effect and agreeableness, assurance, and inter-organizational communication had no significant effect on supply chain leadership.

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A Study on Interorganizational Boundary Spanning Behaviors between Buyers and Sellers (유통경로 내 조직간 영역초월행동에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Deok
    • Proceedings of the Korean DIstribution Association Conference
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    • 2007.08a
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    • pp.3-26
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    • 2007
  • Recently, both scholars and marketers have asserted the importance of boundary spanning behaviors, such as external representation, being vocal advocates to outsiders of the organization's image, goods, and services, internal influence, taking individual initiative in communications to the firm and co-workers to improve service delivery by the organization, co-workers, and oneself, and service delivery, serving customers in a conscientious, responsive, flexible, and courteous manner. However, there is lack of study dealing with bourdary spanning behaviors bewteen organizational dyads, in which boundary spanning behaviors are expected to have important roles. The objectives of this paper is to investigate these important concerns with prior research by developing a theoretical model predicting how distinct buyer's boundary spanning behaviors occur. To be concrete, this paper develops a seller characteristics-based model of the attitudinal antecedents of three conceptually distinct forms of boundary spanning behaviors, and tests the hypothesized differential effects of seller characteristics on the three forms of boundary spanning behaviors, and investigates the extent to which these relationships are mediated by relationship satisfaction and organizational commitment. For the purpose of empirical testing, 420 respondents of leading automobile dealers, dining franchisees, industrial material retailers in Korea were surveyed and the analysis utilizing structural equation model indicated that communication quality, fairness, and marketing program dynamism had positive effects on buyer's boundary spanning behaviors via relationship satisfaction and organizational commitment. In addition, boundary spanning behaviors occurred more in contractural and corporate distribution channel than in conventional distribution channel.

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Job Stress of Mobile Communication Network Construction Workers

  • Lee, Dong-Gu;Yoon, Hoon-Yong
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.549-561
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    • 2015
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the job stress factors of mobile communication network construction workers using survey based on 'Job stress factors evaluation tool for Koreans' that was developed by KOSHA in 2003. Background: Due to the rapid growth of penetration rate of smartphone, the necessity of LTE service changing from 3G network was brought up. The demand of LTE network construction in a short period of time leads to the aggravation of the job stress of mobile communication network construction workers. Method: Two hundred and fifty workers who were in the mobile communication network industry participated in this study, and among them 206 responses were analyzed for this study due to the unreliability and insincerity of responses. The eight job stress factors which are physical environment, job demand, job autonomy, relation conflict, job instability, organizational system, inadequate compensation, workplace culture were analyzed. Results: The job stress factors of mobile communication network construction workers were compared to those of other industry workers, and other work related characteristics were analyzed. The results showed that the stress level of a physical environment and job requirement were relatively higher than those of manufacturing industry workers, meaning that mobile communication network construction workers have rough working conditions and increased amount of work due to the demand of LTE network construction. The stress level of physical environment for outdoor job workers was relatively higher than that of indoor job workers. With the analytical result for level of job satisfaction, significant difference was observed (p <0.05) with every factor, and the job stress was found the highest with those not satisfied with every factor Conclusion: From the results of this study, the work loss due to the job stress could be prevented, and accurate stress factors could be removed at the workplace. Application: The results of this study may not represent the whole mobile network construction workers, the effort for job stress management is needed to improve the work efficiency and the workers' quality of life.

Factors Associated with Middle Managers' Work Motivation: Evidence from SMEs in Vietnam

  • NGUYEN, Huong Thanh;NGUYEN, Nguyen Danh;TRAN, Binh Van
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.11
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    • pp.1009-1019
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    • 2020
  • This study presents an exploratory investigation of SMEs in Vietnam to understand the impact of personal-level factors on middle managers' work motivation and the moderating role of work environment. A survey of 450 middle managers (MMs) in 150 Hanoi's SMEs was conducted. The findings of this research showed a significant positive impact of Achievement (ACHV), Recognition (RECOG), and Responsibility (RESP) on work motivation of MMs under the investigation. Furthermore, the result indicated that the work environment affects the relationship between personal-level factors and work motivation of participants. Consequently, both work environment improvement and strategies related to personal-level factors need to be taken into consideration. Especially, Recognition and transparency in Responsibility are appreciated in organizations with a low level of work environment satisfaction. However, there were no indications that Participation (PAR) and Communication (CMM) have a considerable impact on work motivation of respondents, being neither low level nor high level of work environment satisfaction. Based on the findings, recommendations are suggested for Vietnam's SMEs to improve work motivation of MMs, by (i) developing standards with emphasis on their achievement, (ii) paying attention to organizational culture focusing on the responsibility of this managerial level, and (iii) building an adequate incentive system, especially non-financial incentives.

The Study on the Influence of Selection Characteristics of Franchise System, business possibility, Communication, Moral Hazard on Franchisee's Perceived Risk, and Recontracting Intention in the Food Service Franchise Industry (외식 프랜차이저의 사업성, 커뮤니케이션, 모럴해저드가 프랜차이지의 위험지각과 재계약의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yu, Jong-Pil;Lee, In-Ho
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2011
  • I. Introduction: This study is to examine the structural relationships among exogenous variable (preliminary and post-support, franchisee's perceived business possibility, communication, moral hazard), the mediated variables(satisfaction, perceived risk, trust) and dependent variable(recontracting intention) in the food service franchise industry context. More specifically, this study has considered some realistic characteristics factors influencing satisfaction, perceived risk and trust between franchisors and franchisees and their further recontracting intention from the perspective of a practical approach. In this study, 437 data has been collected and used for the SPSS and AMOS analysis. The data were analyzed with structural equation modeling. Since the result of the overall model analysis demonstrated a good fit, we could further analyze our data. II. Research Model: This study is to examine the structural relationships among preliminary and post-support by franchisor, franchisee's perceived business possibility, and communication, moral hazard, has on effect on franchisee's satisfaction, perceived risk, trust and recontracting intention in the food service franchise industry context. Hypotheses are as following (Stern & EL-Ansary 1988; Oliver, 1997;Kee & Knox, 1970; Moorman, Deshpande & Zaltman, 1993; Perron, 1998; Zaheer, McEvily, Perrone, 1998). III. Result and Implication: We examined franchisee who have food service stores for samples of this study. The data were analyzed with structural equation modeling using path analysis. The result of the overall model analysis appeared as following: ${\chi}^2$ = 61.578 (d.f.=9, p<0.01), CFI =.990, GFI =.973, AGFI =.863, RMR =.019, RMSEA= .116, NFI = .988, TLI = .959. The findings can be summarized as follows: First, preliminary and post support of franchisor, perceived business possibility and communication positively influence to franchisee's satisfaction. Second, moral hazard of franchisor has negatively influence to franchisee's satisfaction and positively influence to perceived risk. Third, franchisee's satisfaction and trust has positively influence to recontracting intention. Fourth, franchisee's perceived risk has negatively influence to trust and recontracting intention. We can concluded that franchisor's preliminary and post support of franchisor, perceived business possibility and communication may be considered as the important factors influence to franchisee's satisfaction. Moral hazard has become a focused issue in franchise industry. Finally, the managerial implication has been stated as followings: First, in the process of building a systematic industry support franchise system and developing a creative business model, franchisee's stable profitability should be considered as the first important factor. The franchisee's trust to franchise may become a dominant factor that influence the business expansion of franchisor. Second, franchisor should communication with their franchisees and deal with the realistic difficulties faced by them with an effort. Third, the franchisor should achieve a synergy effect by utilizing the win-win strategy. The moral hazard strategy that achieving the profit through franchisee's damage will not be inadvisable to franchisor. Then the long-term oriented development and profitability can be maintained. To do so, the franchise industry may break away from the traditional business structure to improve management transparency and competitiveness on investment and organizational changing management. The conflict between franchisor and franchisee also can be reduced and big success can be achieved in the franchise industry.

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The Research on the Present Situation for Supporting Creative Work by Revitalization of Common Space (창의적 업무지원을 위한 공용공간 활성화 현황조사에 관한 연구)

  • Sheen, Dong-Kwan;Han, Young-Ho
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.172-180
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    • 2012
  • Recently, the definition of work space contains so many meanings. Basically, this means space where handling various information and developing numerous creative activities. Moreover, the work space is important not only for individual itself but also organizational development. This research is studied for suggesting revitalization of advanced work efficiency, deriving motivation as well as creative operation support for harmonious communication. In order to make the better creative work places, "concentration and motivating interests between members of organization", "Necessity of environment for development and operational progress of work", "improvement and creativity of work and importance of the physical environment" and "harmonious communication and development of advanced community" should be considered. This research arranged based on ALCEMIS model and used actual examples on each step for better understanding of creative work spaces. ALCEMIS model is as follows: (1) Opportunity Finding (2) Fact Finding (3) Opportunity Definition (4) Idea Finding (5) Evaluate & Select (6) Plan (7) Acceptance (8)Execution' over the eight-step details to proceed through the 1. Discovert ((1)+(2)) 2. Dream ((3)+(4)) 3. Design((5)+(6)) 4. Destiny((7)+(8))y" It has been understood that many works related to creative jobs make good use of public spaces to progress operational improvement. The place where co-workers share with can create more effective and fulfilling outcome and satisfaction than independent and exclusive places. Especially creative jobs need this kind of spaces for better communication and cooperation.

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A Study on VMD Strategy Plan for Integrated Marketing Communication in Department Store -An Analysis of VMD Organization Elements- (백화점의 통합적 마케팅커뮤니케이션을 위한 VMD전략 계획에 관한 연구-VMD구성요소 분석을 중심으로-)

  • 김연아
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.17
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    • pp.12-21
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    • 1998
  • Due to rise in a more sophisticated consumer and free distribution of foreign goods domestic department stores have been confronted with the need to change marketing strategy. The VMD strategy has become increasingly important as the means in reaching the contemporary consumer who has been sensitized to a visual style of marketing strategy. The use of VMD organizational elements have enabled us to create basic planning data that more accurately reflect our current marketplace trends,. The positive influence and supporting role of visual merchandiser is needed more than ever and will be an important part of future profit and customer satisfaction regardless of whether the customer is driven from image buying values and product-quality issues.

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A Study on Algorithm for Reducing Communication Error Rate in Special Network (특수망에서 통신 에러율을 줄이기 위한 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Dong-Cheul
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.325-331
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the glass ceiling induction factors on the improvement of the job Commitment on the glass ceiling perception and to analyze the effect of the organizational Commitment on the influence of the local medical institute and private medical institute employees. As a research method, structural equation model analysis was carried out to investigate the influence relationship of each factor. In particular, multiple group analysis was performed to analyze the difference of influence relations between public and private medical personnel, respectively. Result: First, empirical studies on the effect of the glass ceiling inducing factors on job Commitment showed that job Commitment was influenced by stereotype and organizational culture, and the magnitude of the influence was different. Second, the employees of the room medical center were influenced by perceived promotion, job placement, education and training, reward, and job satisfaction. Third, in the hypothesis that job Commitment will be affected by the perception of glass ceiling, only the workers of the private medical center showed significant results. Based on the results of this study, it will be necessary to plan policies to improve the perception of the glass ceiling phenomenon and improve its status in order to improve the personnel and system with which women workers in the medical field can enter more senior management positions.

The Analysis of Structural Relationships Among Self-Efficacy, Perceived Usefulness, Supervisor and Peer Support, Satisfaction, and Transfer Intentions in Corporate Mobile-Learning (기업 모바일러닝에서 자기효능감, 지각된유용성, 상사 및 동료지원, 만족도, 전이동기 간의 구조적 관계 분석)

  • Chung, Ae-Kyung;Hong, Yu-Na;Kang, Jeong-Jin
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the causal relationships among self-efficacy, perceived usefulness, supervisor and peer support, satisfaction, and transfer intentions in the corporate mobile learning. For this study, the web survey was administered to 302 mobile learning learners of the A domestic corporation in South Korea. Structural equation modeling(SEM) analysis was conducted in order to examine the causal relationships among the variables. The results indicated that first, self-efficacy, perceived usefulness, and supervisor and peer support had positive effects on satisfaction. Second, supervisor and peer support and satisfaction had positive effects on transfer intentions. Third, satisfaction mediated the relationship between self-efficacy and perceived usefulness, while it did partially the relationship between supervisor and peer support and transfer intentions. Based on the result of the research, the study proposes organizational environment with cooperative supervisor and peer support should be made in order to improve the level of learners' transfer intentions. In addition, learning strategies that facilitate learners' self-efficacy and mobile information technology acceptance are needed to develop for enhancing the learners' satisfaction.