• Title/Summary/Keyword: rice starch

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Ecological Studies on the Transition of Sheath Blight of Rice in Korea (한국(韓國)에서의 벼 잎집무늬마름병 발생변동(發生變動)에 관(關)한 생태학적(生態學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Yu, Seung-hun
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.283-316
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    • 1977
  • In an attempt to obtain a basic information to develop an effective integrated system of controlling sheath blight of rice in Korea, the transition of this disease, the variation of cultural characters and pathogenicity of the pathogen, environmental conditions affecting the disease outbreak and varietal resistance have been investigated. 1. Rice sheath blight which has been minor disease in the past was widely spread, especially since 1971. This disease has promptly spread all over the country and infected 65.2% of total rice growing area in 1976. Various factors are considered to be related to such transition of this disease. Above all, increace of application of nitrogenous fertilizer, early season and earlier cultivation of rice, introduction of more susceptible "Tongil" varieties etc. must be important factors influencing the outbreak of this disease. 2. Great variations in cultural characteristics-such as mycelial growth rate, color of the medium, amount of the aerial mycelium, shape and color of the sclerotia- and in the pathogenicity of isolates of the pathogen, Thanatephorus cucumeris Dank were observed. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth also varied with isolates, from $25^{\circ}C$ to $30^{\circ}C$. There were not necessarily any correlation between curtural characteristics and pathogenicity of isolates of Thanatephorus cucumens. 3. Mycelial grow th of isolates of Thanatephorus cucumens on the PDA medium were correlated with the air temperatures of the region where the isolates were collected. The isolates from the regions with high temperature grew well on PDA medium at $35^{\circ}C$ than those from the region with low temperature, on the other hand, the isolates from the regions with the low temperature grew well on the same medium at $12^{\circ}C$ than those from the regions with high temperature. 4. Pectin polygalacturonase (PG) and cellulase (Cx) were most active on the 3rd day after inoculation on the leaves of rice plant with Thanatephorus cucumeris, whereas pectin methylestrase (PE) was most active on the 4th day after inoculation. Relationship between the activities of PE of isolates and the strength of pathogenicity of isolates was obtained, but PG and cellulase activities were not correlated with pathogenicity of isolates. 5. The tolerence of sclerotia from in-vitro culture to low temperature varied with their water content, the dried cultural sclerotia were more tolerent than wet ones, Dried cultural sclerotia maintained almost 100% germinability for 45 days at $-20^{\circ}C$, whereas wet sclerotia lost viability at $-5^{\circ}C$. The germination ratio of the sclerotia after overwintering changed from 18% to 70% according to the water content of the test paddy fields and the ratio was low in wet paddy condition. 6. To investigate the host range of this fungi in and near paddy field, 17 weeds were inoculated with fungi. The lesions of sheath blight disease was obserbed on Sagittaria trifolia L., Echinochloa crusgalli P. Beauv., Monochoria vaginal is Presl, Polygonum Hydropiper L., Eclipta prostrata L., Digitaria sanguinalis Scapoli. 7. When the level of nitrogen applied was doubled over standard level, total nitrogen content in rice sheath increased, ami when silicate was applied, starch content in rice sheath decreased, inducing the rice plants more susceptible to sheath blight disease. Increased dressing of potash ferilizer reduced the incidence of sheat blight disease. 8. The percentage of infected stems in the early period increased more in the narrow hill plot than in the wide hill plot, but in the late period this tendency was inversed; the percentage of infected stems as well as severity in the wide hill plot increased more compared to the narrow hill plot, and the disease severity in the one plant per hill plot was also low. The number of stems in the wide hill plot was more than the number of stems in the narrow hill plot. This indicates that the microclimate, such as the relative humidity, in the narrow hill plot was more favorable for the development of this disease. 9. There was a high negative correlation between the disease severity of varieties to the sheath blight and the maturity of the varieties, that is, the early varieties were more susceptible than the late ones, and much-tillering varieties usually showed more infection than less tillering varieties. 10. No relationship was obtained between the percentage of infected stems in the early period and the severity after heading, whereas a distinct relationship was obtained between former and latter after Aug. 10.

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Digestibility of Infant Food and its Nutritional Meaning (유아식품(乳兒食品)의 소화율(消化率)과 영양적(營養的) 의의(意義))

  • Hong, Ki-Wook;Yoo, Jai-Ja
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 1974
  • Digestibilities of flour of white wheat, barley, potato, sweet potato, are $5{\sim}11$ percent (3hrs.) in unripe starch state and in gelatinization, digestibilities are up to $20{\sim}30$ percent (3hrs.). And in two states, digestibilities of flour of potato and sweet potato are lower than barley and white wheat flour. If it is not gelatinization, digestibilities of biscuit and cracker are much lower than popped cake (29%). In gelatinization, digestibilities of biscuit and cracker $(19{\sim}29%,\;3hrs.)$ are similar to gelatinized flour of materials. Digestibilities of bread and castern is $21{\sim}32$ percent, it is similar to gelatinized flour of materials. And bread is higher than castera. Digestibility of on the marketing weaning food (II) (15%, 3hrs.) is much lower than food (I) (24.1%, 3hrs.) When the date of manufacturing passed $1{\sim}2$ months, digestibility of some cookies have a tendency to low. When mothers choice the infant weaning food, they consider metritional value (42%) and digestibility (27%). Also when they make weaning food at home, they generally use flour of rice (41%) and white wheat (23%). And they think, the rate of digestion is 49% in the rice flour and white wheat (23%). It was sort of cooked of rice (16%) and weaning food on the marketing(13%), which accepts to good digest. Also it was sort of biscuits (44%) which comparatively high choice snack food.

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Quality characteristics of Traditional Kochujang added with concentrations of Korean various grain (한국산 잡곡류 첨가에 따른 전통고추장의 품질특성)

  • Kim, Yoon-Sung;Hwang, Soo-Jeong
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.677-684
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    • 2005
  • This study investigated the changes in physicochemical characteristics after 120 days of aging Korean red pepper paste, 'Kochujang', made of minor cereals in substitution for glutinous rice which has been conventionally used as starch source. The cereals used were waxy job's tears, proso millet, sorghum, barley and foxtail millet, Glutinous rice with barley was used as controls. The items determined were water activity, pH, content of amino nitrogen, chromaticity and sensory test. 1. The water activities(Aw) of Kochujang samples were in range of $0.72{\sim}0.82$ at the beginning of fermentation, with Aw barley paste bing the lowest, and Aw of sorghum paste bing the highest. Then Aw were slowly decreased to the range of $0.49{\sim}0.50$ during 120 days of fermentation 2. The pH of the pastes was in range of $4.94{\sim}5.02$ at the initial time of fermentation, and decreased steadily to 4.32{\sim}4.73 at the end. 3. The content of amino nitrogen was in range of $330.9{\sim}340.7\;mg%$ at the early time of fermentation. The highest content, $351{\sim}381\;mg%$, was observed at the 90th day of aging of glutinous rice paste, 105th day of job's tears paste, 75th day each of barley and proso millet, and 60th day each of sorghum and foxtail millet. 4. The Hunter tristimulus values (L, a, b) of all pastes were gradually decreased during fermentation. The value of barley paste was lowest among the pastes. 5. The texture of barley paste in sensory test showed significant difference with other pastes, whereas there were no differences in color, odor, taste and sensory qualities.

Growth Rate of Bacillus cereus and Heat Resistance of its Spores (Bacillus cereus균(菌)의 증식속도(增殖速度)와 포자(胞子)의 내열성(耐熱性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Myeong-Sook;Chang, Dong-Suck
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.11-15
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    • 1982
  • The growth rate and heat resistance of two types of Bacillus cereus isolated from cooked rice were observed. The FB-1 strain showed positive to haemolysis and negative to starch hydrolysis, but FB-2 strain positive to both reaction. The cell number of B. cereus FB-1 reached to more than $10^7\;cells/ml$ within 6 to 12 hours at $25{\sim}35^{\circ}C$ when cultured on the medium of cooked rice homogenate (cooked rice 30g-phosphate buffer solution 80 ml), but the numbers at its maximum growth were only $10^4{\sim}10^6\;cells/ml$ at $45{\sim}55^{\circ}C$. The specific growth rate of FB-1 strain were $0.82hr^{-1}\;at\;20^{\circ}C$, $1.76hr^{-1}\;at\;30^{\circ}C$, $2.21hr^{-1}\;at\;35^{\circ}C$ and $1.84hr^{-1}\;at\;40^{\circ}C$, respectively. D-values of FB-1 and FB-2 spores at $70{\sim}100^{\circ}C$ were in the range from 18 to 3.1 min and 23.5 to 3.7 min, respectively.

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Studies on the Quality of Korean Rice (한국쌀의 품질에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Z.U.;Lee, K.H.;Kim, D.Y.
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 1972
  • The rice qualities including cooking and eating qualities were studied using recommended Korean rice varieties (20 of japonica and 3 of indies type; IR 667) which were grown at Suwon, Korea in 1971. As the result, followings were obtained. 1. Amylose contents of white rice were varied with the varieties 21.1 to 25.5% and the average was 23.0%. Three indica type varieties (IR 667) showed higher amylose contents than the other japonica type varieties except Mankyung. Among japonica type varieties, Palkum, Mankyung composed the group of the highest amyloes content and Kimmaje was the lowest. 2. Blue values were distributed in the range of 0.38 to 0.48 and the average was 0.42 IR 667 varieties showed the highest blue value among them. Among japonica type varieties, Jaegun showd the highest blue value and Sooseung, Shirogane showed successively lower values, Shin #2, Nongbaik, Palkweng, Suwon #82, Mankyung, Nonglim #25 and Nongkwang relatively lower blue values. 3. Alkali numbers were in the range of 6.0 to 7.4 and the average was 6.8. Much difference was not shown in alkali number between IR 667 group and the japonica varieties group. 4. Gelatinization temperature were ranged from 59.5 to 64.0 IR 667 varieties showed relatively higher gelatinization temperature than japonica type varieties. 5. Water uptake ratios were measured in the range of 2.67 to 2.92 and the average was 2.79. IR 667 varieties were belonged to the group of highest water uptake ratio. Among japonica type varieties Kimmaje, Suwon #82, Nonglim #29, Deungpan #5, Jaegun, Jinhung, were belonged to the group of relatively high water uptake ratio and Palkweng, Palkeum and Paldal to the relatively low water uptake ratio. 6. Expaned volums were ranged from 29.8 to 33.7 and the average was 31.8. IR 667 varieties showed higher expanded volumes than japonica type varieties. 7. Intensities of starch-iodine blue value of residual liquid indicated 0.35 to 0.58. Among them IR 667 varieties showed relatively high intensities. 8. The range of total solids in residual liquids was 0.605 to 0.810 and the average was 0.700 Much difference was not shown in total solids in residual liquid between IR 667 varieties and japonica varieties. 9. pH values of residual liquids were in the range of 6.3 to 7.3 and the average was 6.95. IR 667 varieties showed lower pH than japonira type varieties.

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Lipid Contents Characteristics of Gene Accumulate in Rice (벼 유전자 집적에 따른 지질함량 특성)

  • 윤경민;홍순관
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.177-187
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    • 2002
  • In our experiment, selected mutants were used which showed not only the phenotype of a specific unpolished rice but also phenotypes of EM 40, LO 1050, and TAL 214. Reciprocal crosses between the mutants were conducted to select strains which would have more quantity of lipids than before. The constitution of fatty acid was also tested to figure out nutritional aspects of the mutants. In the crossing between EM 40 mutants and mutants (LO 1050) having a thick aleurone layer, the expression of EM 40 mutants has no relation with the thickness of the aleurone layer. And the lipid content of new F$_2$ strains through the crossing is 4.15 %. The lipid content is larger than those of the parents including Kinmaze and in other crossings of this experiment. This is attributed to the fact that the new F$_2$ strains are the products of the crossing between genes responsible for the size of buds, where lipid is accumulated, and genes accountable for the thickness of the aleurone layer. In the crossing between EM 40 mutants and TAL 214 mutants, lipid content of the new F$_2$ strains is 3.8 %, higher than 2.92 % of TAL 214 mutants. But the degree of lipid increase is smaller than in two other crossings. This is probably because genes expressing the phenotypes of TAL 214 affect the size of EM 40, which gets smaller. The aleurone layer of the new F$_2$ strains is 12 $\mu\textrm{m}$ thicker than the layer of TAL 214 mutants, but 6 $\mu\textrm{m}$ thinner than that of parents (LO 1050) having a thick aleurone layer. This seems to be affected by the size of a microscope. The phenotype of the new F$_2$ strains appears to be similar to that of TAL 214. The lipid content of the new F$_2$ strains is 3.85 %, larger than 2.92 % of TAL 214 and 3.01 % of LO 1050. The increase may be due to the aleurone layer of LO 1050. And the size of the bud of the unpolished rice, though it is not big enough like that of LO 1050, seems to be affected by the accumulation of genes in the thick aleurone layer. The accumulation may contribute to the increase in the content of lipid. When it comes to the constitution of fatty acid, there is little difference between parents like Kinmaze and the new F$_2$ strains. But oleic acid increases while linoleic acid decreases. And the decrease in the linolenic acid seems to contribute to the increase in lipid content. This fact also raises the possibility that genes accountable for specific phenotypes could change the quality of rice if the genes are accumulated. Now, experiments on strains which have large lipid content in EM 40 type 1(ge-1, 3.68 %), EM type 2(ge-2, 2.91 %), thick aleurone layer(4.63 %), and starch layer(3.44 %) are under way to figure out the effects of gene accumulation. These experiments are likely to present the ways for increasing the lipid content.

Feed Value of the Different Plant Parts of Main Forage Rice Varieties (사료용 벼 주요 품종의 수확부위 별 사료가치)

  • Ahn, Eok-Keun;Won, Yong-Jae;Kang, Kyung-Ho;Park, Hyang-Mi;Jung, Kuk-Hyun;Hyun, Ung-Jo;Lee, Yoon-Sung
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    • v.67 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2022
  • In order to manufacture feed suitable for consumer use and provide feed value information, we analyzed the feed components of the four main forage rice varieties by plant parts harvested 30 days after heading. The contents of the six feed ingredients were significantly different (p<0.05) among harvested parts. In the panicle, the crude protein (CP) (6.97%) and lignin (3.11%) were the highest, while the crude ash (CA) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contents were significantly lower, resulting in a total digestible nutrient (TDN) content of 77.29%, which is higher than that of the stem (64.82%) and leaf blade and sheath (LBS) (63.57%) (p<0.05). In contrast, the content of crude fat (CF) did not differ significantly among parts (p<0.05). In panicles from 'Jonong', 'Nokyang' and 'Yeongwoo', the TDN content of each cultivar was 78.48-79.07%, with no significant difference among the varieties. In 'Mogwoo' (Mw), the CP content was 8.70%, which was much higher than that of other varieties (p<0.05). In particular, the Mw TDN content was slightly lower in the panicle (72.95%) but higher in the stem (75.37%) and LBS (66.49%) than in the other varieties. The CA, NDF, acid detergent fiber (ADF), and lignin contents were also very low compared to other varieties; therefore, the feed value of the stem and LBS was excellent. In addition, the total dry matter weight (DMW) was 123 g per hill, which was much higher than 82-105 g per hill for other varieties. The distribution of DMW by part was LBS (56.9 g), stem (36.8 g), and panicle (29.3 g), and because the parts, except the panicles, were much higher than the 43-57% of other varieties (grain straw ratio: 76%), rice straw is advantageous in terms of quantity and feed value when used as forage on farms. The relative feed value (RFV) of the four cultivars ranged from 86.79-403.74 across all parts, and hay of grade 3 or higher with an RFV of 100 or more increased with delayed heading in both stems and LBS. This is due to the accumulation of starch into grains during ripening, which supports the observation that the RFV of the early flowering 'Jonong' and 'Nokyang' panicles increased.

Influence of Artificial Rainfall on Wheat Grain Quality During Ripening by Using the Speed-breeding System (세대단축시스템을 이용한 국내 밀 품종의 등숙기 강우에 의한 품질변이 평가)

  • Hyeonjin Park;Jin-Kyung Cha;So-Myeong Lee;Youngho Kwon;Jisu Choi;Ki-Won Oh;Jong-Hee Lee
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    • v.68 no.3
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    • pp.188-196
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    • 2023
  • Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is an important crop in Korea, with a per capita consumption of 31.6 kg in 2019. In the southern region, wheat is grown after paddy rice, and it is harvested during the rainy season in mid-June. This timing, in combination with high humidity and untimely rainfall, activates the enzyme alpha-amylase, which breaks down starch in the wheat grains. As a result, sprouted grains have lower quality and value for flour. However, seeds that absorb water before sprouting are expected to maintain better quality. The aim of the study was to identify the critical period during wheat maturation when rainfall has the greatest impact on grain quality, to prevent price declines due to quality deterioration. Two wheat cultivars, Jokyoung and Hwanggeumal, were grown in a speed breeding room, and artificial rainfall was applied at different times after heading (30, 35, 40, 45, 50, and 55 days). The proportion of vitreous grains decreased from 40 to 55 days after heading (DAH). Both cultivars had chalky grain sections from 35 DAH, with Hwanggeumal having a higher proportion of vitreous grains. Starch degradation was observed using FE-SEM (Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope) at 40 DAH for Jokyoung and 50 DAH for Hwanggeumal. Color measurements indicated increased L and E values from 40 DAH, with rain treatment at 55 DAH leading to a significant increase in L values for both cultivars. Ash content increased at 45 DAH, whereas SDSS decreased at 35 DAH. Overall, grain quality from 40 DAH until harvest was found to be affected to the greatest extent by direct exposure of the spikes to moisture. Red wheat showed better quality than white wheat. These findings have implications for the cultivation of high-quality wheat and can guide future research efforts in this area.

Comparisons of Food Preference and Nutrient Intake of Students of Elementary School and Middle School Providing School Food Service in Nam Jeju Gun (남제주군 학교급식대상 초.중등학생의 음식 기호와 영양소 섭취량의 비교)

  • Park, Myeong-Hui;Choe, Yeong-Seon;Kim, Yeon-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.342-358
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate differences of food preference and nutrient intake of students between elementary school and middle school in the same area and to provide data for better school food service. The subjects were 486 students, third to sixth grade of 3 elementary schools and first to second grade of 1 middle school in Nam jeju gun, Jeju, and the survey was conducted during June 1999. Food preference was assessed using questionnaires and 24-hour food intake was assessed using dietary record method. Data of weight and height were obtained from annual physical examination conducted at schools in May 1999. All the variables were compared among 3 groups in each gender: third and fourth grade elementary school(ES3,4), fifth and sixth grade elementary school(ES5,6), and first and second grade middle school(MS1,2). The results were summarized as follows. The average height, weight and BMI for the 3th grade boys in elementary schools met the national averages, but those of the others are below the national averages. Although general pattern of food preference looked similar among groups, food preference scores were significantly different among groups in 38 kinds foods for boys, and 27 kinds of foods for girls. MS1,2 group showed significantly lower food preference scores for most of foods as compared to those of ES3,4 and ES5,6 in both genders. Students of higher grade took more starch foods such as instant noodle, stewed rice cake and snacks. Average energy intakes of all the groups except MS1,2 girls were lower than recommended dietary allowances(RDA), and average intakes of protein, vitamins B1 and C met RDA, but the other nutrients were taken less than RDA and especially the intakes of iron, calcium and vitamins B2 were poor. Most of nutrients taken by school food service meal provided a major proportion of intakes. In conclusion, students of middle school were more particular about their foods served at school food service and marked lower food preference score than elementary school children and more conscious about their weight and appearance. These points should be reflected in planning food service menu at middle school.

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Effects of Protein Supply from Soyhulls and Wheat Bran on Ruminal Metabolism, Nutrient Digestion and Ruminal and Omasal Concentrations of Soluble Non-ammonia Nitrogen of Steers

  • Kim, Jeong-Hoon;Oh, Young-Kyoon;Kim, Kyoung-Hoon;Choi, Chang-Won;Hong, Seong-Koo;Seol, Yong-Joo;Kim, Do-Hyung;Ahn, Gyu-Chul;Song, Man-Kang;Park, Keun-Kyu
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.1267-1278
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    • 2009
  • Three beef steers fitted with permanent cannulae in the rumen and duodenum were used to determine the effects of protein supply from soyhulls (SH) and wheat bran (WB) on ruminal metabolism, blood metabolites, nitrogen metabolism, nutrient digestion and concentrations of soluble non-ammonia nitrogen (SNAN) in ruminal (RD) and omasal digesta (OD). In a 3${\times}$3 Latin square design, steers were offered rice straw and concentrates formulated either without (control) or with two brans to increase crude protein (CP) level (9 vs. 11% dietary DM for control and bran-based diets, respectively). The brans used were SH and WB that had similar CP contents but different ruminal CP degradability (52 vs. 80% CP for SH and WB, respectively) for evaluating the effects of protein degradability. Ruminal ammonia concentrations were higher for bran diets (p<0.01) than for the control, and for WB (p<0.001) compared to the SH diet. Similarly, microbial nitrogen and blood urea nitrogen were significantly increased (p<0.05) by bran and WB diets, respectively. Retained nitrogen tended (p<0.082) to be increased by SH compared with the WB diet. Intestinal and total tract CP digestion was enhanced by bran diets. In addition, bran diets tended (p<0.085) to increase intestinal starch digestion. Concentrations of SNAN fractions in RD and OD were higher (p<0.05) for bran diets than for the control, and for WB than for the SH diet. More rumendegraded protein supply resulting from a higher level and degradability of CP released from SH and WB enhanced ruminal microbial nitrogen synthesis and ruminal protein degradation. Thus, free amino acids, peptides and soluble proteins from microbial cells as well as degraded dietary protein may have contributed to increased SNAN concentrations in the rumen and, consequently, the omasum. These results indicate that protein supply from SH and WB, having a low level of protein (13 and 16%, respectively), could affect ruminal metabolism and nutrient digestion if inclusion level is relatively high (>20%).