• Title/Summary/Keyword: river management flow

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Analysis of Unit Pollution Load on Highway runoff (고속도로 노면 강우유출 오염부하 원단위 산정)

  • Kang, Hee-Man;Lee, Doo-Jin;Bae, Woo-Keun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 2012
  • Impervious surface increase due to urbanization, one of the leading causes of pavement increased the runoff coefficient, peak flow, and reducing the infiltration flow and thereby causing flooding and river erosion is occurring in aquatic ecosystems are known to impair. This study aimed to classify use type of detailed land into the road, reststop, tollgates and etc. focused on major domestic highways, to understand the characteristics of rainfall runoff pollutants and to calculate applicable unit pollution load. Because of high runoff coefficient and short travel time to drainage. first flush occurred clearly. Average EMCs of runoff in the highway was investigated as TSS 108.47 mg / L, COD 28.16 mg / L, BOD 13.61 mg / L, TN 6.38 mg / L, TP 0.03 mg / L, Cu 118.17 ${\mu}g$ / L, Pb 345.3 ${\mu}g$ / L, Zn 349.47 ${\mu}g$ / L. Unit pollution loads calculated by detailed land use area of highways based on average annual rainfall, EMCs, applicable basin areas and etc. were 46.6 kg/km2/day of BOD, 1.4 kg/km2/day of TP, 8.81 kg / km2/day of TN and these were BOD 50.8%, TP 66.7%, TN 64.4%in comparison of the unit pollution loads which applies fallow land standards of the TMDL(Total Maximum Daily Load). It was considered that discharged loads can be excessively calculated in case highway non-point management plans based on unit pollution load of the current land standard.

Spatiotemporal and Longitudinal Variability of Hydro-meteorology, Basic Water Quality and Dominant Algal Assemblages in the Eight Weir Pools of Regulated River(Nakdong) (낙동강 8개 보에서 기상수문·기초수질 및 우점조류의 시공간 종적 변동성)

  • Shin, Jae-Ki;Park, Yongeun
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.268-286
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    • 2018
  • The eutrophication and algal blooms by harmful cyanobacteria (CyanoHAs) and freshwater redtide (FRT) that severely experiencing in typical regulated weir system of the Nakdong River are one of the most rapidly expanding water quality problems in Korea and worldwide. To compare with the factors of rainfall, hydrology, and dominant algae, this study explored spatiotemporal variability of the major water environmental factors by weekly intervals in eight weir pools of the Nakdong River from January 2013 to July 2017. There was a distinct difference in rainfall distribution between upstream and downstream regions. Outflow discharge using small-scale hydropower generation, overflow and fish-ways accounted for 37.4%, 60.1% and 2.5%, respectively. Excluding the flood season, the outflow was mainly due to the hydropower release through year-round. These have been associated with the drawdown of water level, water exchange rate, and the significant impact on change of dominant algae. The mean concentration (maximum value) of chlorophyll-a was $17.6mg\;m^{-3}$ ($98.2mg\;m^{-3}$) in the SAJ~GAJ and $29.6mg\;m^{-3}$ ($193.6mg\;m^{-3}$) in the DAS~HAA weir pools reaches, respectively. It has increased significantly in the downstream part where the influence of treated wastewater effluents (TWEs) is high. Indeed, very high values (>50 or $>100mg\;m^{-3}$) of chlorophyll-a concentration were observed at low flow rates and water levels. Algal assemblages that caused the blooms of CyanoHAs and FRT were the cyanobacteria Microcystis and the diatom Stephanodiscus populations, respectively. In conclusion, appropriate hydrological management practices in terms of each weir pool may need to be developed.

Future Projection in Inflow of Major Multi-Purpose Dams in South Korea (기후변화에 따른 국내 주요 다목적댐의 유입량 변화 전망)

  • Lee, Moon Hwan;Im, Eun Soon;Bae, Deg Hyo
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.21 no.spc
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2019
  • Multi-purpose dams in Korea play a very important role in water management such as supplying water for living, industrial water, and discharging instream flow requirement to maintain the functions of river. However, the vulnerability of dam water supply has been increased due to extreme weather events that are possible linked to climate change. This study attempts to project the future dam inflow of six multi-purpose dams by using dynamically downscaled climate change scenarios with high resolution. It is found that the high flows are remarkably increased under global warming, regardless of basins and climate models. In contrast, the low flows for Soyangang dam, Chungju dam, and Andong dam that dam inflow are originated from Taebaek mountains are significantly decreased. On the other hand, while the low flow of Hapcheon dam is shown to increase, those of Daecheong and Sumjingang dams have little changes. But, the low flows for future period have wide ranges and the minimum value of low flows are decreased for all dams except for Hapcheon dam. Therefore, it is necessary to establish new water management policy that can respond to extreme water shortages considering climate change.

3D Modeling of Turbid Density Flow Induced into Daecheong Reservoir with ELCOM-CAEDYM (ELCOM-CAEDYM을 이용한 대청댐 유입탁수의 3차원 모델링)

  • Chung, Se-Woong;Lee, Heung-Soo;Ryoo, Jae-Il;Ryu, In-Gu;Oh, Dong-Geun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.41 no.12
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    • pp.1187-1198
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    • 2008
  • Many reservoirs in Korea and their downstream environments are under increased pressure for water utilization and ecosystem management from longer discharge of turbid flood runoff compared to a natural river system. Turbidity($C_T$) is an indirect measurement of water 'cloudiness' and has been widely used as an important indicator of water quality and environmental "health". However, $C_T$ modeling studies have been rare due to lack of experimental data that are necessary for model validation. The objective of this study is to validate a coupled three-dimensional(3D) hydrodynamic and particle dynamics model (ELCOM-CAEDYM) for the simulation of turbid density flows in stratified Daecheong Reservoir using extensive field data. Three different groups of suspended solids (SS) classified by the particle size were used as model state variables, and their site-specific SS-$C_T$ relationships were used for the conversion between field measurements ($C_T$) and state variables (SS). The simulation results were validated by comparing vertical profiles of temperature and turbidity measured at monitoring stations of Haenam(R3) and Dam(R4) in 2004. The model showed good performance in reproducing the reservoir thermal structure and propagation of stream density flow, and the magnitude and distribution of turbidity in the reservoir were consistent with the field data. The 3D model and turbidity modeling framework suggested in this study can be used as a supportive tool for the best management of turbidity flow in other reservoirs that have similar turbidity problems.

Comparative Analysis of QUAL2E, QUAL2K and CAP Steady State Water Quality Modeling Results in Downstream Areas of the Geum River, Korea (QUAL2E, QUAL2K 및 CAP 모델을 이용한 금강 하류 하천구간 정상상태 수질모델링 결과 비교 분석)

  • Seo, Dongil;Yun, Jong Uk;Lee, Jae Woon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2008
  • Major factors affecting water quality in rivers are transportation, input of pollutant loads and kinetic transformation of pollutants. Government level decision makings on water quality management are based on steady state water quality modeling. However, it is more than often that such a steady state assumption is far from real situations in rivers. Therefore, it is unavoidable to have modeling errors in water quality modeling especially for steady state modeling for longer period of time. Authors attempted to identify sources of errors in results of steady state models and thus tried to find out ways to minimize those errors. Three water quality models, QUAL2E (Brown et al., 1983), QUAL2K (Chapra et al., 2006) and CAP (Seo and Lee, 2000) were applied to the lower stream of the Geum River. $BOD_5$ and COD tend to underestimate observed data while TN and TP showed relatively smaller errors. QUAL2E model provided best calibration results for BOD5 and TP and QUAL2K model showed best calibration results for TN. Since these errors are only relative values, it was difficult to conclude which model is better performing in certain situations. The most probable reasons for errors in water quality modeling are; 1) inappropriate consideration on flow characteristics, 2) lack of information on incoming pollutant load and 3) inappropriate location of sampling for water quality analysis.

Management of water quality by estimated the point source in Mokpo inner bay (점 오염원 조사를 통한 목포 내항의 수질관리)

  • Kim, Do-Hee;Lee, Ha-Ju
    • Proceedings of KOSOMES biannual meeting
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 2006
  • The results of COD researched on August of 2004 were 6.8 ppm in North Mokpo inner Bay, 4.4 ppm in front of YongSang Bank and 4.6 ppm in front of ShinAn Beach Hotel which is over III level Marine-Environmental Standard. The other five stations sea water quality of Mokpo inner bay were reached II-III level. Concentration of total nitrogen range from 1.23 ppm to 3.56 ppm and total phosphorous was range from 0.07 ppm to 0.12 ppm which were II-III level. This results show that the Mokpo inner bay is unsuitable for aquaculture and growth of fish and for use of marine resort, it can be only available for industrial and harbour use. In results of estimated point source flow into Mokpo inner bay, the occupation ratio from YoungSang river in total inflow of TN and TP were up to 49-89 % respectively. It is indicate that in order to improve the water quality of MokPo inner bay have to control the discharge from YoungSang river first of all, then control the discharge from North Harbour domestic wastewater treatment, InAm river and NamHae domestic wastewater treatment.

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Relationship between fish assemblages community and Streamline complexity (어류군집 특성과 하안형태복잡도와의 관계)

  • Kim, Jin-Ah;Lee, Sang-Woo;Hwang, Gil-Son;Kim, Chulgoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2012
  • Numerous studies suggested that fish assemblage structure reflects the status of stream ecosystems. The status of streams integrity, including various trophic levels, water quality and habitat degradation, can be assessed by fish assemblages. In this study, we investigated the relationships between fish assemblages and streamline geometry of streams. Previous studies suggested that geomorphologic parameter can be a critical factor of permeability between adjacent two systems. From a landscape ecological perspective, edges may partially control the flow rate of energy between two adjacent systems. Thus, the Streamline geometry can be a geomorphologic parameter that exhibits the integrity of stream. We selected the Nakdong river for study areas, which is one of major rivers and the longest (525 km) River in South Korea. We used the revised IBI representing overall ecological characteristics of Korean fish assemblages and eight sub-assessment criteria of IBI, collected from 82 sampling sites in the Nakdong River. For calculating the Streamline geometry, we measured fractal dimension index that generally used in biology, ecology and landscape ecology. We used the digital land-use/land-cover map and generated a 1-km buffer for each sampling site and refined the shape of the Streamlines. Pearson correlation analyses were performed between Streamline geometry and IBI and sub-assessment criteria of IBI. The results show that IBI and eight sub-assessments of fish are significantly correlated with geometry of Streamline. The fractal dimension of Streamline geometry were related with IBI (r = 0.48) and six sub-assessments of IBI, including total number of native fish and native species, the number of riffle benthic species, sensitive species, tolerant species and native insectivore. Especially, the number of tolerant species(r = -0.52) and native insectivore(r = 0.52) show strong correlation with geometry of Streamline. These results indicate that lower Streamline geometry can result in poor fish assemblages, while higher geometry of Streamline can enhance fish assemblages by potentially supplying insects and better habitat conditions. We expect the results of our study to be useful for stream restoration and management. However, we see the necessity of study investigating the mechanisms how Streamline geometry affect fish assemblages.

Water Quality Modelling of Daechung Lake - Effect of Yongdam Dam (용담댐의 영향분석을 위한 대청호 수질모델링)

  • Seo, Dong-Il;Lee, Eun-Hyoung
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.737-751
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    • 2002
  • Water quality in Daechung Lake was predicted for various discharge conditions of Yongdam dam. The same scenarios were applied as in the previous paper by the authors for Keum River water quality modeling. Effects in water quality due to changes in discharge conditions from Yongdam Dam were less distinct to the Daechung Lake than to the inflowing Keum River due to sink processes in the lake. For the minimum flow year, it is appropriate to maintain Yongdam dam discharge rate to 8.9 $m^3$/sec considering the current field conditions and future predictions of TN and TP concentrations of Yongdam dam. Effect of Yongdam dam discharge conditions to the Daechung Lake water quality were stronger for drier years. However it should be noted that the effects were dependent upon the water quality of Yongdam discharge at the same time. Therefore, water quality management effort should be emphasized before the discussion over the discharge volume of Yongdam dam. The input data sets for simulations in this study were formulated using the available data and assumptions based on authors experiences for the fields. Therefore, continued data collection effort will ensure the validity of this study.

A Study on the Light Extinction Characteristics in the Main Channel of Nakdong River by Monitoring Underwater Irradiance in Summer (수중 광량 모니터링을 통한 하절기 낙동강 본류 소광 특성 연구)

  • Kang, Mi-Ri;Min, Joong-Hyuk;Choi, Jungkyu;Park, Suyoung;Shin, Changmin;Kong, Dongsoo;Kim, Han Soon
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.632-641
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    • 2018
  • Algal dynamics is controlled by multiple environmental factors such as flow dynamics, water temperature, trophic level, and irradiance. Underwater irradiance penetrating from the atmosphere is exponentially decreased in water column due to absorption and scattering by water molecule and suspended particles including phytoplankton. As the exponential decrease in underwater irradiance affects algal photosynthesis, regulating their spatial distribution, it is critical to understand the light extinction characteristics to find out the mechanisms of algal dynamics more systematically. Despite the significance, the recent data have been rarely reported in the main stream areas of large rivers, Korea. In this study, the euphotic depths and light extinction coefficients were determined by monitoring the vertical variation of underwater irradiance and water quality in the main channel of Nakdong River near Dodong Seowon once a week during summer of 2016. The average values of euphotic depth and light extinction coefficient were 4.0 m and $1.3m^{-1}$, respectively. The degree of light extinction increased in turbid water due to flooding, causing an approximate 50 % decrease in euphotic depth. Also, the impact was greater than the self-shading effect during the periods of cyanobacterial bloom. The individual light extinction coefficients for background, total suspended solid and algal levels, frequently used in surface water quality modeling, were determined as $0.305m^{-1}$, $0.090m^{-1}/mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$, $0.013m^{-1}/{\mu}g{\cdot}L^{-1}$, respectively. The values estimated in this study were within or close to the ranges reported in literatures.

Estimation of Pollution Sources of Oenam Watershed in Juam Lake using Nitrogen Concentration and Isotope Analysis (주암호 외남천 유역 하천수의 질소농도와 동위원소비 분석을 이용한 오염원 평가)

  • Choi, Yujin;Jung, Jaewoon;Choi, Woojung;Yoon, Kwangsik;Choi, Dongho;Lim, Sangsun;Jeong, Juhong;Lim, Byungjin;Chang, Namik
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.467-474
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    • 2011
  • In an effort to investigate water pollution characteristics of Juam lake, water samples were collected from three sites (Sites A, B, and C) of Oenam stream which is a typical tributary of rural watershed in the lake and analyzed for N concentration and the corresponding isotope ratio (${\delta}^{15}N$) of ${NO_3}^-$. Concentrations of ${NO_3}^-$ were not dramatically different among the sites; $0.8{\pm}0.2mgNL^{-1}$ (range: $0.0{\sim}4.3mgNL^{-1}$) for Site A, $1.1{\pm}0.2mgNL^{-1}$ ($0.0{\sim}4.3mgNL^{-1}$) for Site B, and $1.1{\pm}0.1mgNL^{-1}$ ($0.1{\sim}2.6mgNL^{-1}$) for Site C. Meanwhile, ${\delta}^{15}N$ tended to decrease with river flow; it was highest for Site A ($45.5{\pm}5.3$‰) followed by Site B ($19.7{\pm}2.0$‰) and Site C ($8.7{\pm}1.5$‰). Such high ${\delta}^{15}N$ values of ${NO_3}^-$ in Site A suggested that ${NO_3}^-$ derived from livestock feedlot (specifically livestock excrete of which ${\delta}^{15}N$ is higher than 10‰) is the predominant pollution sources despite mountainous area occupied the most of land-use in the watershed. Using the two-sources isotope mixing model, it was estimated that the contribution of cropping activities (i.e. fertilization) became greater in down-stream area (Sites B and C) due to the higher agricultural land-use than the up-stream area (Site A). Particularly, during the active cropping season, the low contribution of organic pollution sources indicated that domestic sewage was not the predominant pollution source. Therefore, it was suggested that agricultural sources such as livestock farming and cropping rather than mountainous and residential are the dominant sources of water pollution in the study area. These results could be effectively utilized in elucidating water pollution sources in rural areas and selecting water management practices.