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Characterization of Root Transcriptome among Korean Ginseng Cultivars and American Ginseng using Next Generation Sequencing (차세대염기서열 분석을 이용한 고려인삼과 미국삼의 전사체 분석)

  • Jo, Ick Hyun;Kim, Young Chang;Lee, Seung Ho;Kim, Jang Uk;Kim, Sun Tae;Hyun, Dong Yun;Kim, Dong Hwi;Kim, Kee Hong;Kim, Hong Sig;Chung, Jong Wook;Bang, Kyong Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.339-348
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    • 2014
  • The transcriptomes of four ginseng accessions such as Cheonryang (Korean ginseng cultivar), Yunpoong (Korean ginseng cultivar), G03080 (breeding line of Korean ginseng), and P. quinquefolius (American ginseng) was characterized. As a result of sequencing, total lengths of the reads in each sample were 156.42 Mb (Cheonryang cultivar), 161.95 Mb (Yunpoong cultivar), 165.07 Mb (G03080 breeding line), and 166.48 Mb (P. quinquefolius). Using a BLAST search against the Phytozome databases with an arbitrary expectation value of 1E-10, over 20,000 unigenes were functionally annotated and classified using DAVID software, and were found in response to external stress in the G03080 breeding line, as well as in the Cheonryang cultivar, which was associated with the ion binding term. Finally, unigenes related to transmembrane transporter activity were observed in Cheonryang and P. quinquefolius, which involves controlling osmotic pressure and turgor pressure within the cell. The expression patterns were analyzed to identify dehydrin family genes that were abundantly detected in the Cheonryang cultivar and the G03080 breeding line. In addition, the Yunpoong cultivar and P. quinquefolius accession had higher expression of heat shock proteins expressed in Ricinus communis. These results will be a valuable resource for understanding the structure and function of the ginseng transcriptomes.

A New Needle Rust Fungus Coleosporium neocacaliae on the Needles of Pinus koraiensis in Korea (국내 미기록 잣나무 잎녹병균, Coleosporium neocacaliae)

  • Lee, Seung-Kyu;Kim, Dong-Won;Moon, Yil-Seong;Kim, Jong-Jin
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.214-218
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    • 2008
  • Coleosporium neocacaliae, a needle rust fungus, was described and illustrated for the first time on the needles of Pinus koraiensis (Korean pine) in Korea. Detailed descriptions of the species were verified based on symptoms and signs, and light and scanning electron microscopic observations on aecia, aeciospores and peridial cells. The present needle rust fungus was apparently different from C. eupatorii, a solely recorded Coleosporium species on P. Koraiensis in Korea until this time, in having comparatively large sized aeciospores as 2039×1427μm than those of latter species (size of aeciospores 1527×1020μm). Verrucose surface structure of aeciospores in light microscopy was revealed to be annulated with three to four rings and root-like base in scanning electron microscopy. Aecial stage of C. neocacaliae were formed on the middle days of April to the early days of June and collected around the central parts of Korean peninsula, including high mountains of about 1,000 m above sea level.

A Study on the Causalities Among GDP, Electric Consumption, CO2 Emission and Environmental Regulation in Korea (한국의 경제성장, 전력소비량, 이산화탄소 배출량 및 환경규제 간 인과관계 분석)

  • Jin, Bo-young;Kim, Geun-u;Park, Jung-gu
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2020
  • The rapid climate change is strengthening carbon emissions regulations internationally. Korea is strongly pressed to accept the obligation to reduce greenhouse gases as one of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. This article analyzed the Granger causalities among environmental regulation, economic growth, electricity consumption, and CO2 emission in Korea, using unit root test, cointegration test, and vector error correction model. As the results, environmental regulation has shown the bidirectional causalities with electricity consumption and CO2 emission, while being unilaterally affected by economic growth in the long-run and strong relationship. Economic growth has affected electricity consumption, CO2 emission, and environmental regulation in the long-run, in the complex structure of the unilateral and short-run causality with electricity consumption and the bidirectional causality with CO2 emission. The policy implications will be as follows: ① environmental regulation should induce sustainable growth through encouraging technological innovation relating to CO2 reduction and productivity enhancement. ② Responding to the international CO2 reduction regulation, the synthetic policy initiatives will be considered to make synergy effects among policies relating to economic growth, electricity consumption.

A Study on the Statistical Continuity of Electrical Construction Cost Index Applied Chain Method (전기공사비지수의 산정방식 변경에 따른 통계연속성 실증분석 연구)

  • Park, Houng-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2015
  • Electrical construction cost index is composed of the cost of albor and material. The producer price index is used to the cost of material. The Bank of Korea restructured the formation method and the basic period of the producer price index in 2013. Because fixed-weighted method can't faithfully reflect industrial structure changes. The weighted value and price index of fixed-weighted method is fixed on the basicp eriod. Electrical construction cost index is changed from fixed-weighted method to chain-weighted method in september 2014, because of these on the need. But the change of organization in formation method changes the weighted value. So there is the need of analysis about the statistical continuity of electrical construction cost index. This study is focused on the time series analysis between fixed-weighted and chain-weighted electrical construction cost index. We uses unit root test, cointegration test, regression analysis of long and short term equation, fitness for the estimation of static forecast as time series analysis. We verify that chain-weighted electrical construction cost index can be replaced to fixed-weighted construction cost index accounting analyses result. So users of it recognize that chain-weighted electrical construction cost index has statistical continuity.


  • Jeong, Hye-Jin;Yoo, Jae-Heung;Oh, Nam-Sik;Kim, Han-Sung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.567-578
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    • 2007
  • Statement of problem: The endodontically treated tooth is generally restored with post and core, owing to the brittle and the loss of large amount of tooth structure. As periodontal treatment was developed, there are many cases that periodontally involved teeth used in prosthetic treatment. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the stress distribution in the dentin and post structures by the various post materials and the amount of remaining alveolar bone height. Material and method: The 3-dimensional finite element models of mandible 1st premolars were divided into six types according to the various amount of remaining alveolar bone and post type. All types were modeled using equal length, diameter and shape of the post. Three types of post and core materials were used: prefabricated titaniumpost and amalgam core, prefabricated stainless steel post and amalgam core, and cast gold post and core. 300 Newton force was applied to functional cusp of mandible 1st premolar. Results: The results were as follows: First, there was no apparent difference in the pattern of stress distribution according to the alveolar bone condition concentrate on the post middle area. Second, there was difference in pattern of stress distribution according to the core materials, gold post and core generated same than amalgam core. Third, there was no apparent difference in the pattern of stress distribution within the dentin according to the post and core materials. But a cast gold post and core generated the lowest maximum stress value, a stainless steel post generated the highest maximum stress value. Fourth, in the reduced alveolar bone model, maximum stress value is 1.5 times than that of the normal alveolar bone model. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, to provide minimal stress to the root with alveolar bone reduced, the post length may be as long as apical seal was not destroyed. To prevent fracture of tooth, it is rational to use gold alloy which material was good for stress distribution for post materials.

Characterizing Magnetic Properties of TA (Tofua Arc) 22 Seamount (23° 34′ S) in the Lau Basin, Southwestern Pacific (남서태평양 라우분지 TA 22 해저산(23° 34′ S)에서의 지자기 특성 연구)

  • Choi, Soon Young;Kim, Chang Hwan;Park, Chan Hong;Kim, Hyung Rae
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.67-81
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    • 2018
  • We acquired the magnetic and bathymetry data around the TA (Tofua Arc) 22 seamount in the Lau Basin for finding submarine hydrothermal deposits. From the data, we estimated the magnetic characteristics in the study area. The bathymetry shows that TA 22 seamount consists of the western and eastern summits. Each summit exhibits a caldera. The western caldera is smaller, but deeper than the eastern caldera. The slope gradients of the TA 22 are steeper around ~1000 m depth range and relatively gentle at the summit areas with the small difference of two calderas. The magnetic properties of TA 22 seamount present high anomalies at the summit and the vicinity of the caldera. Low magnetization zones appear over the outer flanks and center of the calderas. These magnetic patterns are similar to the previous studies which had represented high anomalies and low magnetization zones inside of the summit area or on the flank of the outside of the summit area. The results of the 2D magnetic forward modeling with seismic profiles show about 20 nT of RMSEs (root mean square error) between the modeled and observed values. The low RMSEs proposes a good correlation between the modeled 2D structure and the geophysical observation in this study area. Based on the modeling and magnetization distribution, hydrothermal deposits are predicted to be located at the inner area of the calderas or at small mounds around caldera rims.

A Study on the Collateral Vessel Pathology(絡脈病機) of Blood Disease(血證) in Onbyeong(溫病) with focus on Ju-Gaek-Gyo(主客交, guest-host minglement) and Dry Blood(乾血) (온병(溫病) 혈증(血證)의 낙맥병기(絡脈病機)에 대한 고찰 -주객교(主客交)와 건혈(乾血)을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Dong-Hui;Jeong, Chang-Hyun;Jang, Woo-Chang;Lyu, Jeong-Ah;Baik, You-Sang
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.89-115
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    • 2012
  • Objective : Blood disease is common these days due to modern man's excessiveness in Yang heat (陽熱) and vulnerability of the Eum blood(陰血). This exposes them to warmheat/ dampness-heat diseases, where pathogenic heat easily penetrates the blood dimension(血分) creating stagnated blood(瘀血). Consequently, pathogenic symptoms in the collateral vessels increase, making it crucial to understand the pathogenic mechanism of the disease. Method : This paper examines the condition and region of the collateral vessel diseases(CVD) according to the blood diseases of Onbyeong, by analyzing each prescription's matching symptom. The disease in question in this paper is 'stagnated blood fixated in the collateral vessels'. Therefore diseases with stagnated blood in the Yang collaterals and Viscera collaterals or viscera themselves from the chapter of "On-Yeok-Ron(溫疫論)", and < Dry Blood-DaeWhangJaChungWhan(大黃蟅蟲丸) > chapter of "Geum-Gue-Yo-Rak(金匱要略)", were examined respectively. Result & Conclusion : The process of CVD according to the blood diseases of Onbyeong can be summarized as follows. First, bleeding in the Yang and Bowel collaterals, then stagnation in the Yang and Bowel collaterals, and finally stagnation in the viscera collaterals or Liver itself. The refractory nature of blood stagnation symptoms of the collateral vessels is mainly due to the characteristics of the collateral vessel itself. In structure, they are very narrow and small, situated at the most terminal part of the body where it is difficult for the Jeong Gi(精氣) to reach. Also, as they are symptomatic of degeneration of Jeong Gi, the root of the disease is very deep. Therefore to resolve blood stagnation in the cases of Ju-Gaek-Gyo and Dry Blood, general approaches using 'Gi communication(行氣)' or 'Blood vitalizing(活血)' medicinals will not suffice. Special medicinals such as crustacean and insects need to be appropriately applied.

A Six-Layer SVAT Model for Energy and Mass Transfer and Its Application to a Spruce(Picea abies [L].Karst) Forest in Central Germany (독일가문비나무(Picea abies [L].Karst)림(林)에서의 Energy와 물질순환(物質循環)에 대(對)한 SLODSVAT(Six-Layer One-Dimensional Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Transfer) 모델과 그 적용(適用))

  • Oltchev, A.;Constantin, J.;Gravenhorst, G.;Ibrom, A.;Joo, Yeong-Teuk;Kim, Young-Chai
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.85 no.2
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    • pp.210-224
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    • 1996
  • The SLODSVAT consists of interrelated submodels that simulate : the transfer of radiation, water vapour, sensible heat, carbon dioxide and momentum in two canopy layers determined by environmental conditions and ecophysiological properties of the vegetation ; uptake and storage of water in the "root-stem-leaf" system of plants ; interception of rainfall by the canopy layers and infiltration and storage of rain water in the four soil layers. A comparison of the results of modeling experiments and field micro-climatic observations in a spruce forest(Picea abies [L].Karst) in the Soiling hills(Germany) shows, that the SLODSVAT can describe and simulate the short-term(diurnal) as well as the long-term(seasonal) variability of water vapour and sensible heat fluxes adequately to natural processes under different environmental conditions. It proves that it is possible to estimate and predict the transpiration and evapotranspiration rates for spruce forest ecosystems on the patch and landscape scales for one vegetation period, if certain meteorological, botanical and hydrological information for the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer, the canopy and the soil are available.

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  • Lim, Kyung-Seok;Kwon, Young-Hyuk;Lee, Man-sup;Park, Joon-Bong
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.89-112
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    • 2002
  • The earliest reports of the use of electrical energy to directly stimulate bone healing seem to be in 1853 from England, the techniques involved the introduction of direct current into the non-united fracture site percutaneously via metallic needles, with subsequent healing of the defect. One endpoint of the periodontal therapy is to generate structure lost by periodontal diseases. Several procedural advances may support regeneration of attachment, however, regeneration of alveolar bone does not occur consistently. Therefore, factors which stimulate bone repair are areas for research in periodontal reconstructive therapy. Effects of cytokines or growth factors on bone repair are examples of such areas. Another one is electrical current which occurs in bone naturally, so that such bone may be particularly susceptible to electrical therapy. The purposes of this study were to observe the effects of electrical stimulation on the normal periodontium, to determine whether the electricity is the useful means for periodontal regeneration or not. Forty rats weighted about 100 gram were used and divided into 4 groups, the first group, there was no electrical stimulation with the connection of electrodes only. In the second group, there was stimulated by the 10 mA during 10 minutes per a day, in the third group was stimulated by the 25 mA , and the fourth by the 50 mA. At 3, 5, 10 and 15 days post-appliance , two rats in each group were serially sacrificed. and the maxillae and the mandible processed to paraffin, and the specimens were prepared with Hematoxylin-Eosin stain for the light microscopic evaluation. The results of this study were as follows : 1. There was the distinct reversal line on the lingual alveolar crest, whereas a little changes in the labial alveolarcrest to the duration and amount of currents. 2. In 50 mA group, the cells were highly concentrated at the apex of anterior teeth, and was observed the necrotic tissue. In posterior root apex, the hypercementosis was appeared, and newly formed cementum layer has been increased continuously with the time. 3. The periodontal ligament fiber and Sharpey's fiber were arranged in order, and the bone trabeculae were increased as the experiment proceeded by, relatively the bone marrows were decreased. 4. In the pulp tissue, the blood vessels were increased with blood congestion in the experimetal specimens remarkably, and the dentinal tubules were obstructed . 5. The osteoblasts in alveolar bone proper had been showed highly activity, and also observed the formation of bone trabeculea. In the conclusion, it was suggested that the electrical stimulation has influence on the periodontium and the pulp tissue. However, there might be the injurious effects.

Analysis of the Effectiveness of Simplified Slope Stabilization Methods for the Continuous Utilization of Skid Trails (산림작업로의 지속적 활용을 위한 간이 사면안정처리 효과분석)

  • Lee, Kwan-Hee;Hwang, Jin-Seong;Ji, Byoung-Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.108 no.4
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    • pp.582-591
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to develop low-cost, simplified slope stabilization methods for the continuous utilization of skid trails, and to analyze the effect of the developed methods. Slope stabilization methods were created on the fill slopes of skid trails in the Forest Technology and Management Research Center of the National Institute of Forest Science.We measured the settlement and bearing capacity of skid trail surfaces, and the displacement of slope stabilization methods with respect to the number of passes (maximum 100 passes) by a logging truck weighing 17 tons. The constancy of slope stabilization methods was determined by measuring displacement of the stabilization structure with respect to the number of logging truck passes. Results showed that the bearing capacity in most cases was insufficient, but that the settlement of skid trails was less than 150 mm, which was considered reasonable. In addition, the stability of root staking wallswas somewhat low, but the average displacements of all slope stabilization methods were generally around 20 mm or less, indicating no issues regarding structural stability. By applying the simplified stabilization methods to skid trail maintenance following timber harvesting, efficient timber harvesting can be achieved. Additionally, these methods can be utilized as permanent forest management infrastructures and complement insufficient forest road facilities.