• Title/Summary/Keyword: runoff area

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Long term Rainfall-Runoff Modeling Using Storage Function Method (저류함수를 이용한 일단위 장기유출모의 모형 구축)

  • Sung, Young-Du;Chong, Koo-Yol;Shin, Cheol-Kyun;Park, Jin-Hyeog
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.41 no.7
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    • pp.737-746
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of developing a rainfall-runoff and reservoir model is to provide an analysis tool for hydrological engineers in order to forecast discharge of rivers and to accomplish reservoir operations easily and accurately. In this study, based on the short-term rainfall-runoff storage function model which has gained popularity for real time flood forecast in practical water management affairs, a long-term runoff model was developed for the improvement of the calculation method of effective rainfall and percolation at the infiltration area. Annual discharge was simulated for three dam watersheds(Andong, Hapcheon, Milyang) in Nakdong River basin to analyze the accuracy of the developed model and compare it to SSARR model, which is used as the long-term runoff model in current practical water management affairs. As the result of the comparison of hydrographs, SSARR model showed relatively better results. However, it is possible for the developed model to simulate reliable long-term runoff using relatively little available data and is useful for hydrological engineers in practical affairs.

Reduction Rate of the Total Runoff Volume though Installing a Rainfall Storage Tank in the Sub-Surface (지하 빗물저류시설의 설치에 따른 유출 저감 효과 분석)

  • Choi, Gye-Woon;Choi, Jong-Young;Li, Jin-Won
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.36 no.3 s.134
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    • pp.455-464
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, the experiments with installing a rainfall storage tank in the sub-surface were conducted and the reduction rates of the total runoff volume were investigated. The analysis were conducted based upon the variations of the rainfall intensity, surface coverage and surface slope. The reduction rate of the runoff volume was varied from 42.3% to 52.9% with the soil in the bank of the Seung Gi stream. In the experiments, the rainfall intensities were varied from 40mm/hr to 100mm/hr and the results indicate that the direct runoff reduction can be obtained with the installation of the rainfall storage tank in the sub-surface. The variation of the stored volume in the tank is very large in the mild slope but very small in the steep slope with over 3% slope. With this results, the reduction of the direct runoff volume for the longtime flood is expected with the installation of the rainfall storage tank in the region haying the steep slope such as the mountain area.

A Study on Runoff Response according to Dividing Watershed. (유역분할에 따른 유출응답에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Tak;Choi, Yun-Seok
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.911-924
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    • 2003
  • Many researches have been conducting on extracting geometry data and hydrologic parameters by using GIS technique. However, there is no clear standard on those methods yet. This study examines the changing pattern of runoff responses characteristics with applying lumped model on divided watershed. WMS is used in order to divide watershed and calculate hydrologic geometry data and parameters by GIS technique. HEC-1 is adopted as a hydrologic model to establish runoff responses. The basin is divided into small watersheds, which are approximately same size. This research conducted runoff response simulation of Pyoungchang River and Wichon River Basin. Especially, research was focused on what is the most appropriate level as a divined sub-basin, and tested the effect of size of sub-basin for the runoff response simulation. The results showed the size of sub-basin was not an important factor for the simulation results after a certain size. The results of this study can be applied as an appropriate guidance to select optimal simulation size of watershed for the lumped model in a specific watershed.

Development of the Sub-soil Storage System for Utilization Urban Instream Flow of Rainfall Runoff (우수유출수의 도시하천 유지유량 활용을 위한 지하저류시스템 개발)

  • Choi, Gye-Woon;Choi, Jong-Young;Kim, Suk-Dong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.163-172
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, the sub-soil storage system for utilizing urban instream flow of rainfall runoff was developed and examined through experiments. The artificial rainfall facility and sub-soil storage were installed in the experimental area. The effect of the water qualify improvement and the storage effect were analyzed through the several experiments. Through the experiments of rainfall intensity variation, which are the rainfall intensity of 20mm/hr, 30mm/hr, 40mm/hr, 50mm/hr was indicated SS concentration can be reduction until 68%. Also, the ration of the storage volume is varied from 42.8%∼79.9% based on the rainfall intensity. The reduction rate of the BOD, CO $D_{Mn}$, SS, T-N, T-P was 30%, 42%, 68%, 39%, 26%. As the result, water quality of runoff and efficient of runoff reduction by the system are much improved. The rainfall runoff with the installation of sub-soil storage could be used for instream flow.

Improvement and Application of the ArcGIS-based Model to Estimate Direct Runoff (직접유출량 모의를 위한 ArcGIS 기반의 모형 개발 및 개선)

  • Kim, Jonggun;Lim, Kyoung Jae;Engel, Bernie;Cha, Sang Sun;Park, Chan-Gi;Park, Youn Shik
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.60 no.6
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2018
  • The Long-Term Hydrologic Impact Assessment (L-THIA) model is a quick and straightforward analysis tool to estimate direct runoff and nonpoint source pollution. L-THIA was originally implemented as a spreadsheet application. GIS-based versions of L-THIA have been developed in ArcView 3 and upgraded to ArcGIS 9. However, a major upgrade was required for L-THIA to operate in the current version of ArcGIS and to provide more options in runoff and NPS estimation. An updated L-THIA interfaced with ArcGIS 10.0 and 10.1 has been developed in the study as an ArcGIS Desktop Tool. The model provides a user-friendly interface, easy access to the model parameters, and an automated watershed delineation process. The model allows use of precipitation data from multiple gauge locations for the watershed when a watershed is large enough to have more than one precipitation gauge station. The model estimated annual direct runoff well for our study area compared to separated direct runoff in the calibration and validation periods of ten and nine years. The ArcL-THIA, with a user-friendly interface and enhanced functions, is expected to be a decision support model requiring less effort for GIS processes or to be a useful educational hydrology model.

Effect of Farming Practices on Water Quality

  • 최중배;최예환
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.37 no.E
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 1995
  • Three types of land use were investigated to describe the effect of land use on both surface and ground water quality. Typical land uses of a grazing pasture, Sudan grass field and paddy in Kangwon province were selected and flumes and monitoring wells were installed. Land managements were carefully monitored, water samples were collected periodically and analyzed with respect to nitrate, TP and TKN at a laboratory of Kangwon Provincial Institute of Health and Environment from August, 1993 to May, 1994. Runoff from the pasture was formed mostly with seeping subsurface flow in the lower areas of the pasture. A few overland flows were observed during heavy storms, and when it occurred, runoff increased sharply. For the Sudan grass field, runoff was formed with overland flow. Nitrate concentration in runoff from both land uses seemed not affected by runoff and ranged from 0.241 to 4.137mg'/1. TP and TKN concentrations from the pasture were affected by overland flow. When overland flow occurred, TP and TKN concentrations abruptly increased to 5.726 and 12.841mg/1, respectively, from less than 1.0mg/l. However, these concentrations from the Sudan grass field were quite stable ranging from 0.191 to 0.674mg/l for TP and 0A70 and 1.650mg/l for TKN. Nitrate concentration was significantly affected by land use(Sudan grass field) and the concentration increase reached about 2mg/l per lOOm ground water flow. Nitrate concentration from a well located in the middle of rice fields also was significantly higher than that measured from a well located relatively undisturbed mountain toe area. TP and TKN concentrations in shallow ground water affected by the depth of the monitoring wells. The deeper the monitoring wells, the less TP and TKN concentrations were measured.

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Simulation of Field Soil Loss by Artificial Rainfall Simulator - By Varing Rainfall Intensity, Surface Condition and Slope - (인공강우기에 의한 시험포장 토양유실량 모의 - 강우강도, 지표면 및 경사조건 변화 -)

  • Shin, Minhwan;Won, Chul-hee;Choi, Yong-hun;Seo, Jiyeon;Lee, Jaewoon;Lim, KyoungJae;Choi, Joong-dae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.785-791
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    • 2009
  • Using artificial rainfall simulator, the soil loss, which is deemed as the most cause of muddy water problem among Non-point source (NPS) pollutant, was studied by the analysis of direct runoff, groundwater discharge, and soil water storage properties concerned with rainfall intensity, slope of area, and land cover. The direct runoff showed increasing tendency in both straw covered and bared soil as slope increases from 5% to 20%. The direct runoff volume from straw covered surface were much lower than bared surface. The infiltration capacity of straw covered surface increased, because the surface sealing by fine material of soil surface didn't occur due to the straw covering. Under the same rainfall intensity and slope condition, 2.4~8.2 times of sediment yield were occurred from bared surface more than straw covered surface. The volume of infiltration increased due to straw cover and the direct runoff flow decreased with decrease of tractive force in surface. To understand the relationship of the rate of direct runoff, groundwater discharge, and soil water storage by the rainfall intensity, slope, and land cover, the statistical test was performed. It shows good relationship between most of factors, except between the rate of groundwater storage and rainfall intensity.

Urban Runoff Model Based on the Watershed and Channel Flood Routing Methods (유역(流域) 및 하도(河道) 홍수추적(洪水追跡) 방법(方法)을 결합(結合)시킨 도시하천(都市河川)의 유출해석모형(流出解析模型))

  • Wone, Seog Yeon;Yoon, Yong Nam
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 1993
  • An urban runoff model is proposed in this study, which is composed of a surface runoff model and a channel routing model. ILLUDAS is selected as the best fit model for the surface runoff computation, and the dynamic wave model using weighted four-point implicit finite difference scheme is used to perform the channel routing. The 3rd Seongbook bridge basin located in Seoul is selected as the test basin for the proposed model, and the rainfall-runoff data are collected to calibrate and verify the urban runoff model. The computed results by this model showed the fair accuracy when compared with the observed hydrographs. So the model proposed in this study could be used to compute the urban river flow as well as the outflow from the urban drainage area.

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Analysis of Rainfall-Runoff Characteristics on Impervious Cover Changes using SWMM in an Urbanized Watershed (SWMM을 이용한 도시화유역 불투수율 변화에 따른 강우유출특성 분석)

  • Oh, Dong Geun;Chung, Se Woong;Ryu, In Gu;Kang, Moon Seong
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2010
  • The increase of impervious cover (IC) in a watershed is known as an important factor causing alteration of water cycle, deterioration of water quality and biological communities of urban streams. The study objective was to assess the impact of IC changes on the surface runoff characteristics of Kap Stream basin located in Geum river basin (Korea) using the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). SWMM was calibrated and verified using the flow data observed at outlet of the watershed with 8 days interval in 2007 and 2008. According to the analysis of Landsat satellite imagery data every 5 years from 1975 to 2000, the IC of the watershed has linearly increased from 4.9% to 10.5% during last 25 years. The validated model was applied to simulate the runoff flow rates from the watershed with different IC rates every five years using the climate forcing data of 2007 and 2008. The simulation results indicated that the increase of IC area in the watershed has resulted in the increase of peak runoff and reduction of travel time during flood events. The flood flow ($Q_{95}$) and normal flow ($Q_{180}$) rates of Kap Stream increased with the IC rate. However, the low flow ($Q_{275}$) and drought flow ($Q_{355}$) rates showed no significant difference. Thus the subsurface flow simulation algorithm of the model needs to be revisited for better assessment of the impact of impervious cover on the long-term runoff process.

Uncertainty Analysis based on LENS-GRM

  • Lee, Sang Hyup;Seong, Yeon Jeong;Park, KiDoo;Jung, Young Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.208-208
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    • 2022
  • Recently, the frequency of abnormal weather due to complex factors such as global warming is increasing frequently. From the past rainfall patterns, it is evident that climate change is causing irregular rainfall patterns. This phenomenon causes difficulty in predicting rainfall and makes it difficult to prevent and cope with natural disasters, casuing human and property damages. Therefore, accurate rainfall estimation and rainfall occurrence time prediction could be one of the ways to prevent and mitigate damage caused by flood and drought disasters. However, rainfall prediction has a lot of uncertainty, so it is necessary to understand and reduce this uncertainty. In addition, when accurate rainfall prediction is applied to the rainfall-runoff model, the accuracy of the runoff prediction can be improved. In this regard, this study aims to increase the reliability of rainfall prediction by analyzing the uncertainty of the Korean rainfall ensemble prediction data and the outflow analysis model using the Limited Area ENsemble (LENS) and the Grid based Rainfall-runoff Model (GRM) models. First, the possibility of improving rainfall prediction ability is reviewed using the QM (Quantile Mapping) technique among the bias correction techniques. Then, the GRM parameter calibration was performed twice, and the likelihood-parameter applicability evaluation and uncertainty analysis were performed using R2, NSE, PBIAS, and Log-normal. The rainfall prediction data were applied to the rainfall-runoff model and evaluated before and after calibration. It is expected that more reliable flood prediction will be possible by reducing uncertainty in rainfall ensemble data when applying to the runoff model in selecting behavioral models for user uncertainty analysis. Also, it can be used as a basis of flood prediction research by integrating other parameters such as geological characteristics and rainfall events.

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