• Title/Summary/Keyword: root system

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Growth and Quality of Two Melon Cultivars in Hydroponics Affected by Mixing Ratio of Coir Substrate and Different Irrigation Amount on Spring Season (멜론 봄 재배 시 코이어 배지경에서 배지 혼합 비율과 급액량에 따른 생육 및 품질)

  • Choi, Su hyun;Lim, Mi Yeong;Choi, Gyeong Lee;Kim, So Hui;Jeong, Ho Jeong
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.376-387
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    • 2019
  • Melons are mostly grown in soil, but it is susceptible to damage due to injury by continuous cropping such as Fusarium wilt and root rot. Hydroponic cultivation system can overcome the disadvantages of soil cultivation with precise nutrition management and a clean environment. When using the coir substrate, the most environmentally friendly organic substrate used for hydroponics, it is analyzed how the growth and fruit quality of the melon depends on the ratio of chips and dust and the amount of irrigation. The purpose of this study was to provide the basic data of melon hydroponics when cultivated in spring. The two types of the coir substrates used in the experiments were chip and dust ratios of 3 :7 and 5 : 5 respectively. The substrate with high dust ratios had excellent physical characteristics, such as container capacity and total porosity, and the drainage EC level showed a high value of $3.0-6.8dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$. When the amount of irrigation is provided based on the drainage rate, the group provided the nutrient solution on the basis of 10% drainage supplied 91 L per plant, which was reduced by about 30% compared to the group with the highest water supply. In addition, the total drainage showed less than 10 L per plant with a minimum water supply and was reduced by 30 - 70% in substrate with a high dust rates. In substrate with high water supply and high dust ratio, leaf growth and fruit enlargement were good, and the soluble solids content varies greatly from cultivar to cultivar. If you provided the amount of irrigation based on 10% drainage rate, the fruit weight will be decreased, but the amount of irrigation can be reduced. Therefore, it is considered that managing the water & nutrient properly taking into account the characteristics of coir substrate and cultivar can produce melon of uniform quality using hydroponics.

Studies on the utilization of sandy barren lands and sandy farm lands of low productivity -1. Studies on growing rice-plant in sandy barren lands (식량증산을 위한 유휴사지(遊休砂地) 및 사질계(砂質系) 농지(農地) 활용(活用)에 관한 기초적(基礎的) 연구(硏究) -1. 수도(水稻)의 사지재배(砂地栽培)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Yong Chul;Choe, Gyu Ho
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 1976
  • As a basic studies for increasing food production utilizing sandy barren lands and sandy farmlands of low productivity which distributed widely in Korea, an experiment of growing rice-plant on sandy barren land was undertaken as follows. 1. Variety, IR-667 was adopted and the growing method was a nutrient-irrigation culture which aimed to minimize percolation loss in sand with an automatic contineous supplying nutrient solution for supplmenting the sand characteristics. 2. The growth type price-plant after heading was a typical higher yield plant, that is, numerous, small, narrow, and thickend leaves, straight attitute, dense fasciculated etc. though the rooting of plant after planting was delayed because of using paddy-field grown seedling. 3. The adaptability of rice-plants on sandy land seemed to be different by varieties and IR-667 was more adaptable than ordinary Japonica varieties. 4. Even at the period of heading and maturing, the root system of rice-plant grown on sand showed vigorous growth having more activated apical portions. while, even the lower leaves showed flourished state. 5. The suppling of calcium and magnecium in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on sand made notable increase of stem number per plant, grain number per stem and yields.

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Fertility Status in Northeastern Alpine Soils of South Korea with Cultivation of Vegetable Crops (강원도 고랭지 채소 재배지의 토양 비옥도관리 현황과 전망)

  • Yang, Jae-E.;Cho, Byong-Ok;Shin, Young-Oh;Kim, Jeong-Je
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2001
  • Total upland area for cultivating the vegetable crops in the Alpine soils of Northeastern South Korea has been extending its limit to meet the increasing demand of vegetable food in recent decades. About 70% of these alpine soils are located in over 7% of the slope and most of vegetable crops have been cultivated intensively without practicing the best management systems. Thus, soil erosion and continuous cropping system have degenerated the soil fertility and shown detrimental effects on water quality. We initiated an intensive and extensive investigation to characterize the fertility problems encountered in these uplands. Objectives of this paper were to characterize the fertility status in the Alpine soils cultivated with vegetable crops for many years and to provide the recommendations for adequate soil management measures including fertilization and erosion control. Soils in general have good drainage with textural classes of loam or sandy loam. Their topographical characteristics tended to lead them to shallow plow layers, and the steepness of the terrain created erosion hazard. Of the soils examined, about 11% of uplands over 30% gradient was found in need of an urgent reforestation. A high content of gravel and firm hardness of soil attributed to inhibit the utilization of farm machinery and plant-root development. The average soil pH 5.6 was slightly low relative to pH 5.70 of the national average. Organic matter content was high compared with 2.0% of national average, but decreased with the prolonged cultivation periods. Available $P_2O_5$ concentration was unusually high due to the consequence of over dose application with chemical and organic fertilizers. Exchangeable cations as Ca, Mg, and K were appeared to be decreased in these regions with prolonging the cultivation periods. There were no significant differences in cation exchange capacity (CEC) and electrical conductivity (EC) among locations. Heavy metal contents were mostly lower than the threshold of danger level designated by Soil Environment Conservation Law of South Korea. Results indicated that a proper countermeasure and the best management practice should be immediately implemented to conserve the top soil and fertility in the Alpine regions.

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In vitro Multiplication of Hosta Tratt. Species Native to Korea by Shoot-tip Culture (경정배양에 의한 한국 자생 비비추속 식물의 기내증식)

  • Choi, Han;Yang, Jong Cheol;Ryu, Sun Hee;Yoon, Sae Mi;Kim, Sang Yong;Lee, Seung Youn
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to establish the in vitro propagation system by shoot tip culture of six Hosta species native to Korea (Hosta capitata (Koidz.) Nakai, H. clausa Nakai, H. jonesii M.G.Chung, H. minor (Baker) Nakai, H. venusta F.Maek., and H. yingeri S.B.Jones) for mass proliferation and a new cultivar development. The shoot tips of each Hosta species were cultured on MS medium containing eight combinations of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 mg/L BA with 0.1 mg/L NAA, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 mg/L TDZ with 0.1 mg/L NAA, and without any PGRs (control). They were investigated on callus, somatic embryo, crown bud, differentiation and growth of shoot and root, total fresh weight after 8 weeks of culture. In all six Hosta species, callus and somatic embryo induction rate and multiple shooting rate of the PGRs treatment group were higher than that of the control group. The highest number of differentiated shoots were obtained on medium supplemented with 2.0 ㎎/L TDZ in H. capitata (5.4), 1.0 mg/L TDZ in H. clausa and H. jonesii (3.3 and 5.8, respectively), 0.5 mg/L BA in H. minor (11.1), 1.0 mg/L BA and 0.1 mg/L TDZ in H. venusta (8.1), and 0.5 mg/L TDZ in H. yingeri (9.8). In somatic embryo formation, the PGRs treatment group of H. jonesii and H. yingeri were more effective than the control group, and the effects were relatively less in H. capitata, H. clausa Nakai, H. minor, H. venusta. Crown bud formation of four Hosta species (H.capitata, H. clausa, H. jonesiig, and H. yingeri) were also higher in the PGRs treatment group than in the control group. Crown bud formation of four Hosta species (H.capitata, H. clausa, H. jonesiig, and H. yingeri) were also higher in the PGRs treatment group than in the control group. H. clausa showed no significant effect on callus and shoot differentiation regardless of the type and concentration of cytokinin, but slightly increased in formation of crown bud in TDZ.

Evaluation of beam delivery accuracy for Small sized lung SBRT in low density lung tissue (Small sized lung SBRT 치료시 폐 실질 조직에서의 계획선량 전달 정확성 평가)

  • Oh, Hye Gyung;Son, Sang Jun;Park, Jang Pil;Lee, Je Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate beam delivery accuracy for small sized lung SBRT through experiment. In order to assess the accuracy, Eclipse TPS(Treatment planning system) equipped Acuros XB and radiochromic film were used for the dose distribution. Comparing calculated and measured dose distribution, evaluated the margin for PTV(Planning target volume) in lung tissue. Materials and Methods : Acquiring CT images for Rando phantom, planned virtual target volume by size(diameter 2, 3, 4, 5 cm) in right lung. All plans were normalized to the target Volume=prescribed 95 % with 6MV FFF VMAT 2 Arc. To compare with calculated and measured dose distribution, film was inserted in rando phantom and irradiated in axial direction. The indexes of evaluation are percentage difference(%Diff) for absolute dose, RMSE(Root-mean-square-error) value for relative dose, coverage ratio and average dose in PTV. Results: The maximum difference at center point was -4.65 % in diameter 2 cm size. And the RMSE value between the calculated and measured off-axis dose distribution indicated that the measured dose distribution in diameter 2 cm was different from calculated and inaccurate compare to diameter 5 cm. In addition, Distance prescribed 95 % dose($D_{95}$) in diameter 2 cm was not covered in PTV and average dose value was lowest in all sizes. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that small sized PTV was not enough covered with prescribed dose in low density lung tissue. All indexes of experimental results in diameter 2 cm were much different from other sizes. It is showed that minimized PTV is not accurate and affects the results of radiation therapy. It is considered that extended margin at small PTV in low density lung tissue for enhancing target center dose is necessary and don't need to constraint Maximum dose in optimization.

History and Archives : Colleagues or Strangers? (역사학과 기록학 학문의 인연, 학제의 괴리)

  • OH, Hang-Nyeong
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.54
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    • pp.179-210
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    • 2017
  • By redefining the concept of history, my colleagues and I have reformed our department in terms of curriculum and faculty members. This paper is a report of some of the conclusions that we have obtained from this procedure. Despite a long relationship, two disciplines do not seem to match or complement each other in the Korean education system. We believe that this is due to the fact that the Department of Korean History has focused on "national history (NH)." By conferring a privilege on NH, persons, families, societies, regions, and others were removed from NH. To make matters worse, a biased view that history is just an interpretation has prevailed, and the empiricism of history was weakened, which brought about an indifference in keeping records and archives. In East Asia, "history" means both modern history and archives. The concern about the authenticity of records did not come from H. Jenkinson or L. Duranti, and not even from the electronic environment or the Public Records Act of 1998. Key concepts such as records, documents-archives, manuscripts, authenticity, compilation-appraisal, arrangement, and description are different from their signifiant but are same or similar to their $signifi{\acute{e}}$. In case of "provenance" and "original order," they are used in education and practice in the traditional archives. History includes the recording, archiving, and the story or historiography of an event. In this context, the Department of Korean History should contain a more archives-oriented curriculum and select an archival-trained faculty. On the other hand, the department has accumulated long-term experience with appraisal and description of records; thus, archival science should absorb the criticism of the material. History will be shaken without the help of archives, while archives will lose their root without history. We are at the point in which we need to be reminded why we want to be a historian or an archivist, and for this, the more colleagues, the better.

A Study on Noju Oh Hui-sang's account of Nature and Principle(songli性理) - focusing on Horak Controversy in the early 19th century (노주(老洲) 오희상(吳熙常)의 성리설(性理說) 연구(硏究) - 19세기 전반기의 호락논쟁에 유의하여 -)

  • Park, Hak-rae
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.54
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    • pp.349-386
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    • 2014
  • Noju Oh Hui-sang(1763-1833) is one of the neo-Confucian scholars representing with Hong Chik-pil the Kiho-Nak School from the late 18th to the early 19th century. He did sincerely not only succeed theories of Kiho School originated from Yulgok, but also strengthened the main view of the Nak faction by clarifying the theoretical stance of it derived from Kim Chang-hyop. Not only he does suggest critical points of view against Ho faction in terms of Horak Controversy, but also criticizes heterodox account, which raised by an inner circle of Nak faction. In this vein, Oh established the neo-Confucian ways of realization of morality and ideal society by setting up his own points of view on mind and bright virtues that are followed by various issues of Horak Controversy. My paper will examine the values of Oh's account of Nature-Principle in the light of intellectual historical context by paying a special attention to his critical views of Ho faction. Oh's main idea is how to systematize practical foundation of realizing morality. Thus, he wants to theoretically explain both the practice of morality and the reality of pure moral mind in order to establish concrete practices of them in the real world. In doing so, he pays attention to mutual inclusive relationship between Principle and Matter(ki:氣). The mutual inclusive relationship between them can be exactly applied into the relationship between mind and Nature. So, the realityof moral principle explicitly implies the pure goodness of moral agency. Furthermore, his elucidation of logical relationship between mind and Nature and its values via the ontological understanding of them is to set up a system of cultivation, i.e., realizing practical foundation of pure moral mind. In conclusion, we can evaluate that Oh's account of Nature-Principle, at least, aims not only at establishment of moral agency and its reality in a theoretical dimension, but also at a guarantee of their realization in the world.

Retrieval of Oceanic Skin Sea Surface Temperature using Infrared Sea Surface Temperature Autonomous Radiometer (ISAR) Radiance Measurements (적외선 라디오미터 관측 자료를 활용한 해양 피층 수온 산출)

  • Kim, Hee-Young;Park, Kyung-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.617-629
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    • 2020
  • Sea surface temperature (SST), which plays an important role in climate change and global environmental change, can be divided into skin sea surface temperature (SSST) observed by satellite infrared sensors and the bulk temperature of sea water (BSST) measured by instruments. As sea surface temperature products distributed by many overseas institutions represent temperatures at different depths, it is essential to understand the relationship between the SSST and the BSST. In this study, we constructed an observation system of infrared radiometer onboard a marine research vessel for the first time in Korea to measure the SSST. The calibration coefficients were prepared by performing the calibration procedure of the radiometer device in the laboratory prior to the shipborne observation. A series of processes were applied to calculate the temperature of the layer of radiance emitted from the sea surface as well as that from the sky. The differences in skin-bulk temperatures were investigated quantitatively and the characteristics of the vertical structure of temperatures in the upper ocean were understood through comparison with Himawari-8 geostationary satellite SSTs. Comparison of the skin-bulk temperature differences illustrated overall differences of about 0.76℃ at Jangmok port in the southern coast and the offshore region of the eastern coast of the Korean Peninsula from 21 April to May 6, 2020. In addition, the root-mean-square error of the skin-bulk temperature differences showed daily variation from 0.6℃ to 0.9℃, with the largest difference of 0.83-0.89℃ at 1-3 KST during the daytime and the smallest difference of 0.59℃ at 15 KST. The bias also revealed clear diurnal variation at a range of 0.47-0.75℃. The difference between the observed skin sea surface temperature and the satellite sea surface temperature showed a mean square error of approximately 0.74℃ and a bias of 0.37℃. The analysis of this study confirmed the difference in the skin-bulk temperatures according to the observation depth. This suggests that further ocean shipborne infrared radiometer observations should be carried out continuously in the offshore regions to understand diurnal variation as well as seasonal variations of the skin-bulk SSTs and their relations to potential causes.

Intentionality Judgement in the Criminal Case: The Role of Moral Character (형사사건에서의 고의성 판단: 도덕적 특성의 역할)

  • Choi, Seung-Hyuk;Hur, Taekyun
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.25-45
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    • 2020
  • Intentionality judgement in criminal cases is a core area of fact finding that is root of guilty and sentencing judgment on the defendant. However, the third party is not sure the intentionality because it reflects subjective aspect of agent. Thus, mechanism behind intentionality judgment is an important factor to be properly understood by the academia and the criminal justice system. However, previous studies regarding intentionality judgment models have shown inconsistent results. Mental-state models proposed foreseeability(belief) and desire of agent at the time of the offence as key factors in intentionality judgment. These factors consistent with central things on intentionality judgment in criminal law. However, key factors in moral-evaluation models are blameworthiness of agent and badness of outcome reflected on the consequent aspect of act. Recently, deep-self concordance model emerged suggesting important factors on intentionality judgment are not mental states and moral evaluations but individual's deep-self. However, these models are limited in that they do not consider the important features of criminal cases, that the consequence of the case is inevitably negative, and therefore the actor who is a party to legal punishment rarely expresses his or her mental state at the time of the act. Therefore, this study suggests that, based on the existing intentionality judgment studies and the characteristics of the criminal case, the inference about who the agent was originally will play a key role in judging the intentionality in the criminal case. This is the moral-character model. Futhermore, In this regard, this study discussed what the media and criminal justice institutions should keep in mind and the directions for future research.

Application of White Light Emitting Diodes to Produce Uniform Scions and Rootstocks for Grafted Fruit Vegetable Transplants (과채류 접목 시 균일한 접수와 대목 생산을 위한 백색 LED의 적용)

  • Hwang, Hyunseung;Chun, Changhoo
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.14-21
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    • 2022
  • Uniform scions and rootstocks should be produced to ensure grafting success. Light quality is an important environmental factor that regulates seedling growth. The effects of warm- and cool-white light emitting diode (LED) ratios on seedling growth were investigated. Scions and rootstocks of cucumber, tomato, and watermelon were grown in a closed transplant production system using LED as the sole lighting source. The LED treatments were W1C0 (only warm-white), W1C1 (warm-white: cool-white = 1:1), W3C1 (warm-white: cool-white = 3:1), and W5C2 (warm-white: cool-white = 5:2). The seedlings grown in W1C1 had the shortest hypocotyls, and the seedlings grown in W1C0 had the longest hypocotyls among the three tested vegetables. The hypocotyls of watermelon scions, watermelon rootstocks, and tomato rootstocks were shortest in W1C1, followed by those in W3C1, W5C2, and W1C0, but there was no significant difference between W3C1 and W5C2, which remained the same as the ratio of cool-white LEDs increased. In addition, tomato scions had the first and second longest hypocotyls in W1C0 and W3C1, respectively, and the shortest hypocotyls in W5C2 and W1C1, along with W5C2 and W1C1, although the difference was not significant. The stem diameter was highest in W1C0 except for tomato seedlings and rootstocks of watermelon. The shoot fresh weight of scions and rootstocks of cucumber and watermelon and the root fresh weight of cucumber scions were lowest in W1C1. These results indicated that different ratios of LED lighting sources had a strong effect on the hypocotyl elongation of seedlings.