• Title/Summary/Keyword: rice cooking

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Quality Characteristics of Baked Yugwabandagi with Different Additives (첨가물을 달리한 구운 유과 반대기의 품질 특성)

  • Cha, Kyoung-Ok;Han, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.492-501
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    • 2015
  • To improve the shortcomings of baked Yugwa 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% natural ind igestible materials,- (gellan gum, glucomannan and carrageenan) were each treated with glutinous rice-baked Yugwa was processed, and quality imprpvements were deducted. Baked Yugwa with natural additives,- (gellan gum, glucomannan and carrageenan) was compared,- to additional test results with sample 1.5%(w/w) additives,- The one showing the highest preference from the sensory test was the acid number reference group at $2.19{\pm}0.42$, while the sample groups,- with different additives, were lower than the reference group by $1.48{\pm}0.39$ to $1.67{\pm}0.68$. The peroxide number reference group showed the highest preference of $49.34{\pm}0.42$, whereas the sample groups, with different additives, showed lower preferences than the reference group by $36.72{\pm}$0.42 compared to the sample group of glucomannan 1.5% (w/w), $32.45{\pm}0.59$ compared to the sample group of gellan gum 1.5%(w/w), and $28.65{\pm}0.56$ compared to the sample group of carrageenan 1.5% (w/w). According to the preference test targeting employees of Korean cake, manufacturers, there was no significant difference in color and flavor among all groups, whereas the sample group of carrageenan 1.5% (w/w) showed the highest scores in items of taste, texture and overall-preference, and also sample groups of glucomannan 1.5% (w/w) and gellan gum 1.5% (w/w) scored higher than the reference group. Baked Yugwa with 1.5% (w/w) additives of carrageenan, glucomannan and gellan gum have higher marketability by decreasing deterioration caused by oxidation of existing deep fried Yugwa and by improving the solid texture of baked Yugwa.

Conceptualizing and Prospecting for Home Meal Replacement (HMR) in Korea by Delphi Technique (델파이 기법을 이용한 한국에서의 Home Meal Replacement (HMR) 개념 정립 및 국내 HMR 산업 전망 예측)

  • Lee Hae-Young;Chung Lana;Yang Ilsun
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.251-258
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    • 2005
  • The purposes of this study were to conceptualize the Home Meal Replacement (HMR) in Korea and to gather professionals' opinions of prospect and task for HMR industry in Korea. A total of 67 experts participated in a three round survey by Delphi technique, which was used to integrate and share the each expert's professional idea. According to the result, HMR was translated into 'Gajeongsiksa daeyongsik' in Korean and given definition to 'a meal taken directly or through brief cooking process at home by purchasing ready to eat or ready to end-cook type of food'. As the result of categorizing HMR products of Korean food, 'I. Ready to eat' such as side dishes, kimchi, salad, sandwich, kimbab, and so on and 'II. Ready to heat' such as rice, porridge, retort food (soup, broth, curry, spaghetti, etc.), frozen pizza, grilled food, jabchae, instant soup, and so on were construed in a limited sense of the HMR. In addition, 'III. Ready to end-cook' such as frozen dumpling, frozen pork cutlet, seasoned meat, powder-type soup, and so on as well as these two kinds were interpreted in a broad sense of the HMR. In the prospect of HMR industry in Korea, the Korean HMR industry would develop continuously accompanied by increasing of consumers using HMR products. Introduction and generalization of HMRs would serve the convenience for meal preparation and then influence the change of home meal pattern. Nevertheless, it was concerned about that using HMRs might have limitation on solving the problems of dietary life including irregular meal, skipping a meal, and so on and influence the nutrition imbalance. For the development of HMRs, developing various menu and the packaging materials for HMR products, constructing the thorough sanitary management, and strengthening R & D for the HMR of Korean food were the future tasks in Korean HMR industry.

A Study on the Effect of Buddhist Dietary Life on the Degradation of Water Pollution (불교전통 식생활방식에 따른 수질오염 저감 효과 연구)

  • Choi, Kwang-Soo
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.221-228
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    • 2015
  • In this research traditional Buddhist dietary life style was studied as an alternative for both saving water and decreasing water pollution from household. A traditional dietary life style for the Buddhist monks, called Balwoo Gongyang, and its modernized one for citizens, called Dish Gongyang were examined with water use amount, wastewater quality and pollutant loading rate, and were compared with the kitchen wastewater from household. And several types of natural detergent were also examined to compare their effect on the wastewater quality and pollutant loading rate. This research was carried out using the wastewater from Balwoo and Dish Gongyang in J building located in Seoul. Wastewater generation from Balwoo Gongyang that was about $1.0{\ell}$/capita/day was very low compare to that from dish washing in normal household($32.6{\ell}$/capita/day). In case of Dish Gongyang, water generation was 1.8 times higher than that from Balwoo Gongyang, but it was just 1/19.2 of normal household. When the wastewater quality of Balwoo Gongyang was compared with the kitchen wastewater of normal household, SS was 1/16($15mg/{\ell}$), COD was 1/7($22.1mg/{\ell}$), BOD was 1/9($24.1mg/{\ell}$) and T-N was 1/16($1.7mg/{\ell}$). Pollutant loading rate from Balwoo Gongyang was very low, COD 18.0 mg/capita/day, SS 12.3 mg/capita/day and it was 1/290, 1/639 of that from dish washing wastewater from normal household, respectively. Pollutant loading rate from Dish Gongyang was also low 1/13(SS)~1/144(TN) compared to dish washing wastewater from normal household. As a natural detergent, used water from washing rice showed very low pollutant loading rate. It was concluded that Dish Gongyang that was a modernized and simplified dietary life style of Balwoo Gongyang, was very eco-friendly. Especially when it was combined with natural detergents using by-product from cooking process, its effect on the water pollution was very low.

Wired.Wireless Internet Service Enabled Custom Bibimbap(Rice Hash) Contents Design (유.무선 인터넷 서비스가 가능한 맞춤형 비빔밥 콘텐츠 설계)

  • Jang, Dai-Ja;Yang, Hye-Jeong;Kwon, Dae-Young;Sung, Woo-Youl
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.98-106
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    • 2010
  • In this research a food information contents available as well as for PC web and for mobile web users was designed. The web site providing service for PC web and mobile web clients focuses on offering data on individually matching food based on the member's information. The information obtained from the contents can be practically applied by mobile users helping them to take care of their health. This system focuses on wireless internet mobile users and offers various food menus with cooking videos and also information regarding food supplies for individually matching bibimpab recipes. It gives a good information about one of the most traditional Korean food bibimpab which is made of various kinds of vegetables and greens. It also contains nutrition balance information. Designing the web site as a web site available for wired wireless internet accesses makes it available at any place for mobile wireless internet users so that they can obtain all information regarding products and menu which are good for their health.

A Determination of the Salicylate Content of Ingredients Commonly Used in Korean foods Suggested for Allergic Patients

  • Myung, Choonok;Lee, Kiwan;Nam, Haewon;Hong, Chein-Soo;Lee-Kim, Yang-Cha
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.949-956
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    • 1998
  • Salicylate from plant foods and histamine from animal foods have been suggested to cause various food allergic symptoms. Salicylate regarded as one of the inducing agents f3r chronic urticaria and asthma in allergic patients was studied. There is much interest about the effects of salicylate in food allergy. It it recently suggested that the intake of salicylate from foods may have contributed to chronic urticaria and asthma. The purpose of this study is to analyze the salicylate content in various foods. 153 ingredients commonly used in Korean foods were analyzed by HPLC. Among the vegetables, chard(8.22$\mu\textrm{g}$/g), soybean sprout(5.13$\mu\textrm{g}$/g), perilla lean3.03$\mu\textrm{g}$/g), Chinese cabbage(2.25$\mu\textrm{g}$/g), carrot(2.16$\mu\textrm{g}$/g), and squash(1.33$\mu\textrm{g}$/g) con-rained higher amounts of salicylate as compared to other vegetables. Among fruits, oranges(5.13$\mu\textrm{g}$/g), grapefruits(2.90$\mu\textrm{g}$/g), and plums(1.65$\mu\textrm{g}$/g) contained the most. In animal foods, almost no salicylate was found except in chocolate milk(0.32$\mu\textrm{g}$/g). It was also found in black pepper(8.2$\mu\textrm{g}$/g), coffee(can)(5.00$\mu\textrm{g}$/g), mustard(4.16$\mu\textrm{g}$/g), curry powder(3.24$\mu\textrm{g}$/g), kochujang(2.37$\mu\textrm{g}$/g), cream powder(1.19$\mu\textrm{g}$/g), brown rice(1.04$\mu\textrm{g}$/g) and sesame oil(1.00$\mu\textrm{g}$/g). All information found in this study can be used as nutritional education materials in potentially allergic people for a prudent diet plan and can also provide proper dietary guidelines for these allergic patients. (Korean J Nutrition 31(5) 949-956, 1998)

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Survey Study on the Packed-lunch Boxes for Elementary School Children in Daejeon City (도시지역(都市地域)(대전(大田))일부 국민학교(國民學校) 아동(兒童)의 도시락 실태조사연구(實態調査硏究))

  • Rim, Young-Hie
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 1978
  • The present study is concerned with nutritional status and palatability of the packed-lunch in elementary school children in Daejeon city. Rice and side dishes in the lunch box were weighed and the contained nutrients were analyzed by the Food Composition Table. The result of survey is as follows; 1) The means of nutritional values of 523 lunch boxes were calorie 562.48 Cal. percentage of the recommended dietary allowances.(79.11%), protein 19.16gr. (88.43%), animal protein 6.03gr. (83.50%), calcium 110.75mg (48.15%), iron 2.20mg. (56.15%), Vitamin A 328.16 I.U.. (49.22%), Vitamin $B_1$ 0.22mg. (59.45%), Vitamin $B_2$ 0.14mg (32.56%), Niacin 3.20mg. (68.08%), Vitamin C 9.79mg. (73.44%). All the nutrients are under the recommended dietary allowances. 2) The correlation between the boys and girls in the intake of protein, calcium, iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin $B_1$, Niacin index revealed statistical significancy at the level of P<0.01. 3) According to the intake of calorie, the ratio of carbohydrates, protein and fat is 78 : 14 : 8, which is excessive meal of carbohydrate. 4) Among the total intake of the protein consists of 30.20% for the boys and 32.90% for the girls. 5) The most favorite food for boys and girls from the packed-lunch is kimchi, egg, ham, sausage, cuttle-fish, laver and beef, and pork and pickles are most undesirable items. 6) The most favorite snack is bread, cake, ice cream, chocolate, fruits and milk. 7) Both boys and girls like Kimchi, fried and saute foods but dislike Namul (seasoned green vegetables) the most. 8. The side dishes of the packed·lunch lack in variety of cooking method.

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Production of Alcohol from Starch without Cooking (무증자(無蒸煮)전분법에 의한 알코올생산(生産))

  • Park, Kwan-Hwa;Oh, Byung-Ha;Hong, Seung-Suh;Lee, Ke-Ho
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.198-203
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    • 1984
  • Ethanol fermentation of chemically gelatinized starch and uncooked raw starch was nested with various starchy materials. Starches were gelatinized by 5.4% NaOH and neutralized by sulfuric acid. The patterns of $CO_2$ evolving and the ethanol yield for the chemically gelatinized starch resemble those obtained with thermally gelatinized starch. The alcoholic fermentation of raw starch was carried out by the simultanous saccharification-fermentation using a commercial glucoamylase and yeast. Ethanol yield from uncooked rice starch fermentation was highly comparable to that from cooked one. $CO_2$ evolving rates of the uncooked starches of corn, barley, tapioca and sweet potato were lower than those of the cooked starches. However, the final ethanol yields were similar or slightly lower, depending on the types of starch.

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A Survey on Food Culture of College Student in Seoul Area (서울지역(地域) 대학생(大學生)들의 식문화(食文化)에 대한 의식(意識) 및 실태(實態) 조사연구(調査硏究))

  • Lee, Young-Soon;Lim, Na-Young;Park, Kwang-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.369-378
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    • 1994
  • This study was surveyed by 319 male and 336 female college students in Seoul for food behavior and effect of Western food on food life. The results were summarized as follows; 1. The recognition of Korean folk food was higher in female than male students. 2. Eating type of college students appeared that they prefered to cooked rice at breakfast, lunch, and dinner because of a general food type of their family. 3. The favorite food items in college students showed fruits in female and meat in male. 4. Eating out type with family appeared mainly Korean food, because of their preference. 5. The 29% of college students visited fast food restaurants more than $1{\sim}2$ times per week. 6. In compared to Western food, the Korean food were favored by college students but cooking process of food were complicated. 7. The preference of Korean food against Western food was mostly higher in male than female. 8. The standard of food choice were taste and convenience of food. 9. Main factor of food habit change appeared convenience of buying easily. 10. The influence of the Western food in our food behavior were easy to buying but not fit our preference. 11. Opinion of students in order to keep Korean food were follows; Various food development, enlargement of consumption market, correct education about Korean food and change of people consciousness through consumer campaign.

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Parents' Perception and Attitudes to the School Meal Service Program(SMSP) in $Kinder\'{g}arten$ (유아교육기관의 급식에 대한 학부모의 태도 및 인식조사)

  • Lee Younemee;Oh Yu-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2005
  • This Study investigated kindergarten parents' attitude, satisfaction and demand in the school meal service programs (SMSP). The subjects were 2450 parents that their child attended at kindergarten's SMSP from 16 provinces. To com-pared children's eating habits according to their parent age group and residence area, the percentage of regularly breakfast eating were lower in 'below 30 years old' group and large city residence than 'above 30 years old' group and middle and small city residence. And taking breakfast item was partially different pattern according parent age, 'below 30 years old' group and large city child ate more bread and milk as breakfast than Korean style breakfast with steamed rice and soup and side dish. In the prefer types of school meal service, most prefer types of meal service was fully meal service at kindergarten, $79.1\%$ subjects wanted this type. But 'below 30 years old' group's parent answered 'lunch box brings from home' ratio was higher than 'above 30 years old' group. Most parents accepted the present meal cost and $63.8\%$ of subjects was willing to pay more money to improve the quality of SMSP Twenty-six precent parents was responded that no improvement children's eating habit through SMSP. And they answered the key point of SMSP management was 'cooking sanitation'($65.1\%$) and 'nutrition' ($50.0\%$) and they answered the urgent improvement point at SMSP was 'Improvement taste and quality of meal' ($62.6\%$). Kindergarten parents' attitude about catering service as SMSP as not to prefer, but $10.4\%$ of subjects answered that catering service is ideal meal service type in kindergarten and they expected the advantage of catering service was 'convenience of foodservice'($40.7\%$) and 'support foodservice facilities and labor'($32.4\%$) and they also pointed out disadvantage was 'lower in meal freshness'($53.9\%$) and 'sanitation Problem'($51.9\%$).

A Study on Food Cure for Wind diseases - focusing on Sikuisimgam, Eumsunjungyo·Singnyojaebyeong, Singnyochanyo - (풍(風)질환과 관련 있는 식치방(食治方)에 관한 연구 - 『식의심감(食醫心鑑)』, 『음선정요(飮膳正要)』, 『식료찬요(食療纂要)』를 중심으로 -)

  • Hong, Jin-im
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.41-56
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : The paper analyzes food cure recipes related to wind diseases as written in Sikuisimgam, Eumsunjungyo Shikyojaebyeong, and Singnyochanyo. The paper shall then use results of the analysis to consider food cure recipes utilized by patients who are suffering from wind diseases or who are showing symptoms of wind diseases. The paper aims to help cure modern diseases related to wind diseases and make a set of suggestion about preventive foods. Methods : Important dietary guidebooks in Korea and China were studied, and the author studied only the ones among the food cure recipes that had wind diseases for which they are effective. Sikuisimgam 16 species, Eumsunjungyo Shikyojaebyeong 13 species, Singnyochanyo 13 species of food cure recipes related to wind diseases were extracted, and they were studied based on their ingredients, cooking style, and administration time. Results : There are food ingredients introduced as effective for curing wind diseases within Sikuisimgam, Eumsunjungyo Shikyojaebyeong, and Singnyochanyo. Among them, some of the ones that can be utilized in the modern age are: arrowroot(葛粉), nepta herb(荊芥), Baekryangmi(白粱米), Dongmaja(冬麻子), milled rice(白米), Eokiin(薏苡人), fermented soybean, chongbaek, Wubanggeun(牛蒡根), soy beans(大豆), grass(椒), xanthium fruit(蒼耳子), changi leaves(蒼耳葉), jinpi(陳皮), black pepper(胡椒), ginger(生薑), mint leaves(薄荷葉), suyu, heukjima(黑脂麻), ojagye, chives, and Baekyuma(白油麻). Conclusions : The food ingredients extracted from Sikuisimgam, Eumsunjungyo Shikyojaebyeong, and Singnyochanyo are effective in curing wind diseases, and they should be processed in ways that enable the people of this age to consume more of them. Moreover, people who have not yet suffered from wind diseases but are showing the symptoms of wind diseases will benefit from taking care of their blood pressure by consuming these foods in their everyday lives. Such people will serve as examples of good food cure recipes.