• Title/Summary/Keyword: runoff area

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Development and Evaluation of Bioretention Treating Stormwater Runoff from a Parking Lot (주차장 비점오염원 관리를 위한 식생체류지 개발 및 평가)

  • Yu, Gigyung;Choi, Jiyeon;Hong, Jungsun;Moon, Soyeon;Kim, Lee Hyung
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.221-227
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    • 2015
  • Urbanization increases the impervious cover, which affects the discharge of stormwater runoff and non-point source pollutants to the waterbodies. In order to improve the water quality and restore the aqua-ecosystem, the Ministry of Environment (MOE), Korea MOE introduced the Low Impact Development(LID) techniques on development projects. Therefore, research was performed to develop the bioretention technology for managing the stormwater runoff from urban areas. The test-bed was established on 2013 up to evaluate the performance of pollutant and runoff reduction. A total of 11 storm events have been monitored from November 2013 to present. Even though the SA/CA (surface area of bioretention/catchment area) is approximately 2.2%, the facility shows high pollutant and runoff reduction during storm events by increasing retention and infiltration capacities. The bioretention shows a 100% total runoff reduction at 0mm < R < 10mm rainfall range and more than 90% of runoff reduction at a rainfall range of 10mm < R < 20mm. Due to runoff volume reduction, more than 90% of nonpoint source pollutant were also removed by the bioretention.

A Determination of the Maximum Potential Runoff of Small Rural Basins (소하천(小河川) 유역(流域)의 잠재유출량(潛在流出量) 결정(決定))

  • Yoon, Yong Nam;Hong, Chang Seon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 1982
  • An effort of preliminary type has been made to develope a practical method for the waterway area determination of a drainage outlet in rural or agricultural areas. The Seoul meteorological station was selected as tile index station, and the maximum rainfalls-duration-frequency (R-D-F) relation of short-time intense rainfalls was first established. A frequency analysis of the daily rainfalls for the 75 stations selected throughout the country resulted the 50-year daily rainfall for each station. The rainfall factor, which is defined here as the ration of 50-year daily rainfalls of individual station and the index station, was determined for the 8 climatological regions divided in this study. Following the US SCS method the runoff number of a watershed was given based on the soil type, land-use pattern, and the surface treatment. With this runoff number and the R-D-F relationship the runoff factors for the index station were computed and hence a nomogram could be drawn which makes it possible to determine the runoff factor for a given rainfall number and a rainfall of specific duration and frequency. With this done, the potential runoff of a watershed for a given rainfall duration could be calculated, based on the unit hydrograph theory, by multiplying the rainfall factor, the runoff factor, and the drainage area of the watershed under consideration. Then, the maximum runoff potential was determined by varying the rainfall duration and finding out the duration which results the peak discharge of a gived return period.

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Development of a Grid-based Daily Watershed Runoff Model and the Evaluation of Its Applicability (분포형 유역 일유출 모형의 개발 및 적용성 검토)

  • Hong, Woo-Yong;Park, Geun-Ae;Jeong, In-Kyun;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.5B
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    • pp.459-469
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    • 2010
  • This study is to develop a grid-based daily runoff model considering seasonal vegetation canopy condition. The model simulates the temporal and spatial variation of runoff components (surface, interflow, and baseflow), evapotranspiration (ET) and soil moisture contents of each grid element. The model is composed of three main modules of runoff, ET, and soil moisture. The total runoff was simulated by using soil water storage capacity of the day, and was allocated by introducing recession curves of each runoff component. The ET was calculated by Penman-Monteith method considering MODIS leaf area index (LAI). The daily soil moisture was routed by soil water balance equation. The model was evaluated for 930 $km^2$ Yongdam watershed. The model uses 1 km spatial data on landuse, soil, boundary, MODIS LAI. The daily weather data was built using IDW method (2000-2008). Model calibration was carried out to compare with the observed streamflow at the watershed outlet. The Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency was 0.78~0.93. The watershed soil moisture was sensitive to precipitation and soil texture, consequently affected the streamflow, and the evapotranspiration responded to landuse type.

Runoff Characteristics of the Livestock Manure as Fertilizer at Farmland (가축분뇨 비료의 농지 유출 특성)

  • Oa, Seong-Wook
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.775-780
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    • 2010
  • Over 90% of the livestock excretions were treated and utilized by land application in Korea. Excessive application of the livestock manure as fertilizer has been issued as a main pollutant source in groundwater and watersheds. This study was seasonally conducted to identify the discharging characteristics with a certain artificial rainfall intensity (13 mm/hr) in terms of surface runoff, groundwater, and soil residue mass depending on the livestock manure types. A experimental field was constructed with three different sites that pig liquid fertilizer (LF), cattle manure (CM), and standard (S). The pig liquid fertilizer of 1,200 L and cattle manure of 900 kg were sprayed on each site ($50m^2$). The standard area was firmly prevented from any other contaminants. In the LF site, farmland discharging rate (FDR) was computed as 0.006 in CODcr, 0.015 in TN, and 0.029 in TP, resulted from the mass balance among total injection mass, surface runoff and groundwater. In the CM site, 29% of the nitrogen and phosphorus in each were discharged to the surface, and 64% and 58% of them were remained in the farmland. Surface runoff rate of the CM was higher than that of the LF, resulted from the solid form of the CM.

A Study on the Runoff Characteristics of Non-point Source in Urban Watershed - Case Study on the Dalseo and Daemyung Watershed (도시지역 비점오염물질의 유출특성에 관한 연구 - 달서천 및 대명천을 중심으로)

  • Jang Seong-Ho;Park Jin-Sick
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.1171-1176
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to identify the runoff characteristics of non-point source according to rainfall in Dalseo and Daemyung watershed. Land-uses of the Dalseo and Daemyung watershed were surveyed to urban $72.1\%$ and mountainous $6.7\%$, and urban $49.3\%$ and mountainous $20.5\%$, respectively Mean runoff coefficients in each area were estimated to Dalseo watershed 0.49 and Daemyung watershed 0.16. In the relationship between the rainfall and peak-flow correlation coefficients(r) were determined to Dalseo watershed 0.9060 and Daemyung watershed 0.5620. In the relationship between the antecedent dry period and flrst flow runoff correlation coefficients(r) were determined to Dalseo watershed 0.7217 and Daemyung watershed 0.2464. In the relationship between the rainfall and watershed loading, exponent values of SS in Dalseo and Daemyung watershed were estimated to 0.54 and 0.496, respectively.

A Study on the Improvement of Annual Runoff Estimation Model (연유출량 추정모형의 개선방안)

  • 이상훈
    • Water for future
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 1993
  • The most significant factor in estimating annual runoff must be the precipitation. But in the previous study, the watershed area instead of precitation was included as an independent variable in regression model in the process of checking accurate data. The criterion of accurate data was the runoff ratio in the range of 20% to 100%. In this study the valid range of evapotranspiration was adopted as a criterion of accurate data and the same data were reexamined. It came up with following model which has a high coefficient of determination and conforms to hydrologic theory. R=-518.25+0.8834P where, R: runoff depth(mm) P: precipitation(mm) This regression model was found to be stable by cross-validation and is proposed as annual runoff estimation model applicable to ungaged small and medium watersheds in Korea.

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Analysis to Select Filter Media and The Treatment Effect of Non-point Pollution Source in Road Runoff

  • Lee, Tae Goo;Han, Young Hae
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2014
  • This study selected and analyzed filter media that can be applied in non-point pollution reduction devices aimed at processing the source of pollution on site for road runoff that increases rapidly in rainfall-runoff in order to improve the water quality of urban areas. First, the factors that affect the quality of runoff caused by sources of non-point pollution include physical and social factors such as the usage of land around the area of water collection, type of pavement and movement of cars and people, as well as rainfall characteristics such as frequency, intensity, amount and duration of rainfall. Second, the purification tests of the filter media were processed for pH, BOD, COD and T-P, and the filter media showed to have initial purification effect at that items. However, the filter media showed to be very effective for the processing of SS, T-N, Zn and Cd from the beginning to the end. Third, for filter media, zeolite and vermiculite showed to be effective for processing SS, T-N, Zn and CD constantly, and composite filter media including zeolite showed to have strong processing effects. The authors conclude that this study can be applied to technical areas and policies aimed at reducing non-point pollution in urban areas and can also contribute to allowing eco-friendly management of rainfall as well as improvement of water quality.

A Study on Hydrologic Analysis and Some Effects of Urbanization on Design Flow of Urban Storm Drainage Systems (1) (도시 하수도망의 수문학적인 평가와 설계확률유량의 점대화 성향에 관한 연구(제1보))

  • 강관원;서병하;윤용남
    • Water for future
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 1981
  • The design flow of the urban strom drainage systems has been assessed largely on a basis of empirical relations between rainfall and runoff, and the rational formula has been widely used for the cities in our country. In order to estimate it more accurately, the urban runoff simulation model based on the RRl method has been developed and applied to the sample basin in this study. The rainfall hyetograph of the design stromfor the design flow has been obtained by the determination of the total rainfall and the temporal distributions of that rainfall. The total rainfall has been assessed from the empirical formula of rainfall intensity and the temporal distribution of that rainfall determined on the basis of Huff's method from the historical rainfall data of the basin. The virtual inflow hydrograph to each inlet of the basin has been constructed by computing the series of discharges in each time increment, using design strom hyetograph and time-area diagram. The actual runoff hydrograph at the basin outlet has been computed from the virtual inflow hydrographs by developing a relations between discharge and storage for the watershed. The discharge data for verification of the simulated runoff hydrograph are not available in the sample basin and so the sensitivity analysis of the simulation model has not been possible. The peak discharge for the design of drainage systems has been estimated from the computed runoff hydrograph at the basin outlet and compared to thatl obtained form the rational formula.

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A GIS Technology for Growndwater Protection (수자원 관리와 보호를 위한 GIS활용연구)

  • 김윤종;성익환;김원영;유일현;박준동
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.253-266
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    • 1993
  • GIS technique was applied for ffie work of water supply protection, and GIS rnaps were produced by this technique in Cheong-ju area. They are actual runoff rnap and regional groundwater protection map. The digital database was estabilished for creation of these maps in EGIS(Environmental Geologic information system). A lot of environmental, hydrological and geotedmical data relating to the area were collected from various sources, and used along with the results of the field investigation and laboratorv works in the interpretation of environmental geologic characteristics of the area. These special maps can be applied in the establishment of water supply protection and regional land use planning. For instant, the actaal runoff rnap is very linportant for hydrologic study, and groundwater protection map for susceptibility to groundwater contamination in the area. Actual runoff of the study area was calculated about 148mm using the method of SCS(Soil Consrevation Service) in GIS. The GIS technique was effective in watershed analysis and water balance study.

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Characteristics of Water Quality by Storm Runoffs from Intensive Highland Agriculture Area in the Upstream of Han River Basin (한강상류 고령지 농업지역에서의 강우시 비점오염 유출 특성)

  • Jung, Sungmin;Jang, Changwon;Kim, Jai-Ku;Kim, Bomchul
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.102-111
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    • 2009
  • Turbid storm runoff from intensive highland agriculture area has emerged as the major problem of water quality deterioration in the upstream region of the Han River. High slope of the upland combined with high rate of fertilization and intensive plowing causes high rate of soil erosion, and subsequently high suspended sediment and phosphorus content in the runoff water. The variations of water quality during rain spells were surveyed for two years (2005 and 2006) in the Jawoon Stream that is one of hot spots of intensive horticulture discharging turbid storm runoff. SS and TP showed large increase according to the increase of flow rate, whereas TN and BOD showed less fluctuations. Mean EMCs of SS and TP measured for nine rain events were as high as $207mgSS{\cdot}L^{-1}$ and $0.27mgP{\cdot}L^{-1}$, respectively. The export coefficient of SS and TP per area of cultivated field were calculated as $11,912kgSS{\cdot}yr^{-1}{\cdot}km^{-2}$ and $785kgP{\cdot}yr^{-1}{\cdot}km^{-2}$, repectively, which are significantly higher than reports of other area. It can be concluded that SS and TP in the runoffs were high enough to impose major threat to aquatic habitats, and the highland agriculture should be the main target of water quality management or habitat conservation in the study area.